Michael Jackson to speak on Good Morning America! @ 7 a.m. ET [AUDIO & VIDEO in post #1]

I love his voice! That's really a nice interview. I'm glad that he's so happy being a father and all that..he enjoys it so much..and I think that's absolutely the right thing to do. Although the fans can't wait to see and hear something new he focuses on his children.

I love the part when he's talking about getting emotional when he sees his kids enjoying themselves...that's sooo wonderful..I'd love to join them for just one day...should be fun :)
Man Im so sad im too late, my internet didn't work but it just did few minutes ago. But im happy to hear his voice anyway!
When he was talking about young artists that he likes, who did he say after Chris Brown? Did he say "Timberlake"? I think that's what he said.
thanks for the videos and audio to all of you!

I wanna hear the other questions :) """""I know you were able to ask him some other questions that we weren't able to share with people....................""""

I love U mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Michael: Yes! Because I am expanding a lot of the avenues. People see some of the things I do and they say why don't you show this to the world. People don't know you do these things! Well, maybe I will.
This is the part that shakes me a little! :D
On the show, they said that there was parts of the interview they couldn't air. Anyone know what it might have it or why they couldn't air it?
On the show, they said that there was parts of the interview they couldn't air. Anyone know what it might have it or why they couldn't air it?

I was wondering about that too.
It was so lovely to hear his voice, I really hope he is having a wonderful day
Thank you for the video and audio uploads, and thank you Michael for such a wonderful present to all your fans.
Great to hear the man,its real exciting to hear Michael talk about Expanding his dance moves and prepearing for the future sayin "the best is yet to come" Seriously cannot wait,this is why been a Michael Jackson fan is the best in the world!!
Michael: Yes! Because I am expanding a lot of the avenues. People see some of the things I do and they say why don't you show this to the world. People don't know you do these things! Well, maybe I will.
This is the part that shakes me a little! :D

I loved that part as well,especially the last words,because it almost sounded like a little attitude from him lol
Like maybe I will maybe I wont ... depends on how you people will treat me this time... :pth:
From CNN.com - I just love positive Media comments!!!

(report on the GMA interview)

NEW YORK (AP) -- Michael Jackson celebrated his 50th birthday Friday, but he's still young at heart.
Michael Jackson says he gets "pretty emotional" when he sees his children having a wonderful time.


"I'll just have a little cake with my children and we'll probably watch some cartoons," the pop star said in an interview with ABC News' "Good Morning America." Jackson talked by phone with ABC on Thursday.
Jackson, a twice-divorced father of three, said he aims to provide a normal life for his children.
"I am letting them enjoy their childhood as much as possible. ... I let them go to the arcade and go to the movies and do things. I think that comes naturally. I want them to get to do things I didn't get to do," he said.
"I get pretty emotional when I see them having a wonderful time," he said.
As for his career, Jackson said he's "looking forward to doing a lot of great things. ... I think the best is yet to come in my true humble opinion."
He said recording the blockbuster albums "Thriller" and "Off the Wall" were the happiest times of his life.
"That meant very much to me and seemed to be received so beautifully by the public and the world. You know, I enjoyed it very much," he said.
Jackson was asked if he had received a card from AARP, which focuses on the needs and concerns of those 50 and older.
"Not that I know of!" he said, laughing
Thanks for the video. Man, Mike gon' shake da world out of its foundation... OPTIMISM IS POWER BABY! :moonwalk:
This was a great move by Michael, because now ALL reports about his 50th birthday actually quote him and everything--keeping an overly positive tone. The random tabloid nonsense about his birthday is completely drowned out by the hundreds of articles about his GMA interview.
Indeed a clever move! I hope this will be the first step to show the world the new Michael Jackson...
Unfortunately the German press is bashing MJ all day long. "The fall of a king", " how bizarre can he get",... all day long!!!
Let's start a tabloid burning...
This was a great move by Michael, because now ALL reports about his 50th birthday actually quote him and everything--keeping an overly positive tone. The random tabloid nonsense about his birthday is completely drowned out by the hundreds of articles about his GMA interview.

I totally agree.. and I am glad to see he is doing interviews... and the way he is doing it.. is very effective..its not a big production where the media gets time to set him up and spin things..
he does it short and sweet...and again very effective.....

go ahead, Michael!
*just realizes*


:woohoo: AHHH. EXCITING. Good to know he is doing well and having a nice time. :wub:

Now... excuse me while I listen to these vids and audios. :lmao:

I think that made my day. Hearing him speak. He seemed happy. And so proud of his kids. :wub: The best birthdays can be the most simple ones, just being with your loved ones doing nothing much.
I don't know why he is doing the disguises. A few years ago I taught he was starting to start to dress more casual (e.g. normal suits). But now we have the wheelchair, surgical masks, pyjamas, fingertape etc. all over again. But what I'm most sick of is waiting for new music. When can we expect something new from Michael Jackson???????? He needs to keep his fans updated and start sending out true information.
On the show, they said that there was parts of the interview they couldn't air. Anyone know what it might have it or why they couldn't air it?

I believe it was for time reasons. These news shows have a set amount of time for each story. This is a common thing. Sometimes they may put the entire story/interview on their website.
I don't know why he is doing the disguises. A few years ago I taught he was starting to start to dress more casual (e.g. normal suits). But now we have the wheelchair, surgical masks, pyjamas, fingertape etc. all over again. But what I'm most sick of is waiting for new music. When can we expect something new from Michael Jackson???????? He needs to keep his fans updated and start sending out true information.
Common sense tells me that when MJ goes out with his children for family outings, he has to close down a bookstore or go at night, Even then he isn't safe because the store still notify the paps as they did when MJ was wearing tapes on his face.
MJ going in disguise might allert a fan who are aware of him and his children, but the general public is not aware of him and so he and his children are able to move among everyday people without attention. His children get to be 'Normal'.
Listen to Akon interview. MJ wearing the head gear allows him to move around with his children, unnoticed. His children get to go places with other people around, without any interuption from the public. Common sense.:D
I finally watched the video and listen to it. :wub: He sounds alright and I'm just happy he is enjoying today with cake & cartoons and time with his children. :) It was very nice hearing from him. Best wishes to you Michael, much love as always. :) :wub: I'm so happy right now.

LMFAO AT THE AARP COMMENT. :lmao: That was funny.. "NOT THAT I KNOW OF!" :lol:
datsy...wow um actually the 'headgear' as u call it attracts attention. i believe the reason why he's going out like that, especially since the brood is now uncovered, is to distract people and put the attention on HIM so they don't see the chillun...make sense?

and for those using this thread to complain and whine, take it elsewhere. u don't like the pjs, oh well....u don't like the masks? well wanna go back to the 03-05 days where we all had loads of fun worrying about this and makingpromises about not caring what he did so long as he was free and safe?

no take backs....knock it off
I was going off what Akon said recently, that he looked like a Muslem, so people don't take any notice of him. That is what Akon said. I believe us fan are the only people who steer at him. The public won't steer because they know it is rude to steer. that is my opnion., Of course now that his picture is everywhere, he may probably do a different disguise.
Some great news..

Oh and to that comment a bit back saying t he 'tour' part was not in quotes.. don't forget that in the first video on the first page the woman said that there was stuff the interviewere was not allowed to share.. Probably that is why they could not put in an MJ quote..