MJ Concert Experiences

This thread made me all teary. I should look for my old photos from Moscow and Tallinn and scan them to show you guys. HIStory World Tour was such a happy time for me. I was a lonely fan before Michael's arrival to Moscow, didn't know anyone who shared my love for him. But on Sept 15 2006 I went to his hotel to see him arrive and met so many fans there!! It was amazing. After that we all met several times a week every week for many years, we celebrated Michael's birthday together and when Michael's kids were born we celebrated their birthdays too :) And trip to Tallinn for the second MJ concert was fantastic. I was afraid my parents wouldn't let me go and wouldn't give me money for the trip (I was young and didn't have a job yet). But they did and oh my god, I am crying just thinking about it. The whole city was full of MJ fans. And when we met on the streets, even though we were strangers to each other, we greeted each other and hugged as if we all were brothers and sisters. It felt like we were one big family from all over the world. Amazing. Only Michael can do that, unite people like that.

I was supposed to be in London today at the O2 at the concert... :weeping:

I am so sorry *hugs* It's heartbreaking...
Wow. To those who went on any of the concerts, especially Bad Tour Wembley Stadium, how I envy you.

Words cannot explain how much I would give to see him just once
ok, here are some photos from those happy times. not the best quality, but it was before digital cameras lol

Michael in Moscow greeting fans near his hotel



A year later in Tallinn, Estonia

Me holding everything I managed to buy there lol A Mystery drink, a Mystery magazine and a concert poster :punk:

In front of the stadium a day before the concert

After the concert

And the concert itself. I wasn't the one who took the following photos. I was in the front row and didn't even bring my camera to the stadium. So these are taken by one of my friends who was standing a few rows behind.


And this photo always makes me laugh. Check out the size of his shoes :smilerolleyes:
I've literally grown up with Michael Jackson, I just turned 50 last October. I've had the most fortunate life to experience one of planet earth's performer, performing live on stage. I first saw Michael way back in 1972, during the Jackson 5 tour of the UK, they performed at the Birmingham Odeon, they were amazing, Michael was only 14 at the time, one memory that will always stay with me, was seeing Michael in a spotlight singing Ben, you just knew he was going to be special.

Since them early days, I've seen Michael at every opportunity, when ever he toured the UK. BAD, Dangerous, History concerts and had 4 nights for TII. It's painful to hear all you young fans, not having the chance to see Michael live, I feel your pain. I almost feel blessed that I've seen Michael perform on stage.
I've literally grown up with Michael Jackson, I just turned 50 last October. I've had the most fortunate life to experience one of planet earth's performer, performing live on stage. I first saw Michael way back in 1972, during the Jackson 5 tour of the UK, they performed at the Birmingham Odeon, they were amazing, Michael was only 14 at the time, one memory that will always stay with me, was seeing Michael in a spotlight singing Ben, you just knew he was going to be special.

wow, you are so lucky. so many memories of such precious times... wonderful! :wub:
Kathie, thanks for the pictures! Ahh to be that close to MJ....the feeling...I would never know now.

DJ Spins - thanks for sharing your memories.
Wow you guys are so very lucky that you got to see Michael live. I so wish I could have seen him live. I was way too young to go see him during the tours he did with his brothers and his Bad tour. And both the Dangerous and HIStory Concerts were done in other countries except for the U.S. which is why I hate living in the U.S. So the only way I get to see Michael live now is from the MJ concerts I have on tape. Thank God I had gotten those concerts when I did from Ebay.

Thanks for posting those pictures Kathie. I wish I was that lucky to be that close to Michael.
I've seen him 7 times on the HIStory Tour + MJ & friends in Munich. The HIStory Tour was the time of my life! The Summer of 97, I'll never forget it! It was so exciting! Though my first concert was in Prague 96, it was when Michael came to Germany that the real magic started. Every other week a new concert...God, I miss the time! My friends and me had so much fun. Although it was always exhausting waiting from early in the morning til they let us in in the afternoon, then running towards the stage, then waiting again in the shoving... but it was always so worth it! I have special memories of each concert, not only personal ones but also little things that were different each time. Like Michael trying to jump on a brush when some stage-person cleaned the stage, him waving enthusiastically and shouting Hello to a zeppelin which flew above stage, of course the little bug scene when he called Wayne to get it (the one that is included in the Munich broadcast but which actually happened in Leipzig)... and of course when the Tivoli marching band surprised Michael in Copenhagen on his birthday and the whole stadium sang Happy Birthday to him.
I could swell in the memories all day... :( If you have any specific questions, just ask me. :)

How Blessed you are!!:yes:
Blessed Blessed Blessed!!!
wow, you are so lucky. so many memories of such precious times... wonderful! :wub:

Same with you friend, your pics are amazingly beutiful!!
Yes, they might not be as clear as the ones we get today with all this multi mega martian digital cameras :)lol:), but you can see the passion and the emotion of the moment. They are RAW pictures of real fans and real concerts and real emotions. I love them. Each one of them!!! Biggest congratulations and thank you very much for sharing these wonderful treasures.

Fool me... I had no camara to take with me to the concert. Had I know I was going to be that close to MJ, I would have manage to take one :( Anyway, memories are priceless.

woww... the emotion!!!!
Yes that was from the hollywood company that handled the special effects from Scream. This is around later 90s and MJ stuff was a lot easy to get back then. Every one says its a jacket but actually its more like a shirt lol! its is made of satin (cotton/silk). Very light also.

Yes I have been asked that before. :) Couple of things. I had seen him before so the initial shock was much less. Secondly while at the concert I wanted to be there 100% observant so you can do this in a few ways. Either be very cheerful and be in the mood or be VERY attentive. I was doing the later... in fact so much that I didn't took any pics after MJ appeared on stage because that is distracting.... not happening! lol!

The girl next to me was very bouncy and she got on the camera 6-7 times (close ups). During we are the world performance she handed out a bouquet and surprisingly MJ reached out and got it on his own. She nearly fainted. You can see this in amature footage.

Thank you so much for answering.
Wwooowww... yes... well... yes, if you had seen him before, you can decide between pics or just enjoying the show. But still it is simply great to have that pic you posted. It's so beutiful and so good! As for the girl next to you.... well... I would have been bumping all of the time (if not, screaming, dancing and crying... I am so good at that one ;)).

Love your story, it great. To give up such a valuable item (a thing, at the end of the day)to actually enjoy a magic moment and treasure the memories forever... geeeezzz... that what love can do. Michael has the best fans, no doubt!!! :clap:
This breaks my heart so so so much! That I never saw Mike perform live!! :-(
I had many chances...................am old enough!!
1988 Bad tour................Wembly.............I got baptised ( as an adult aged 21yrs) and then married in 1988..............I said to my new hubbie I wanted to see MJ but he was like we cant afford it!! :-(
When this is it was announced.............back in March last yr.............I pounced and got tickets!! 10th Aug at the o2!!
:-( :-(
We all know what happened next.........
Back in 1988 thought to myself............next time............
too gutted for words
Back in 1988 thought to myself............next time............
too gutted for words

Dear :hug:
we know your pain, and I am so sorry you (we) were stolen that "next time".
I didn't have tickets for TII, but anyway, I had made my plans to travel to London in some 3 weeks, February. I was 1000% I will get tickets one way or the other. I had simply no doubts. I was saving the money, picking up hotels and just keep thinking Michael was simply the perfect reason to go back to London. I would probably manage to go somewhere else, maybe France to finally see the Monalisa, or just London, to spend days at the museums, or just walking or standing outside the O2 during the shows, just knowing he was there.

Dreams. Just dreams.

Only dreams, but I knew and trusted I was to see Michael again. I was so angry when he said "This is it", "The final courtain call". I went like.... What????? :eek: And why there???? What about us??? What about the rest of us who live so far?? What?? :angry:

Now I am not even sure about what I should do during February :(
Fool me... I had no camara to take with me to the concert. Had I know I was going to be that close to MJ, I would have manage to take one :( Anyway, memories are priceless.

Yes, the memories are precious...

Actually, I thought of taking my camera to the concert but then decided against it because there were talks about cameras being taken from fans by security at the entrance of the stadium and not returned (I don't know if it actually happened even once, but the rumours got me scared!). But my friends were more brave than me and hid their cameras in pants and bras :D
Yes, the memories are precious...

Actually, I thought of taking my camera to the concert but then decided against it because there were talks about cameras being taken from fans by security at the entrance of the stadium and not returned (I don't know if it actually happened even once, but the rumours got me scared!). But my friends were more brave than me and hid their cameras in pants and bras :D

Same here!! There were many warnings about it everywhere: tickets, stadium, tv, radio. We were repeated time after time we will not be allowed to take our camaras, so I really thought it was simply impossible and didn't even try. Besides, back then there was only THE camara at home, cheap, but so expensive and precious for us back them! So no, mama wouldn't allow me to take it to the "wild place". Geeeeeez, I was lucky I got authorized to go :lol: I just turned 18 just a few days before Mike's concert, so she could actually come with her "you can't because of your age" speech. Lol!! :lol: I think she actually did, but I cried and argued so much and for so long and I was so determined, that she just had to let me do. hahahahahhaah!! ;)
Hm, shame on me, but what does he normally instead? I looked at the Mexico taping and he just threw the glasses away. So it really was the concert that was aired?
I haven't seen it in ages, but when he leg kicks and spins to start Jam his sunglasses fly off.

No, usually he took his glasses off before starting Jam :) He jumped on stage wearing glasses and stood there frozen looking to one side of the stadium while the fans were going insane :punk: And then he swiftly turned his head to look to the other side and froze again looking super cool which made the audience scream even louder. :punk::punk: And then he sloooooowly took the glasses off and started Jam :wild::wild::wild::clapping: But that one time when he turned his head to the left his glasses flew off. Poor baby, such an embarrassement! But I have to admit that I lol'ed when I saw the footage. :D With L.O.V.E. of course! :wub::wub::wub:

I didn't know it happened in Mexico though.
You're riddeling... first you say you saw the footage, then you say you don't know what happened in Mexico.

Now was it the concert where Mexico footage exists or not?? Can anyone clear this up please...
I saw it in a Youtube clip called something like "MJ funny moments" and the glasses moment was in that clip. I didn't see the whole concert so I didn't know what city this clip was from.

edit: I found a clip. Apparently it's from Moscow! Shame on me, I should have known that :) Poor Michael. First the glasses, then the mic didn't work for half a song, also it was raining and the stage was slippery.

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