Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

We seem to be getting mixed information b/c in today's news thread it says that MJ was denied & his lawyers will be filing another injunction for April 15th. So MJ hasn't be granted the right to get his stuff back yet?

Isn't that the same thing this says? This article just includes some additional information, that's all.

And why is it freaking me out that Joe Jackson walked out smiling.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I didn't see the article you posted when I was posting.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I didn't see the article you posted when I was posting.

Oh. Got it. I hadn't seen Dorothy's article in the news thread before I posted. Thought that was the only other one.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Thanks so much for the article. I can't wait to hear from her so she can tell me if there's anything more.

Thanks again.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Anyone planning on making a bid for any items. It would be great if fans could afford to buy these items, and then return them to MJ.

My thoughts exactly. It's so sad to watch all of his stuff being auctioned off. Clearly he wanted SOME of it to be sold...but all of it? Apparently no, or he wouldn't be sueing. :( I wish I had loads of money...I'd buy it all and then let MJ choose what he wants back. Wish some millionaire would step in and help MJ out. I guess MJ could buy it all back himself, but it's HIS stuff...he shouldn't have to pay to get his OWN stuff back. :( I just somehow can't settle with the idea of all the tour outfits going....Dangerous Tour...Bad Tour....I hope someone nice will buy the outfits and will give them back to MJ if he wants them back. The stuff having to do with his career somehow should stay with him and his kids. I can't really see MJ wanting all that to be sold...:no: As for bidding myself? Uhm...yeah...with what money? :lol: There's a reason why I wasn't able to get VIP tickets to MJ's concerts either. Ain't got no money to be thrown out left and right. :mello: If it was all on sale with MJ's consent, and I had the money...I'd try to get one of those little bronze statues of kids doing different things....there was one with a boy lying down and reading a book that I really loved. I love little statues like that. :yes: Or one of the figurines of kids. Love those. I mean, ALL of the stuff he has is nice, but I can't really see the urns and other antique stuff going too well with my IKEA furniture! :doh: :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Shiiittt if i buy anything am keeping it.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I hope one fan with alot of money, will buy everything and make it into an museum with RESPECT to Michael

And this buyer may even make money out of it in the future.... seems like an nice thing to do

i don't have the money, but I guess there must be someone out there who has

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

This news is TERRIBLE.

And ya'll stop reading into Joe smiling. Joe smiles cause that's all you can do sometimes. WTH is a father to do? Like he wants to see Mike lose a part of his legacy or something. Ever heard the term, Smile Now, Cry Later?

Anyway, this is horrible. I can only imagine how upset MJ is over this crap.

I still don't understand how a "consignment" relationship with the auctioneer got to this? Where they can do whatever the hell they want with Mike's stuff. I mean, how many of us have put things up on Ebay and changed our minds by stopping the auction? We have the right to change our minds. And so does Michael.

I have no faith in this corrupt system. These judges will NEVER do right by Michael. They look for ANY way to deny him his motions.

When it comes to Michael being sued for the MOST ridiculous things, they immediately grant all types of motions. Michael files ONE motion (i mean, how often does Mike ever even file cases against anyone else?) and he gets denied? That too for ISH he paid for and legally owns????

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I am thinking that Julien said something to the effect that they had given Michael some things back. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong. But that they haven't given him everything that he wants back. I also think that Michael agreed to let them take some things to show off to promote the sale of things that he wants to give away. But I agree with vstreet. And I also think Tohme dropped the ball major at some point and now Michael has to deal with it. It's not fair. Why is Julien's allowed to do whatever they want when according to the lawsuit, Tohme admitted that Michael never authorized him to sign the contract and he did it anyway? From what I've seen, Julien's didn't do everything right either. Like when they didn't allow Michael to go to their warehouse and go through his things to see what he wanted to keep. They just sent him a few things back like a "Here Michael. Be glad you're even getting these and leave us alone" kind of thing when obviously Michael wanted some more stuff back and was supposed to go there to see what he wanted. But they can still cry foul in court when Michael gets mad and they can get their way? Typical.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

what the deal is with this auction?

1. Michael has off loaded Neverland to another company to look after and sell its a company called COLONIAL CAPITAL .. the have set up a company and taken ownership of neverland whilst paying the mortgage by the looks of things.

2. Michael manager DR TOM HOLME (or whatever his name is ) signed off WITH Michaels approval ,, signed a binding contract to sell the goods of the house at auction. Mike made a statement saying some of the proceeds are going to charity.

3. Colony Capital has sold NEVERLAND to an unknown.. for lets say $100million ...

4. However the agreement to buy Neverland from COLONIAL was only on the understanding that they could buy michaels possessions as well as the house .. all for $100million .. No one actually knows the true figure but its HUGE. .

Now without the possessions the buyer does NOT want Neverland. Mike and colonial and his team realised they have messed up.

The seller of Neverland colonial .. did not inform Michaels manager or who ever that they needed his stuff to stay there for the sale to go through. So one party was selling the house the other party was clearing of its possessions and arranging the auction it.

Now they all realise they will lose this large sale and they must STOP the auction.

HENCE now the motion to stop the Auction. Michael has made up some bull crap that he didnt know his stuff was being sold.

REAL REASON without the stuff in neverland he will lose a large sale and a lot of money ...
MICHAEL and his legal team are doing everything they can to stop the AUCTION..
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Actually, the auction is proceeding as normal. The ruling was in the favor of the auction house. There will be another judge hearing it on the 15th though :yes:


Judge denies effort to halt Jackson auction

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge has denied an effort to stop the auction of items from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brett Klein denied efforts by Jackson's production company to have the items returned before the sale, which starts April 22.
Auctioneer Darren Julien and his attorney claimed victory after Friday's hearing, saying they do not expect other motions to stop the sale to succeed.
The lawyer for Jackson's company, Alan Gutman, said the ruling won't affect an upcoming motion seeking an injunction to stop the sale.
That motion will be heard by a different judge on April 15.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Oh I am so confused. Is it official Michael DOESN'T want the 2000+ items to be auctioned or does he just want to collect some items..example trophies and stuff and on that point...are they auctioning ALL of trophies or just the one I have seen a pic of...I think t was from the American Music Awards.

And ... If they are going back to court on the 15th does that mean MJ and his team still have a chance?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

When I heard this news that it was still going on against Mike's will I was thinkin: maybe the fans should buy stuff and give it back to Mike. But I just saw other people had the same idea.......LOL
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


Vstreet, honestly, mj spoke about this, allowed this, and then is trying to backtrack. it's happened before where he goes to do something then cancells last minute but sorry, this is too expensive to do and they have no valid reason to halt the auction.

i don't think he's getting screwed on this one . has he in the past, sure w/ the state and all but give responsibility where it's friggin due. he needs to own up to his actions and people need to stop treating this as if he was duped (yet again) and it's not his fault. the law don't work that way. and the judge didn' tbuy a damn thing they wrote

u can't on one hand give the auctionhouse cred and say u trust them and then on the otherhand besmirch their rep in the same motion and say they were lying. what's done is done.

actually, i'd rather have teh stuff separated than all of it at the ranch so it doesn't become some nasty watered down version of neverland where anyone can pilfer through his stuff....hell naw.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

This news is TERRIBLE.

And ya'll stop reading into Joe smiling. Joe smiles cause that's all you can do sometimes. WTH is a father to do? Like he wants to see Mike lose a part of his legacy or something. Ever heard the term, Smile Now, Cry Later?

Anyway, this is horrible. I can only imagine how upset MJ is over this crap.

I still don't understand how a "consignment" relationship with the auctioneer got to this? Where they can do whatever the hell they want with Mike's stuff. I mean, how many of us have put things up on Ebay and changed our minds by stopping the auction? We have the right to change our minds. And so does Michael.

I have no faith in this corrupt system. These judges will NEVER do right by Michael. They look for ANY way to deny him his motions.

When it comes to Michael being sued for the MOST ridiculous things, they immediately grant all types of motions. Michael files ONE motion (i mean, how often does Mike ever even file cases against anyone else?) and he gets denied? That too for ISH he paid for and legally owns????


I feel you on this vstreet.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

actually, i'd rather have teh stuff separated than all of it at the ranch so it doesn't become some nasty watered down version of neverland where anyone can pilfer through his stuff....hell naw.
No offense meant to you but I would rather have Michael's wishes for this happen than what you'd like to see happen. If he'd rather the stuff was at Neverland to become whatever...then I'd rather that. It's his stuff. But I don't know what he wants so I guess my point is moot.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't know what to make of all this. It just seems a bit of a mess. Wouldn't it be much simpler and easier if Julien let MJ take back the items he really doesn't want to sell and then the rest of the items be auctioned off as planned? Then everybody is happy and no one is losing out. I know it isn't how the law works but sometimes it better for parties to make a mutual compromise between them rather than having than things getting messy unnecessarily.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't know what to make of all this. It just seems a bit of a mess. Wouldn't it be much simpler and easier if Julien let MJ take back the items he really doesn't want to sell and then the rest of the items be auctioned off as planned? Then everybody is happy and no one is losing out. I know it isn't how the law works but sometimes it better for parties to make a mutual compromise between them rather than having than things getting messy unnecessarily.

I agree. I don't think it's doing anybody any good for all this fighting. Something's got to give somewhere. And also, if this Neverland sale falls through because the items have been sold or kept, why can't Colony just find another buyer just for the ranch and the empty house and give the present one their money back? Somebody who should have said something to Michael before about the buyer's conditions for the sale of the house failed to do so. And everyone, including Michael, needs to be satisfied in some way IMO. Nobody should be left empty handed no matter who did or didn't do what.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I agree. I don't think it's doing anybody any good for all this fighting. Something's got to give somewhere.

I know, the fighting is jsut going to cause some bad blood. Plus Julien is really not going to lose any money if he lets some of the items go, I mean there is no doubt that every single item in the auction is going to go under the hammer for a ridiculous amount because its 'Michael Jackson' and he already knows that.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't know what to make of all this. It just seems a bit of a mess. Wouldn't it be much simpler and easier if Julien let MJ take back the items he really doesn't want to sell and then the rest of the items be auctioned off as planned? Then everybody is happy and no one is losing out. I know it isn't how the law works but sometimes it better for parties to make a mutual compromise between them rather than having than things getting messy unnecessarily.

But see, I'm sure Julien gets a % of money from everything that is sold, and if Mj wants expensive things back, Julien would lose out on a lot of money. That's how greed works.
Could somebody quickly tell me how all these things were obtained?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

But see, I'm sure Julien gets a % of money from everything that is sold, and if Mj wants expensive things back, Julien would lose out on a lot of money. That's how greed works.
Could somebody quickly tell me how all these things were obtained?

I'm well aware that Julien will get a percentage of the profits. However if Michael just wants a few items back and not hundreds of them then I don't really see how Julien is losing out. As I said before each item is going to make a huge amount of money. I'm sure some kind of agreement can be reached between them that satisfies both parties.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

No offense meant to you but I would rather have Michael's wishes for this happen than what you'd like to see happen. If he'd rather the stuff was at Neverland to become whatever...then I'd rather that. It's his stuff. But I don't know what he wants so I guess my point is moot.
no offense either and none taken! lol

but i'd rather see blame go where blame is deserved....he didn't want it to be a damn graceland. he was ready to part w/ MOST of this stuff. if he didn't have the foresight to realize that his children's belongings were in there and some things he wanted that were sentimental in nature weren't taken out yet, then they weren't important enough to him.

u take it with u, u have people look through it. then u give it to an auction house. not aftarwards.....

what's making peoplelook bad is the litigation. it doesn't look good on mj to be doing this if he really doesn't have a case. looks like he'll back out of things at the 11th hour and how does that reflect on him? who'll do business with him if he can't honor a contract.

if something was wrong and julien's was a bad a.house, the judge would've said or done something. they're very reputable and have a good standing w/ celebs and people of high calibur. that's y mj went to them an dthey'll sell his stuff and he'll make loads of money. of course they get a percentage but mj will make bank.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm well aware that Julien will get a percentage of the profits. However if Michael just wants a few items back and not hundreds of them then I don't really see how Julien is losing out. As I said before each item is going to make a huge amount of money. I'm sure some kind of agreement can be reached between them that satisfies both parties.

Parties hate to break contracts in ANY way. Let's say the judge allows Mj to take some stuff back. Then if he requested more the judge could say "well you gave him this back so maybe this if this and this and this that this this this"
Sosodef said it before somewhere, if Mj didn't want to lose these things, he shouldn't have gave them away. And now that all the catalogues are out, it's too late to edit them and piss people off by taking items out.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

IF he gets some things back, they have to stipulate WHY and that that is all they are to give him. so sentimental or his children's things a judge might ask him to weigh what's more important. if it was so sentimental it would've gone w/ u. just ask judge judy...if u loved ur dog so much when u moved u would've taken it, not left it for four months...her proof? she went to her chambers and got her damn dog she takes her everywehre! lol so hard to prove sentimental. it can'tbe clothes or awards...too late for that. but furniture it can be for th ekids cuz i don' tthink it'll fetch that much
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Parties hate to break contracts in ANY way. Let's say the judge allows Mj to take some stuff back. Then if he requested more the judge could say "well you gave him this back so maybe this if this and this and this that this this this"
Sosodef said it before somewhere, if Mj didn't want to lose these things, he shouldn't have gave them away. And now that all the catalogues are out, it's too late to edit them and piss people off by taking items out.

I completely understand what you are saying, I really do. But if in there contract it said that the only items that could be auctioned off were those approved by MJ and MJ actually didn't get the opportunity to approve the items then it just seems extremely wrong for an auction house to continue to sell all of the items. I mean in all honesty, we don't really know who is in the wrong, it be one party or might be both or it could be that neither Julien's Auctions nor MJ are in the wrong and the blame lies on someone who authorised the items who really didn't have that authority at all. If MJ did approve the items and ok it all and has now decided to backtrack then okay he should take responsibility for his decision and the auction should go ahead as planned. If someone has been acting beyond their authority though and authorising things that they shouldn't be authorising then I see no reason why it shouldn't be stopped.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I completely understand what you are saying, I really do. But if in there contract it said that the only items that could be auctioned off were those approved by MJ and MJ actually didn't get the opportunity to approve the items then it just seems extremely wrong for an auction house to continue to sell all of the items. I mean in all honesty, we don't really know who is in the wrong, it be one party or might be both or it could be that neither Julien's Auctions nor MJ are in the wrong and the blame lies on someone who authorised the items who really didn't have that authority at all. If MJ did approve the items and ok it all and has now decided to backtrack then okay he should take responsibility for his decision and the auction should go ahead as planned. If someone has been acting beyond their authority though and authorising things that they shouldn't be authorising then I see no reason why it shouldn't be stopped.

I hear ya. I think the judges goal might be to get from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I completely understand what you are saying, I really do. But if in there contract it said that the only items that could be auctioned off were those approved by MJ and MJ actually didn't get the opportunity to approve the items then it just seems extremely wrong for an auction house to continue to sell all of the items. I mean in all honesty, we don't really know who is in the wrong, it be one party or might be both or it could be that neither Julien's Auctions nor MJ are in the wrong and the blame lies on someone who authorised the items who really didn't have that authority at all. If MJ did approve the items and ok it all and has now decided to backtrack then okay he should take responsibility for his decision and the auction should go ahead as planned. If someone has been acting beyond their authority though and authorising things that they shouldn't be authorising then I see no reason why it shouldn't be stopped.

I agree with you. And Julien's and Michael are both caught in the middle of a big mess if somebody went beyond their calling cause then they are right where they still are now even with the judge's ruling.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

they're saying they never gave him that auction and nowhere does he have in writing that they gave that to him.

no way to say it was verbal either. if u have a contract, u CANNOT verbally ammend it, it needs to be written down. if he doesn't have that and what he wants isn't too much, they'll be happy to oblige him. but if he wants most of it b ack or featured items, sorry he's s. outta luck
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

they're saying they never gave him that auction and nowhere does he have in writing that they gave that to him.

no way to say it was verbal either. if u have a contract, u CANNOT verbally ammend it, it needs to be written down. if he doesn't have that and what he wants isn't too much, they'll be happy to oblige him. but if he wants most of it b ack or featured items, sorry he's s. outta luck

Oh right if it wasn't in writing anywhere that he had to approve the items etc then I completely understand why the judge decided to let the auction go ahead :).
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

At least they're not selling his Grammys... That's something.