MJ Concert Experiences

Ok… I have two approaches to describe a Michael Jackson show. One is my personal experience “with” Michael (yes, I was lucky, not a YANA girl, but still my MJ golden moment ;) ) and two, the description of the show itself and the audience. I will post this last one, which rather long… for I can hard it stop writing. I have written my “MJ golden moment before”, but I you want me too, believe: I’ll be more than happy to share it here too.

WARNING: Long post. Very long post

Michael's show was much more than just “the show”, because in his case, the show began way before the first note was played. I live in Chile and we were not used to have those shows here back on those days (1993), so believe me: we all went CRAZY. It was THE topic of the month and of the year, everybody wanted to attend. He sold out the first show quickly and then offered a second which was also full... but he cancelled the first show!!!! A national scandal!!!! :eek: That was terrible and had the whole country really mad at him :(

When the day his (second) show was scheduled, he had the whole country (and I do mean THE WHOLE COUNTRY) looking at him... and wondering... expecting... how was it to be? Would he show up? Will he really sing or just use playback? How does he really look? Etc, etc... So the emotion began long before the real show.

In those days, there were not "VIP" or "Platinum" seats. There was only Court, Balcony and the like, so if you really wanted to be close to him, you had to buy a Court ticket (medium price, not the most expensive) and you had to be VERY early at the stadium to get a good place. I arrived by 9:45 am and the show was schedule for 9:00 PM.... so... I had to stand all day under the sun, no much food, no much water... no toilet... :eek: and everybody in a mass of people, a real wild crowd eager to see the man. Dangerous, actually.

It was funny when I saw Michael saying in one of his "Private movies" he didn't understand how we enjoyed the moment, for there were no seats and if there were any, people would jump on them. He also mentioned the people fainting.. And yes!! His shows were that exciting!!! There were lots of people fainting... easy to understand why :D

As the hour to see him on stage got closer, the emotion will rise. As his first show had been cancelled, we were all worried if ours would be cancelled or not. It was not. We started singing and asking for Michael to appear, then the lights went out. The Carmina Burana sound played.. The "teaser" was played on the big screens and we knew we were just about to see the king.

And then... it happened. Out of nothing, he jumps into the stage, just as you see it in the Live in Bucharest DVD. Fortunately, I was with a guy who knew several details about the show, so he told me to keep my eyes in the center of the stage, so I would see him when he jumped, so I kept watching, screaming, shacking... those minutes are eternal and your heart is at its fastest speed!

When he got into the stage, we all went crazy. I mean really CRAZY. I had been more than 12 hours standing among the wildest crowd, with almost no food or water, we were all exhausted by that hour, anxious and very uncomfortable and tight, but just by listening to the sound of Carmina Burana, we waked up and knew that was for real. Michael was on stage, motionless, like a statue during a couple of eternal minutes. I didn't know if I had to scream, or cry or jump or faint. But then I decided I would NOT faint, for I was in first row and I shouldn't miss that chance. The guy with me was also telling me not to faint, no matter what, not to faint, for he would be there, just a couple of meters in front of us, singing FOR us. I was in first row, just some 2 or 3 meter from the stage, so the feeling is really difficult to describe. It gives you shivers... you really feel the energy of the other 74,999 around you, all of them screaming and yelling just for that man who is making no single movement and you can help but wonder... is this real???? Am I dreaming?? Am I really part of this??? And yes, you are and it is YOU and Mike the ones who make that such a powerful moment.

Suddenly he moves his head... right... center... left... people go crazyyyy!! All of us are out of our mind, the noise of 75 thousand screams can't be higher... he takes off his glasses... he looks at us and he seems to say "So... Here I am... is this what you really want? Then... Let's do it!!!!!!"

And "JAM" begins.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON was jumping!!!!!!! It was the most energetic moment you can imagine. On stage there couldn't be other like Michael Jackson, THE KING!!! And it is just then that you really understand the meaning of that title... King... He knows perfectly what to do and what not to do, what to say (a few, really) and what not to say. But more than words, it is his body what he uses with perfection. The way he dances.. The way he looks at the crowd... the way he moves his hands and even his fingers... Wowwww... how can I describe that sensation? That emotion? That flow of energy, passion and emotion??? Dance, music, video, lyrics, lights, fireworks... It is all in one!!!

