MJ Defaults in Raymone Bain Case ($44m)

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nothing. except they filed.
You have no clue what you are talking about. It defaulted because MJ's lawyers haven't responded to the suit and have not contacted the court. The suit was filed a few weeks ago already and it seems that MJ is ignoring it. If someone is suing you for 44 million, it's best to contact someone about it.
You have no clue what you are talking about. It defaulted because MJ's lawyers haven't responded to the suit and have not contacted the court. The suit was filed a few weeks ago already and it seems that MJ is ignoring it. If someone is suing you for 44 million, it's best to contact someone about it.

you just went off and told me i have no clue, yet you just used the words 'it seems'. so you really have no clue what's going on, yourself. you're on the outside looking in, too. no one knows what's going on in Michael's camp, right now.
the atv thread i've seen....note that he's paying off debt....and if u only pay the minimun, the debt stays the same. much like us w/ our credit cards.

and most of his dealings are NOT confidential, if they were, it wouldn't be out in the open like it is. yet he's never gone t othe bank of america and sued them for violating his privacy.

it's one thing to NOT respond or fight directly out of the gate, it's something entirely different when u don't respond at all..in a timely manner. this is court, say SOMETHING and they'll continue the matter. say nothing, and it's over

u can't just NOT respond. like fathers going to court over child support, they say they d idn't know the date of the hearing or they missed the hearing but they were ordered to pay. that's how courts work

sorry, you mean to tell me you're not the same parker that was on MJJF and went to MJNO? i must be mistaken then....
the pissing matches stop NOW.....

vnc, a default means more than they filed. it means for now, if nothing gets reversed, he owes her the money free and clear and ONLY b/c he didn' thsend an attny in to respond to this. u can't run from something like this. and now it's bit him on the ass

YES they can reverse the default but y create all that work in the first place? and then if it doesn' twork at the end of all that, he has to pay. it's a shame
the atv thread i've seen....note that he's paying off debt....and if u only pay the minimun, the debt stays the same. much like us w/ our credit cards.

and most of his dealings are NOT confidential, if they were, it wouldn't be out in the open like it is. yet he's never gone t othe bank of america and sued them for violating his privacy.

it's one thing to NOT respond or fight directly out of the gate, it's something entirely different when u don't respond at all..in a timely manner. this is court, say SOMETHING and they'll continue the matter. say nothing, and it's over

u can't just NOT respond. like fathers going to court over child support, they say they d idn't know the date of the hearing or they missed the hearing but they were ordered to pay. that's how courts work

sorry, you mean to tell me you're not the same parker that was on MJJF and went to MJNO? i must be mistaken then....

ok..i said before that assets are not like credit.

and, surely this is not child support we're talking about.

as far as confidentiality, i've seen reports that dispute what you're sayin..

can't we, at least agree, that we're all speculating about his financial situation?
you just went off and told me i have no clue, yet you just used the words 'it seems'. so you really have no clue what's going on, yourself. you're on the outside looking in, too. no one knows what's going on in Michael's camp, right now.
eric is right in his assumption this time cuz PER THE COURT DOCUMENTS AND PER THE JUDGEMENT mj hasn't rsponded.
ok..i said before that assets are not like credit.

and, surely this is not child support we're talking about.

as far as confidentiality, i've seen reports that dispute what you're sayin..
the child support comparison was an EXAMPLE.

if u don't show up for a civil case an dyou're the defendant, u cannot put on a defense so they rule in the favour of the plaintiff.

u've seen reports that dispute what? that his privacy wasn't breached by bank of america or that it was? if it's so private, how can you have seen reports?

assets are one thing, credit is another. u get credit based on your assets. u borrow based on them. when or if u cannot pay them, they seize ur assets

u think mj should sell his half back to sony to pay things off? then where's his bargaining chip?
Oh well, if he was stupid enough to just ignore this, he deserves to pay up, if you ask me.
eric is right in his assumption this time cuz PER THE COURT DOCUMENTS AND PER THE JUDGEMENT mj hasn't rsponded.

how can anyone be right in an assumption?

i've been sent stuff, before from someone who said i owed them something, from creditors, and court, and i repsonded promptly, disputing it, and they still sent me documents that came across as if i hadn't responded at all.
Nobody can assume anything. We have a cut and dry default presented. There is no other information. Why try to fill in the blanks? There is no excuse or bargining. It is what it is. Michael defaulted and has been called on it. If he continues to ignore it it's on him.

There really is nothing to discuss.
but why 44 millions?? wtf????? its only raymone...its not like MJ needed her..he even fired her back then....no matter what they had and how much money he didnt pay her back than (how expensive was she??)...she cant sue him for 44 millions! is she crazy? fuck her!
Everyone is mentioning him ignoring this. How do you know that Michael really was aware of this if he himself or his attorney was not served personally? I thought that that was important in terms of who got the papers notifying of a lawsuit. Check with the average person. See if they have heard of it. It was not widely reported on so let's not act like there is no reason that no one shouldn't have heard about this.

