MJ Concert Experiences

You guys have such amazing stories. I was born in 86 so too young for the Bad and Dangerous tours. I pressurised my parents into letting me to the HIStory tour at Wembley but they decided that a Michael Jackson concert with all the screaming fans was no place for an 11 year old. This Is It was meant to be my first MJ experience, 7 rows from that front.
I just came across this thread...

I have seen Michael a few times:

1972 I saw the Jackson 5 in London. I was 10 and he was 14. I was lucky enough to be taken by my sister who is seven years older than me... She knew I loved and Michael and so did she. It was at Wembley in the winter. I remember being so excited I couldnt sleep the night before. We were right near the front and I gazed for the whole show up at MJ complete with his 'fro! Amazing night - I can clearly remember the amazing dance routines - the brothers being so in time; Michael being so gorgeous and the brightly coloured flared pant-suits :lol: I was completely mesmeried...

I then went twice on the Bad tour. My sister and I (yes we stuck together! lol) got tickets again for Wembley. In those days it was postal applications or queue and I remember the sickening wait to find out if we had been lucky... The wait was awful but we were lucky! Fortunately there were no seated tickets for these concerts but it meant we had to get up early to queue!

We were outside Wembley in the sweltering heat early in the morning waiting for the gates to open in the afternoon. The queue behind us got longer and longer and we got more and more excited. When the doors opened there was a stampede for the front but my sister and I decided that we would be better off to the side near the front to avoid the crush - best decision we made as we had a fantastic view.

We sat through Kim Wilde (yawn - sorry Kim but your really were boring!) lol

The build up before he came on got everyone going - the most amazing atmosphere ever. And when he first came on stage and just stood there I thought my head was gonna explode with excitement. I screamed myself horse! The whole thing went by in a flash - memorable moments - well they would be the WHOLE show. I loved This Place Hotel - when he stood behind the screen for the intro and then went into Smooth Criminal. Man he was just amazing. I do have some photos and if I can find them I will scan them and post them - they aren't great quality but one I clearly remember taking was during Another Part of Me just around the time where he crosses his arms in the song and nods his head OMG Amazing!

Shortly after this I hopped onto my motorbike by myself one saturday and went directly to MJ's hotel to wait for him. I took a long shot photo of the limo and hotel roadway which was a good clear photo. I waited hours and eventually Michael came out - wrapped in a green fur hooded parka and red scarf. I will find the photo and post it but it was so blurred because all I could do was shake when I took the photo. I tried to speak when he stopped but I could only open my mouth - nothing at all came out! I felt such an idiot! :lol: Dunno what he must have thought but I'm sure he's come across many of us like that! :lol: I wouldn't be so shy now!

Next I went to two of the Dangerous shows in London. Again, amazing shows. When he shot out of the stage floor at the beginning - well it was heart stopping. I have never known anyone to be able to stand on a stage for that length of time doing absolutely nothing and get such an amazing response! The concerts are almost identical - such is his professionalism.

During this time my brother in law who works at the Natural History Museum called me one day to say MJ had just visited the museum and he had got an autograph for me. I was so angry as I worked two stops on the train from where he was and my bro didn't think to tell me early enough for me to go! I cannot believe he actually went up to Michael and said, and I quote! : "Excuse me are you Michael Jackson" - Michael replied "Erm...yes I am Michael Jackson" :lol:

I had tickets for five of the TII dates at one stage and was planning on taking my husband and two daughters. My kids never saw Michael and they were brought up on me telling them how amazing he was - he was the only artist they were desperate to see. I was so looking forward to showing him off to them!

If there is anything you want to know let me know otherwise I am in danger of waffling for hours and hours on this subject! :lol:

I will post the photos if they are of interest.

:wild: :wild: :wild:

I loved your story! :wub: Thanks for sharing. You are a lucky person to have had this great privilege. :yes:
Awesome story. Photos please!

Dianelesley, thanks for sharing your amazing story! Please post the pictures!!! :clapping:

of course...

The photo quality is not good and bear in mind I had no zoom lens! :lol: The following were taken over a couple of dates during the Bad Tour.


This was on the walk up Wembley Way towards the gates when we arrived....


This was taken at the rear of the stadium when I was making my way back to our seats and was taken some time before Kim Wilde came on - as you can see the place is filling up nicely...









note double exposure! :lol: you can see a coffee table and curtains - kinda ruins the image but hey ho :lol:


Taken during Working Day and Night... Michael was wearing several layers of costumes and stripped them off during each number - which is why he looks kinda bulky in this outfit! There must have been a few outfits underneath! Cant remember how many!