In a show of Michael Jackson you really feel what Michael has explained once: you feel ONE with music, dance AND Michael. You feel he is giving his best and you, as audience, are just willing to give HIM ALL!!!! We screamed, we jumped, we danced, we cried, we stared at him unable to believe the magnificence of the show and the genius of that man. Every light, every laser, every movement... all was calculated and conceived to move us, to shake us, to hit us, to thrill us. And it did!!!!

It is difficult to describe every single detail... a show of Michael Jackson, in my very personal opinion, is not just a show, it's an EXPERIENCE. You don't simply attend it, but you really LIVE IT (I don't know if this makes sense to you, it's difficult to explain). Your emotions are at the highest, because you go from the complete happiness, to surprise, and then calm and relax... just to go back to joy and craziness in a matter of minutes.

If Michael wanted to get his fans happy, his show was the best way to achieve it. I was completely HAPPY in that show, and being happiness such an ephemeral feeling, so difficult to describe and so much looked after, I can only be grateful for those hours. Then, Michael was mine, he was ours and he was giving himself away freely and the best way he could. His show was a gift, a moment to shake your heart and move your body, an experience you can feel not only in your ears, but in every single inch of your body. I mean it!!!

Wwwowww.... it's been 16 years from that day (October 23rd, 1993), but look at me now... all the emotions are running through me again, with the power of that day, of his presence on stage, of his dances and his art, his genius... My heart is beating fast just as then!! The magic remains!!

I am sorry it has been so long, but I think I could be hours writing about this. I wish each one of us had the chance to be at one of his shows and feel at least a bit of what I felt then. Words can't really describe it, but I have tried.

Sixteen years later I can still feel the emotion of those moments... It's easy to understand why so many of us were looking forward to "This is it" shows. That is why I was making plans to visit London at least to stand outside the O2 during one of his shows. I didn't have a ticket (impossible to get one, they sold out in hours!! ), but I had hopes of making my way into the show...

You wanna know why? Well... in Chile, there were several people outside the stadium just listening to the show. And then, 2 or 3 songs before the show was over, they opened the doors and let those into the place. They ran like crazy and at least had the chance to be there at the very end, but they were given that chance!!! But that was Chile in 1993. I've been to the O2 and I really don't think they would do any of that hahahahahaha!! But with Mike... you never know

PD: Even in this great show, there was a point I didn't like that much. It was when Mike sings "She is out of my life" and he pretends to be crying (he cries in the very same song in all the shows...). At first we were like "ooohhh.. He is really crying..." but after more than a minute you just wonder why he kept pretending. So the crowd started singing "Aya ya ya yyyy, canta y no llores!!" (Ay ya yayy, sing and don't cry, a Mexican tune), because that went too far. hahahahahaha!!! That was really funny!! :lol:

And I still keep my ticket:


That was a phenomenal post - thanks so much for sharing in such great length!
I'm not 100% sure but going by the bug video, I'm presuming his bodyguard. Can anyone back me up on this?

yeah wayne nagin was his bodyguard upto around 2000. was with him many years. re the bug incident,yeah hes talking to him. theres hundreds of pics of wayne from over the years. black guy with a moustache
yeah wayne nagin was his bodyguard upto around 2000. was with him many years. re the bug incident,yeah hes talking to him. theres hundreds of pics of wayne from over the years. black guy with a moustache

He looks like he's from the middle east...?
not really. hes black or mixed race doesnt look arab to me
I was born in 1993, never had the chance to see him really. My auntie did see him at MSG 2001, and my other uncle was at the Wembley Bad Tour...

