Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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the settlemtnt is now on sky a well as bbc and bbc mobiel so i suppose everyone has heard about it ansd wont show up for nothing here its way past midnight and even i know well goodnight to youall i m just here to pass the message but since you already know i go back to sleep lol
Finally settled.. But I feel for the fans who have travelled to see him and will no longer be able to!

yeah..that's a risk u take when ur an MJ fan..but i'm sure the fans don't feel cheated. they know the mystery of MJ, is indeed, the mystery of MJ. lol. i'm sure they always feel the trip is worth it in the end..if, for no other reason, to get their hearts beating faster..lol
It looked more like manipulation on the Prince's part than a business deal. Look at the way they took a picture of MJ signing a "draft."

well..yet another incident concerning MJ that ends in sort of a mystery, so we all can kinda guess what happened..as usual. lol..but..MJ remains the magician, and comes out of it rosy.
I looked more like manipulation on the Prince's part than a business deal. Look at the way they took a picture of MJ signing a "draft."

Exactly. And his manipulation blew up in his face. Mike was coming there to fight when his lawyer told him, "forget it, dawg, the parties decided to settled.". Mike probably was like, "Cool, dawg. Well, let me get ready for the feast on Thursday."

Mike will not be there. It is possible that MJ will have to pay the Prince money but it might be a small amount. Practically, the way it looks, Mike won hands down because he was about to board a plan and defend himself when his lawyer contacted him and told him to postpone his trip. So, what could have happened was that the Prince got scared of what MJ was gonna say and decided to settle. However, I think that Guy Holmes destroyed the Prince's civil "case" big time. The Prince knew that and was scared crapless.

Hahahah. That is so not right. LOL. You remind me of someone that I remember during the MJJF days. Always saying all kinds of things about the fans. LOL.

Completely agree, Bee! It pretty much went downhill after that. I'm not too suprised at the settlement. Friday was an ish day for the Prince. The media basically went on mute and the only reports that did come out basically rehashed stuff from before. That was a major sign right there for me. It was baaaaad for Princey boy. But I'm happy to know at last he's being reasonable now...if there's a settlement deal on the table being worked out. Asking for 7 million dollars and including ice cream as part of the tab showed him for what he was. No judge could look at that and give him any kind of credibility. Plus the thing with Guy Holmes' passport probably scared the crap outta them too. The judge was demanding a copy of his travels to and from Bahrain. Who knows what that would have shown as far as how shady they were all being and leaving Michael out of the loop...at least until he took himself out of the loop and left Bahrain.
Michael Jackson settles court case

24th November 2008, 7:58 WST

Michael Jackson has reached an out-of-court settlement with Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who was suing him for $US7 million ($A11.03 million), his spokeswoman says.
"As Mr Jackson was about to board his plane to London, he was advised by his legal team to postpone his travels since the parties had concluded a settlement in principle," Celina Aponte told AFP.
Jackson was due to testify in person at London's high court as part of the case, but Aponte, international director at The Outside Organisation, said: "He will not be attending court on Monday."
Sheikh Abdulla, the second son of the King of Bahrain, had demanded the repayment of several advances he says he made as part of a joint music project in Bahrain, which Jackson pulled out of.
Jackson contested the claim, saying no project was ever finalised and insisting the money he received had been a gift.
The sheikh's lawyer Bankim Thanki said his client helped support Jackson financially in the aftermath of his 2005 child molestation trial, in which the singer was acquitted.
He accepted a request for one million dollars in April 2005 and paid the $US2.2 million ($A3.47 million) legal bill for the court case, the lawyer said.
Thanki said Jackson signed a contract to record albums, write an autobiography and stage shows, and that document noted that $US7 million ($A11.03 million) would be deducted from the artist's royalties to pay for expenses.
Jackson said however that the sheikh's case was based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence".
His lawyer Robert Englehart said last week in court that while there was "no doubt that Sheikh Abdulla was very generous in his hospitality and general treatment of Michael Jackson", the contract Jackson apparently signed was "one brick in a building which was never built".
Jackson was one of the world's most successful pop artists, and his 1982 hit Thriller remains the best-selling album of all time. However, he has since experienced financial difficulties.


oh gimme a break..you don't experience financial difficulties when you have the greatest selling album of all time, and it continues that way..and thats only the beginning. it's so easy for me to comment on these articles when they start out as reports, and end as editorials, when they're supposed to be nothing but reports. but that's a discussion i can continue somewhere else at another time...

but another thing..it's amazing how MJ would be the only one who would not love to embarrass a man who made an attempt to embarrass him. MJ coulda decided he wanted to kick this man's a$$ in court, but, he listened to his lawyers instead. most people's pride would've been hurt after being dragged through the mud like this, and they woulda insisted they go to court just to show the offending party up..but not MJ. he's just not like that.
Completely agree, Bee! It pretty much went downhill after that. I'm not too suprised at the settlement. Friday was an ish day for the Prince. The media basically went on mute and the only reports that did come out basically rehashed stuff from before. That was a major sign right there for me.

Yeppers. The fact that the media did not even report the other testimonies, they way they did of The Prince's, tells me that it was a very good day for Mike. I remember thinking where were the articles at regarding the other testimonies. I never seen them. If it wasn't for that fan that was in that courtroom, we would have never known the situation. That tells you about this laughable media. Instead of focusing on the civil "case" they decided to focus on BS regarding MJ converting to Islam from a damn tabloid. Yeah, what a way to distract the public from the truth. I would not be shocked if the media starts saying that MJ wanted to settle which is not the truth. The reality of the media - a damn joke.

oh gimme a break..you don't experience financial difficulties when you have the greatest selling album of all time, and it continues that way

Exactly. But that is the laughable media for you: ill-informed and full of roaches.

"That's a load of rubbish. Why would he settle for MORE than the Sheik wanted. I've just spoken to fans outside the courtroom. The same security that told them that the Head of Charing Cross Police called to say Michael Jackson was no longer attending court have also said the extra staff they had arranged are still coming in, and they've heard nothing from Michael's camp.

The security did also confirm that "Michael is 100% in this country" but they obviously can't reveal where. Michael is HERE, he has to be here because he was due in court tomorrow and now he's supposedly not coming in because it's been settled.

(also, the 'he was just about to board when he got the call' could be a good way for mj to stay undercover in london)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

This man is a shrewd businessman with a extremely high I.Q. If he did not know what he was doing, he would not have made it this far in his legendary career.

Eh? If he's that shrewd a businessman then how's he managed to end up with nothing, having to sell Neverland that he said he'd never ever do, when he had such a huge huge fortune. It cant all be blamed on people fleecing and sueing him (or the Arabs, hohoho, just kidding! ), maybe he's just not that shrewd and, as I believe, has had some God awful advisers through the years. Very sad, he's always seemed a kind hearted person that, yes has been taken advantage of by some people sometimes, but has also made some bad decisions.

I dont think its healthy to believe that someone never does anything wrong, or has never made mistakes. The guy's human, we all make mistakes. Just makes me chuckle when people cant accept that. Ultimately, thats the really sad part.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Eh? If he's that shrewd a businessman then how's he managed to end up with nothing, having to sell Neverland that he said he'd never ever do, when he had such a huge huge fortune. It cant all be blamed on people fleecing and sueing him (or the Arabs, hohoho, just kidding! ), maybe he's just not that shrewd and, as I believe, has had some God awful advisers through the years. Very sad, he's always seemed a kind hearted person that, yes has been taken advantage of by some people sometimes, but has also made some bad decisions.

I dont think its healthy to believe that someone never does anything wrong, or has never made mistakes. The guy's human, we all make mistakes. Just makes me chuckle when people cant accept that. Ultimately, thats the really sad part.

so..you think he's ended up with nothing? welll..people will believe what they will believe. selah.
Everyone remember, if you get all your family and friends presents at Christmas, dont forget to expect everything back. And if you dont, we all know the High Court in London is always an option. :)

"That's a load of rubbish. Why would he settle for MORE than the Sheik wanted. I've just spoken to fans outside the courtroom. The same security that told them that the Head of Charing Cross Police called to say Michael Jackson was no longer attending court have also said the extra staff they had arranged are still coming in, and they've heard nothing from Michael's camp.

The security did also confirm that "Michael is 100% in this country" but they obviously can't reveal where. Michael is HERE, he has to be here because he was due in court tomorrow and now he's supposedly not coming in because it's been settled.

(also, the 'he was just about to board when he got the call' could be a good way for mj to stay undercover in london)

Well I was wrong I guess, lol.

To be fair, I don't think you were entirely wrong. ;) I think Michael didn't want to settle for more than what he felt was fair and/or reasonable? "Maybe" there were some things he didn't mind paying for or paying back for any misunderstandings or what-have-you, BUT he wasn't going to be nickeled and dimed to death over pettiness and be held accountable for things that were never finalized. It could be half and half.

He was willing to go and defend himself against the things he disagreed with, per se...at least that's how I see it. The settlement just suggests that maybe now the Prince realized some of what he was asking for was unreasonable as well....making Michael's appearance to defend himself against such things now unecessary. *tilts head to the right* Not sure if that made sense. lol

"That's a load of rubbish. Why would he settle for MORE than the Sheik wanted. I've just spoken to fans outside the courtroom. The same security that told them that the Head of Charing Cross Police called to say Michael Jackson was no longer attending court have also said the extra staff they had arranged are still coming in, and they've heard nothing from Michael's camp.

The security did also confirm that "Michael is 100% in this country" but they obviously can't reveal where. Michael is HERE, he has to be here because he was due in court tomorrow and now he's supposedly not coming in because it's been settled.

(also, the 'he was just about to board when he got the call' could be a good way for mj to stay undercover in london)
I'm getting whiplash here, lol. :bugeyed :lol:
What is up? :unsure:
Wouldnt it be funny if in two weeks mj releases pics of him in 'tourist poses' at the london eye, big ben etc...

Too soon to joke? lol

"That's a load of rubbish. Why would he settle for MORE than the Sheik wanted. I've just spoken to fans outside the courtroom. The same security that told them that the Head of Charing Cross Police called to say Michael Jackson was no longer attending court have also said the extra staff they had arranged are still coming in, and they've heard nothing from Michael's camp.

The security did also confirm that "Michael is 100% in this country" but they obviously can't reveal where. Michael is HERE, he has to be here because he was due in court tomorrow and now he's supposedly not coming in because it's been settled.

(also, the 'he was just about to board when he got the call' could be a good way for mj to stay undercover in london)

GOD! Is there any chance that Michael is in London??? It's hard to believe and there's no way we can find out
To be fair, I don't think you were entirely wrong. ;) I think Michael didn't want to settle for more than what he felt was fair and/or reasonable? "Maybe" there were some things he didn't mind paying for or paying back for any misunderstandings or what-have-you, BUT he wasn't going to be nickeled and dimed to death over pettiness and be held accountable for things that were never finalized. It could be half and half.

He was willing to go and defend himself against the things he disagreed with, per se...at least that's how I see it. The settlement just suggests that maybe now the Prince realized some of what he was asking for was unreasonable as well....making Michael's appearance to defend himself against such things now unecessary. *tilts head to the right* Not sure if that made sense. lol

It made sense, lol. I think you're right. Michael was ready to testify, that's the bottom line. And not that many seemed to notice, but one of those articles said the Prince was going to drop the part of his suit which accused Michael of backing out of a contractual obligation. Probably because his pissy ass realized he had no case.
Michael isn't in the UK. He's in the US and continues to plan his future. Let's forget this now.
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