Michael Jackson to speak on Good Morning America! @ 7 a.m. ET [AUDIO & VIDEO in post #1]

Re: Michael Jackson to speak on Good Morning America! @ 7 a.m. ET [AUDIO post #1]

Yayay Michael!! He sounds so....hmm what word?....CONFIDENT!!! Yes, he sounds very assured of himself. I love how he speaks about his children and how he loves seeing them happy. This is such an awesome day!!!

and yesturday nights speech with Barack!....oh man good times good times :)
Re: Michael Jackson to speak on Good Morning America! @ 7 a.m. ET [AUDIO post #1]

Niiiiice interview! Good to hear michael talking about the possiblility of sharing something that we haven't seen yet.
Im so happy I set my alarm to 7, and I had the tv on 'abc' all night!!!! lol

I was so glad to hear the interview and great job to all those who got the downloads on here so quick!!!!!!!
please can someone put a transcript of the interview here?i can't see or hear the videos and on youtube is just a part...
please can someone put a transcript of the interview here?i can't see or hear the videos and on youtube is just a part...
Here u go :D I made this earlier but forgot to post it.

Chris Connelly: How do you plan to celebrate your 50th birthday?
Michael: Oh, I'll just have a little cake with my children and we'll probably watch some cartoons.

Chris Connelly: As you look back on your career Michael, what would you have done differently?
Michael: I am still looking forward to doing a lot of great things, so that's hard--I think the best is yet to come in my true humble opinion.

Michael: I am just watching, you know, a little James Brown show right now.
Chris Connelly: Is that right?
Michael: I love James Brown. Yes.

Chris Connelly: As you look back on 50 years in your career, at what point in your career do you think you were the happiest?
Michael: The happiest? The recording of Thriller and the Off The Wall albums. That meant very much to me and seemed to be received so beautifully by the public and the world. You know, I enjoyed it very much.

(We don't hear Chris Connelly ask this question, but it has something to do with him asking if Michael could still perform and continue to thrill people at the age of 50)
Michael: Yes! Because I am expanding a lot of the avenues. People see some of the things I do and they say why don't you show this to the world. People don't know you do these things! Well, maybe I will.
Michael: Some of the younger, newer artists -- I think Chris Brown is doing wonderful and Timberlake. I really admire what they are doing.

Chris Connelly: Is there anything you sacrificed by having this amazing career, 40 years and counting?
Michael: A lot of hard work-- sacrificing your time and your scheduling. Your childhood-- You know, you're giving up your life for the medium.

Chris Connelly: (about Michael's kids) Would you like them to have the same kind of upbringing you did in terms of getting into show business at an early age? Or do you want to say to them whoa, take a moment, enjoy your childhood?
Michael: I am letting them enjoy their childhood as much as possible. I really do -- I let them go to the arcade and get out and go to the movies and do things. I think that comes naturally. You know, I want them to get to do the things I didn't get to do.

Chris Connelly: It must mean a lot for your kids to be able to do the things that you weren't able to do, huh?
Michael: Yeah, I get pretty emotional when I see them having a wonderful time. When they are on a ride and they are screaming and they are happy and they are running. It makes me emotional.

Chris Connelly: You know, when most people turn 50, the AARP finds them and sends them an AARP card. Have you gotten an AARP card in the mail?
Michael: Not that I know of (laughs)
Chris Connelly: You never know. They can find you wherever you are.
^^ did you try going to the abc site? the whole thing is there, maybe that'll work for you :)


and it definitely was a great interview - great questions and also great footage and pictures used, i was really happy about that

and that woman on GMA has some serious white teeth
will there be more of the interview or only this interview that we hear when we download from the link ?
Well, I had no clue about any of this up until this morning when somehow I knew something was gonna be said about Mike's birthday and to my surprise there was Robyn saying GMA had an exclusive with MJ! And to then switch to The Early Sjhow and see them doing their piece on his birthday just thrilled me. The Today Show just made a mention about his birthday by Matt Lauer.

Always nice to hear from Mike in his own words!
^^^^^i don't think MJ said anything like that. his pattern is to not be specific, because the media will run away with it. he said he is 'expanding avenues'..and that people said the world should see these things..and he said that 'maybe he will'. so..nobody can tag anything he says when he speaks that generally.
^^^^^i don't think MJ said anything like that. his pattern is to not be specific, because the media will run away with it. he said he is 'expanding avenues'..and that people said the world should see these things..and he said that 'maybe he will'. so..nobody can tag anything he says when he speaks that generally.

he´s a smart man, he really is.
The business about a tour was not written as a quote from Michael, but rather interjected into the article by the writer/interviewer. The article is in DM's first post.