I was so looking forward to TII, I remember reading that my ticket was for February 1st, 2010. It seemed so far away but it's getting closer and closer :cry:
:kickass:pCR, thank you for sharing your experience! This is exactly how I imagined a MJ-concert would be!!!
oqw gosh. Do you have a little time?
I try to post some of my experiences tomorow, okay?
i saw him in the a few times in the netherlands and belgium.
To be continued........
Ok… I have two approaches to describe a Michael Jackson show. One is my personal experience “with” Michael (yes, I was lucky, not a YANA girl, but still my MJ golden moment ;) ) and two, the description of the show itself and the audience. I will post this last one, which rather long… for I can hard it stop writing. I have written my “MJ golden moment before”, but I you want me too, believe: I’ll be more than happy to share it here too.

WARNING: Long post. Very long post

Michael's show was much more than just “the show”, because in his case, the show began way before the first note was played. I live in Chile and we were not used to have those shows here back on those days (1993), so believe me: we all went CRAZY. It was THE topic of the month and of the year, everybody wanted to attend. He sold out the first show quickly and then offered a second which was also full... but he cancelled the first show!!!! A national scandal!!!! :eek: That was terrible and had the whole country really mad at him :(

When the day his (second) show was scheduled, he had the whole country (and I do mean THE WHOLE COUNTRY) looking at him... and wondering... expecting... how was it to be? Would he show up? Will he really sing or just use playback? How does he really look? Etc, etc... So the emotion began long before the real show.

In those days, there were not "VIP" or "Platinum" seats. There was only Court, Balcony and the like, so if you really wanted to be close to him, you had to buy a Court ticket (medium price, not the most expensive) and you had to be VERY early at the stadium to get a good place. I arrived by 9:45 am and the show was schedule for 9:00 PM.... so... I had to stand all day under the sun, no much food, no much water... no toilet... :eek: and everybody in a mass of people, a real wild crowd eager to see the man. Dangerous, actually.

It was funny when I saw Michael saying in one of his "Private movies" he didn't understand how we enjoyed the moment, for there were no seats and if there were any, people would jump on them. He also mentioned the people fainting.. And yes!! His shows were that exciting!!! There were lots of people fainting... easy to understand why :D

As the hour to see him on stage got closer, the emotion will rise. As his first show had been cancelled, we were all worried if ours would be cancelled or not. It was not. We started singing and asking for Michael to appear, then the lights went out. The Carmina Burana sound played.. The "teaser" was played on the big screens and we knew we were just about to see the king.

And then... it happened. Out of nothing, he jumps into the stage, just as you see it in the Live in Bucharest DVD. Fortunately, I was with a guy who knew several details about the show, so he told me to keep my eyes in the center of the stage, so I would see him when he jumped, so I kept watching, screaming, shacking... those minutes are eternal and your heart is at its fastest speed!

When he got into the stage, we all went crazy. I mean really CRAZY. I had been more than 12 hours standing among the wildest crowd, with almost no food or water, we were all exhausted by that hour, anxious and very uncomfortable and tight, but just by listening to the sound of Carmina Burana, we waked up and knew that was for real. Michael was on stage, motionless, like a statue during a couple of eternal minutes. I didn't know if I had to scream, or cry or jump or faint. But then I decided I would NOT faint, for I was in first row and I shouldn't miss that chance. The guy with me was also telling me not to faint, no matter what, not to faint, for he would be there, just a couple of meters in front of us, singing FOR us. I was in first row, just some 2 or 3 meter from the stage, so the feeling is really difficult to describe. It gives you shivers... you really feel the energy of the other 74,999 around you, all of them screaming and yelling just for that man who is making no single movement and you can help but wonder... is this real???? Am I dreaming?? Am I really part of this??? And yes, you are and it is YOU and Mike the ones who make that such a powerful moment.

Suddenly he moves his head... right... center... left... people go crazyyyy!! All of us are out of our mind, the noise of 75 thousand screams can't be higher... he takes off his glasses... he looks at us and he seems to say "So... Here I am... is this what you really want? Then... Let's do it!!!!!!"

