MJ Concert Experiences

saw him at the Glasgow Green. Scotland, August 18th 1992, Dangerous Tour, bootleg audio exists of this awesome show, so glad to have that wish a video would surface, even if amateur video. Id pay top dollar! ;) but as I remember, security was quite tight, there were these huge white walls all around the perimeter of the ground, it was an all standing show in a field basically, like a huge festival concert or Hyde park, around 60,000 were there. His only Live Scottish show apart from an appearance in the 70s which doesnt really count!

My memories are waiting what seemed an eternity for the Thriller performance, and when he entered the stage via the toaster, he just stood there for ages, and the crowd didnt stop cheering for a second! They were hanging on his every move, and my dad even tricked me into thinking he was looking right at me, because of his far off stare, how naive are kids lol! Its something Ill never forget, my first concert and I felt he was looking out right at me, I was in awe the whole night, and would even go on strangers shoulders when my dads were too tired from mine all night!

Its a night Ill never forget and will treasure for the rest of my life.
Bad - wembley- July 14th, 15th & 16th

14th & 16th were backstage- 15th was from out front - utterly iconic performances forever etched in my mind.

Bad Tour Wembley, backstage AND upront? You lucky thing!
My friends had a tent outside the stadium for days to be in the front row :lmao: … Definitely worth it :yes:… I remember saying right after the show that I would do it all over again … Like I said on another post I would go to Antarctica for Michael. He was He is and He will Always be a Part of me for all Eternity. I know a beautiful lady here in Sweden she is I think 65-or 70 she has been on all the MJ concerts Bad, Dangerous and HIStory here in Sweden, I love to listen to her stories. :) She always says I did not grow up with Michael it was Michael that grew up with us but then suddenly he became a man and he was ahead of everyone. Last time I saw her was on Thriller Live so beautiful all dressed up like MJ with the original shirt from his Dangerous tour … the fedora and the whole set … I wish I could have so much style when I’m in that age. :D I really admire those who have been fans for so long. I have been a fan since my mother was pregnant with me but that was in 82 and MJ was everywhere so it was a natural thing to love him… Those who loved him back in the 60s or 70s and still love him today I just have to say WOW. It shows that Michael was not a star or a super star he really was and still is a SUPER NOVA. The best part is that a whole new generation is growing up with his music and his whole legacy now. :) :wub: :angel:
Beautiful post. :wub: :yes: I was very excited to read it, you made me cry! :cry:

I am happy to see how Michael is so loved by his millions of fans around the world and many have had the great opportunity to see him live. :wub:
I am an older fan so was old enough when he toured with the Bad tour. I was 14 then, I went one night with my mum and other family members. Well what can I say other than.... :wild: I wish I could remember more of it though but when you are young and the years go by memories fade. :( But I do remember how wonderful it was. :wub:

Once on the dangerous tour too. :wub: I wish I had gone to more shows but I had young kids so couldnt go off leaving them for too long. LOL!

History tour x 4 3 nights at Webmley stadium and one night in Paris. I had a ticket for the cancelled ostend show too but didn't make it back to the rescheduled date.
I would say these were my best as I got to be in front row once and very close for the others. :wild: FRONT ROW!! :wild: :wild: We had to sleep out for the whole night and wait all day to get there but well worth the wait of course.

I saw him front row at the WMA's too. he stood right infront of us for ages. :wub:

I thank God and feel very very blessed to have experienced the magic of seeing the master at work. THANK YOU! and THANK YOU Michael. :heart:

Thanks for sharing! Amazing! :wub:
That was a phenomenal post - thanks so much for sharing in such great length!

:kickass:pCR, thank you for sharing your experience! This is exactly how I imagined a MJ-concert would be!!!

OMG!!!!! PCR thanks for your amazing post! :kickass:
It is really a great experience for those who had the opportunity and honor to see Michael live on stage. It's something that will be remembered forever an memory. :)

PCR, a huge 'Thank You' from the buttom of my heart for your wonderful posting! You describe 100% what I was feeling in 97 (and could not express in my previous post).

I have just goosebumps, at the same time I'm crying my eyes out while remembering the magic of this moment, the magic of this beautiful soul, the one and only Master .. the KING of music, Michael Jackson .. we have lost.

OH MY GOD ! :clap: Your story is amazing!!! I've goosebumps all over my body...
So funny the part of the mexican song :lmao:

If you want to share your MJ golden moment , I'd love to read it :)

Thank you so much for your post I had goosebumps too reading it! And I would love to read your other experience too :)

Thank you, friends!!
I am honored to have been given the opportunity to be in one of his shows, the best show ever for me. Years later I have had the chance to see several artists and shows (from Madonna to the musicals "Cats" or "Lord of the Rings"), but I have never felt what I felt back then in front of Michael. Today, just by chance, I passed the same stadium of the concert and saw the little street were we waited so long for him... I was moved. We were there for him and he gave his best to us.

WOW, just WOW.....I am just lost in awe in your post...The emotion that you describe is so palpable...I am in tears....I would gladly give my opus back to have seen him live (i would give up a lot, but PCR, you understand what I'm saying.!)....lol...

Ohhhhh yessss!! I do know what you mean (I still have no Opus :ermm:)
Thank you, friends!!
I am honored to have been given the opportunity to be in one of his shows, the best show ever for me. Years later I have had the chance to see several artists and shows (from Madonna to the musicals "Cats" or "Lord of the Rings"), but I have never felt what I felt back then in front of Michael. Today, just by chance, I passed the same stadium of the concert and saw the little street were we waited so long for him... I was moved. We were there for him and he gave his best to us.
:wub: :wub: :wub: Beautiful!!!!!
1996 Prague - I was only 12 years old
1997 Berlin
1999 Munich MJ & Friends

I was so proud to add 7 more TII concerts :sad:
Thank you, friends!!
I am honored to have been given the opportunity to be in one of his shows, the best show ever for me. Years later I have had the chance to see several artists and shows (from Madonna to the musicals "Cats" or "Lord of the Rings"), but I have never felt what I felt back then in front of Michael. Today, just by chance, I passed the same stadium of the concert and saw the little street were we waited so long for him... I was moved. We were there for him and he gave his best to us.

That is so true!
Thank you so much.
I've never seen him. :cry:
I was so fricken happy, I had 15 concert tickets for TII..was planning on 20+..
I had 5 front rows.. and all my tickets was within 10 rows :cry:
now it will forever on just live with the dream..
makes me CRY.
I had saved for this moment since I was 7 on my own MJ account.
I've never seen him. :cry:
I was so fricken happy, I had 15 concert tickets for TII..was planning on 20+..
I had 5 front rows.. and all my tickets was within 10 rows :cry:
now it will forever on just live with the dream..
makes me CRY.
I had saved for this moment since I was 7 on my own MJ account.

I'm so sorry for you...
pics do say more then a thousand words.
bad quality, sorry. it was in the tim where digital cams didn,t excist, lol

me, a day before the show!

the next morning behind me.


and the day after the concert at his hotel ( many more pics to come, where he also is in)


the day before!


the whole crowd behind us, we were front row.

and the show!

I made a thread about this some time ago and I too am young (15) and had tickets to this is it and the memories on here are too upsetting to read when I think I will never get to experience it :(
I personally havent seen MJ live

But my mum did in Liverpool Aintree Racecourse.
And has told me many times that she went their in the light
Came home and it was pitch black. And had a fanstatic time
And how amazing he was life and that it was a total suprise from my dad

There was a girl on her boyfriends shoulders in front of her well not far away
and she threw a buttie at her head and it actually hit the back of her head lmao.
my dad just looked away and was like "for the love off"
And my mum was like " i cant have her blocking my veiw"
(I think i woulda done the same tbh)

And somthing she always says is that the last song, was Man
In the mirror and she remembers looking up at the sky and
all the stars were out.
And she came out singing mitm and walked 4 miles home lmao
the next day she had her driving test and passed it lmao.

she alaway makes me jelouses about it
I never been to any concerts, even Michael's and I was so psyched and excited to see him next month (February 24th) and I got all that for nothing. That kills me to the fact I'll never see him and that I'll go yo any concerts ever.
CaptainEoLove85 said:
I'm working on building a time machine though, so I can see Michael on the Bad tour. :D

I still love reading stories from people who have been. You guys were really lucky.

If you ever get that time Machine let me know I'll be right there with you but first we need to kill Murray before he does michael :(
I personally havent seen MJ live

But my mum did in Liverpool Aintree Racecourse.
And has told me many times that she went their in the light
Came home and it was pitch black. And had a fanstatic time
And how amazing he was life and that it was a total suprise from my dad

There was a girl on her boyfriends shoulders in front of her well not far away
and she threw a buttie at her head and it actually hit the back of her head lmao.
my dad just looked away and was like "for the love off"
And my mum was like " i cant have her blocking my veiw"
(I think i woulda done the same tbh)

And somthing she always says is that the last song, was Man
In the mirror and she remembers looking up at the sky and
all the stars were out.
And she came out singing mitm and walked 4 miles home lmao
the next day she had her driving test and passed it lmao.

she alaway makes me jelouses about it

My mum and dad saw him in Sheffield at the Don Valley Stadiumon the 7th July I think, she always tells me how amazing it was and how much I would have loved it. Gets me upset sometimes :cry:
My mum and dad saw him in Sheffield at the Don Valley Stadiumon the 7th July I think, she always tells me how amazing it was and how much I would have loved it. Gets me upset sometimes :cry:

I no same here :( my mum still has her ticket stump and program, which iv slowly
wormed in to my bedroom.

I think i was born in the wrong decade. =/
great thread I was actually thiking of starting one about the fans who made it to the pro footage of concerts if any are here and willing to share :)

saw him in dangerous tour singapore but I was out like half a mile away and was with very annyoing people who were rather restless. I couldn't see shit with my eyes except stare on video screen.

