MJ Concert Experiences

I seen MJ on September 7th, 2001 in New York City. I didn't have that good of a seat. I was on the left side of the stage, but I was on the 3rd level. A little behind the stage too so imagine that.

I can't remember much, but I will tell you what I DO remember.

The Explosions! The explosions were AMAZING. It scared the crap out of me. It also had my whole body vibrate. I LOVED Black or White, and Billie Jean. When MJ came up to do Billie Jean I couldn't believe my eyes. I kept saying to my friend, that's not MJ, that's Navi! It's Navi.. can't be MJ.. I was saying this with excitement. I loved how MJ played with the audience a little bit too. He had us repeat some sounds. He would go "Hee hee"..and we would go "Hee hee".. He would say "Oaw!" and we would say "Oaw!" Then he would say.. "Hoooooooooo!" And we would say "Hooooooooo!" Then finally he said ....... eeeeoooooaaaaaooeeeeoooo...... hehe, we couldn't repeat that, lol, he was being funny. Then he commented on a sgn that he liked.

And well that's pretty much all I remember from the concert, but man those explosions were just AWESOME!

Note: I was 19, just graduated from High School and when I did graduate from high school, I really didn't care, I was just excited to see MJ in concert finally.

I SO wish I could have seen him 3rd row in London tho, I had my tickets! I've ALWAYS wanted to see him SO close on stage, but never got the chance.
:wild: :wild: :wild: :punk: :punk: :punk:

Wonderful! I can not imagine the emotion that you must have felt. :dancin:
WOW! Great topic for a thread! I have been fortunate to experience the ABSOLUTLY MINDBLOWING, MESMERIZING, EXTRAORDINARY BRILLIANCE of the King of Pop during the History world tour in 96! India was blown away forever!Michael Jackson had (still has) the world mesmerized with his glorious talent, perfrmances and showmanship and his unmatched accomplishments, humanitarian work and goodness make him a true gift and blessing from God and his light shall continue to shine brightly and enrapture, inspire and bless everyone around the world forever! We love you forever dearest Michael! :)Thankyou forever! May God always bless you and the entire MJ fan community!:)
So many fans slag off the HIStory tour because of the lip-synching, but you really had to be there.

I've seen Prince, I've seen Madonna, Janet Jackson, Guns N Roses... I've been to a lot of concerts over the years and none of them lived up to the HIStory show. The atmosphere was immense. I was standing near the back of a 70,000 capacity stadium but that didn't stop it from being probably the best live concert experience of my life.

Seriously, the atmosphere in that stadium was so charged - it was truly electric.
So many fans slag off the HIStory tour because of the lip-synching, but you really had to be there.

I've seen Prince, I've seen Madonna, Janet Jackson, Guns N Roses... I've been to a lot of concerts over the years and none of them lived up to the HIStory show. The atmosphere was immense. I was standing near the back of a 70,000 capacity stadium but that didn't stop it from being probably the best live concert experience of my life.

Seriously, the atmosphere in that stadium was so charged - it was truly electric.
I'm wondering what you felt. :wild: Certainly it was very magical and will forever be stored in its memory. :punk:
I feel the same with regards to the atmosphere. I think it was just wherever Michael was though. I, unfortunately never saw him in concert, but I was blessed to have been a few metres away from him at the WMA's in 2006.. He barely even sang a few lines but the atmosphere was truely IMMENSE - I loved every second of being there. Those are the times I will always treasure the most.

Some lovely stories here *teary*
So many fans slag off the HIStory tour because of the lip-synching, but you really had to be there.

I've seen Prince, I've seen Madonna, Janet Jackson, Guns N Roses... I've been to a lot of concerts over the years and none of them lived up to the HIStory show. The atmosphere was immense. I was standing near the back of a 70,000 capacity stadium but that didn't stop it from being probably the best live concert experience of my life.