And "JAM" begins.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON was jumping!!!!!!! It was the most energetic moment you can imagine. On stage there couldn't be other like Michael Jackson, THE KING!!! And it is just then that you really understand the meaning of that title... King... He knows perfectly what to do and what not to do, what to say (a few, really) and what not to say. But more than words, it is his body what he uses with perfection. The way he dances.. The way he looks at the crowd... the way he moves his hands and even his fingers... Wowwww... how can I describe that sensation? That emotion? That flow of energy, passion and emotion??? Dance, music, video, lyrics, lights, fireworks... It is all in one!!!

In a show of Michael Jackson you really feel what Michael has explained once: you feel ONE with music, dance AND Michael. You feel he is giving his best and you, as audience, are just willing to give HIM ALL!!!! We screamed, we jumped, we danced, we cried, we stared at him unable to believe the magnificence of the show and the genius of that man. Every light, every laser, every movement... all was calculated and conceived to move us, to shake us, to hit us, to thrill us. And it did!!!!

It is difficult to describe every single detail... a show of Michael Jackson, in my very personal opinion, is not just a show, it's an EXPERIENCE. You don't simply attend it, but you really LIVE IT (I don't know if this makes sense to you, it's difficult to explain). Your emotions are at the highest, because you go from the complete happiness, to surprise, and then calm and relax... just to go back to joy and craziness in a matter of minutes.

If Michael wanted to get his fans happy, his show was the best way to achieve it. I was completely HAPPY in that show, and being happiness such an ephemeral feeling, so difficult to describe and so much looked after, I can only be grateful for those hours. Then, Michael was mine, he was ours and he was giving himself away freely and the best way he could. His show was a gift, a moment to shake your heart and move your body, an experience you can feel not only in your ears, but in every single inch of your body. I mean it!!!

Wwwowww.... it's been 16 years from that day (October 23rd, 1993), but look at me now... all the emotions are running through me again, with the power of that day, of his presence on stage, of his dances and his art, his genius... My heart is beating fast just as then!! The magic remains!!

I am sorry it has been so long, but I think I could be hours writing about this. I wish each one of us had the chance to be at one of his shows and feel at least a bit of what I felt then. Words can't really describe it, but I have tried.

Sixteen years later I can still feel the emotion of those moments... It's easy to understand why so many of us were looking forward to "This is it" shows. That is why I was making plans to visit London at least to stand outside the O2 during one of his shows. I didn't have a ticket (impossible to get one, they sold out in hours!! ), but I had hopes of making my way into the show...

You wanna know why? Well... in Chile, there were several people outside the stadium just listening to the show. And then, 2 or 3 songs before the show was over, they opened the doors and let those into the place. They ran like crazy and at least had the chance to be there at the very end, but they were given that chance!!! But that was Chile in 1993. I've been to the O2 and I really don't think they would do any of that hahahahahaha!! But with Mike... you never know

PD: Even in this great show, there was a point I didn't like that much. It was when Mike sings "She is out of my life" and he pretends to be crying (he cries in the very same song in all the shows...). At first we were like "ooohhh.. He is really crying..." but after more than a minute you just wonder why he kept pretending. So the crowd started singing "Aya ya ya yyyy, canta y no llores!!" (Ay ya yayy, sing and don't cry, a Mexican tune), because that went too far. hahahahahaha!!! That was really funny!! :lol:

And I still keep my ticket:


WOW, just WOW.....I am just lost in awe in your post...The emotion that you describe is so palpable...I am in tears....I would gladly give my opus back to have seen him live (i would give up a lot, but PCR, you understand what I'm saying.!)....lol...
:sigh: This Is It would have been my first :no: :weeping:
OMG!!!!! PCR thanks for your amazing post! :kickass:

I was not in Dangerous Tour when it came to Brazil. But I clearly remember when he showed the euphoria of the fans who were there. All so happy and ready for another show of the King. It is really a great experience for those who had the opportunity and honor to see Michael live on stage. It's something that will be remembered forever an memory. :)
oqw gosh. Do you have a little time?
I try to post some of my experiences tomorow, okay?
i saw him in the a few times in the netherlands and belgium.
To be continued........

