Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Sayyyyy whaaaaaat!! Ohhhhh he's definitely gonna want THAT back!! Mike's not about to have a portrait of his son sitting in somebody else's house. Maybe his closest relatives', but outside of them? No way!

You're kidding me, a poratit of prince is in that auction....IF I were mike id be kicking that door down
And right have they got keeping that!! :angry:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

from midas at kop


Michael Jackson & Julien’s Auctions Lawsuit Update: Review of Preliminary Injunction Declarations, Consignment Agreement

March 26, 2009 by Jason De Bord

As widely reported in the mainstream media, Michael Jackson’s MJJ Productions has filed a lawsuit against Julien’s Auctions for the return of personal property from the Neverland Ranch that was consigned to the auction house with a sale planned for April 22-April 25, 2009 in Beverly Hills. Having reviewed the Plaintiff’s declarations in support of the motion for injunction as well as the Consignment Agreement, it should prove interesting to learn how the courts ultimately rule on the case.

NOTE: I have no legal background or training, so what follows are questions and observations from a layman.

I have reviewed the “DECLARATIONS OF TOHME R. TOHME, JAMES WELLER AND JOSEPH MARCUS IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION” filed on March 23, 2009 with the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles.

Per Tohme Tohme, President of MJJ Productions, Inc., as part of a deal with Colony Capital LLC, MJJ Productions was required to remove all of Michael Jackson’s personal property from his Neverland Ranch within a 90-day time frame in the middle of 2008. Further details as to the reasons for this are not explained in any detail in the declarations (note: there is some additional information on Wikipedia).

To accomplish this, Mr. Tohme explains in his declaration filed with the court that he contacted Darren Julien of Julien’s Auctions to “auction off certain property from Neverland that Michael Jackson no longer wanted or needed”.

Mr. Tohme claims that it was agreed to in discussions with Mr. Julien - prior to entering into a written agreement - that all items from Neverland would be moved into storage and Mr. Jackson could subsequently review an inventory list and photos to determine 1) which items would be kept as his private property and 2) which items would be made available for sale in the public auction. Further, Mr. Tohme claims to have told Mr. Julien that certain items could not be sold.

The case put forth by Michael Jackson’s MJJ Productions is founded on the following, per Mr. Tohme:

* Mr. Tohme claims that he relied upon Mr. Julien’s verbal representations (again, prior to the execution of the Consignment Agreement) that all property would be moved from Neverland to a storage facility “before any determination would be made regarding which items would be included in the auction”.

* Mr. Tohme claims that he himself was not authorized by Michael Jackson to grant any company the right to sell Mr. Jackson’s personal property.

The Plaintiff also makes a case against Julien’s Auctions based on claims of violations of California Civil Codes:

* That the name of the auction company listed on the Consignment Agreement - “Julien’s Auctions, LLC” - is not the true name of the company - “Julien’s Auction House, LLC” (Civil Code 1812.600 and 1812.609)

* The Consignment Agreement does not list the auction house business address and business phone number (Civil Code 1812.608(d)(1))

* The Consignment Agreement does not list “[a]n inventory of the item or items to be sold at auction” (Civil Code 1812.608(d)(2))

* The Consignment Agreement does not “explicitly state which party shall be responsible for advertising and other expenses” (Civil Code 1812.608(d)(3))

* The Consignment Agreement does not state the “approximate date or dates when the item or items will be sold at auction” (Civil Code 1812.608(d)(4))

* The Consignment Agreement does not have a “disclosure that the auctioneer or auction company has a bond on file with the Secretary of State” (Civil Code 1812.608(d)(6)

The above referenced California Civil Code citations can be found on the State of California website: www.leginfo.ca.gov

Consequences for violations of some of these requirements are unclear, while others result in fines of hundreds of dollars.

In performing a search on LLCs on the State of California website, it shows the business name filed with the Secretary of State for Julien’s Auctions is “JULIEN’S AUCTION HOUSE, LLC”:

Click for Full Resolution

In performing a search on Fictitious Business Names on the Los Angeles County website, it shows that one of the DBAs for Julien’s Auctions is “JULIENS AUCTIONS” (filed 06/28/08 - 10 days prior to the execution of the Consignment Agreement):

Click for Full Resolution

The name consistently employed on the company website, JuliensAuctions.com, is “Julien’s Auctions”.

In reviewing the actual Consignment Agreement (signed by Mr. Tohme on July 2, 2008), it is clear that the “CONSIGNED PROPERTY” is defined as everything that Julien’s Auctions took into its possession from Neverland Ranch:

All movable and removable personal property located at Neverland Ranch that we take possession of and any other property that you might choose to deliver to us

Also, under “YOUR REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES”, the Consignment Agreements states, in part:

You represent and warrant to us and each purchaser (A.) that you have the right to consign the Property for sale; (B.) that it is now and will be kept free from all liens, encumbrances and claims…

Under “WITHDRAWL”, the Consignment Agreement states, in part:

You may not withdraw your Property from sale after the date upon which you sign this Agreement or Consignment Receipt, whichever is earlier.

Under “AMENDMENT”, the Consignment Agreement states:

Neither you nor we may amend, supplement or waive any provision of this Agreement other than by means of a writing signed by both parties.

The Consignment Agreement is “ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO”, signed by “Dr. Tohme Tohme” on July 2, 2008, below the statement:


In light of the Consignment Agreement, this would appear to be in conflict with the declaration (”under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California”) made by Tohme R. Tohme on March 18, 2009 that:

I was not authorized by Michael Jackson to give Julien’s Auction House, LLC or any other company or person the right to sell any of Michael Jackson’s personal property.

Below is a scan of the “Auction Consignment Agreement” between MJJ Productions and Julien’s Auctions, LLC:

Click for Full Resolution

Below are excerpts from a scan of the “DECLARATIONS OF TOHME R. TOHME, JAMES WELLER AND JOSEPH MARCUS IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION” filed on March 23, 2009 with the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles:

Click for Full Resolution

Given that Tohme R. Tohme serves as President of MJJ Productions, Inc. (the Plaintiff), I would anticipate that the court will question his actions in this case.

If Mr. Tohme was aware of specific and mandated requirements that Michael Jackson reserve the right to review all consigned property to determine what would be offered for sale and what would be returned as private property, did Tohme not have the responsibility to ensure that such requirements were clearly stipulated in the Consignment Agreement that he reviewed and executed with Julien’s Auctions? If it did not meet his requirements, should he not have amended it to meet his requirements or not have signed it at all?

More, if Tohme Tohme, President of MJJ Productions, “was not authorized by Michael Jackson to grant any company the right to sell Mr. Jackson’s personal property”, how can he later file suit against Julien’s Auctions after having misrepresented his authority with regards to the property and assets?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

whatever so long as the kids' furniture, their toys, and the fan art and gifts go back to mj.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I still can't get over how when the news of this auction first broke, a majority of the fans were CONVINCED Michael was ok with it and wanted to move on. Like he was just waiting for the day to get rid of his belongings or something.

There were only a handful of us that knew something wasn't right with this auction (Victoria83 was one of them).

It looks unlikely that this auction will stop (which is the real tragedy here).

if this auction goes through, it will mark a very tragic turning point (because there is so much here that is truly irreplaceable).

Not to be so doom & gloom, but I really hope something stops this auction. This is a real tragedy. Words can't describe how disappointing it is to see this thing go down (at the same time while we watch history being made with the O2).

At the very least, I hope he gets back EVERYTHING he wants back.

PS - Don't even get me started with T.
THANK YOU V. I was one of them as well but I kept my comments to myself because you know how some of us get. And I agree about T. Dont get me started on him as well. I talked about it yesterday was told to let it go because MJ is a grown man (well MJ was a grown man when all the other stuff went on in his life that caused problems for him as well). Yes, there have been good people to work for MJ however the bad ones seem to be the slickist. :no:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Yeah, Terrell, Vstreet is correct. I felt from the beginning that something was "off" about this auction. I can certainly understand Michael's wanting to divest some things rather than carrying around a bunch of stuff like a snail-shell. Why I thought something was "off" was the mix of stuff. The original art, the kids' toys, and that sort of thing along with area rugs and wastebaskets from N/L. No WAY would Michael want to sell a painting of one of his children. Well oops?

So as time passed, then it surfaced that Michael wanted some precious items BACK. This is one where I feel no satisfaction in being "right." However this happened, I just hope that Michael can get back what he wants to get back.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Nearly every stage costume, major award etc plus paintings and books of Michael's up for auction. I don't believe Michael would have at any point agreed allow Juliens Auction to have ownership of all of this. The personal belongings are not only Michael's but the enhertiance of his 3 children and other members of the Jackson family. Julien's Auction should do the right thing and give Michael his personal belongings back.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Nearly every stage costume, major award etc plus paintings and books of Michael's up for auction. I don't believe Michael would have at any point agreed allow Juliens Auction to have ownership of all of this. The personal belongings are not only Michael's but the enhertiance of his 3 children and other members of the Jackson family. Julien's Auction should do the right thing and give Michael his personal belongings back.

I agree. There is whatever was agreed to contractually, and there is the humanity of the situation. We don't know if there was a lack of communication, or if Michael changed his mind, or what, but the fact is that he wants some of this stuff back and is NOT happy about losing some items in the sale. In terms of a contract, that remains to be settled by the courts. What I hope for is, regardless of the language of the contract, that Julien's does the right thing and lets Michael go through the catalogs and retrieve some cherished items. We'll just have to wait and see how this unfolds.

I'm no lawyer, but in reading over the materials what I'm hoping for is that glitches in the contract will give Michael access to retrieving some items. The error in the NAME of the company (Julien's Auctions, or Julien's Auction House) may in itself void the contract. There is confusion about Tohme's authority to sign away this stuff, but there seems to be a contradiction. As president of MJJProductions, he either did or not have authority to do that, and that, too, can be sorted out by the courts. Whatever may have happened when the contract got signed, I just hope this goes well for Michael.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i was watching t.v yesterday in the afternoon and i past by the shows i show them talking about MJ on the news about his auction and they show it on the news about 100 times and i say to my mother can they just stupid up and leave the hell MJ alone he whats his stuff back god sakes
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i was watching t.v yesterday in the afternoon and i past by the shows i show them talking about MJ on the news about his auction and they show it on the news about 100 times and i say to my mother can they just stupid up and leave the hell MJ alone he whats his stuff back god sakes

Yeah, he wants his stuff back, for God's sake! But that is not how the law works so we will just hope that the auction house does the right thing in a humanitarian sense.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

from midas at kop

Thanks for posting this. After reading it all I can say is :censored: and :censored:!!! Someone screwed up here...whether it be by Tohme signing the document when he had no authority to do so....OR by any lawyer who may have reviewed the agreement and allowed Tohme to sign it as was...without any amendments.

The bright side here is that it may not be as bad as it seems because it's CLEAR the written agreement was not followed to the letter, IF Julien wants to be technical about anything. It does not state in the agreement nor in any amendments that he will give MJ or MJJP any items they would like returned to them upon request, YET he did this, at least he has claimed he's done so...which suggests an agreement, tho not on paper, MUST have existed. ;D

He stated, pre-suit, that Michael kept the Thriller jacket. So obviously, Michael retained ownership to items removed from the property or, at the very least, it shows a VERBAL agreement was in place outside of the written agreement which allowed Michael to retain ownership of whatever he didn't want to part with. And if Julien intially returned some items upon request, the question becomes WHY did this stop? Was MJ keeping more stuff than certain ppl wanted him to keep so they decided to get tricky? Hmm... Post-suit, Julien was quoted as saying MJ saw the painting of his son had been included in the auction and wanted it back and he had no problem obliging the request. Now, whether this is true or not, he has essentially claimed that he was willing to comply with verbal requests to return something Michael wanted to keep... even tho, again, this isn't part of the written agreement. SO, unless there's something in that agreement that says the auction house can and will oblige verbal requests they should have NEVER obliged them. In short, they broke their own agreement by doing so IF you believe them when they say they've returned things to Michael. Am I making sense? I'm not sure it's coming out right. :unsure:

I guess the question is WHY are some items NOT being returned, as stated in the MJJP lawsuit? Julien will have to answer for WHY these things aren't being so easily given back as he claims he had done in the past with other items. And I'm curious about the items that aren't in the catalog. Where are they? There was a painting I was looking for that I did not see and I'm glad I didn't see it because I was hoping it was something Michael would keep. So now I'm wondering what's happened to items like this. Did Julien give those things back to MJ? Well, if he did, it shows again that the auction house has not followed its own signed agreement in the iron-clad way Julien wants to present it. Also, what are the provisions in the agreement for items removed from Nevvy but NOT included in the auction? Do they automatically go back to MJ? Does Julien continue to store them on MJ's behalf until other arrangements are made? OR does Julien believe the auction house is the rightful owner and they get to keep these items for future auctions? :blink:

Anyone have a link to Julien's documents? I don't think I've ever seen his response to the suit. People keep talking about what he claims but I've never seen a link to the documents. Also, anyone have a link to the list of items MJ wants back that actually works? Much appreciated. :flowers:

Edit: The above is only my opinion. It's not any sort of legal opinion as I'm not a lawyer. I just happen to work for some really good ones and picked up a few things.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

If Mr. Tohme was aware of specific and mandated requirements that Michael Jackson reserve the right to review all consigned property to determine what would be offered for sale and what would be returned as private property, did Tohme not have the responsibility to ensure that such requirements were clearly stipulated in the Consignment Agreement that he reviewed and executed with Julien’s Auctions? If it did not meet his requirements, should he not have amended it to meet his requirements or not have signed it at all?

More, if Tohme Tohme, President of MJJ Productions, “was not authorized by Michael Jackson to grant any company the right to sell Mr. Jackson’s personal property”, how can he later file suit against Julien’s Auctions after having misrepresented his authority with regards to the property and assets?

This is where Juliens comes unstuck. Tahome may be President of MJJProductions, a company Michael owns, but that does not give him authority over selling off Michael's private property.

Possessions cannot be sold off without the authority of the owner, which is required in the following forms
- That the owner signs the document
- That the owner has given power of attorney to someone to sign on behalf
- That the owner has written a signed letter authorising the holder of the letter to do so.

Anything that falls short of that which is done by a third party, is void. That means the third party oversteps his limits of authority.

Let's say a bank, if it was to do a deal and someone not authorised to sign the deal on behalf of the bank does so, even if the other party comes along with the signed document, the bank can simply state the person who signed had no such authority to sign off the deal, unless documents can be produced showing he had authority to do so.

You now have Tahome admitting in a sworn affidavit that he had no authority to sell off Michael's private property, which effectively invalidates the whole process.

His authority as President of MJJProductions did not extend to duties involving Michael's private property and that can be proven by terms of his employment.

He may have been asked to make storage arrangements with a view to auction off unneeded items, but he went off and signed a document without Michael's authority.

That's like a wife selling off the husband's car without the husband giving authorisation
Or a son selling off his father's items without authorisation
Or a colleague selling off items
by signing an auction document, when all that was asked of them is to put things in storage with a view to sorting out and selling them later.

It's basically invalid unless they show proof they had authority to do so. If they say they did not, whoever bought the car or items has to return it, and then follow up recovering their money paid to buy the items returned.

If you want to know that this process can be reversed, get items that belong to a family member who has asked you to store some of them and they will later on sort out what to auction. Give them to ebay to auction by placing the items on ebay, without the family member sorting them out. Then let the family member know his items are up on ebay.

If the family member contacts or sues ebay that you had no authority to auction off their private items, ebay has no choice but to return the items to them.

That's why you see Juliens is trying to home in on Tahome by saying

More, if Tohme Tohme, President of MJJ Productions, “was not authorized by Michael Jackson to grant any company the right to sell Mr. Jackson’s personal property”, how can he later file suit against Julien’s Auctions after having misrepresented his authority with regards to the property and assets?

because without the owner's authority and proof that the owner gave such authority, then nothing is going anywhere.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

This is where Juliens comes unstuck. Tahome may be President of MJJProductions, a company Michael owns, but that does not give him authority over selling off Michael's private property.

Possessions cannot be sold off without the authority of the owner, which is required in the following forms
- That the owner signs the document
- That the owner has given power of attorney to someone to sign on behalf
- That the owner has written a signed letter authorising the holder of the letter to do so.

Anything that falls short of that which is done by a third party, is void. That means the third party oversteps his limits of authority.

Let's say a bank, if it was to do a deal and someone not authorised to sign the deal on behalf of the bank does so, even if the other party comes along with the signed document, the bank can simply state the person who signed had no such authority to sign off the deal, unless documents can be produced showing he had authority to do so.

You now have Tahome admitting in a sworn affidavit that he had no authority to sell off Michael's private property, which effectively invalidates the whole process.

His authority as President of MJJProductions did not extend to duties involving Michael's private property and that can be proven by terms of his employment.

He may have been asked to make storage arrangements with a view to auction off unneeded items, but he went off and signed a document without Michael's authority.

That's like a wife selling off the husband's car without the husband giving authorisation
Or a son selling off his father's items without authorisation
Or a colleague selling off items
by signing an auction document, when all that was asked of them is to put things in storage with a view to sorting out and selling them later.

It's basically invalid unless they show proof they had authority to do so. If they say they did not, whoever bought the car or items has to return it, and then follow up recovering their money paid to buy the items returned.

If you want to know that this process can be reversed, get items that belong to a family member who has asked you to store some of them and they will later on sort out what to auction. Give them to ebay to auction by placing the items on ebay, without the family member sorting them out. Then let the family member know his items are up on ebay.

If the family member contacts or sues ebay that you had no authority to auction off their private items, ebay has no choice but to return the items to them.

That's why you see Juliens is trying to home in on Tahome by saying

More, if Tohme Tohme, President of MJJ Productions, “was not authorized by Michael Jackson to grant any company the right to sell Mr. Jackson’s personal property”, how can he later file suit against Julien’s Auctions after having misrepresented his authority with regards to the property and assets?

because without the owner's authority and proof that the owner gave such authority, then nothing is going anywhere.

Exactly. And this puts the good doctor in a not-so-good predicament. :fear: If you have no business authorizing the sale of anyone's stuff, then WHY in God's name do you sign or do anything that would indicate you DO have such authority? Messy.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't know why this seems to always happen with Michael. He trusts people that he just simply shouldn't. If Mr.Tohme didn't have permission to sell the items than why in the world did he sign this contract.

Since one of the items taken was a gift I gave Michael I feel so angry and violated every time I think of these people going in there and taking it. I gave Michael the "let the children come to me" painting during the trial. He told me that he loved it so much because it made him feel understood and loved gave him strength and for that reason he hung it up in the main house. That painting meant something not only to me but to Michael as well and that's just one item out of thousands. I'm sure he has items included in this auction that are much more precious that have even more of a sentimental value to him. I pray to God that he gets every piece that he wants back.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

vic it looks like he wants certain things b ack. if he wanted th ewhole lot, we'd know by now. he intended to sell the majority of this stuff. it' sjust key items he wants back.

and geeeeez tohme tohme.....
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well, when the auction does go ahead, be interesting to see what it all sells for, I imagine it will be crazy!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Wow, RSW22, you are onto something! I sure hope the judge sees this thing the way you see it. I hope that your explanation is actually a legal precedent. Then Mikey can get all of his stuff back.

Julien, IMO, has no heart. All he wants to do is make money. He doesn't care about Michael nor his stuff. If he had any ethics about himself, he would return Michael's personal property. Why would he still want to sell property of someone who doesn't want their property to be sold? It almost like stealing to me.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Is there any news about it?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

vic it looks like he wants certain things b ack. if he wanted th ewhole lot, we'd know by now. he intended to sell the majority of this stuff. it' sjust key items he wants back.

and geeeeez tohme tohme.....

Yeah, he just wants "some" of the stuff back. I'm sure he'd have no need to cart around area rugs, wastebaskets, and end-tables! Plus, we don't really know what's going on behind the scenes and he may have retrieved some of this stuff already? Looks to me he's moving forward in a good way, in general.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wellhell, u can stand outside any celebs houes (cept nvr for obvious reasons) and get trash and things thrown out. looks like trashcans and the rugs were just gonna be tossed but y toss them when u can make a profit from them
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i just got the email from julien's saying my catalogues r being shipped.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i just got the email from julien's saying my catalogues r being shipped.

I should order me a set too. It'll be interesting to see how many of the items taken will be on the auction.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

omg i just got it. lawd hammercy it's heavy as hell, haven't looked through it yet. been ill so once i do i'lllet u know. but omg it's heavy
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

MJ still own his own items doesn't he??

Can't he just take the stuff he doesn't want to be sold?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

and Michael has signed/autograohed some of these massive catalogues? This is the bit I don't understand.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

yea that's waht makes his claim a bit nonsensical. u didn't know they were selling them but u signed the damn catalogues? lol he got back the items he wanted. the sentimental fan stuff and his children's items. the rest is being sold.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

and Michael has signed/autograohed some of these massive catalogues? This is the bit I don't understand.

Michael was to... but he just did not.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

well julien's already charged people the minute u ordered it they took the money out so those who wanted the signed ones are out of $500
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

he got back the items he wanted. the sentimental fan stuff and his children's items. the rest is being sold.

Did he get his stuff back? I haven't seen this reported.

I don't think you can get a catalogue now - they were sold out when I looked the other day.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

they said he got some of the stuff b ack but they would go to court on the 3rd. dunno why though if it's all settled. makes no sense to ship catalogues and then not have the auction.