Michael Jackson’s Mother, Katherine, Will Publish Book on Monday

Mine came today, i haven't unwrapped it yet tho.

It's confusing. Why did she want to get involved in this project?
cause she gets $. its a way of making money off the items that vacarro etc got in the lawsuit. they come to her with an offer where they make money and she makes money off it aswell. according to reports shes not getting an allowance from the estate casue of the korean issue (not sure how true that is though. i thought she was getting one seperate from the kids)
the company that created that stone knows. people emailed them about that (me included), but they didn't reply or remove the photo. I guess they just don't care.

There was reply, although I do not know how legit. It was posted on the conspiracy section (if I'm now wrong by Dangerous Incorporated, but I can't find it here, I found it on the other board now), I guess it's allowed to quote it here
Dear MJ Fans,

Thanks for you all to inform us about a possible error with one of the Picture on the monument that we designed for Michael. As a huge fan of Michael, I wanted to do something special for him and this monument was my way of giving some thing back to this great man and to show my love, respect, appreciation to what he has given all of us and to the world. This monument was designed and executed with in 48 hours right after his passing and there was little to no time when we did this. Just like every fan of Michael I was mourning his loss when this was designed by me and manufactured last year, I understand King of Pop deserves nothing less than a perfect tribute and I would like to pledge my heart felt apologies to every one of my fellow MJ fans if there is a mistake made.

I am in overseas at the moment, I am planning to visit Michaels Stone shortly, I am sure most of us know it is very hard to erase something that is engraved but if there is a error I will see if I can figure out a way and do my very best to fix it.

I am thankful for all fans of Michael, his family, Mayor Clay and City of Gary for showing their appreciation for our work . I never thought that this 8 feet tall 5000 pound monument donated to City of Gary by Stone Plans will be made as the official monument for Michael and Mrs.Jackson would Unveil this memorial. When some things are meant to happen it always will.

At the same note it is disheartening to read few of those hateful emails sent to us for a tribute done with true spirit, love and respect for Michael in mind. If there is a mistake in his memorial as a designer, a die hard fan of MJ it hurts me more.

I promise to do my best. We all make mistakes, To err is human but to forgive is MJ.

Stone Plans
at least the person was kind enough to reply and will try to fix the rror. Shame on the fans who sent hateful messages, some people are too much just like the fans who send hateful meassages to debbie and other people who don't deserve it. There is a way to voice your opinons or correct someone respectfully.
Nope. I ordered it on the day it was 1st advertised, nothing has arrived as yet..not v quick!

Arrived today! Some nice pics of MJ dancing..liked the mj drawings too.

Wish there were more informative captions eg dates / places for the photos. Liked the family pics as well as the (better known) performance pics...something different. Noticed it says 'first hardcover edition' on the information page..wonder if they are planning a softback edition?

Wish the hard cover wasn't black. Red or gold would have been nice.
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