Simply because people on the fan boards google or whatever else to get info about R. Bain's lawsuit does not mean that Michael is sitting around googling his name to see what is in the news about him any given day. This lawsuit was not made very public. To know that Bain even had a website you would have been having to google her name, been on the fan boards or reading TMZ. Again, who's to say Michael does any of those?

He may be aware or he may not be. It seems, though, that he doesn't have a habit of going into default on lawsuits-large or small or meritless or not-simply by ignoring them. Therefore, I would assume that it is more than Michael just not paying attention to this.
Nobody can assume anything. We have a cut and dry default presented. There is no other information. Why try to fill in the blanks? There is no excuse or bargining. It is what it is. Michael defaulted and has been called on it. If he continues to ignore it it's on him.

There really is nothing to discuss.

well..if that is what you say it is,(as i don't see it that way) then, what should be done about the rehearsals?(i'm remembering that thread you had to close, about fans highly upset about changed dates.)

whatever the case may be, this is one of those 'unforseen circumstances' i was talking about. or Raymone can make it so. i guess, it's not our money, so i guess nobody's gunna be too concerned as long as they can attend their concerts on the dates they have tickets for....

i guess people are painting a catch 22 picture for MJ.
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how can anyone be right in an assumption?

i've been sent stuff, before from someone who said i owed them something, from creditors, and court, and i repsonded promptly, disputing it, and they still sent me documents that came across as if i hadn't responded at all.
this is different, mj would've responded to the court, not ot raymone personally.

as for everyone overlooking this or that. this woman made it so damn public for a reason. the videos etc...it's so mj couldn't say he didnt' know. his guards knew she was trying to reach him cuz they told the processor where to go. lol

it's simple, have a reason for all of this and then u can fight it. don't have a reason, u just l ost $44M for not responding.
hell, she should've served him there....it's in mj's court now to figure out what excuse will work to get this vacated.
if not she gets it free and clear
this is bullshitt.

he doesnt need this shit on his mind when he has the shows to prepare.

she is bugging me out.
What does rehearsals have to do with a law suit?

the possibility of him having to go to court, or deal with Raymone Bain, one way or the other(at least, that's the way it's being presented.)

wouldn't he have to stop what he is doing, right now?

and, people on this board would have a problem having him send other people to take care of his affairs, cus they tend to accuse him of not looking over things with a fine tooth comb.
40 replies or so over something neither of us fully understand? Mmkay, lol.

Everything is speculation.

thank you. with all the many times people presented speculation as fact, in MJ's life, he should be dead, in jail, or on the streets by now.
It's quite simple, basicly.

Michael didn't do anything regarding this case. So now he's defaulted. He has two weeks to take action and try to fix things. If he doesn't, he has to pay Raymone $44 million dollars.

Then Raymone is happy, because the fact that she's not going to be hired by anyone doesn't matter anymore. She can buy an Island and live happily ever after.

Team Michael... Take ACTION... NOW!!!!!
It's quite simple, basicly.

Michael didn't do anything regarding this case. So now he's defaulted. He has two weeks to take action and try to fix things. If he doesn't, he has to pay Raymone $44 million dollars.

Then Raymone is happy, because the fact that she's not going to be hired by anyone doesn't matter anymore. She can buy an Island and live happily ever after.

Team Michael... Take ACTION... NOW!!!!!

lol..i can't stand when people say 'it's quite simple'. cus it never is.lol.

we are dealing with people with money in their eyes.
$44 million dollars. If I ever win the lottery, I want cash and its going in a box under my mattress. Then if I lose it or someone breaks in and steals it, I only have myself to blame.

Default or not, whether she's owed the money or not, nothing she did was worth that kind of money. If Mike signed onto whatever dotted line it was that enabled her to claim this kind of money, whooooo boy. Someone kick him in the arse! I hope she's not due that type of payday.
the possibility of him having to go to court, or deal with Raymone Bain, one way or the other(at least, that's the way it's being presented.)

wouldn't he have to stop what he is doing, right now?

and, people on this board would have a problem having him send other people to take care of his affairs, cus they tend to accuse him of not looking over things with a fine tooth comb.

No, nothing would change he'd just have to acknowledge the court. That shouldn't remove him from anything. The lawyers should have handled it. Peeps on this board have issue with everything even when there isn't an issue so...yeah :lol: But court itself could be delayed, scheduled or he may not even need to attend it. Not responding is not a good thing.
lol..i can't stand when people say 'it's quite simple'. cus it never is.lol. we are dealing with people with money in their eyes.

The facts are as they are. Nothing difficult about them. Maybe unpleasant to hear, but denial doesn't work in this case... it got Michael in a default situation.

That doesn't take away the fact that it is awful what this woman is doing. For the work she did, she should pay a fine, instead of collecting an idiotic amount of money. But it's in Michaels hand to fight this.
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