But Jackson was not content to rest on his laurels, saying, "I am still looking forward to doing more."

He hopes to release new music and tour, though he doesn't have dates set.

"I am writing all the time," he said. "I love it."

Notice that the sentence about new music and tour are not in quotation marks.
We may be reading more what we'd like to hear rather than what he probably actually did NOT say, ie tour. Who knows, but I've learned to use caution when a statement is made by the interviewer and there are no quote marks relating it to what Michael actually said.
hmm that's weird. I could've sworn that abc had a quote from him saying that he wanted to tour again up on their site, but I don't see it anymore...
I dunno... maybe it was just my imagination. lol
but where is Michael talking about a tour?

:lol: We, fans, really want Michael to tour, even though he does not want it. Not even ABC quoted "tour" thing, even though they had "hint on an intimation" about it.
^^:lol: that reminds me of the video clip of MJ saying " I love to tour"..even though he doesn't. It was too funny!
is it posted already?

Transcript: Interview

Robin: "But now, our exclusive interview with Michael Jackson who turns 50 today. Our correspondent, for all things cultural, Chris Connelly spoke to the pop icon on the phone about the ups and downs of his life, career, his future..and Chris, I heard it was a surprising conversation. Do tell!"

Chris Connelly: "Yeah..kind of surreal to be talking to Michael Jackson, especially over the phone in a voice that faded in and out like a radio station when you're driving in a car somewhere. He said he'd take questions about his career and so that's what we talked about..that, and turning the big 5-0."

[Thriller, Victory & Motown 25 footage shown]

Chris: "Still one of the biggest stars in the world and one of the most private. On the eve his 50th birthday, Michael Jackson gave us a rare interview."

Chris: "How do you plan to celebrate your 50th birthday?"

Michael: "Oh, I'll just have some cake with my children and we'll probably watch some cartoons."

Chris: "Facing a personal milestone that finds many people looking back, Jackson is focused on the future which he thinks is brighter than ever."

Chris: "Looking back on your career Michael, what would you have done differently?"

Michael: "I am still looking forward to doing a lot of great things, so that's hard-I think the best is yet to come in my true humble opinion."

[Jackson 5 footage is shown]

Chris: "Well that would take some doing. Consider the electrifying start of his career in 1969 as the eleven-year old front man for the Jackson 5, serving up the catchiest tunes in Motown history with singing and dancing skills that seemed almost unearthly."

[More Jackson 5 footage is shown. A clip of young Michael is shown, being asked who he started listening to, to develop his style. "James Brown," he responds.]

[Cut to picture of Michael with James Brown at the BET awards]

Chris: "4 decades later, seems his taste hasn't changed that much."

[On the phone..]

Michael: "I am just watching a little James Brown show right now."

Chris: "Is that right?"

Michael: "I love James Brown. Yes."

Chris: "As successful as he was with his brothers in the Jackson 5, Michael's career and his sub sequential celebrity exploded when he went solo, leading to he says "the best days of his life." "

[Cuts to footage of the 84 Pepsi Commercial]

Chris: "As you look back on 50 years in your career at what point in your career do you think you were the happiest?"

Michael: "The happiest? The recording of the Thriller and Off the Wall albums. That meant very much to me and seemed to be received so beautifully by the public and the world. You know, I enjoyed it very much."

[Cut to Off the Wall footage]

Chris: "While Off the Wall was a huge debut, Thriller would become the biggest success in music history and redefine the landscape of Pop."

[Cut to Thriller footage]

Brian Hiatt from Rolling Stone Magazine: "It sold estimated as many as 100 million copies worldwide. Every household in America, maybe every household worldwide had to have a copy of Thriller. Um..kids wanted to dress like him, dance like him, be him."

[Billie Jean and Beat It footage is shown]

Chris: "Thriller spawned mega-hits like Billie Jean and Beat It which videos MTV and elsewhere kicked down the doors separating black and while artists."

[The Way You Make Me Feel, footage is shown]

Chris: "By the mid 80s, Jackson was every inch the "Thriller," his every appearance setting off a frenzy of fan adulation, his every performance - a jaw dropping marvel, like when he first busted out The Moonwalk."

