Michael Jackson's Mother to Attend Press Conference to Announce International Fan Convention

Even with hotel it's darn high those prices are ridiculous. Unless they let you stay at Five Seasons or Hilton. which kind of hotel is even included? If it's a random Holiday Inn or Best Western, no thanks

The event is taking place at the Radisson Hotel.. I don't know if thats also the hotel included in the package though.

I believe it is that hotel included in the package. I checked for that dates on Orbitz and it said no rooms available. It looks like they closed the hotel and only allow registration through their website.

Anyway the hotel is a 3 star hotel and a room price for one person per night is $110 (taxes included). so 4 nights is going to equal to $440 for hotel only.
Right I found an event calendar -

August 26, 2010
VIP Reception
8:00 pm
Radisson Hotel
Reception for sponsors, exhibitors and Sequin level ticket holders. Evening entertainment is Triple Dose Band, led by Keith Jackson, first cousin of Michael Jackson.
Event Contact:
Karen Williams
Event Phone:
Event Website:

August 27, 2010
Friday Night Dance Party
8 p.m.
Let's Dance, let's shout! The ultimate in Michael Jackson dance parties. Come dance and celebrate the music and have fun. Put on your best Michael Jackson outfit. Hosted by local radio station
Event Contact:
Karen Williams
Event Phone:
Event Website:

August 28, 2010
Gala Celebration Concert
8 p.m.
Star Theatre Plaza
Celebrate with the Jackson family and the next generation of Jackson performers along with a special surprise guest performer.
Event Contact:
Karen Williams
Event Phone:
Event Website:

August 29, 2010
Michael Jackson Dance Studio
9 a.m.
Star Plaza Theatre
Dance workshop that is hosted by dancers and Omer Michael Bhattie. Come learn the choreography behind the moves in THIS IS IT and other Michael Jackson videos.
Event Contact:
Karen Williams
Event Phone:
Event Website:
Fact Sheet about the MJFanvention2010tm
What: The first fan convention devoted to Michael Jackson fans. The event will highlight his passion for the environment, humanity and music.

Where: The Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza, Merrillville, IN
When: August 26 - 29, 2010 (Three Days)
Partnerships: The Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza
Attendees: An international group of Michael Jackson fans
Associates of Michael Jackson
Expected Attendees: 15,000
Thursday night
Opening photograph/autograph sessions/VIP Reception, motor coach bus tours to childhood home

Questions and Answer sessions, Dance Party,motor coach bus tours to childhood home

Questions and Answers, Gala tribute concert, motor coach bus tours to childhood home

Birthday celebration

Organizers: Fluid Entertainment, Inc.
Website: www.mjfanvention.com
e-mail: kwilliams@mjfanvention.com
Facebook: The International King of Pop
Phone: 1-877-MJFAN58 (US only) 1-877- 653-2658
Other people mentioned were Aphrodite Jones, David Nordhal, and Jennifer Batten. Although I can only find info about Aphrodite there now -

Author to reveal truth about Michael Jackson trial

Aphrodite Jones author of Michael Jackson Conspiracy
Aphrodite Jones, the behind-the-scenes reporter at the 2005 Michael Jackson trial will talk about what led her write the book that "sets the record straight" on the allegations about Michael Jackson. Jones said, "As I made one of my last public comments on the case I realized that I had become one of the media bunch who had predetermined the outcome of the trial, wrongly." Michael Jackson Conspiracy sets the record straight. http://www.aphroditejones.com/books/Michael_Jackson.htm
I believe it is that hotel included in the package. I checked for that dates on Orbitz and it said no rooms available. It looks like they closed the hotel and only allow registration through their website.

Anyway the hotel is a 3 star hotel and a room price for one person per night is $110 (taxes included). so 4 nights is going to equal to $440 for hotel only.

Thanks for that information.
So it looks like Ms. Katherine never showed up. Interesting!

It also looks like, to ME, that they are just trying to get some shine for some of the younger Jackson members, by using Michael's name.

Unknown Jackson cousins, the lady who named the Jackson 5, Ms. Katherine's assistant, and Omer. All worthy selling points - NOT!
How do you know she didn't show up? She was supposed to be via satellite
So it looks like Ms. Katherine never showed up. Interesting!

It also looks like, to ME, that they are just trying to get some shine for some of the younger Jackson members, by using Michael's name.

Unknown Jackson cousins, the lady who named the Jackson 5, Ms. Katherine's assistant, and Omer. All worthy selling points - NOT!
LOL! Seriously I feel pitty for those who're counting on this ''event' to jump start there career nothing's gonna happen for them.
Hell, those wanna be Janet and Michael's Jacksons of the second/third generation can do whatever they please as long as they don't involve Michael's three children in this mess, but on a second thought involving PPB in this would back fire as the spotlight wouldn't be on them nor would they be hardly mentioned .. seems like history repeats itself
How do you know she didn't show up? She was supposed to be via satellite
I know she didn't show up because an article from NWtimes.com states that:

"Michael's cousins Trent and Kayla Jackson (who ever they are), along with his mother Katherine's ASSISTANT (LOL), Mary Christmas, appeared via satellite from Encino, California. They sent best wishes from Katherine, who originally was scheduled to appear by live feed."

Oh and a lady named Evelyn Lahaie, who claims she was the one who named the Jackson Five, was also there. Ms. Lahaie will also be on the speakers' panel. She said that "it's a chance to honor THE FAMILY and all they've contributed."

(Maybe somebody who is more computer savvy then me, can find that article and bring it over here. Thanks!)
LMAO! The assistant like for real? Is this a joke or what? :rollin: Hilarious too bad Michael's image/rep/name will suffer from this nonsense
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I saw the ticket price and Goddamn, they are expensive. They need to lower those prices, don't no-one want to see unknowns (I hate refuring to them as that but they are.) for almost a 1000 bucks.

I don't think locals will be there too.

Convention fit for a King of Pop

Michael Jackson fans have "Got to Be There" when the first MJ Fanvention convenes in August.

Plans for the first MJ Fanvention were announced Monday during a news conference at Merrillville's Star Plaza Theatre. The convention, honoring the King of Pop, will be Aug. 26 to 29 at the Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza. The event coincides with what would have been the legendary singer's 52nd birthday on Aug.29.

"This is the only event of its kind taking place near Michael's childhood home (Gary), and it will attract attention to Northwest Indiana," said presenter Renae Brantley, CEO of Fluid Entertainment Inc. and Fluid Productions LLC. "This is also the only event endorsed by the Jackson family."

The convention will feature entertainment by members of the extended Jackson family and other performers, question-and-answer sessions, author talks, tours of the Jackson family home in Gary and more.

"We wanted to honor Michael's stellar career and to recognize his marvelous contribution to the entertainment field," Brantley said.

Singer Genevieve Jackson, daughter of Michael's younger brother, Randy Jackson, appeared at Monday's announcement.

"I'm happy to be here," Genevieve said. "And I'm looking forward to being here in August because this is where it all began," she said, adding her "Uncle Mike" used to tell her what it was like growing up in Indiana. Genevieve will perform at the August event in addition to The Triple Dose Band, led by Michael's cousin Keith Jackson, and various members of the latest generation of Jacksons.

Among other entertainers scheduled to perform is Michael's protege, Omer Bhatti.

"Today we're announcing a very exciting tribute to one of the greatest entertainers of all time," said Charlie Blum, president, CEO and talent buyer for Star Plaza Theatre and Star Productions.

"We're absolutely thrilled to be the host venue for this illustrious event."

Michael's cousins Trent and Kayla Jackson, along with his mother Katherine's assistant, Mary Christmas, appeared via satellite from Encino, Calif. They sent best wishes from Katherine, who originally was scheduled to appear by live feed.

Along with the media and other guests, members of the extended Jackson family who still reside in Northwest Indiana attended the conference.

Evelyn Lahaie, the woman known for naming the Jackson Five, also appeared.

She said she's looking forward to being a part of the August event, where she'll be on a speakers' panel.

"It's a very special time, and it's a chance to honor the family and all they've contributed," Lahaie said.

The MJ Fanvention also will include a special tree planting ceremony at 2 p.m. Aug. 28 at Jackson's childhood home, where Katherine Jackson and other family members will pay tribute to Michael's love for the environment. A VIP gala reception will follow the ceremony at 6, with a concert titled "The Jacksons -- The Next Generation" kicking off at 8 p.m.

The Michael Jackson Birthday Celebration will run from 3 to 5 p.m. Aug. 29 and feature a tribute concert by West Side Theatre Guild.

A portion of the proceeds from the MJ Fanvention will be donated to local charities honoring Michael's commitment to the environment and humanity.

Ticket packages, which went on sale Monday night, range from $1,013.32 for single rooms to $2,767.52 for quad rooms (tax included) and include access to all events and lodging. Tickets can be purchased at www.mjfanvention.com. Stay tuned for future event-only ticket sales. FYI: www.mjfanvention or (877) 653-2658

MJ FANVENTION: Ticket packages, which went on sale Monday night, range from $1,013.32 for single rooms to $2,767.52 for quad rooms (tax included) and include access to all events and lodging. Tickets can be purchased at www.mjfanvention.com. Stay tuned for future event-only ticket sales. FYI: www.mjfanvention or (877) 653-2658
This whole thing just seems tacky, like its more for the 'extended' family members than it is for Michael, otherwise where are the 'immediate' family members?

The Estate is gonna step into this, just wait and see.
It sounds way to expensive to me...and that's BEFORE paying for flights!! I won't be going nor making the effort to either.
:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::lol: :lol: :lol:

I just read that if we want to go we're supposed to pay over a $1000...