This was taken during Another Part of Me - around the bit where he crosses his arm and nods his head and touches his chin (boy aren't we all good at memorising his moves! :lol)


Taken outside his hotel in London when I was in a reasonble state of composure....


Note camera shake and complete lack of composure - he did uncover his beautiful face! lol
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Di these photo's are absolutely amazingly WONDERFUL :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

I am just so very sad and cross with myself that I was so pre occupied with other things in 1988 that I didnt get to see Michael in his bad tour when he performed in London.:cry::cry::cry:
It something that I will regret for the rest of my days.:(
Dianelesley: Thank you sooo much for sharing your experience and photos! :hug:
I have 80+ tour pictures saved on Photobucket (a few from HIStory taken by me, the rest is scanned from swedish newspapers). I don't know how to upload them here, but if you're interested just pm me and I will give you the password for guest-viewing:


I also have some of the pictures on my facebook-page. My username there is Annie Larsson. I have the same pink-green-white profile pic as I have as my avatar here.
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Firstly I wanna apologise for not being able to make this story any shorter.

I saw Michael twice on HIStory Tour when he did two concerts in Helsinki, Finland.

August 24th and 26th, 1997.


Michael arriving Finland a few hours before the first concert.

I travelled to Helsinki already a day before the concert, on Saturday with a couple of other fans. We first went to see the premiere of Ghosts to a cinema, which was already an experience of its own with all the sound systems around etc.

It was approx. 5pm when we arrived the Olympic Stadium and joined the queue outside the stadium. There wasn’t more than 15-20 fans by the time we arrived so I’d say we got a very good places. The very first one in the queue had been there since 5am Friday morning. The Saturday evening went talking with other fans, listening to MJ’s music and watching trucks going in and coming out of the stadium, bringing which I guess was the last minute stuff. The security was also nice and came to talk with us every now and then.

I managed to sleep like 3 hours that night.

On Sunday morning we were told by the security that the concerts were already put in jeopardy as some lunatic who earlier had escaped the mental hospital tried to set the stage on fire at night. Thank God he was caught by the security before any damage was done. The queue got longer and longer.

Around noon we were let behind the security check gates and this is the time where I always say I will not do this for anyone else but MJ. August is usually the hottest month in Finland. At least it was around those times. While we were waiting behind the gates the sun was shining burningly hot and we had to sit on a hot asphalt for 4 hours and the space you had was no bigger than the size of your butt. Luckily we who had arrived the day before got a little benefit for being there early as they tried to separate us a little bit and put us behind different gates than the people who arrived on that concert day. They would also start checking with us, so we’d got inside the stadium first. There was this cute looking guy sitting next to us and he draw and wrote our arms full of MJ related textes.

Although the ticket said the doors would open at 5pm I remember they started to check us and let us in already at 4pm. Oh gee, I remember seeing people sneaking cameras in, but dropping them while running and they had to make a quick decision whether to keep running and possible get a good spot in front of stage or pick up the camera and possible lose the spot as people were let in all the time. They put us to run through the whole stadium, from the other side to another and they even played this horrible song just to make us run even faster.

I managed to get myself in to the area in front of the stage, which was nicely called “crazy fans area”. Only a certain amount of fans we let inside the area and everyone were given a wristband. I was right in front of the stage and you can actually spot me from the concert footage right before J5 Medley and that's all I am gonna tell lol.


Can you see me?


Michael is pretty much above me.

Ok we were in and the waiting continued. Once again for the healthy and safety reasons we weren’t allowed to stand unless we wanted to exit the area to use the toilet for example. That’s why we were given those wristbands so we would also get back to the area. Also once again the space you had was no more than the size of your butt and when you wanted to stretch out your legs they were already on two people’s lap who were next to you.

When the concert finally started at 9:20pm, fashionably 20 minutes late I had been there at the stadium for 28 hours and 20 minutes altogether.

What can I say, the concert was amazing. Probably the only place where I’ve been able to scream, jump, clap my hands, sing and cry all at the same time. Before I saw the concert on tv one of the few memories I had and I was able to remember was the red lights from Scream.

For the record, I didn't take these following photos, a friend of mine at the time did, but I don't want these to be stolen and been used just like that that's why I have watermarked them.



