Michael Rehearsing LIVE The Way You Make Me Feel - June 3rd - This Is It

Good night everyone... I'm going to sleep singing .... Come one give it to mey...Imagine we see that video before Michael passed away... I was going to be in mad histeria I think.... screaming and singing...
The Video is perpect - Priceless!

It adds spice to the undeniable love the fans had and still have for Michael, The King Of Pop
It's great... When I think that I was supposed to see him in Augustus, I just wanna cry :'( Michael was really the best.
WOW, I loved hearing his voice so strong and in top form

damn, damn, damn
what could have been, should have been, would have been.................
yeah, he was in top form.

I feel so sooo sad right now. I thought I was all cried out but I've a sick feeling that it'll take a long time for us to get over this. :(
remarkable....omg....Michael with his wwwwoooooohhhhooo.......Give it to meeee......I love it so much thank you so much for sharing this.....you are such a wonderful person for doing this for all us fans.....thank you again :)
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Can this video still be viewed on FB? I can't see it and I want to show it to a fan...
He was singing live and very well, powerful, God why he had to die! Dr. Murray did very WRONG, HE WAS SINGING WELL it means Michael had the energy on that, so he didnt had health problems other then the stupid Propofol that F..... bast*rd gave him, this is tragic and sad, its killing a man who was about to do everything spectacular again, he stole us a true genius, i hate him, im in disgut right now, i better leave
murray is sick, he just killed him :( just like that.
It was michaelmania time! the storm was coming, but murray ended the storm. He took away our ocean of life. I wish I never learned who murray was. I also wish MJ would have been able to sleep without pills.

ah man it hurts so much to listen to though............I feel so heartbroken .............I am gutted........really really sad :cry: :boohoo:

:huggy: for Conspiracy
Wow when they said Michael was in great form singing live and all that i doubted it, but this is really great he sounds like he did on the bad tour, october can't come soon enough.

I wonder if he was singing live on the other video?
Listening to that totally reminded me of his 1988 Grammys performance. Simply incredible.
Thanks for posting.

God, again I just keep thinking to myself in straight denial, 'he's performing right now in London, when it wraps he'll announce his tours for the U.S. in Jan for the summer. I know it's not healthy to 'make believe,' yet I think it's the only way that I can cope at the moment.

His voice was pure inspiration, so much more we had to look forward to, and him no doubt as well. Hearts like hell.
the clip that AEG released where Michael is singing THEY DONT REALLY CARE ABOUT US...was live too.....
No. Just the scream during the History-break was live