And that to me is just....:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

Please someone tell me this is an APRIL FOOLS Prank!!! :lol:

Still like the Jackson family, and NO DISRESPECT TO THEM!!!...but the $$$... REALLY??? :blink: :lol:


Convention fit for a King of Pop

"This is also the only event endorsed by the Jackson family."

... by members of the extended Jackson family and other performers, question-and-answer sessions, author talks, tours of the Jackson family home in Gary and more.

Singer Genevieve Jackson, daughter of Michael's younger brother, Randy Jackson...

The Triple Dose Band, led by Michael's cousin Keith Jackson...

Among other entertainers scheduled to perform is Michael's protege, Omer Bhatti....

Michael's cousins Trent and Kayla Jackson, along with his mother Katherine's assistant, Mary Christmas, appeared via satellite from Encino, Calif.

Evelyn Lahaie, the woman known for naming the Jackson Five, also appeared.


I really miss Michael ......

Michael's cousins Trent and Kayla Jackson, along with his mother Katherine's assistant, Mary Christmas, appeared via satellite from Encino, Calif.
Mary Christmas? Is this an april fool joke? :lol:

Never heard of Trent or Kayla.

The whole thing is strange.. with all these extended family members nobody knows about.

Katherine Jackson sends letter of support

Michael Jackson's mother enthusiastic about Fanvention
Katherine Jackson has sent a letter of support for the Fanvention to take place on August 26 - 29 at the Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza and the Star Theatre in Merrillville, IN. The letter also says that the family is looking forward to appearing at the event.
3/9/2010 12:00:00 AM

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Genevieve in Gary:


To me the only nice part for MJ is this (bolded) :

The MJ Fanvention also will include a special tree planting ceremony at 2 p.m. Aug. 28 at Jackson's childhood home, where Katherine Jackson and other family members will pay tribute to Michael's love for the environment. A VIP gala reception will follow the ceremony at 6, with a concert titled "The Jacksons -- The Next Generation" kicking off at 8 p.m.

The Michael Jackson Birthday Celebration will run from 3 to 5 p.m. Aug. 29 and feature a tribute concert by West Side Theatre Guild.

A portion of the proceeds from the MJ Fanvention will be donated to local charities honoring Michael's commitment to the environment and humanity.
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Michael Jackson's mother enthusiastic about Fanvention
Katherine Jackson has sent a letter of support for the Fanvention to take place on August 26 - 29 at the Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza and the Star Theatre in Merrillville, IN. The letter also says that the family is looking forward to appearing at the event.
3/9/2010 12:00:00 AM

Thanks for posting!

This looks like a desperate attempt to salvage this "event." Sort of like when Ms. Katherine made that "support" video in an attempt to save Jermaine's Vienna Tribute.

I'm "guessing" that the sale of tickets is not going as well as expected. Especially since the press conference was not picked up by any major outlets. If I weren't a member of a Michael Jackson fansite, chances are I wouldn't even know about this event.

One more thing, I wonder WHO signed that letter. Was it Ms. Katherine OR Mary Christmas, The Assistant. LOL!
Thanks for posting!

This looks like a desperate attempt to salvage this "event." Sort of like when Ms. Katherine made that "support" video in an attempt to save Jermaine's Vienna Tribute.

I'm "guessing" that the sale of tickets is not going as well as expected. Especially since the press conference was not picked up by any major outlets. If I weren't a member of a Michael Jackson fansite, chances are I wouldn't even know about this event.

One more thing, I wonder WHO signed that letter. Was it Ms. Katherine OR Mary Christmas, The Assistant. LOL!

On spot!! She also sent a supportive video for the Vienna tribute after it was obvious that the Tribute's not gonna see the light of the day same goes for this one I would feel sorry for them but I don't, they've been pulling nonsense like that forever I feel sorry for Michael's image and rep. And ur right no major outlet whatsoever picked that ''press conference'' or the this convention mess up at all, guess some thought they'd be becoming over night superstars with this one, oh well what can I say? Same ole' same ole'
Im working to hopefully get this convention changed guys...i was contacted about this event and i will do what i can to make it more affordable and exciting. for those interested pm me or email me at keena.carson@gmail.com and let me know what you are interested in the activities for the convention and i will pass it along to organizers..im so DISAPPOINTED because I certainly wouldnt have charged that much for the ticket prices :-(

Im SERIOUS FOLKS! This idea for the convention was my baby and im very passionate about seeing this happen but i want it done the RIGHT WAY! I feel like we have all been violated :-( Something has got to be done because if Michael was here with is this mess WOULD NOT be going down the way it is...and as a life long fan I feel obligated to try to make this right...so tell me what YOU would like to see and your concerns and i will voice them to the appropiate parties

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