After the concert I have lost 2 hours of my life and I have no idea how ended up to a train station and finally after some misfortuned incidents I was at home at 8am Monday morning. No, Michael did not stay in Finland between the concerts so that's why I also went back home.

Here comes the funny part. Mom promised to pay my ticket for the 2nd concert if I go to school on a day between the concerts. Of course I promised to go, but like I just told you it was already 8am when I arrived home and as you may guess I was dead tired. I took the shower, ate something and went straight to sleep. I woke up on Tuesday morning, had breakfast, put my MJ shirt on and headed back to Helsinki. Although this time I wasn’t there at the stadium until around noon I again managed to get myself in front of the stage to that same area and again I was given a wristband. It was time to experience the MJ magic again!

Firstly I wanna apologise for not being able to make this story any shorter.

I saw Michael twice on HIStory Tour when he did two concerts in Helsinki, Finland.

August 24th and 26th, 1997.


Michael arriving Finland a few hours before the first concert.

I travelled to Helsinki already a day before the concert, on Saturday with a couple of other fans. We first went to see the premiere of Ghosts to a cinema, which was already an experience of its own with all the sound systems around etc.

It was approx. 5pm when we arrived the Olympic Stadium and joined the queue outside the stadium. There wasn’t more than 15-20 fans by the time we arrived so I’d say we got a very good places. The very first one in the queue had been there since 5am Friday morning. The Saturday evening went talking with other fans, listening to MJ’s music and watching trucks going in and coming out of the stadium, bringing which I guess was the last minute stuff. The security was also nice and came to talk with us every now and then.

I managed to sleep like 3 hours that night.

On Sunday morning we were told by the security that the concerts were already put in jeopardy as some lunatic who earlier had escaped the mental hospital tried to set the stage on fire at night. Thank God he was caught by the security before any damage was done. The queue got longer and longer.

Around noon we were let behind the security check gates and this is the time where I always say I will not do this for anyone else but MJ. August is usually the hottest month in Finland. At least it was around those times. While we were waiting behind the gates the sun was shining burningly hot and we had to sit on a hot asphalt for 4 hours and the space you had was no bigger than the size of your butt. Luckily we who had arrived the day before got a little benefit for being there early as they tried to separate us a little bit and put us behind different gates than the people who arrived on that concert day. They would also start checking with us, so we’d got inside the stadium first. There was this cute looking guy sitting next to us and he draw and wrote our arms full of MJ related textes.

Although the ticket said the doors would open at 5pm I remember they started to check us and let us in already at 4pm. Oh gee, I remember seeing people sneaking cameras in, but dropping them while running and they had to make a quick decision whether to keep running and possible get a good spot in front of stage or pick up the camera and possible lose the spot as people were let in all the time. They put us to run through the whole stadium, from the other side to another and they even played this horrible song just to make us run even faster.

I managed to get myself in to the area in front of the stage, which was nicely called “crazy fans area”. Only a certain amount of fans we let inside the area and everyone were given a wristband. I was right in front of the stage and you can actually spot me from the concert footage right before J5 Medley and that's all I am gonna tell lol.


Can you see me?


Michael is pretty much above me.

Ok we were in and the waiting continued. Once again for the healthy and safety reasons we weren’t allowed to stand unless we wanted to exit the area to use the toilet for example. That’s why we were given those wristbands so we would also get back to the area. Also once again the space you had was no more than the size of your butt and when you wanted to stretch out your legs they were already on two people’s lap who were next to you.

When the concert finally started at 9:20pm, fashionably 20 minutes late I had been there at the stadium for 28 hours and 20 minutes altogether.

What can I say, the concert was amazing. Probably the only place where I’ve been able to scream, jump, clap my hands, sing and cry all at the same time. Before I saw the concert on tv one of the few memories I had and I was able to remember was the red lights from Scream.

For the record, I didn't take these following photos, a friend of mine at the time did, but I don't want these to be stolen and been used just like that that's why I have watermarked them.



After the concert I have lost 2 hours of my life and I have no idea how ended up to a train station and finally after some misfortuned incidents I was at home at 8am Monday morning. No, Michael did not stay in Finland between the concerts so that's why I also went back home.

Here comes the funny part. Mom promised to pay my ticket for the 2nd concert if I go to school on a day between the concerts. Of course I promised to go, but like I just told you it was already 8am when I arrived home and as you may guess I was dead tired. I took the shower, ate something and went straight to sleep. I woke up on Tuesday morning, had breakfast, put my MJ shirt on and headed back to Helsinki. Although this time I wasn’t there at the stadium until around noon I again managed to get myself in front of the stage to that same area and again I was given a wristband. It was time to experience the MJ magic again!