:jump:I'm looking forward to read your experience!!!
Never got to see him in concert. The closest thing I got to that was seeing Weird Al in concert, and yes he performed "I'm Fat." With fat suit and all. :lol:

I'm working on building a time machine though, so I can see Michael on the Bad tour. :D

I still love reading stories from people who have been. You guys were really lucky.
oqw gosh. Do you have a little time?
I try to post some of my experiences tomorow, okay?
i saw him in the a few times in the netherlands and belgium.
To be continued........

Thanks - can't wait!
Thank you for this! How amazing. How far did you travel for all the shows? Did you get right up the front for them? I love that bug moment! haha funny/cute :)

All in all it must have been about 6000km. I was lucky that Michael was in Germany for so many shows (I think it were 10 all in all), so I didn't have to travel that far. I mean, 1 one-way trip to Santa Maria was more than the whole tour... But otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go to that many shows anyway, I was only 16 and I was glad my parents let me go on my own at all...

And yes, we made it to the front several times! My first time in the front row was in Gelsenkirchen and I remember how CLOSE he was suddenly! And then at one point he noticed our banner, pointed at it and laughed. It had a Donald Duck on it in MJ pose, he seemed to like it ;). The last time I was in the front was MJ & friends. You can also see me at some points during the boradcast (but I won't say where, too embarassing :unsure: :rofl:). It was always amazing but you had always bruises everywhere afterwards. Especially on your chest where the barrier was.... *ouch*
OMG I was so young on September 2 I turned 15 he was here on Aug 16 1997... HIStory Tour Live in Gothenburg what an experience :D... :wub: … When Billie Jean and Heal The World started it was like the whole stadium was going o explode. I almost made it to the Dangerous Tour to but, I was too young so I could not go in :( ... I just bought some merchandise. :) ... Awww I miss him so much now :weeping: ... :cry:
All in all it must have been about 6000km. I was lucky that Michael was in Germany for so many shows (I think it were 10 all in all), so I didn't have to travel that far. I mean, 1 one-way trip to Santa Maria was more than the whole tour... But otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go to that many shows anyway, I was only 16 and I was glad my parents let me go on my own at all...

And yes, we made it to the front several times! My first time in the front row was in Gelsenkirchen and I remember how CLOSE he was suddenly! And then at one point he noticed our banner, pointed at it and laughed. It had a Donald Duck on it in MJ pose, he seemed to like it ;). The last time I was in the front was MJ & friends. You can also see me at some points during the boradcast (but I won't say where, too embarassing :unsure: :rofl:). It was always amazing but you had always bruises everywhere afterwards. Especially on your chest where the barrier was.... *ouch*
Michael is trying to spell Gelsenkirchen at 7:56. So sweet! Thanx for posting!!!:)
Twice - first time on the 4th of September 1992 in Berlin - a complete fairy tale for somebody from Poland, my first trip to the West ever, a dream came true. I have just found my ticket and my diary from those days and this was really a miracle that we managed to do it- to get the tickets, to pay for the trip.

My second time was in Poland 20th September 1996. that was a huge event in our country and there were 120 000 people in the concert and noone has ever beaten this - well Madonna managed to gather "only" 80 000 people last summer :p

As for my impressions - a long story - unforgettable event and so many emotions and the total peak of any possible excitement, my moment with Michael, the total despair to get the tickets, the places and then a complete depression after it was all over...
PCR, a huge 'Thank You' from the buttom of my heart for your wonderful posting!
You describe 100% what I was feeling in 97 (and could not express in my previous post).

I have just goosebumps, at the same time I'm crying my eyes out while remembering the magic of this moment, the magic of this beautiful soul, the one and only Master .. the KING of music, Michael Jackson .. we have lost.
Ok… I have two approaches to describe a Michael Jackson show. One is my personal experience “with” Michael (yes, I was lucky, not a YANA girl, but still my MJ golden moment ;) ) and two, the description of the show itself and the audience. I will post this last one, which rather long… for I can hard it stop writing. I have written my “MJ golden moment before”, but I you want me too, believe: I’ll be more than happy to share it here too.

WARNING: Long post. Very long post

Michael's show was much more than just “the show”, because in his case, the show began way before the first note was played. I live in Chile and we were not used to have those shows here back on those days (1993), so believe me: we all went CRAZY. It was THE topic of the month and of the year, everybody wanted to attend. He sold out the first show quickly and then offered a second which was also full... but he cancelled the first show!!!! A national scandal!!!! :eek: That was terrible and had the whole country really mad at him :(

When the day his (second) show was scheduled, he had the whole country (and I do mean THE WHOLE COUNTRY) looking at him... and wondering... expecting... how was it to be? Would he show up? Will he really sing or just use playback? How does he really look? Etc, etc... So the emotion began long before the real show.

In those days, there were not "VIP" or "Platinum" seats. There was only Court, Balcony and the like, so if you really wanted to be close to him, you had to buy a Court ticket (medium price, not the most expensive) and you had to be VERY early at the stadium to get a good place. I arrived by 9:45 am and the show was schedule for 9:00 PM.... so... I had to stand all day under the sun, no much food, no much water... no toilet... :eek: and everybody in a mass of people, a real wild crowd eager to see the man. Dangerous, actually.

It was funny when I saw Michael saying in one of his "Private movies" he didn't understand how we enjoyed the moment, for there were no seats and if there were any, people would jump on them. He also mentioned the people fainting.. And yes!! His shows were that exciting!!! There were lots of people fainting... easy to understand why :D

As the hour to see him on stage got closer, the emotion will rise. As his first show had been cancelled, we were all worried if ours would be cancelled or not. It was not. We started singing and asking for Michael to appear, then the lights went out. The Carmina Burana sound played.. The "teaser" was played on the big screens and we knew we were just about to see the king.

And then... it happened. Out of nothing, he jumps into the stage, just as you see it in the Live in Bucharest DVD. Fortunately, I was with a guy who knew several details about the show, so he told me to keep my eyes in the center of the stage, so I would see him when he jumped, so I kept watching, screaming, shacking... those minutes are eternal and your heart is at its fastest speed!

When he got into the stage, we all went crazy. I mean really CRAZY. I had been more than 12 hours standing among the wildest crowd, with almost no food or water, we were all exhausted by that hour, anxious and very uncomfortable and tight, but just by listening to the sound of Carmina Burana, we waked up and knew that was for real. Michael was on stage, motionless, like a statue during a couple of eternal minutes. I didn't know if I had to scream, or cry or jump or faint. But then I decided I would NOT faint, for I was in first row and I shouldn't miss that chance. The guy with me was also telling me not to faint, no matter what, not to faint, for he would be there, just a couple of meters in front of us, singing FOR us. I was in first row, just some 2 or 3 meter from the stage, so the feeling is really difficult to describe. It gives you shivers... you really feel the energy of the other 74,999 around you, all of them screaming and yelling just for that man who is making no single movement and you can help but wonder... is this real???? Am I dreaming?? Am I really part of this??? And yes, you are and it is YOU and Mike the ones who make that such a powerful moment.

Suddenly he moves his head... right... center... left... people go crazyyyy!! All of us are out of our mind, the noise of 75 thousand screams can't be higher... he takes off his glasses... he looks at us and he seems to say "So... Here I am... is this what you really want? Then... Let's do it!!!!!!"

And "JAM" begins.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON was jumping!!!!!!! It was the most energetic moment you can imagine. On stage there couldn't be other like Michael Jackson, THE KING!!! And it is just then that you really understand the meaning of that title... King... He knows perfectly what to do and what not to do, what to say (a few, really) and what not to say. But more than words, it is his body what he uses with perfection. The way he dances.. The way he looks at the crowd... the way he moves his hands and even his fingers... Wowwww... how can I describe that sensation? That emotion? That flow of energy, passion and emotion??? Dance, music, video, lyrics, lights, fireworks... It is all in one!!!