Could have seen him in Dubai Dangerous tour much better but sadly that was cancelled due to 93 case.

anyways, so MSG 2001 when I heard about it the tickets were most expensive of any MJ concerts ever (or even specials) so I had to give away my dearest MJ memoriablia (one of the jackets he wore in Scream video yes the black spikey one) in exchange for plane ticket and a good seat. Even though I could have not even guessed the MJ's tragic end but I did knew that these MSG specials could very well be the last time he ever perform and certainly for US. From the same deal I got to see him 2002 webster hall again. My plane ticket was free. lol!

So I went and what a seat I had!!! 2nd row DEAD center of stage barely 10-12 feet away.
My long chersihed MJ items are gone but still looking back I think I made the right decision. I probably will never be able to buy that jacket again because it is worth 10-15 times more now at least but still... you cannot buy to see him live at any price...


I saw him on 7th and I wanted 7th because the element of suprise is there on first night especially when this performance was one of a kind. Fans went there knowing he was going to do J5 stuff and TWYMMF Beat it and YRMW but full BJ, black or white, we are the world were a surprise. Though, he was in MUCH better form on 10th.

as good as the experience was it cannot even come close to something like this below

Bad - wembley- July 14th, 15th & 16th

14th & 16th were backstage- 15th was from out front - utterly iconic performances forever etched in my mind.
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great thread I was actually thiking of starting one about the fans who made it to the pro footage of concerts if any are here and willing to share :)

saw him in dangerous tour singapore but I was out like half a mile away and was with very annyoing people who were rather restless. I couldn't see shit with my eyes except stare on video screen.

Could have seen him in Dubai Dangerous tour much better but sadly that was cancelled due to 93 case.

anyways, so MSG 2001 when I heard about it the tickets were most expensive of any MJ concerts ever (or even specials) so I had to give away my dearest MJ memoriablia (one of the jackets he wore in Scream video yes the black spikey one) in exchange for plane ticket and a good seat. Even though I could have not even guessed the MJ's tragic end but I did knew that these MSG specials could very well be the last time he ever perform and certainly for US. From the same deal I got to see him 2002 webster hall again. My plane ticket was free. lol!

So I went and what a seat I had!!! 2nd row DEAD center of stage barely 10-12 feet away.
My long chersihed MJ items are gone but still looking back I think I made the right decision. I probably will never be able to buy that jacket again because it is worth 10-15 times more now at least but still... you cannot buy to see him live at any price...


I saw him on 7th and I wanted 7th because the element of suprise is there on first night especially when this performance was one of a kind. Fans went there knowing he was going to do J5 stuff and TWYMMF Beat it and YRMW but full BJ, black or white, we are the world were a surprise. Though, he was in MUCH better form on 10th.

as good as the experience was it cannot even come close to something like this below
OMG !!!!!! :wild: Thanks for sharing! :yes: You were very close to the stage! :wild: :punk:

2 questions, please:

1) How did you get his jacket from Scream??????

2) How can you be so close to him dancing BJ (I think it is that one) and still be all so quiet? How?????


What an experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 questions, please:

1) How did you get his jacket from Scream??????

Yes that was from the hollywood company that handled the special effects from Scream. This is around later 90s and MJ stuff was a lot easy to get back then. Every one says its a jacket but actually its more like a shirt lol! its is made of satin (cotton/silk). Very light also.

2) How can you be so close to him dancing BJ (I think it is that one) and still be all so quiet? How?????

Yes I have been asked that before. :) Couple of things. I had seen him before so the initial shock was much less. Secondly while at the concert I wanted to be there 100% observant so you can do this in a few ways. Either be very cheerful and be in the mood or be VERY attentive. I was doing the later... in fact so much that I didn't took any pics after MJ appeared on stage because that is distracting.... not happening! lol!

The girl next to me was very bouncy and she got on the camera 6-7 times (close ups). During we are the world performance she handed out a bouquet and surprisingly MJ reached out and got it on his own. She nearly fainted. You can see this in amature footage.
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I saw Michael in October 1993, during his Dangerous tour! I was 10 at the time and it was amazing. I swear, that memory will live with me FOREVER, I will never forget that day, how I felt.....so many emotions, I couldnt believe I was in the presence of my love and for me, that was the ultimate Michael memory for me, because I experienced it, lived it and revelled in it... what a night... I wish it could have lasted forever.
I was supposed to be in London today at the O2 at the concert... :weeping:

Oh, dear Billie, how sad... I just can imagine how difficult this must be for you today, my friend. I am so sorry, so sorry. I just can't send you all my understanding, my love and strenght.
We love you, Billie... please keep the faith, hold on to his memory and love.

I never been to any concerts, even Michael's and I was so psyched and excited to see him next month (February 24th) and I got all that for nothing. That kills me to the fact I'll never see him and that I'll go yo any concerts ever.

Oh wow, you were gonna see him live?? So jealous! That's a huge trip !! Where in Northern Ontario are you from?