:wild: :wild: :wild: :punk: :punk: :punk:

His story was incredible and exciting. Memorable. Thanks for sharing.:)
Reeta, thanks for your story! Wow, it was a scary part about people losing their cameras while they were running!!! That was one of the reasons I chose not to take mine to the Tallinn concert.

You are so lucky to have the footage of the concert you attended!!! And to BE IN THAT FOOTAGE!! That's amazing! It's my dream to get the Tallinn concert and find myself there :)
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Thank you guys for your replies :flowers:

You are so lucky to have the footage of the concert you attended!!! And to BE IN THAT FOOTAGE!! That's amazing! It's my dream to get the Tallinn concert and find myself there :)

I remember when the concert was shown on TV. It was just before christmas and we were visiting grandma with my mom. I was glued to TV and mom actually told me later that grandma had asked if I am even breathing because I was so focused on watching the concert and mom had replied by saying "only on commercial breaks", which was probably pretty much true :lol: I can't remember how I reacted when I saw myself being in the footage, but I think I was gasping and mom was probably pulling me back down to earth :lol:
So jealous of everyone whos seen him.
I'd been wanting to for years and finally thought it was gonna happen.
Should be in the O2 right this minute :/:/

love your story by the way Reeta :)
sounds so exciting, you're very lucky!!
I remember when the concert was shown on TV. It was just before christmas and we were visiting grandma with my mom. I was glued to TV and mom actually told me later that grandma had asked if I am even breathing because I was so focused on watching the concert and mom had replied by saying "only on commercial breaks", which was probably pretty much true :lol: I can't remember how I reacted when I saw myself being in the footage, but I think I was gasping and mom was probably pulling me back down to earth :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: I can totally relate to that!!! :lol:

The day after the Tallinn concert we bought all the local papers for the photos. And in one article I saw a photo of screaming fans who were standing right next to me!!! It was like the photographer cut me out of the picture! The three people on my left made it to the paper and I didn't. :doh: I was so disappointed. I would have loved to have it - a photo of screaming me :D
love your story by the way Reeta :)
sounds so exciting, you're very lucky!!

It was exciting, because I had never been to concerts before and there I was queueing outside the stadium with my sleeping bag. I kinda like started from the top and have come down since then :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: I can totally relate to that!!! :lol:

The day after the Tallinn concert we bought all the local papers for the photos. And in one article I saw a photo of screaming fans who were standing right next to me!!! It was like the photographer cut me out of the picture! The three people on my left made it to the paper and I didn't. :doh: I was so disappointed. I would have loved to have it - a photo of screaming me :D

Ooh! :doh:

That actually reminded me of something!


There's my name mentioned on a same page where they're talking about Michael's concerts! :D I was interviewed with another girl outside the stadium when we were waiting behind the security check gates.

And I find it funny how some fans, who weren't even born yet when Michael did those concerts here has seen the articles and come to me online asking if it's me who's name was mentioned there :D

Makes me wonder if I am really that old! :mello: :D
if someone asked me to see a MJ concert but I had to die the next day I'd be OK with that.

:) well..give me a couple of days so I get to really... realise what I'd just experienced..well ok if that's the case give me 2 years or more 'cause I don't think I'd ever really realise it
Firstly I wanna apologise for not being able to make this story any shorter.

I saw Michael twice on HIStory Tour when he did two concerts in Helsinki, Finland.

August 24th and 26th, 1997.


Michael arriving Finland a few hours before the first concert.

I travelled to Helsinki already a day before the concert, on Saturday with a couple of other fans. We first went to see the premiere of Ghosts to a cinema, which was already an experience of its own with all the sound systems around etc.

It was approx. 5pm when we arrived the Olympic Stadium and joined the queue outside the stadium. There wasn’t more than 15-20 fans by the time we arrived so I’d say we got a very good places. The very first one in the queue had been there since 5am Friday morning. The Saturday evening went talking with other fans, listening to MJ’s music and watching trucks going in and coming out of the stadium, bringing which I guess was the last minute stuff. The security was also nice and came to talk with us every now and then.

I managed to sleep like 3 hours that night.

On Sunday morning we were told by the security that the concerts were already put in jeopardy as some lunatic who earlier had escaped the mental hospital tried to set the stage on fire at night. Thank God he was caught by the security before any damage was done. The queue got longer and longer.

Around noon we were let behind the security check gates and this is the time where I always say I will not do this for anyone else but MJ. August is usually the hottest month in Finland. At least it was around those times. While we were waiting behind the gates the sun was shining burningly hot and we had to sit on a hot asphalt for 4 hours and the space you had was no bigger than the size of your butt. Luckily we who had arrived the day before got a little benefit for being there early as they tried to separate us a little bit and put us behind different gates than the people who arrived on that concert day. They would also start checking with us, so we’d got inside the stadium first. There was this cute looking guy sitting next to us and he draw and wrote our arms full of MJ related textes.

Although the ticket said the doors would open at 5pm I remember they started to check us and let us in already at 4pm. Oh gee, I remember seeing people sneaking cameras in, but dropping them while running and they had to make a quick decision whether to keep running and possible get a good spot in front of stage or pick up the camera and possible lose the spot as people were let in all the time. They put us to run through the whole stadium, from the other side to another and they even played this horrible song just to make us run even faster.

I managed to get myself in to the area in front of the stage, which was nicely called “crazy fans area”. Only a certain amount of fans we let inside the area and everyone were given a wristband. I was right in front of the stage and you can actually spot me from the concert footage right before J5 Medley and that's all I am gonna tell lol.


Can you see me?


Michael is pretty much above me.

Ok we were in and the waiting continued. Once again for the healthy and safety reasons we weren’t allowed to stand unless we wanted to exit the area to use the toilet for example. That’s why we were given those wristbands so we would also get back to the area. Also once again the space you had was no more than the size of your butt and when you wanted to stretch out your legs they were already on two people’s lap who were next to you.

When the concert finally started at 9:20pm, fashionably 20 minutes late I had been there at the stadium for 28 hours and 20 minutes altogether.

What can I say, the concert was amazing. Probably the only place where I’ve been able to scream, jump, clap my hands, sing and cry all at the same time. Before I saw the concert on tv one of the few memories I had and I was able to remember was the red lights from Scream.

For the record, I didn't take these following photos, a friend of mine at the time did, but I don't want these to be stolen and been used just like that that's why I have watermarked them.



After the concert I have lost 2 hours of my life and I have no idea how ended up to a train station and finally after some misfortuned incidents I was at home at 8am Monday morning. No, Michael did not stay in Finland between the concerts so that's why I also went back home.

Here comes the funny part. Mom promised to pay my ticket for the 2nd concert if I go to school on a day between the concerts. Of course I promised to go, but like I just told you it was already 8am when I arrived home and as you may guess I was dead tired. I took the shower, ate something and went straight to sleep. I woke up on Tuesday morning, had breakfast, put my MJ shirt on and headed back to Helsinki. Although this time I wasn’t there at the stadium until around noon I again managed to get myself in front of the stage to that same area and again I was given a wristband. It was time to experience the MJ magic again!


Oh wow Reeta - I was right there with you! Such an amazing experience - love to read other people's experiences and feel what they felt! thank you for sharing.
You are welcome :flowers:

I have to admit I like to read my own story too, because it brings back all the memories and is like re-living those days again and again :)
I seen MJ on September 7th, 2001 in New York City. I didn't have that good of a seat. I was on the left side of the stage, but I was on the 3rd level. A little behind the stage too so imagine that.

I can't remember much, but I will tell you what I DO remember.

The Explosions! The explosions were AMAZING. It scared the crap out of me. It also had my whole body vibrate. I LOVED Black or White, and Billie Jean. When MJ came up to do Billie Jean I couldn't believe my eyes. I kept saying to my friend, that's not MJ, that's Navi! It's Navi.. can't be MJ.. I was saying this with excitement. I loved how MJ played with the audience a little bit too. He had us repeat some sounds. He would go "Hee hee"..and we would go "Hee hee".. He would say "Oaw!" and we would say "Oaw!" Then he would say.. "Hoooooooooo!" And we would say "Hooooooooo!" Then finally he said ....... eeeeoooooaaaaaooeeeeoooo...... hehe, we couldn't repeat that, lol, he was being funny. Then he commented on a sgn that he liked.

And well that's pretty much all I remember from the concert, but man those explosions were just AWESOME!

Note: I was 19, just graduated from High School and when I did graduate from high school, I really didn't care, I was just excited to see MJ in concert finally.

I SO wish I could have seen him 3rd row in London tho, I had my tickets! I've ALWAYS wanted to see him SO close on stage, but never got the chance.
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