Seriously, the atmosphere in that stadium was so charged - it was truly electric.

thanks matty.......i always wanted to know from person like u who has attened different concerts, so u can tell the difference between them.
This is really crazy, but a couple of weeks ago my friend went to visit her friend, also an MJ fan. And that girl had a book about Michael which she bought in London in 2006 and Michael signed it for her. So my friend was looking through this book and suddenly she saw a photo of ME during the HISTORY CONCERT IN TALLINN!!!!! Unbelievable! I always wanted to find something like that, but who could have thought it would happen almost 13 years after the concert! wow!

the problem is I can't get in touch with that girl now so I don't know what book that is. I'd like to buy it if it's still available somewhere... And the only thing I have is a photo of that page taken by a mobile phone camera *sigh*

Still, how exciting is that!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: Such a great memory! Aw, I was so young then :) I am the girl in the middle.

Bad tour twice: June 11 and 12, 1988 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Dangerous tour twice: July 16 and 17, 1992 in Stockholm, Sweden.
HIStory tour twice: August 16, 1997 in Gothenburg, Sweden and August 29, 1997 in Copenhagen, Denmark (birthday cake).

I had two tickets for London...:cry:

We were at the same concerts! Bad Gothenburg June 11 and Dangerous Stockholm. My most precious moments in life.:wub: Magical! But I wish I hade done like you - watched each concert twive - because I was so excited and now that I so long to remember every single detail, I have to face it that I was like mesmerized and can't remember clearly. :(
This is really crazy, but a couple of weeks ago my friend went to visit her friend, also an MJ fan. And that girl had a book about Michael which she bought in London in 2006 and Michael signed it for her. So my friend was looking through this book and suddenly she saw a photo of ME during the HISTORY CONCERT IN TALLINN!!!!! Unbelievable! I always wanted to find something like that, but who could have thought it would happen almost 13 years after the concert! wow!

the problem is I can't get in touch with that girl now so I don't know what book that is. I'd like to buy it if it's still available somewhere... And the only thing I have is a photo of that page taken by a mobile phone camera *sigh*

Still, how exciting is that!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: Such a great memory! Aw, I was so young then :) I am the girl in the middle.


OMG WOW!!! lucky you!!
HIStory tour July 15th 1997 Wembley Stadium.

I was 12 years old at the time and it was my first concert experience. Suffice to say, nothing has lived up to it ever since in terms of sheer atmosphere. It was just electric.
HIStory tour July 15th 1997 Wembley Stadium.

I was 12 years old at the time and it was my first concert experience. Suffice to say, nothing has lived up to it ever since in terms of sheer atmosphere. It was just electric.

Awesome...I'm saddened that I never got to see him live but thanks to all for sharing your experiences..

Hey Matty - History Tour Wembley...not the greatest quality, I'm not sure if it's the July 15th show but your right the crowd is electric! :D BTW the pictures aren't loading for me =\

^ BTW JMie that story with the photo is amazing ;)
I've seen him 7 times on the HIStory Tour + MJ & friends in Munich. The HIStory Tour was the time of my life! The Summer of 97, I'll never forget it! It was so exciting! Though my first concert was in Prague 96, it was when Michael came to Germany that the real magic started. Every other week a new concert...God, I miss the time! My friends and me had so much fun. Although it was always exhausting waiting from early in the morning til they let us in in the afternoon, then running towards the stage, then waiting again in the shoving... but it was always so worth it! I have special memories of each concert, not only personal ones but also little things that were different each time. Like Michael trying to jump on a brush when some stage-person cleaned the stage, him waving enthusiastically and shouting Hello to a zeppelin which flew above stage, of course the little bug scene when he called Wayne to get it (the one that is included in the Munich broadcast but which actually happened in Leipzig)... and of course when the Tivoli marching band surprised Michael in Copenhagen on his birthday and the whole stadium sang Happy Birthday to him.
I could swell in the memories all day... :( If you have any specific questions, just ask me. :)

Sounds alot like my summer 1996- 1997 aswell. I didn't go to those same shows you went to but i went to 10 others in europe. I know how you feell and what kind of stuff you saw. It was best days of my life :( Apart from all the queuing and sun stroke, and dehydration and running to the stage and then waiting hours more while getting squished. But it was all part of it I guess.
Hey Matty - History Tour Wembley...not the greatest quality, I'm not sure if it's the July 15th show but your right the crowd is electric! :D BTW the pictures aren't loading for me =\


this video is of the 12th July. I was at all 3 shows at Wembley and for me the 12th July show was best, I was front row, then 15th was second best, ...by the 3rd show on the 17th MJ seemed like he didn't want to be there. Maybe didn't get enough sleep, maybe something on his mind or maybe just bored of doing Wembley 'lol. I don't know. But he didn't smile much untill half way through the show. Before Stranger in Moscow he didn't look too happy atall as a recall.