[Motown 25 footage is shown]

Brian Hiatt, Rolling Stone Magazine: "He might as well as walked out and flew off the stage. It was one of those things that isn't hyped up. Even when you watch it now, it's astonishing. It is one of the greatest televised performances ever, by anyone."

[Cut to Motown 25's Moonwalk slowed down]

Chris: "Decades later, it's fair to wonder: Can Michael Jackson still do all that? Oh yes he can, he says."

Michael: "Yes because I am expanding a lot of the avenues..people some of the things I do and say "Why don't you show this to the world? People don't know you do these things!" Well, maybe I will."

[Cut to Black or White footage]

Chris: "His difficulties have been well documented but through it all, Jackson's music retains its legions of fans. And of a new generation that has clearly felt his influence..like budding teen star Chris Brown."

[Cut to footage of Justin Timberlake and Chris Brown]

Chris Brown: "Me personally, I've been a fan of his since I was younger so me being able to listen to him and be inspired by his dancing as well as his music actually drives me to be more creative."

Chris: "Jackson says he's a fan too."

Michael: "Some of the younger newer artists- I think Chris Brown is doing wonderful and Timberlake. I really admire what they are doing."

Chris: "Is there anything you sacrificed by having amazing career, 40 years and counting?"

Michael: "A lot of hard work sacrificing your time and your scheduling - your childhood. Giving up your life for the medium."

[Cut to pictures of Michael as a child]

Chris: "Jackson says he wants to give his kids the kind of childhood they never had."

Chris: "Would you like them to have the same kind of upbringing you did in terms of getting into show business at an early age? Or do you want to say "Whoa, take a moment. Enjoy your childhood." "

Michael: "I am letting them enjoy their childhood as much as possible. I really do - I let them go to the arcade and go the movies and do things. I think that comes naturally, I want them to get to do the things I didn't get to do."

Chris: "It must mean a lot to you to be able to see your kids be able to do things you weren't able to do, huh?"

Michael: "Yeah I get pretty emotional when I see them having a wonderful time - when they are on a ride and they are screaming and they are happy and they are running. It makes me emotional."

[Bad footage shown]

Chris: "Still Jackson remains the most elusive pop star of his time..elusive enough to have avoided the one organization that seems to have track down everyone his age."

Chris: "You know when most people turn 50, the AARP find them and sends them an AARP card - have you gotten an AARP card in the mail?"

Michael: (laughs) "Not that I know of."

Chris: "You never know they can find you wherever you are."

Robin: (laughs) "I'm sure he'll be getting a call very soon, Chris. I know you were able to ask him some other questions that we weren't able to share with people but you did ask him who he would want celebrate his birthday with even people that are no longer with us?"

Chris: "Yeah - we asked if he could have anyone around that is no longer around to share this milestone with him and he listed three names - Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly and James Brown. Three huge influences on his life obviously."

Robin: (smiles) "I knew James Brown would be in there somewhere. Thank you Chris."

[End of segment]

Originally posted on KOP Board - found German Malibu Forum
The business about a tour was not written as a quote from Michael, but rather interjected into the article by the writer/interviewer. The article is in DM's first post.

But Jackson was not content to rest on his laurels, saying, "I am still looking forward to doing more."

He hopes to release new music and tour, though he doesn't have dates set.

"I am writing all the time," he said. "I love it."

Notice that the sentence about new music and tour are not in quotation marks.
We may be reading more what we'd like to hear rather than what he probably actually did NOT say, ie tour. Who knows, but I've learned to use caution when a statement is made by the interviewer and there are no quote marks relating it to what Michael actually said.

hmm that's weird. I could've sworn that abc had a quote from him saying that he wanted to tour again up on their site, but I don't see it anymore...
I dunno... maybe it was just my imagination. lol

in the first article posted it was in quotes, but in the second 'edition' it wasn't :scratch:
About the tour ---> I would take Ebony' answer over this one. lol Mike loves so much Ebony and he is relaxed when they question him... :agree:
Omg omg omg i can't believe i missed itt!!! Argh but from what i heard everything seems like a dream come truee!!! Gahhh i'm soo exictedddd!!! :D :D :D :D
Thank you so much for uploading everything!!! :wild:

Can't wait to hear him :wub:

Happy birthday, Michael!!! :huggy:
Ohhh, I didn't expect i'd hear something new from Michael today :D:D:D
thanks for everything!
comment added:D
Great to hear from Michael. Happy Birthday King. We love you more!