Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

^ my thoughts exactly. The have an interest in the short term of building him up and in the long term of tearing him down. I trust this community and in years gone by the more we dig the more we tend to find. Once you get posters popping up with tid bits you can almost be sure something is going on. I'm watching and waiting...it has nothing to do with me but as a supporter of michael who is entering what should be a triumph of an era I am more cautious than ever.

Michael has been in this position far too often. We all know how it ends.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

and who says he works for colony? lol the media? i reckon thome is closer than we think cdfu

AND AND AND ALLFORMJ it's prince sitting in a king's chair wearing a king's jacket but as a toddler and he's asleep. he's uncovered.

look, mj had loads of things at the ranch. there was NO WAY he could've had someone sift through it all in 90 days and decide what to keep and what to sell. so imo, it makes perfect sense that julien's 'offered' to take the lot and THEN let mj and co. go through and decide what was to be sold off.

and when i say loads of stuff, i mean loads of stuff. they had to dismantle things, break things down, send them to him or leave it in a pile. it was a massive job.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

^^ that's what I thought too...just thinking of it in practical terms....Neverland would have had A WHOLE HEAP of stuff...it just wouldn't make sense for Julien's auctions to be given authority to take just anything they felt was auctioneable...it's just dubious.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

and who says he works for colony? lol the media? i reckon thome is closer than we think cdfu

AND AND AND ALLFORMJ it's prince sitting in a king's chair wearing a king's jacket but as a toddler and he's asleep. he's uncovered.

look, mj had loads of things at the ranch. there was NO WAY he could've had someone sift through it all in 90 days and decide what to keep and what to sell. so imo, it makes perfect sense that julien's 'offered' to take the lot and THEN let mj and co. go through and decide what was to be sold off.

and when i say loads of stuff, i mean loads of stuff. they had to dismantle things, break things down, send them to him or leave it in a pile. it was a massive job.

Soso, I've done research now (not RF articles, but solid research) and he DOES work for Colony. I'll see if I can find the link and PM you with it.

OK, then. Found the links but oddly, they've been disabled now. I'm not gonna discuss here in too much detail, but see PM.


Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I don't feel too good about this Tohme guy either. Either he isn't all that smart or he took it upon himself to let the auction house take all of Michael's stuff out of his house without consulting with him. I just don't get how you can be in charge of something like this and get it all wrong. Tohme was the one who let the auction into the ranch. So he should have double checked with Michael and made sure he knew exactly what was to be taken out of the ranch. I just don't get it.
I agree. I do not feel good about Tohme either especially when a person not to be named on here told him that Tohme told him if he play is cards right, he will tell this person anything he wants to know about Michael. I do not trust that no more. Sorry but I do not trust him.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I agree. I'm probably going to come off as making a big thing out of nothing. And I seriously hope I am. But I have a bad feeling about this also. I can't put my finger on it. But something just doesn't seem right. I guess it's because I personally have a hard time trusting people who are around Michael nowadays due to all that has happened. Again, I really hope I'm wrong. And I'll gladly take it all back. But something stinks to me about this right now.
You are not by yourself in feeling like this.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I dont want to comment on this, my views again might not be popular...nevertheless I dont seem to develop a liking for Mr Thome...he is tooo tooo secrety for me...
You are not alone.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

is it just me but theres no options above the post reply bit to post pictures and quotes etc?

phillips also said about thom working for barrack
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I would agree 100% with how some are starting to feel about Dr. Tohme IF MJ was not half owner of the company that Neverland was sold to.

Let's try to relax some and let this finish playing itself out. We've been through much tougher things with MJ, right? How did it turn out? It turned out fine.

He has a series of 50 concerts coming up that sold out in record time. Someone is trying to take our minds off of that. As always, they are trying to rain on our parade and as always some of us are going right along with it.

You guys, are you getting ready for "This Is It?" :flowers:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I would agree 100% with how some are starting to feel about Dr. Tohme IF MJ was not half owner of the company that Neverland was sold to.

Let's try to relax some and let this finish playing itself out. We've been through much tougher things with MJ, right? How did it turn out? It turned out fine.

He has a series of 50 concerts coming up that sold out in record time. Someone is trying to take our minds off of that. As always, they are trying to rain on our parade and as always some of us are going right along with it.

You guys, are you getting ready for "This Is It?" :flowers:

thank you... Michael is a grown ass man and just like a manager can be hired he can be fired...

stop crying over Tohme... and let Michael & lawyers work things out...
worrying and waiting for the sky is fall WILL NOT HELP....

matter of fact.. you are doing just what certain folks want you to do....
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

During a Feb. 9 meeting at a fast-food restaurant in Los Angeles, he said, one of Jackson's employees warned that the auctioneers would be in danger "from Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam," if they didn't call it off.

"He told us that Dr. Tohme and Michael Jackson wanted to give the message to us 'that our lives are at stake and there will be bloodshed,'" Julien said, referring to Jackson business manager, Tohme Tohme.
yeah, ummm hmmm:smilerolleyes:
Julien said he didn't believe the threat, and the two sides have since agreed to let some of Jackson's property continue to travel on a publicity tour in advance of an April 3 court hearing. The auction is scheduled for April 21.
so um why are you mentioning it now??:mello:

dude can stop lying:doh:. oh you were threatened feb 9 but didn't say anything about till after march 4 (when papers where filed). OH yeah that's right you didn't think they were real you say. yeah ok. So why believe them now. whatever
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

A gentle reminder. This IS a thread about the auction and within limits, it's ok to discuss. Mostly, we should be happy for Michael on the eve of his O2 dates.

Please do not discuss "death threats" to stop the auction, and so on. That seems to come from RF as "news." I'm sure that misinformation will be handled.

Thanks, and carry on.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Notice that Julien says he was asked to postpone the acution, not necessarily STOP it altogether. So, here's hoping they simply give MJ what he wants back. The catalogs have all been shown now and we know MJ has way more stuff than all that so obviously they haven't tried to sell EVERYTHING. And whatever isn't in the catalog most definitely should be released to MJ as it's his. And if it's not in the catalogs, WHY would Julien hold on to it?

What's shown in the catalogs seem to be what Julien has decided to put up (approved or not). Now, whatever is in there that MJ wants back they should just put little inserts inside each catalog explaining which items, on which pages, are no longer up for auction. Simple. They don't even have to go back and reprint the catalogs which would be expensive. Just print out a sheet or two or however many they need listing the items in each cat that are no longer available and ship that with the catalogs as they are. The question is til when did MJ and his peeps want to postpone the auction for?

The other thug drama is just...Meh. Whatever. I just hope no one in MJ's camp is stupid enough to try to run up in Julien's warehouses trying to take anything back. Ya'll see what happened to O.J. Let the courts work it out and pray the courts do the right thing.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

A gentle reminder. This IS a thread about the auction and within limits, it's ok to discuss. Mostly, we should be happy for Michael on the eve of his O2 dates.

Please do not discuss "death threats" to stop the auction, and so on. That seems to come from RF as "news." I'm sure that misinformation will be handled.

Thanks, and carry on.


the info comes from official court documents (an affidavit). ... it's not pure fantasy from a gossip columnist. ...everything unpleasant doesn't have to be swept under the rug, ya know
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

sounds like some people have been watching to many mafia films. what next a horses head. lol
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Soso, I've done research now (not RF articles, but solid research) and he DOES work for Colony. I'll see if I can find the link and PM you with it.

OK, then. Found the links but oddly, they've been disabled now. I'm not gonna discuss here in too much detail, but see PM.



I too found the link disabled. (it was http://www.trw-adv.com/ ) Tohme and James Weller have a business called TRW Advertising (there was a web site as well), and the only connection to Colony was, that Colony was listed as one of their clients. Nothing more.

Just pray :angel: that what ever Michael wishes about the auction, comes to pass.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I just hope no one in MJ's camp is stupid enough to try to run up in Julien's warehouses trying to take anything back. Ya'll see what happened to O.J. Let the courts work it out and pray the courts do the right thing.
LooooooL. so true. haha. But honestly I think oj was set up. they just wouldn't rest till that n***o was in jail imo.:no: That oj mess for blown out of proportion a thousand times over. he was acquitted america, move on. what gets me is that it be killers in ya neighboorhood or city yet ppl get SOOO worked up in celebrity cases. Ugh! Americans really make me wonder. You woulda though oj killed one of their family members the way folks were acting. oJ got played and deal the wrong in of the stick imo.

anyways back on topic. As spike lee would say "DO THE RIGHT THING". Julien please just do the RIGHT thing. :doh: Or else...:evil:
:hysterical: just kidding. lol
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

LooooooL. so true. haha. But honestly I think oj was set up. they just wouldn't rest till that n***o was in jail imo.:no: That oj mess for blown out of proportion a thousand times over. he was acquitted america, move on. what gets me is that it be killers in ya neighboorhood or city yet ppl get SOOO worked up in celebrity cases. Ugh! Americans really make me wonder. You woulda though oj killed one of their family members the way folks were acting. oJ got played and deal the wrong in of the stick imo.

anyways back on topic. As spike lee would say "DO THE RIGHT THING". Julien please just do the RIGHT thing. :doh: Or else...:evil:
:hysterical: just kidding. lol

lol yeah, he was defo set up, imo. I'm just hoping no one on MJ's side is stupid enuf to get caught up as well cuz it will only work against MJ in the end.

Also, am I the only one who noticed how now the value of the auction, according to Julien is now worth 10 to 20 million. When the reports first came out, pre-suit, he said it was chump change, about 1.5 to 3 million at the most. Now that he's been sued, the value of a possible loss, should the auction not go forward at all is suddenly up to 10 and 20 million. Funny that. :ermm: Why the sudden shift in how valuable everything is?

Give the man his gates back for fig sake!! :aggressive: Then I go to wherever he's keeping them and feel them up over there. :shifty:

Still kidding. ;D
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Oh, please, let's not get into a debate about OJ here!

What we can do is, hope and pray that Michael gets back what he wants back, and basically we can move on? And he can?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

thank you... Michael is a grown ass man and just like a manager can be hired he can be fired...

stop crying over Tohme... and let Michael & lawyers work things out...
worrying and waiting for the sky is fall WILL NOT HELP....

matter of fact.. you are doing just what certain folks want you to do....

Agree Rasta.

Also the media can get played too remember. I would put Friedman on a large goose chase if it was me. LOL! It's a game with a lot of people with different agendas. You can't take everything as fact. Egos running around. If one ego wants to get another one out, then just spread some crap about them. All jockeying for position. Tha's the entertainment business. At the end of the day, the truth is in there somewhere but the question is who to believe. It's nothing to do with us as fans just take everything with a pinch of salt. It's Michael's life and he will do what he wants to do in the end.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Agree Rasta.

Also the media can get played too remember. I would put Friedman on a large goose chase if it was me. LOL! It's a game with a lot of people with different agendas. You can't take everything as fact. Egos running around. If one ego wants to get another one out, then just spread some crap about them. All jockeying for position. Tha's the entertainment business. At the end of the day, the truth is in there somewhere but the question is who to believe. It's nothing to do with us as fans just take everything with a pinch of salt. It's Michael's life and he will do what he wants to do in the end.

true that... ...and if we weren't so susceptible to every little story especially from tabloids.....................we have to brace ourselves and
get tough and extremely persceptive to media reports...

remember they didn't get a chance to ruin Mike's O2 project before it was announcement...they are playing catch-up and they will be coming with force...

just be aware and be prepared...
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Basically, don't put any credibility to tabloid sources. It's obvious from the London appearances that Michael is on a roll, and be happy for him?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

dont anyone delude themselves,Michael Jackson agreed to auction off some of his items before he even announced the o2 dates,he wasnt to know that he would sell out 50 dates instantly,im guessing right now Mikes in a good place mentally,a list was given to him to check off the things he didnt want to go to auction(TMZ Source) he wouldnt have agreed to sign hundreds of catalogs if he didnt agree with the auction house rules,just because hes Michael Jackson doesnt mean we should believe his word over Juliens Whos dealt with other celebrity auctions in the past,im sure Mike could put in a private bid no problem for anything anyprice and get it back,just the same way that his most historic items are on display in museums,hes selling a selection of gloves NOT ALL his gloves/hats/kettles/socks/pants/etc.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

the comparison with OJ was unnecessary and an insult to Michael
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

AND AND AND ALLFORMJ it's prince sitting in a king's chair wearing a king's jacket but as a toddler and he's asleep. he's uncovered.
Sayyyyy whaaaaaat!! Ohhhhh he's definitely gonna want THAT back!! Mike's not about to have a portrait of his son sitting in somebody else's house. Maybe his closest relatives', but outside of them? No way!

Thanks, deaf!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I still can't get over how when the news of this auction first broke, a majority of the fans were CONVINCED Michael was ok with it and wanted to move on. Like he was just waiting for the day to get rid of his belongings or something.

There were only a handful of us that knew something wasn't right with this auction (Victoria83 was one of them).

It looks unlikely that this auction will stop (which is the real tragedy here).

if this auction goes through, it will mark a very tragic turning point (because there is so much here that is truly irreplaceable).

Not to be so doom & gloom, but I really hope something stops this auction. This is a real tragedy. Words can't describe how disappointing it is to see this thing go down (at the same time while we watch history being made with the O2).

At the very least, I hope he gets back EVERYTHING he wants back.

PS - Don't even get me started with T.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

please, v, he's not upset at all of it, he wants SOME stuff back, if he wanted the majority back, there wouldn't be a point in having an auction.

im convinced it's only his children's items, and a few sentimental things but the majority of that stuff is gonna be sold or else it'd be a waste of money printing the damn catalogues and advertising.

sorry but those who put value to something materialistic like an award or a glove are missing the bigger picture. A LEGACY IS WHAT U MAKE IT.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

In the end, I think Michael will get back the items he wanted to keep. It doesn't look good for Julien to be selling people's stuff against their wishes.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

In the end, I think Michael will get back the items he wanted to keep. It doesn't look good for Julien to be selling people's stuff against their wishes.

I hope you're right.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

please, v, he's not upset at all of it, he wants SOME stuff back, if he wanted the majority back, there wouldn't be a point in having an auction.

im convinced it's only his children's items, and a few sentimental things but the majority of that stuff is gonna be sold or else it'd be a waste of money printing the damn catalogues and advertising.

sorry but those who put value to something materialistic like an award or a glove are missing the bigger picture. A LEGACY IS WHAT U MAKE IT.

THANK YOU!!! He only wants SOME of the items not ALL... People have to realize that he don't the rest of it back.