This is from the 17th -

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Saw him twice during the Bad Tour in Munich (to this date by far the best, the most mesmerizing concert I've ever been to) and Würzburg, and three times during the Dangerous Tour (Munich, Frankfurt, Bayreuth). The Bad Tour made be a fan (but it must have made everyone a fan who saw him there for the first time).
I actually wanted to go to a Whitney Houston concert round about the same time, but changed my plans because mit little sister wanted to see Michael, and I had to go there with her (parents' orders lol). Boy am I thankful!!!
In my opinion it's fairly impossible to describe what that show in the Summer of '88 was like. I still remember that summer as Michaelmania in Munich. Everyone was listening to him. His music was blasting from every open window and every car. He was just "there", was eagerly anticipated, and loved. Gotta stop now, getting a funny feeling in my throat ... :(
Thank you for the music and for the memories, Michael.
This is really crazy, but a couple of weeks ago my friend went to visit her friend, also an MJ fan. And that girl had a book about Michael which she bought in London in 2006 and Michael signed it for her. So my friend was looking through this book and suddenly she saw a photo of ME during the HISTORY CONCERT IN TALLINN!!!!! Unbelievable! I always wanted to find something like that, but who could have thought it would happen almost 13 years after the concert! wow!

the problem is I can't get in touch with that girl now so I don't know what book that is. I'd like to buy it if it's still available somewhere... And the only thing I have is a photo of that page taken by a mobile phone camera *sigh*

Still, how exciting is that!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: Such a great memory! Aw, I was so young then :) I am the girl in the middle.


wow what a nice story! Thank you and everyone for sharing!
I was going through some posts here earlier and it made me smile to read all your experiences but it also breaks my heart knowing that I'll never have a chance to see Michael. Never. :cry: you are so lucky!
As dramatic as this may sound, one of the saddest things in my life is knowing I'll never get the chance to see him perform live, and to quote an MJ song, 'it cuts like a knife' knowing I missed all my chances. When he came to England on his previous tours I was too young to go, the only people I actually know in person who saw him live are my aunt and uncle who say he was absolutely amazing. I've yet to hear anyone say otherwise, everyone who's ever seen him live says how truly amazing he was.
As dramatic as this may sound, one of the saddest things in my life is knowing I'll never get the chance to see him perform live, and to quote an MJ song, 'it cuts like a knife' knowing I missed all my chances. When he came to England on his previous tours I was too young to go, the only people I actually know in person who saw him live are my aunt and uncle who say he was absolutely amazing. I've yet to hear anyone say otherwise, everyone who's ever seen him live says how truly amazing he was.

I feel like you. :cry:

*big sigh*
This is really crazy, but a couple of weeks ago my friend went to visit her friend, also an MJ fan. And that girl had a book about Michael which she bought in London in 2006 and Michael signed it for her. So my friend was looking through this book and suddenly she saw a photo of ME during the HISTORY CONCERT IN TALLINN!!!!! Unbelievable! I always wanted to find something like that, but who could have thought it would happen almost 13 years after the concert! wow!

the problem is I can't get in touch with that girl now so I don't know what book that is. I'd like to buy it if it's still available somewhere... And the only thing I have is a photo of that page taken by a mobile phone camera *sigh*

Still, how exciting is that!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: Such a great memory! Aw, I was so young then :) I am the girl in the middle.


OMG!!!!! this is beyond AWESOME!!!! It's great!!!!!
guauuaaaa!!! You need to know the title of the book!!! Ask the friend who took the pic to ask the other girl about it.
ahhh, this is such an awesome gift to have!!!
I wish someday I will find the footage of the concert of MJ here to see him blowing that kiss and pointing to me whit his "Yes, you"!!!!! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: