Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

We know how much MJ values his privacy, so do u really think he would want almost everything in HIS HOUSE auctioned to the public?!!
Mike obviously would have close personal attachment to them as well..

It was so sad seeing stuff we saw in video clips of Neverland being displayed on an auction book, especially the gates to Neverland!

If the auction does take place I hope just one person/organisation buys eveything and keep eveything together so that the items are not lost and just randomly taken distributed all over the world.

edit: Who know who actually signed those auction catalogues. Its not that hard to "copy & paste" MJ's signature on to them..lol
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

it is if you're selling the books at a five times higher rate from the others ones b/c they are signed

yes, wendy i know it's serious to say but in a case like this where he'd have to fork over a lot of money to stop this, i'd say anything can happen and anything can be said. people play dumb all the time in cases when they want things to go their way.

if i can recall, i don't see any mention of mj being deposed in this matter so for right now, that can't be that serious since the motion isn't a sworn declaration from mj. if it does get to a deposed state, then it's an issue.

mj may value his privacy but he wanted to sell his stuff. for some reason or other he decided to stop it and get stuff out. if the letter of the law was not followed, he has no case. he'll stand to make millions from this auction. if a few things are what he wants, im sure so long as the request and reasons are reasonable, he'll get them but he won' tbe able to do that if they continue to muddy up the julien's name. u get so much more w/ honey
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

If anyone is interested here's a copy of the "Let the Little children come to Me" painting I gave to MJ.

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

is it possible to download the book ?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

If anyone is interested here's a copy of the "Let the Little children come to Me" painting I gave to MJ.


that's cool. i can see why MJ liked it. that must have been special you making that exchange..
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't know whether I'm allowed to pst a link to another fansite but MJFC have interviewed Darren Julien and I thought you might find it interesting. I thought this bit was most enlightening...

"Tohme Tohme informed us that Michael had his manager Joe Marcus remove all the items from Neverland that he did not want to be included in the auction. He said that everything else that we feel has value should be taken back to our facilities to be photographed, cataloged and included in the auction."

One could argue that Michael thought items very personal to him (such as pictures of his children) would not be classed as being 'of value' and therefore wouldn't be included in the auction. Not only that, but maybe Joe Marcus didn't remove all the items Michael requested be removed.

Anyway, here's the link to the interview...

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't know whether I'm allowed to pst a link to another fansite but MJFC have interviewed Darren Julien and I thought you might find it interesting. I thought this bit was most enlightening...

"Tohme Tohme informed us that Michael had his manager Joe Marcus remove all the items from Neverland that he did not want to be included in the auction. He said that everything else that we feel has value should be taken back to our facilities to be photographed, cataloged and included in the auction."

One could argue that Michael thought items very personal to him (such as pictures of his children) would not be classed as being 'of value' and therefore wouldn't be included in the auction. Not only that, but maybe Joe Marcus didn't remove all the items Michael requested be removed.

Anyway, here's the link to the interview...


Why dosent this surprise me? This actually makes a lot of sense. Auctioning house thought personal items would be removed before they went in and Michael thought after the items were collected he could go through the list and pick which personal items he wanted to keep. It seems like someone is always screwing up in Michael's camp.:doh:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Dang, now Joe Marcus is being pulled into the picture? Soso or someone, am I mistaken in that Joe was always a really dedicated employee? Someone, somewhere dropped the ball. But for some reason I can't imagine that a longtime and devoted (at least for a lengthy period) person like Joe could now be pinned as the bad guy. There's just always been so many cooks in the kitchen, so to speak, seems hard to figure out which "chef" may have gone astray or just not done the best job.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

/\ Yeah, it says Michael's manager Joe Marcus and I think Joe Marcus was the ranch manager!!

The plot thickens..................

But really, if Julien is smart enough to run an auction house, he should be smart enough to figure out what items Michael wants back. :yes:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

joe has always been a dedicated employee....sorry but julien's had people come over and take things down. people at the ranch did what they were told, and i was looking through my catalogue and some of the outdoor figures were photographed at the ranch itself.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Yesterday, a request/petition went online where fans ask Julien's auction house to return the gifts from the fans to Michael.

(Am I allowed to post links?)
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Sorry, but IMO, This petition is really stupid and pathetic!!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

unless it's directed at michael, i don't see a point, webbie. after all, julien's didn't go in and steal his stuff, he allowed this to happen. so the person at fault, in this one, is michael j. jackson sr. not julien's auction house.

i just hop ehe gets the items back he wants. he cannot discern what an auction house will say what is and waht isn't a collector item. he's not a regular joe, he's mj so of course pics and art of his kids and his kids' furniture IS sellable and he shoul dknow that. especially b/c he's so private about his children, where there's mystery, there's a market
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

so that's mean that MJ is keeping his stuff :thinking: :)
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

unless it's directed at michael, i don't see a point, webbie. after all, julien's didn't go in and steal his stuff, he allowed this to happen. so the person at fault, in this one, is michael j. jackson sr. not julien's auction house.

i just hop ehe gets the items back he wants. he cannot discern what an auction house will say what is and waht isn't a collector item. he's not a regular joe, he's mj so of course pics and art of his kids and his kids' furniture IS sellable and he shoul dknow that. especially b/c he's so private about his children, where there's mystery, there's a market

I don't agree with those trying to fault MJ and saying it was his fault, because it wasn't.

There are misconceptions being paraded here, and i'm not one to say blind support for Michael, but i also don't believe in the opposite, failure to be objective about what is going on.

We all know judges are human beings, they have bias and can be influenced by the media. This judge disregarded California law which Jacksons team relied on and ruled otherwise just because he has a beef against Michael.

It was no accident that Juliens brought up Nation Of Islam infront of this judge and that's why MJ's team is seeking another fair judge because lawyers know judges can be biased and Julien's lawyers exploited this very well. It had no basis in this case to bring up NOI other than to influence the judge, since if Juliens had been threatened, they should have gone to the police straight away as it's criminal to threaten someone with harm.

The judge bias can be seen from 1993, if you read Geraldine's book, in the way the judge was ruling against MJ contrary to law.

To make it clear, those who say Tahome had power of attorney and could sign contracts on personal issues concerning MJ, well, that then means Tahome could sign a contract with AEG for Michael to tour without Michael signing it and that contract would be valid and binding.
Tahome would have exceeded his authority. He may have a right to negotiate on behalf of MJ concerning a tour, give MJ merchandise samples to autograph for illustration purposes, but ultimately, without MJ signature on a contract to tour, it's invalid, even though Tahome were to sign it.

When it comes to MJ's personal property, the same law applies. Tahome may negotaite an auction, but ultimately MJ has to sign off because it's his personal property.

Tahome has admitted he exceeded his authority and had no authorisation to sign off.

So what's the issue, with the judge? It's pure malice and bias. But some want to blame it on MJ when the system tries to rail against him.

If it's MJ's fault, then why does Julien's bring in NOI to inflame the judge's views when they never reported the same threats to police?

It's because Juliens are trying to trip and sell things they shouldn't sell which MJ should have picked out before finally signing off to an auction, then they have the audacity to mock MJ that he can bid on his own things if he wants them back.

At what point did Julien present Michael with a document to sign off items for auction, because what Tahome signed was at the beginning before Juliens moved in to pack up items and Juliens have admitted Michael had to sort out what he wanted to keep before auction. That's to say, before any auction could take place, he had to chose then sign off.

But they saw they could sell some valuables Michael might take out for a lot of money.

That's what Bashir did. Michael was to review the documentary before it aired and give his approval. Bashir used deceit to bypass the agreements and when Michael sought help of the courts, the judges failed him despite agreements in place.

Now Michael is to review items before sale, Juliens want to sell before Michael reviews and signs off, but the courts are failing him.

When it's all to clear that not only has MJ not signed off to sell his property, but there were oral agreements that supplemented what Tahome signed (exceeding his authority) which resulted in Juiens returning some items MJ wanted to keep till a point when they ceased to uphold the oral agreements so as to rely only on the written document Tahome signed so as to make more money by denying MJ the recovery of more valuable items.

And lo and behold, it's all MJ's fault.

At times blame should be apportioned where it belongs, that includes at the foot of the justice system and those who seek, for their own greed, to manipulate it by inflaming judges so as not to be fair in their rulings.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

while u have a point, i still think that there's something to be said about why time and time again, written contracts seem to be broken. whether fair or not, that's y u have people in ur employ.

could it be that the situation wasn't handled appropriately enough and instead of trying ot malign the auction house, it couldve been done inhouse? that's what mj's people said they tried to do.

when things get ugly, people sling mud and it happens all the time. but there's no reason y things were removed, comments were made, things set up, and on the 11th hour it tries to be stopped.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Me too. The catalogue is great, very noble. It was worth the $100, but $200 (the new price)?? I'd think twice ...
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

It's over.


Jackson's stuff not for sale following settlement
16 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's possessions aren't going to the auction block after all.

Julien's Auction House and a spokesman for Jackson said Tuesday that the singer will retain possession of some 2,000 items from Neverland Ranch as part of a dispute settlement. The exhibition to promote the sale, which has been open to the public, will continue through April 25.

Jackson's production company sued auction organizer Darren Julien to halt the sale in early March. A judge blocked one effort by MJJ Productions to cancel it earlier this month, and another was scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday for an injunction.

Julien has said he spent $2 million organizing the sale, which another auctioneer estimated could have fetched $12 million.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wonderful news
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

It's over.


Jackson's stuff not for sale following settlement
16 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's possessions aren't going to the auction block after all.

Julien's Auction House and a spokesman for Jackson said Tuesday that the singer will retain possession of some 2,000 items from Neverland Ranch as part of a dispute settlement. The exhibition to promote the sale, which has been open to the public, will continue through April 25.

Jackson's production company sued auction organizer Darren Julien to halt the sale in early March. A judge blocked one effort by MJJ Productions to cancel it earlier this month, and another was scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday for an injunction.

Julien has said he spent $2 million organizing the sale, which another auctioneer estimated could have fetched $12 million.

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Jackson's stuff not for sale following settlement
15 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – A collection of Michael Jackson's possessions from Neverland Ranch is safe from the auctioneer's gavel now that the pop singer and Julien's Auction House have reached a settlement to their dispute over whether 2,000 items were ever intended for sale.
Specific terms were not disclosed Tuesday. But, in short, Jackson keeps his things, while Julien's keeps its exhibition, which was open to the public and originally meant to promote next week's sale.
"There was so much interest from so many of Jackson's fans that instead of putting the items in the hands of private collectors, Dr. Tohme and Julien's Auction House have made arrangements that will allow the collection to be shared with and enjoyed by Jackson's fans for many years to come," read a joint statement from Jackson spokesman Dr. Tohme R. Tohme and auction organizer Darren Julien.
Jackson's production company, MJJ Productions, sued Julien in early March, seeking to halt the sale by arguing that Jackson hadn't authorized it. A judge blocked one effort by MJJ Productions to cancel it earlier this month, and another was scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday for an injunction.
"I believe both sides are pleased with the resolution," Julien said Tuesday by telephone.
Julien has said he spent $2 million organizing the sale, which another auctioneer estimated could have fetched $12 million after its April 22 start. The exhibition in Beverly Hills costs $20 to attend, and auction catalogues — a $50 single volume and $200, five-volume boxed set — were still selling, Julien said.
The statement also said MJJ Productions and Julien's Auction House would be making a "substantial" donation to MusiCares to benefit artists in need.
Julien said all of Jackson's possessions, which the auction house took directly from the Neverland Ranch property, would be returned to the pop singer. He would not say where they would be taken.
"It's been our hopes to resolve this in the beginning, when the lawsuit was filed," Julien said. "It was in our best interest to resolve it. We continue to have great respect for Michael Jackson. ... I guess you could call it the greatest auction that never happened."
The singer has struggled financially following his arrest in 2003 on charges that he molested a 13-year-old boy. A jury acquitted him of all charges.
Last year he faced foreclosure on Neverland, the 2,500-acre (1,012-hectare) property nestled in the hills of Santa Barbara County's wine country, 120 miles (193 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles. He was bailed out by Colony Capital, and months later transferred the deed to Neverland to another entity he partially controls.
Jackson plans a series of concerts in London in July that he has said will be his last in the British capital.
Julien has been entrusted to preside over numerous auctions of famous memorabilia. Some recent celebrity sales have included items once belonging to Ozzy Osbourne, Bob Hope and rare behind-the-scenes footage of Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable on the set of the film "The Misfits."
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The auction is cancelled completely or he will get some things back and other things will go on sale as planned?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm glad it's over... but what happens to all those people who brought catologs?