Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

so that could simply be the reason y it wasn't even listened to that much....all the things the y're claiming ,wording of the names, the llc blah blah blah, if it wasn't it writing, u have no case.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

yea cuz they're at his mama's house. teh man kept these awards in a damn box. hidden away.they weren't on display at his house. it was in a closet somewhere cluttering up the place. in spare rooms and all. lol

he's not egotistic like those on cribs who have stuff all over theirhouse that say how good he was. the grammys are in his mother's attic
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Anyone planning on making a bid for any items. It would be great if fans could afford to buy these items, and then return them to MJ.

i thought of doing this in january,bidding on about 10 items will let members know how i get on and if i can give mike some of his items back...
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

note that just cuz it starts low doesn' tmean it'll end low. i believe the kettle is the cheapest but it'll go high, trust me on that one.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

note that just cuz it starts low doesn' tmean it'll end low. i believe the kettle is the cheapest but it'll go high, trust me on that one.

Sorry, guys, but this is accurate. What is listed in the catalog are just the beginning prices. The auction is well-publicized and parts of it are "on tour." There is going to be a LOT of interest in this and the prices on anything are probably going to be out-of-reach for almost all of us. It won't be only fans who are bidding. A lot of people will bid just for investment purposes. Buy at the auction, hold the items for awhile, and then put them up for auction again on Ebay. Probably these things will be sold, re-sold, and sold again. I'm just sayin' this so you'll be realistic, and you won't get your hopes up?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

We seem to be getting mixed information b/c in today's news thread it says that MJ was denied & his lawyers will be filing another injunction for April 15th. So MJ hasn't be granted the right to get his stuff back yet?

EDIT: I see an article has now been added to this thread saying the same thing.

I have to agree, it's mixed information all the way around. People have said he's gotten back the things he really wanted, but it doesn't appear that is the case. So my question is where is that information coming from...officially? Looks like they've sent out the catalogs already as well which boggles the mind considering the fact NO final ruling as to what will actually stay in the cat and/or what will be removed has been made? If there are other options for MJ's team to take, and based on this article it looks like they will be taking up those options, then the matter isn't really OVER. I'm starting to think they purposely sent out those catalogs "as is" to increase the odds against any judge allowing to have the catalogs amended in a way. It's kinda like "oops too late"...which is just BS. They've kept the catalogs this long, they could have held on to them even longer. At the same token, that would have been cutting it REALLY close to the actual auction date. And I'm guessing they don't want to postpone the auction for a later day becuz it has already cost them some serious money to set it up for the days they already have. Hmmmm....just MESSY! :doh:

The person who wrote about MJ wanting ALL his stuff back to complete a sale of the property for 100 million....do you have a link to that article? Where did this information come from? Sorry, I forgot to quote you and have limited time to go back...in addition to the idea that this board could go down again at any moment and I will lose, yet another post. eek! Gotta post while I can and keep it moving.

I have to agree with Ape that whatever Michael wants to do with his things is what I would like to see happen. :) At the same time, as much as I hate/loathe to, Imma have to agree with sosodeaf that this is not how business works most of the time. When you make an agreement sometimes you are bound by it, regardless of changes of heart and mind. And that's the unfortunate part. ugh! :( Maybe if someone was willing to write Julien's a check for the 2 million he claims he's lost, MJ could get all his things back. Extortion, I know, but this is where it's at, right now. There's a saying about how the Japanese quickly go from who screwed up (the blame) and get straight to how to fix the screw up, which makes them so successful. So maybe instead of passing blame and finding fault, it's time to move on to HOW to fix the problem. Caving to extortion may be the only option at this point cuz after the 15th of April, my guess is the 2 mil is going to go up to about 20 mil. :weeping:

On my last note, people are saying MJ signed a contract. Actually, he didn't sign anything as far as the court documents I've seen have suggested. Tohme signed the agreement and Tohme doesn't necessarily = Michael Jackson. What I will say is that it doesn't look good to a judge that someone who has done this kind of damage, contractually, to Michael yet that person remains employed by him. I won't elaborate on that for obvious reasons (board snoops) but yeah. Just...iffy that.

Anyway, this whole auction has turned out to be a long drawn out Twilight Zone episode in the last month. It's been one conflicting report after the other. I just hope when all is said and done that Michael has in his possession everything he wants to have. And if stopping the entire thing is his wish, then I wish him the best of luck. I believe in miracles and will pray for one as I can't even imagine any of that stuff going up for auction if he doesn't approve. :(
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I won't quote all of Wendy2004's long post, but yeah, that is a pretty clear statement of how things stand now. At some point we have to accept that there is a lot we DON'T know. We have the text of the court documents, and we know that Michael is still trying to stop the auction. Beyond that, most of it is just speculation.

Wendy's post mentioned that Michael did NOT sign the contract, but Tohme did? Is that confirmed? What we don't know is if Tohme had authority to do this. He may have, if Michael has given him Power of Attorney, or even a more limited authority to act on his behalf. If he did not have authority to do this and did it anyway, then surely Michael would have fired him? But as far as we know, he hasn't. Soooo?

We don't know what, exactly, Michael expressed to Tohme about his wishes. Sure sounds like Michael did, indeed, say, "Sell it ALL," and then changed his mind. Why he may have done this is anyone's guess, and no one here really knows, for sure. It's not as if someone came into Neverland and ROBBED Michael. At some point, surely he must have approved this. Because if he didn't, then why is Tohme still there?

Then there is the difference between business, and ethics. In terms of business, it looks like the court determined the contract to be valid and the auction is moving forward. Ethics and business, sadly, rarely mix very well. Michael has expressed strongly that he wants certain items back, so then ethically, I think that is exactly what Julien's should do -- return some items to Michael. It seems doubtful that they will.

We also don't know if Michael got ANY of his belongings back. Some here have said that he has, but the ongoing attempt to stop the auction suggests differently, that he did not, in fact, get cherished items back. Unless there is some sort of official confirmation that he has retrieved these items, and or unless Michael stops trying to stop the auction, we can probably assume that he did NOT get back what he wanted.

So at this moment in time, the auction is moving forward, and we have no way of knowing what went on, or is going on, behind the scenes. It's frustrating, but that's the reality of the situation.

And yeah, I believe in miracles, too. Sometimes, they really do happen.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wendy tohme just like any mj manager has poa. so he signed it but did it for mj cuz that's what he was told. im sure if mj wanted to stop it, he could. he wants the courts to do it for him and they won't cuz there's no reason and he has no claim. so it's quite irritating for people to attribute this latest madness to mj being tricked when, in fact, it was him all along who decided to change his mind.

a contract is BINDING. live and learn and live w/ ur decisions.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wendy tohme just like any mj manager has poa. so he signed it but did it for mj cuz that's what he was told. im sure if mj wanted to stop it, he could. he wants the courts to do it for him and they won't cuz there's no reason and he has no claim. so it's quite irritating for people to attribute this latest madness to mj being tricked when, in fact, it was him all along who decided to change his mind.

a contract is BINDING. live and learn and live w/ ur decisions.

Soso dead I couln't agree more with you. Tohme had poa and his signature does = Michael's.

A friend of mine who worked for Michael for over 25 years told me on several occasions that Michael dosen't like or want to spend his time worring about the business side of things and asks others to do it for him while he focusses on his art. Unfortunately this hasn't seemed to work very well for Michael. In order to avoid messes such as these he simply needs to get more involved in the business side of things.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wendy tohme just like any mj manager has poa. so he signed it but did it for mj cuz that's what he was told. im sure if mj wanted to stop it, he could. he wants the courts to do it for him and they won't cuz there's no reason and he has no claim. so it's quite irritating for people to attribute this latest madness to mj being tricked when, in fact, it was him all along who decided to change his mind.

a contract is BINDING. live and learn and live w/ ur decisions.

Soso dead I couln't agree more with you. Tohme had poa and his signature does = Michael's.

A friend of mine who worked for Michael for over 25 years told me on several occasions that Michael dosen't like or want to spend his time worring about the business side of things and asks others to do it for him while he focusses on his art. Unfortunately this hasn't seemed to work very well for Michael. In order to avoid messes such as these he simply needs to get more involved in the business side of things.

Let me clarify.... When I say Thome doesn't = Michael Jackson, I mean what Thome signs to doesn't always have to match Michael's wishes. It doesn't always automatically mean that what his manager has agreed to is what he approves of or has given approval for. It would seem natural to assume that would be the case, but in MJ's world, we have seen over and over how what people sign and bind him to weren't always his wishes and/or understanding of said agreements. We can only assume that Michael gave him approval to sign, HOWEVER, as it stands now, the lawsuit pretty much disputes that and IF Thome had POA, then why are Thome and MJ saying he had no authority to sign the agreement? See, doesn't make sense no matter how you look at this. Nothing is clear cut, imo.

Edit: People keep speaking of POA but do we have any proof that Michael actually gave him this? If he did, it would not make sense for him nor Thome to dispute Thome's authority for signing things on behalf. I've seen no POA document supplied as an exhibit or mentioned in the affidavits that would suggest it exists without question.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I will be the un-popular guy ... but there's no point in speculation.
If you love Michael support him by not trash talking and speculating about his people.

none of us knows what and why happened!

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


Vstreet, honestly, mj spoke about this, allowed this, and then is trying to backtrack. it's happened before where he goes to do something then cancells last minute but sorry, this is too expensive to do and they have no valid reason to halt the auction.

i don't think he's getting screwed on this one . has he in the past, sure w/ the state and all but give responsibility where it's friggin due. he needs to own up to his actions and people need to stop treating this as if he was duped (yet again) and it's not his fault. the law don't work that way. and the judge didn' tbuy a damn thing they wrote

u can't on one hand give the auctionhouse cred and say u trust them and then on the otherhand besmirch their rep in the same motion and say they were lying. what's done is done.

actually, i'd rather have teh stuff separated than all of it at the ranch so it doesn't become some nasty watered down version of neverland where anyone can pilfer through his stuff....hell naw.

Look, I completely agree with you on the fact that Mike needs to wake up and mind his business better. The buck stops with Mike on his business. So, utlimately, he is to blame for not paying attention.

BUT...I digress.

I take issue with the legal system in this case. If some raggamuffin had come up and said "MJ told me that he would sell everything to me and we had a verbal agreement"...that Turkey, I mean Judge would have stopped this auction dead in its tracks.

When MJ is on the defense, anything goes. When he's on the offense (the one who sues), NOBODY listens and everybody looks for a way to deny his request. WHY IS THAT?

Why is it that PROVEN liars can go take out a false affidavit and, make up the craziest ISH ever and be heard before a judge meanwhile MJ can't even get the stuff HE OWNS back?

I thought this was "consignment"? This wasn't a "foreclosure" or a "forced sale". Why can't the judge just grant the motion to stop the auction based on the fact he might have changed his mind???

Why is it that everytime Mike turns to the corrupt legal system, they simply turn and look the other way? They don't even give him a chance.

GIVE MIKE his ISH back Juliens!!! That's HIS. He changed his mind. Deal with it.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Also, pay attention to the bigger picture here. It's been clear from day one that people wanted Mike's property. Well guess what? They've now got it in their hands.

They've been after his catalogs, too. I predict, they will ultimately succeed on grabbing that from him, too.

Whatever you say about MJ agreeing to this auction, I highly doubt the man knew "EVERYTHING" was going to be put up for sale. In the world of MJ, I can so see someone LYING to Mike and telling him that "not everything" would be for sale (even as he was signing those catalogs).

Mike's been tricked before (he's gulliable) and he's been tricked again.

The fact that his property is close to being HIStory shows me that someone has LIED to Mike. He should have kept the property and opened it up as a memorial to himself. It took a lifetime to build Neverland and it will only take a few days to demolish it and divy it up and scatter it to the wind.

And T T can go to hell along with Juliens. I don't care what "others" say. I go with my gut and my gut tells me there's WAY more to this than what we all know.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Mike's been tricked before (he's gulliable) and he's been tricked again. .

I belive that too, that hes been tricked once again :angry:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

But for me how is mj being tricked got anything to do with it? I'm with juliens on this one, if you do the deal then you or whoever made it happen has to deal with it.

Time will tell but if this ends up coming down to negligence I'm sorry mike but you gots to wake up and sharpen up. Didn't mez sit michael down and give him a lecture on this exact situation? What has been learnt?

Blame blame blame but you know what? The absolute bottom line is this was totally avoidable, a little care is all that was needed.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

oh vstreet, i understand and i wish ti wasn't happening but it is and he wanted it to at first. this was his mistake....please don't compare this to the arvizo or chandler debacles....cuz it's things like this that ruin his cred. if he were to say something no one believes him when it MATTERS....

what's more important, love, freedom or posessions?

let's focus on that one and know he's free and about to be flossing in a few months w/ all his paper!

WENDY, i reckon they're both saying this now so they could convince thejudge that it was an invalid contract but mj made statements about it and was excited, tohme is his manager, and has poa so there's nothing that can be done unless they have proof julien's promised them that or altered the contract IN WRITING.

mike wasn't tricked, he changed his damn mind and that's what messed him up!

rickd is spot on w/ this one
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I love Michael, don't get me wrong, but I'm just a little confused about all of this. If he didn't want his stuff to be auctioned off, why did he approve it in the first place? He was signing the catologues, surely he had some idea as to what was in them. :scratch:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Michael probably didnt sign them... it was probably Julien *lol* He has no morals afterall! ;)

"Anything For Money"
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

when did Michael ever validate this auction when the genral public heaqrd bits and bobs and received pictures of sme of the items? In fact the only time herad Michael say anything relating to the auction was when he filed papers to stop it.

Do you all really think this is justa case of Michael changing his mind about what to sell? I really really DO NOT think so.

There just seems to be a lot we don't know.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Whatever is going on, settle, let it go or do something so no one would keep on making essays and sh*t. :doh:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Guys what you have to remember is that Michael is the biggest entertainer in the world. He's not just an average Joe who knows Nothing about legal documents. I mean I run a small Non-profit org. and neither I nor any of my staff sign any contracts without having our attorneys look it over and make sure that the terms of the contract are satisfactory to us. Do you guys really think that Michael didn't have any of his attorneys look this contract over. Usually Contracts like this are negotiated upon for days, weeks sometimes even moths. I love Michael to death but because of the reasons above I think that Michael just changed his mind about the auction.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I dont agree with passing the blame entirely on Julien...they are a respected well operating company...

and btw we have been through this before...something similar happened last year, rings a bell?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

IMO theres is something not right about this whole thing. This road has been travelled before.All I will say is this.

Why does everyone who is suppose to work for Mr Jackson's interests seem to sign everything(he has earned) away?

Look at the timing.(No coencidence)

How much will this cost $$$ to him. (Enough to cause a problem with his budget?) Is this really the underlining point?

Lastly: Was James Brown someone's target? Read between the lines and the media's usual "style". For those who know of Mr Brown's career and certain things he tried to accomplish(that were crushed by the entertainment industry)which lead to him being blackballed for several years; and "financial problems" which remains unreported to this day.

Did these people worked (against)for him?


Is the media now justifying the crimes of others? (some of the charges seem cooked to me)


Can you see a pattern?
Last edited:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I agree with you & others. Something is not right about this whole thing. Every time Michael has projects something major happens as if to mess them up & undermine his credibility. Thanks for the articles on JB. I learned when he died that he was a target during his lifetime from early on, plus seeing how Michael has been treated for years, so yeah, I don't think this is all coincidence.

quote=HemlockDevi;1856446]IMO theres is something not right about this whole thing. This road has been travelled before.All I will say is this.

Why does everyone who is suppose to work for Mr Jackson's interests seem to sign everything(he has earned) away?

Look at the timing.(No coencidence)

How much will this cost $$$ to him. (Enough to cause a problem with his budget?) Is this really the underlining point?

Lastly: Was James Brown someone's target? Read between the lines and the media's usual "style". For those who know of Mr Brown's career and certain things he tried to accomplish(that were crushed by the entertainment industry)which lead to him being blackballed for several years; and "financial problems" which remains unreported to this day.

Did these people worked (against)for him?


Is the media now justifying the crimes of others? (some of the charges seem cooked to me)


Can you see a pattern?[/quote]
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

let the truth be out on april 15th hopefully
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

There was obviously some miss-communication somewhere. Regardless, he will move on and he's not going to die over it. This isn't like the trial where the man's life was at stake.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i agree w/ u irish. these are posessions. while they may besentimental, he's getting paid to sell them. he's not going to lose his career or his safety or freedom if they are no longer his.

he has massive productions sched. all into next yr, it's a happy time.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

oh vstreet, i understand and i wish ti wasn't happening but it is and he wanted it to at first. this was his mistake....please don't compare this to the arvizo or chandler debacles....cuz it's things like this that ruin his cred. if he were to say something no one believes him when it MATTERS....

what's more important, love, freedom or posessions?

let's focus on that one and know he's free and about to be flossing in a few months w/ all his paper!

WENDY, i reckon they're both saying this now so they could convince thejudge that it was an invalid contract but mj made statements about it and was excited, tohme is his manager, and has poa so there's nothing that can be done unless they have proof julien's promised them that or altered the contract IN WRITING.

mike wasn't tricked, he changed his damn mind and that's what messed him up!

rickd is spot on w/ this one

Soso, you realize that's a serious allegation you're making, right? I'll leave it at that except to say I wouldn't be so quick to accuse someone of something like this when I'm not 100% sure that's the case.

when did Michael ever validate this auction when the genral public heaqrd bits and bobs and received pictures of sme of the items? In fact the only time herad Michael say anything relating to the auction was when he filed papers to stop it.

Do you all really think this is justa case of Michael changing his mind about what to sell? I really really DO NOT think so.

There just seems to be a lot we don't know.

Good question. I don't remember Michael ever endorsing this thing either. In fact I kept wondering when we might hear something from him about it. Mostly we heard from Julien and Nolan and I suppose it was easy to believe everything they said because they appeared very respectful and forthcoming about the situation. And now we hear that at the same time they were smiling and talking to the press and showing the catalogs online, there was turmoil behind the scenes with Michael getting back some of the things he wanted. :doh: And the fact remains that IF MJ was only to sell SOME things, the contract clearly doesn't state that. Does anyone here believe it was his intention to turn over EVERYTHING to Julien's to sell? EVERYTHING?? Really think about that. It can't be possible, yet the contract doesn't specify "everything" from "some". And Julien, in his affidavit, clearly seems to believe he's entitled to EVERYTHING.

I think there MAY be a legitimate disagreement here and not just someone changing his mind and wanting out of the contract without any financial repurcussions. If the contract were on the up and up, THEN maybe I could agree this lawsuit may be some kind of ruse. The fact that the contract doesn't specify "all" from "some" tells me there must be more to this and just MAYBE Michael honestly got shafted here...AGAIN.

There was obviously some miss-communication somewhere. Regardless, he will move on and he's not going to die over it. This isn't like the trial where the man's life was at stake.

You're right. But if Michael wants some of his things back, I honestly feel he should get it....if stopping the whole thing isn't an option. I do hope both sides can negotiate something so this doesn't end bitterly.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i agree w/ u irish. these are posessions. while they may besentimental, he's getting paid to sell them. he's not going to lose his career or his safety or freedom if they are no longer his.

he has massive productions sched. all into next yr, it's a happy time.

Amen to that Sister.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

There was obviously some miss-communication somewhere. Regardless, he will move on and he's not going to die over it. This isn't like the trial where the man's life was at stake.

Ain't that what always happen in these cases? It's always a miss-communication problem. And it seems once again MJ had his people sign something he (or mainly his people) didn't read into. But I agree, MJ's got bigger things to worry about (o2). Whatever happens on April 15 will happen.