In a show of Michael Jackson you really feel what Michael has explained once: you feel ONE with music, dance AND Michael. You feel he is giving his best and you, as audience, are just willing to give HIM ALL!!!! We screamed, we jumped, we danced, we cried, we stared at him unable to believe the magnificence of the show and the genius of that man. Every light, every laser, every movement... all was calculated and conceived to move us, to shake us, to hit us, to thrill us. And it did!!!!

It is difficult to describe every single detail... a show of Michael Jackson, in my very personal opinion, is not just a show, it's an EXPERIENCE. You don't simply attend it, but you really LIVE IT (I don't know if this makes sense to you, it's difficult to explain). Your emotions are at the highest, because you go from the complete happiness, to surprise, and then calm and relax... just to go back to joy and craziness in a matter of minutes.

If Michael wanted to get his fans happy, his show was the best way to achieve it. I was completely HAPPY in that show, and being happiness such an ephemeral feeling, so difficult to describe and so much looked after, I can only be grateful for those hours. Then, Michael was mine, he was ours and he was giving himself away freely and the best way he could. His show was a gift, a moment to shake your heart and move your body, an experience you can feel not only in your ears, but in every single inch of your body. I mean it!!!

Wwwowww.... it's been 16 years from that day (October 23rd, 1993), but look at me now... all the emotions are running through me again, with the power of that day, of his presence on stage, of his dances and his art, his genius... My heart is beating fast just as then!! The magic remains!!

I am sorry it has been so long, but I think I could be hours writing about this. I wish each one of us had the chance to be at one of his shows and feel at least a bit of what I felt then. Words can't really describe it, but I have tried.

Sixteen years later I can still feel the emotion of those moments... It's easy to understand why so many of us were looking forward to "This is it" shows. That is why I was making plans to visit London at least to stand outside the O2 during one of his shows. I didn't have a ticket (impossible to get one, they sold out in hours!! ), but I had hopes of making my way into the show...

You wanna know why? Well... in Chile, there were several people outside the stadium just listening to the show. And then, 2 or 3 songs before the show was over, they opened the doors and let those into the place. They ran like crazy and at least had the chance to be there at the very end, but they were given that chance!!! But that was Chile in 1993. I've been to the O2 and I really don't think they would do any of that hahahahahaha!! But with Mike... you never know

PD: Even in this great show, there was a point I didn't like that much. It was when Mike sings "She is out of my life" and he pretends to be crying (he cries in the very same song in all the shows...). At first we were like "ooohhh.. He is really crying..." but after more than a minute you just wonder why he kept pretending. So the crowd started singing "Aya ya ya yyyy, canta y no llores!!" (Ay ya yayy, sing and don't cry, a Mexican tune), because that went too far. hahahahahaha!!! That was really funny!! :lol:

And I still keep my ticket:


OH MY GOD ! :clap: Your story is amazing!!! I've goosebumps all over my body...
So funny the part of the mexican song :lmao:

If you want to share your MJ golden moment , I'd love to read it :)
This thread has made me :cry:. It's so sad that he is gone. I did see him perform live 5 times. Two times is 1984, I was 8, and 2 times in 1988, I was 12. Then I saw him in 2001 at MSG. Although I was going to see him in London, I still had high hopes that he would tour the US again, it had been so long.

I would like to share my memories, but I can't right now.
This thread has made me :cry:. It's so sad that he is gone. I did see him perform live 5 times. Two times is 1984, I was 8, and 2 times in 1988, I was 12. Then I saw him in 2001 at MSG. Although I was going to see him in London, I still had high hopes that he would tour the US again, it had been so long.

I would like to share my memories, but I can't right now.

I understand it perfectly, it's so hard :(
Ok… I have two approaches to describe a Michael Jackson show. One is my personal experience “with” Michael (yes, I was lucky, not a YANA girl, but still my MJ golden moment ;) ) and two, the description of the show itself and the audience. I will post this last one, which rather long… for I can hard it stop writing. I have written my “MJ golden moment before”, but I you want me too, believe: I’ll be more than happy to share it here too.

Thank you so much for your post I had goosebumps too reading it! And I would love to read your other experience too :)

All in all it must have been about 6000km. I was lucky that Michael was in Germany for so many shows (I think it were 10 all in all), so I didn't have to travel that far. I mean, 1 one-way trip to Santa Maria was more than the whole tour... But otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go to that many shows anyway, I was only 16 and I was glad my parents let me go on my own at all...

And yes, we made it to the front several times! My first time in the front row was in Gelsenkirchen and I remember how CLOSE he was suddenly! And then at one point he noticed our banner, pointed at it and laughed. It had a Donald Duck on it in MJ pose, he seemed to like it ;). The last time I was in the front was MJ & friends. You can also see me at some points during the boradcast (but I won't say where, too embarassing :unsure: :rofl:). It was always amazing but you had always bruises everywhere afterwards. Especially on your chest where the barrier was.... *ouch*

Awesome that you were allowed to go at 16! And lol @ the donald duck that is kool :)
One memory of going to MJ's concerts was in Wembley July 17th. I was unwell and unable to go up front to sat up on the seats on, and told my friends to go up front without me.

Anyway I ended up chatting to two big guys beside me who liked MJ but were not fans they told me.
During Earth Song one of them started crying really badly. His friend turned around and was like "Man you crying, what's up with you." Friend just looked up at him and started wiping away the tears.
It was just so funny but heartwarming to see the power MJ had over this guy that could of been a member of his security.
I am an older fan so was old enough when he toured with the Bad tour. I was 14 then, I went one night with my mum and other family members. Well what can I say other than.... :wild: I wish I could remember more of it though but when you are young and the years go by memories fade. :( But I do remember how wonderful it was. :wub:

Once on the dangerous tour too. :wub: I wish I had gone to more shows but I had young kids so couldnt go off leaving them for too long. LOL!

History tour x 4 3 nights at Webmley stadium and one night in Paris. I had a ticket for the cancelled ostend show too but didn't make it back to the rescheduled date.
I would say these were my best as I got to be in front row once and very close for the others. :wild: FRONT ROW!! :wild: :wild: We had to sleep out for the whole night and wait all day to get there but well worth the wait of course.

I saw him front row at the WMA's too. he stood right infront of us for ages. :wub:

I thank God and feel very very blessed to have experienced the magic of seeing the master at work. THANK YOU! and THANK YOU Michael. :heart:
i was only 13 yrs during the History tour but my dad took me to 2 concerts (Budapest, Vienna) which were amazing. I can not remember all from it but some parts are still vivid :)
Later i went to the MJ&Friends concert as well with a friend which was also great.

I regret for not going to the WMA`s in 2006..i was in London that time though
We had to sleep out for the whole night and wait all day to get there but well worth the wait of course.

I saw him front row at the WMA's too. he stood right infront of us for ages. :wub:

I thank God and feel very very blessed to have experienced the magic of seeing the master at work. THANK YOU! and THANK YOU Michael. :heart:

My friends had a tent outside the stadium for days to be in the front row :lmao: … Definitely worth it :yes:… I remember saying right after the show that I would do it all over again … Like I said on another post I would go to Antarctica for Michael. He was He is and He will Always be a Part of me for all Eternity. I know a beautiful lady here in Sweden she is I think 65-or 70 she has been on all the MJ concerts Bad, Dangerous and HIStory here in Sweden, I love to listen to her stories. :) She always says I did not grow up with Michael it was Michael that grew up with us but then suddenly he became a man and he was ahead of everyone. Last time I saw her was on Thriller Live so beautiful all dressed up like MJ with the original shirt from his Dangerous tour … the fedora and the whole set … I wish I could have so much style when I’m in that age. :D I really admire those who have been fans for so long. I have been a fan since my mother was pregnant with me but that was in 82 and MJ was everywhere so it was a natural thing to love him… Those who loved him back in the 60s or 70s and still love him today I just have to say WOW. It shows that Michael was not a star or a super star he really was and still is a SUPER NOVA. The best part is that a whole new generation is growing up with his music and his whole legacy now. :) :wub: :angel: