Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Well I was wrong I guess, lol.

Actually you weren't exactly wrong. MJ was not going to settle with letting that moron control his name and image and that is what the Prince really wanted.

The Prince blinked because his lawyers probably told him that he was going to lose on the contract issue.
BUT YOU SEE...It's not OUR PROBLEM get it??? -_-

alll this sh*t will be eventually deleted by mods you know?? lol

I don't really understand why we aren't allowed to discuss it. The foreclosre documents, for instance, were uploaded online for anybody and everybody to read. They clearly showed that MJ was in great danger of losing Neverland and he literally came within days of watching it auctioned on the steps of the town hall.

I don't see the point in trynig to pretend that didn't happen and palm it off as a media illusion. Surely it's better to be aware and understanding of the situation than ignore it and then all be shocked and devastated if and when something actually goes very wrong?

I love MJ. I saw him on the HIStory Tour. I saw him at the WMAs. I was going to go and see him at the courthouse tomorrow, too. But I don't see why my 'fandom' should be called into question for accepting factual information about his finances. Unless, that is, one of the qualifiers for MJ fandom is that all fans are required to pretend his problems don't exist - and I just don't see what good that can do anybody.

These fans that talk about his money make it seem like he is the only dude going through money issues.

Exactly how many people in your address book are hundreds of millions of dollars in debt?
Michale and the Princes Attorneys came to an agreement :)

Michael and the Prince BOTH settled out of court Not just Michael

Thats Great news :) I'm glad they came to an agreement. I'm sure it will be favorable for MJ -
I believe part of the the money the prince spent for this venture will be payed as part of
this agreement _ But certainly not what was being asked for _ as that was what was being
protested _ Oh and some ice cream as someone already stated as MJ is not vindictive ..
He just doesn't want to be taken advantage of or used .. He knows his worth and did not
want to continue on with this rinky dink non-existent company _

Michael did the RIGHT thing to leave Bahrain and request that he be removed
from this venture and I'm so glad he did _ but a settlement still had to be reached
either in court or out of what each of their responsibility was. Im SO Glad they came to
an agreement ..

This is GOOD Thing for MJ :yes:
Actually you weren't exactly wrong. MJ was not going to settle with letting that moron control his name and image and that is what the Prince really wanted.

The Prince blinked because his lawyers probably told him that he was going to lose on the contract issue.

Right. You're totally right.
I don't really understand why we aren't allowed to discuss it. The foreclosre documents, for instance, were uploaded online for anybody and everybody to read. They clearly showed that MJ was in great danger of losing Neverland and he literally came within days of watching it auctioned on the steps of the town hall.

I don't see the point in trynig to pretend that didn't happen and palm it off as a media illusion. Surely it's better to be aware and understanding of the situation than ignore it and then all be shocked and devastated if and when something actually goes very wrong?

I love MJ. I saw him on the HIStory Tour. I saw him at the WMAs. I was going to go and see him at the courthouse tomorrow, too. But I don't see why my 'fandom' should be called into question for accepting factual information about his finances. Unless, that is, one of the qualifiers for MJ fandom is that all fans are required to pretend his problems don't exist - and I just don't see what good that can do anybody.

do u have an MBA? do u have explicit knowledge of the man's finances? cuz if u don't,then there's only so much u can talk about and analyze and that's all been done before so y rehash it again?

im not gonna question ur fandom lol cuz i dig what ur saying but on the other hand....y hasn't mj ever denied the BOA rumors were true? how can a bank, which is bound by confidentiality lawd, be able to disclose such info? and especially to the mr. banned reporter? note that when ur viewes as NOT a threat, that's when u really are one........

cuz if they think he's weak and broke and this and that, they won't expect him to make a good financial move so no eyes will be on him.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Eh? If he's that shrewd a businessman then how's he managed to end up with nothing, having to sell Neverland that he said he'd never ever do, when he had such a huge huge fortune. It cant all be blamed on people fleecing and sueing him (or the Arabs, hohoho, just kidding! ), maybe he's just not that shrewd and, as I believe, has had some God awful advisers through the years. Very sad, he's always seemed a kind hearted person that, yes has been taken advantage of by some people sometimes, but has also made some bad decisions.

I dont think its healthy to believe that someone never does anything wrong, or has never made mistakes. The guy's human, we all make mistakes. Just makes me chuckle when people cant accept that. Ultimately, thats the really sad part.

Well one thing is for certain. Michael Jackson isn't headed for the homeless soup kitchen anytime soon, so saying that he has nothing is absolutely incorrect. YES. He is experiencing financial diffficulties, but it's nothing like what an average Joe would be experiencing. Even Donald Trump has filed bankruptcy, and he ani't exactly broke, either.

The rich has ways to protect and shelter their investments. It would appear that MJ has stepped up his game to take advantage of those methods now.

Now. If members here want to believe that Michael Jackson walks on water, that's their privilege. If members want to believe that Michael Jackson is at fault for everything in his life, that's their right too. If members want to believe that Michael Jackson is just a human being, more power to them.

But let peeps make their points and you make yours without the judgment.

Thank you.
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The details of MJ's debts all came out during his 2005 trial. His financial documents were presented as evidence by the prosecution, who were using his dire financial situation as evidence of motive for the conspiracy charge.
i know...i was there and it made no sense cuz on the same point they said he was rich enough to mastermind a kidnapping, pay an enormous bail, and fund co-conspiritors to do his dirty work....

and how hard would it be to sue or threaten to sue BOA over them releasing his info? hmmm....i wonder how much he'd make from that lawsuit and all the fed. laws that the bank would have to deal w/......do u remember mez stating he could get out of debt in a heartbeat if he wanted to?

i wonder, what credibility would a bank have once the lid has been blown on them selling information?

gee, gosh!:wild:
I'm pretty sure that he is about $300million in debt - the Bank of America loans that keep getting passed around, plus all he owesin lawsuits he's lost and settled.

I don't see how anybody who earns as much as Michael Jackson would ever end up in such a position that they would need to borrow from the Bank of America - that sounds like some bad business decision-making right there. And those loans are undeniable - it is 100% documented that he took those loans out.

And I'm pretty sure that NO ONE REALLY KNOWS what MJ's financial condition really is.

And I'm pretty sure that we aren't going to be allowing members to talk about this because it's against the rules of this forum, so move on, okay?
Some people need counseling worrying about someone else's finances, is it going to hurt your life? nope so what's the need to be obsession about something that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
And I'm pretty sure that NO ONE REALLY KNOWS what MJ's financial condition really is.

And I'm pretty sure that we aren't going to be allowing members to talk about this because it's against the rules of this forum, so move on, okay?

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

The rich has ways to protect and shelter their investments.

Now. If members here want to believe that Michael Jackson walks on water, that's their privilege. If members want to believe that Michael Jackson is at fault for everything in his life, that's their right too. If members want to believe that Michael Jackson is just a human being, more power to them.

But let peeps make their points and you make yours without the judgment.

Thank you.

i agree.
That's not a forum rule. You see people on here critisizing Michael often. What's not allowed is speculation about his personal life, which would include his finances.
So anywaaay, does this mean that all MJ's legal hurdles are over and done with? And that he can now proceed with whatever new musical wheelings and dealings that he wishes to? If it does, then this is an occasion to be rejoicing, no?
Now. If members here want to believe that Michael Jackson walks on water, that's their privilege. If members want to believe that Michael Jackson is at fault for everything in his life, that's their right too. If members want to believe that Michael Jackson is just a human being, more power to them.

But let peeps make their points and you make yours without the judgment.

Thank you. I don't see why I'm being vilified. I've already said that I'm an enormous fan, have seen him live twice and was going to the courthouse tomorrow. All I'm doing is pointing out that MJ is human and has problems, but I'm being treated like I called him a paedophile or something - I think that paints quite an exremely disturbing picture of this messageboard.
It's good news for Michael because definitely he was boarding a plane to come over. Therefore, being informed by his lawyers that the matter is settled means that MJ did not have to consent to anything that he'd refused to prior to the case.

If it was consenting, the lawyers would have let him travel to review, agree to and sign to any new terms, or that would have been done before he got to the airport, by faxing him any new terms to agree and sign to as proposal from the other side, including any payouts.

But he was about to board when he was told to postpone. After Friday, the other side knew their case was crumbling and MJ wasn't blinking.

I think this is good for MJ in another way too. If he shows people he is ready to come to court and fight, then the majority of lawsuits which are flimsy, will not even surface. And now that it has happened with a high profile plaintiff, other potential litigants will be a bit more cautious and weigh their prospects a little bit more.

I bet he's now smiling.
Thank you. I don't see why I'm being vilified. I've already said that I'm an enormous fan, have seen him live twice and was going to the courthouse tomorrow. All I'm doing is pointing out that MJ is human and has problems, but I'm being treated like I called him a paedophile or something - I think that paints quite an exremely disturbing picture of this messageboard.

You aren't being villified, but you are running afoul of forum rules here. Your displeasure of that has been duly noted, but further discussion of MJ's finances will get members banned today.
That was three years ago, circumstances change. The criminal trial and other lawsuits interupted his cash flow tremendously, but he did not loose his assets. If you know anything about finance and tax laws you know that paying off his large loan all at once would have subjected him to a multitude of tax penalties. Bank of America sold the loan because it could not take the heat of the negative attention being brought to them. When it was sold, the loan's finance rate was decreased to a corporate finance rate, not a consumer, so they were not in doubt of getting repayment. And as with any loan, as it is paid the principal gets smaller. It's just as the D.A.'s accountant was told on the stand, "If Michael was really broke he would work a tour." And don't get it twisted, he sold Neverland to his own Joint Trust--He did what the lawyer he had when he first bought the place advised him to do---He took it out of his name and put it in a corporate trust.

Someone who knows what they're talking about. That's nice.
That was three years ago, circumstances change. The criminal trial and other lawsuits interupted his cash flow tremendously, but he did not loose his assets. If you know anything about finance and tax laws you know that paying off his large loan all at once would have subjected him to a multitude of tax penalties. Bank of America sold the loan because it could not take the heat of the negative attention being brought to them. When it was sold, the loan's finance rate was decreased to a corporate finance rate, not a consumer, so they were not in doubt of getting repayment. And as with any loan, as it is paid the principal gets smaller. It's just as the D.A.'s accountant was told on the stand, "If Michael was really broke he would work a tour." And don't get it twisted, he sold Neverland to his own Joint Trust--He did what the lawyer he had when he first bought the place advised him to do---He took it out of his name and put it in a corporate trust.

lol...maybe you oughta put this post in a sticky. lol...yet there will still be people who will not believe it.
Who are the mods? I'm new, I didn't see that. I don't know who the mods are.

That easy _ just look under the user names of those who replied
and stated it was against the rules _ I belive a few mods state that
one page up_ and it is not just you _ members who Know better
are doing it too .. sheesh :(
can i just ask: if the case has been settled, then why do they use the word "postpone"?

"As Mr Jackson was about to board his plane to London, he was advised by his legal team to postpone his travels since the parties had concluded a settlement in principle," Celina Aponte told AFP.
Okay. Last time to ALL and I am one of the moderators here. Cut the talk about MJ's finances or you will be BANNED. This is a message to ALL members.

If you are new, you need to read the forum rules before you post any further. Thank you.

Now let's get back on topic about the case being settled, which is WONDERFUL NEWS.
Postpone was meant in regards to Mike going to London. In other words, Mike had to postpone his trip to London because the parties agreed to settle the case.
can i just ask: if the case has been settled, then why do they use the word "postpone"?

I believe because they haven't worked out all the details yet
and MJ probably has to agree upon them once they do ...
so as of now _there is no need for him to come if at all
If he agrees on the terms of the settlement
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