Michael Jackson to speak on Good Morning America! @ 7 a.m. ET [AUDIO & VIDEO in post #1]

he was very happy.....
but he had very simple birthday yesterday !!!! i dont know why?
maby we works hard on new album and he didnt have enough time to celebrate his birthday...
How refreshing to see someone, (the caller) asking normal questions, and also the voiceover who talked about his life kept it normal...no mentions about the horrible courtcases, but just about him being a legend.
Michael saying he was just gonna have some cake and watch cartoons...sounded awesome, just totally relaxed and down to earth and keeping things easy ..nice stuff.
Hey Bee what did T-Mez and tito say?

Others on here are asking about that. I posted the information on the weekend news thread. They all said great things. As for the video, I looked for the video on the Early Show website and I didn't see it on there. Try youtube.com or other MJ sites/message boards.
Just for you VINCEWILL!!!

But Jackson was not content to rest on his laurels, saying, "I am still looking forward to doing more."
He hopes to release new music and tour, though he doesn't have dates set.
"I am writing all the time," he said. "I love it."
!!! this is direct from interview, so you see he has all this planned!!

i fully believe we will get new music this year

not album tho!!

Has anybody thought about the part where the anchor says:

"I know you were able to ask him some other questions that we weren't able to share with the people.."

I thought that was interesting to think about ;)
Michael has already submitted 3 brand new demos to Sony BMG from his new album, and he plans to do a world tour to support it aswell.

So we could be in for a real treat come this time next year :)
Aww he spoke for his bday. Awesomeness! Thank God for the internet and youtube cuz I missed it.

Thanks to all for the links and footage. :flowers:
.................Awwwwwwwwwww,bless him!!!!:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:
So excited for hsis new plans!:wild::clapping::wild::clapping:
Love you SO Much,Michael!!!:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

ThXxX for sharing!:punk::wild::clapping:

He said he still can do all his famous dance moves and "more."
"I feel very young," he said.

i was wondering - is it in the interview? did he really said that he feels young?
i am just glad to hear that cause he always would say that he feels old. this is a wonderful interview thank you for posting so much :wub: