Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday

Please do not share download links for the e-book. Released material is not to be shared on MJJC.
Anyone have the ebook?

Is it even readible? The description on the site is kinda vague: This is a low resolution digital version of the Never Can Say Goodbye Book included with the book purchase or available by itself for instant delivery.
Don't really want to spend $10 on a book if it's very low res, and they don't seem to ship the "real" book to Europe?

Can anyone mail me a page from the ebook to my username @gmail?
As for Schaffel, I still haven't figured out how he is still friendly with Debbie, and now it looks like with Katherine and Joe as well? Maybe Michael and Schaffel worked things out at some point? Hmmm-

Is that possible? :/

Howard Mann is Mrs. Jackson’s new business partner. He tells me bought the assets of Henry Vaccaro out of bankruptcy, including the New Jersey warehouse filled with Jackson family memorabilia.

The warehouse included many personal items from the family including letters and some things that might caused embarrassment had they made it into an auction.

Mann quickly contacted Mrs. Jackson and made a deal with her. He returned personal possessions, and in exchange started to develop projects. The first is Mrs. Jackson’s book of photographs coming this Monday, called “Never Can Say Goodbye.”

Noooo. God it sounds like blackmail.

I mean, it's "supposed" to be a legitimate book, why can't it be published by a reputable publishing house, wherein I can go to my local Barnes & Noble and thumb through this new book, before I buy it. Why does it have to be sold on some "crummy" website who's origin is dubious, to say the least.

I just ain't with all of these "back-alley" deals, again no offense to Ms. Katherine.


Why is everything always so confusing, argh. Poor Michael. :(
Michael Jackson Estate Threatened with Lawsuit
Originally posted Jun 24th 2010 10:50 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
The co-author of a new book on Michael Jackson has threatened to sue the Michael Jackson estate for allegedly trying to discredit the book.


Howard Mann
(center, along with Katherine and two others) -- a businessman who has made money on nude online gambling and nude wrestling -- hooked up with Katherine Jackson to create a coffee table book called "Never Can Say Goodbye."

Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman told TMZ earlier this week, Mann had no right "to exploit any estate assets" and would take "whatever action is necessary to prevent him from unlawfully profiting."

Mann's attorney now tells TMZ, "The comments by the lawyers for the Estate of Michael Jackson are designed to create fear and ambiguity and may impede our ability to maximize the profits that Vintage Pop (the publisher) and the beneficiaries of the Estate are entitled to enjoy. These actions are torturous interference and will NOT be accepted and will result [in] litigation to recover the damages against our company."

Weitzman tells TMZ, "The estate will continue to protect its assets when appropriate," adding, "If Mr. Mann or his attorney want to communicate with me, they can contact me directly."
Ugh he looks shady.

Randy has just tweeted a lot about this;

# How can you raise money for a foundation that has not been legally formed? It is disrespectful to this family & an insult the public & fans

#I am doing my best to get my parents to understand who the people are around them

#I know my parents would not be involved if they really knew the characters they have aligned themselves with…

#As far as I am concerned, tonight’s event is a fraud.
Anyone who has the book downloaded or something, can you send it to me through email or pm...:D

i pay for the ebook

are readable but the photos are low quality

does anyone deliver and have the real book ?
i really want to buy this, but i'm scared/confused. the combo for the book, calendar, and shirt isn't bad for $105... how many have bought and received?
Ugh he looks shady.

Randy has just tweeted a lot about this;

# How can you raise money for a foundation that has not been legally formed? It is disrespectful to this family & an insult the public & fans

#I am doing my best to get my parents to understand who the people are around them

#I know my parents would not be involved if they really knew the characters they have aligned themselves with…

#As far as I am concerned, tonight’s event is a fraud.

I can't believe it.
Here we go again.
Communication... it's about communication :no:
this people are so shady..i don't understand Katherine...but i am curious about the book...
this people are so shady..i don't understand Katherine...but i am curious about the book...

Me neither.

My question is why is she all so ready to make business deals.............

The estate has done everything to ensure the financial future for her and Michael's children.........

Her prime concerns should be:
1.) Michael's Children - what she is already doing.
2.) Justice for Michael - She needs the support of her husband, her children and Michael's closest friends (of whom she pretty much ignores - but then again, we don't see much of Michael's family make contact with his friends).

At the very least, you can call it ODD!!!!!!!
the money of the book doesnt go to the estate? i thought if i buy this, and its hugd dail because i live in holland, so that means lost of cost for transporting.., i suported michaels children :S :S :S

that aint so???

is the book good, news???
this is going to be a great book to read. Since its the mother telling the truth about her son
Stephen Bugbee, Jul 01 00:37 (PDT):

Thank you for your patience I am happy to announce we now accept PAYPAL! It is available in the check out area. Please also go ahead and use the code MJSV for a 35% discount on your order. Thank you again for your patience as well as your order.

Best regards,


The shipping costs are to high, besides I still don't get it what's going on with Katherine and her actions now, having a strange feeling she doesn't act voluntarily. (it's just my feeling, no PO)
Will any of this money reach Michael's children???????...........

Everyone on this forum (including me) keeps saying that we must buy official MJ CDs/DVDs/etc (not fakes) so that Michael children will get the money (and thus going by Michael's wishes).........

This is NOT OFFICIAL so the money made from this won't benefit Michael's children or the Estate......and remember the estate still needs to pay debt's + pay lawyers to fend off sharks!!!!!

I can't see any other reason She did this apart from money. She only opposes the Estate because she hasn't got access to Michael's riches and everything he worked for.

I wonder what Michael has thought of all this, when he is looking down from the heavens????????
I don't know if it's allowed to post it but jetzi has the book on her site.

To be honest for me this book is not so special.
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thanks to Jetzi :heart: I've read this book... And I am even more confused. I mean... has Katherine really written it? It looks like a really short version of "My Family, The Jacksons", there are some mistakes when it comes to the dates (like Grammy for OTW, releasing Thriller... and "Billiy Jean" And Lionel Ritchie?? I mean: WHO? WTH?

And I do not like to read about Michael in past tense :(
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i believe she cries every day. just because you see one picture doesn't mean she's like this every single hour of every single day.

i can't believe some people are suspicious on his own mother :no:
I think she's doing it for the money to help Joe and 7 out of the 8 children and their families she still has living (excluding Janet).
i think she is hurting mj3 whatever her reasons are. if u guys want to read that book ,thanks to jetzi ,it is there.but book is not worth spending money ,it doesn't have any resent pic ,all from old one up to victory tour ,i think that is why estate can't take any action (just my guess) and it has lot of flaws about date and event.
i think she is hurting mj3 whatever her reasons are. if u guys want to read that book ,thanks to jetzi ,it is there.but book is not worth spending money ,it doesn't have any resent pic ,all from old one up to victory tour ,i think that is why estate can't take any action (just my guess) and it has lot of flaws about date and event.
the estate owns everything Michael Jackson related. them taking no action has to do with katherine's illegal involvement. they tolerate it b/c u know a bunch of lunatics would be ready to shoot them. it's just that tolerance that the jackson continue to keep using while exploiting their deceased son.