Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Eh? If he's that shrewd a businessman then how's he managed to end up with nothing, having to sell Neverland that he said he'd never ever do, when he had such a huge huge fortune. It cant all be blamed on people fleecing and sueing him (or the Arabs, hohoho, just kidding! ), maybe he's just not that shrewd and, as I believe, has had some God awful advisers through the years. Very sad, he's always seemed a kind hearted person that, yes has been taken advantage of by some people sometimes, but has also made some bad decisions.

I dont think its healthy to believe that someone never does anything wrong, or has never made mistakes. The guy's human, we all make mistakes. Just makes me chuckle when people cant accept that. Ultimately, thats the really sad part.

Are you a plant? Where did I mentioned that MJ does not make mistakes? Where? The man is a shrewed businessman. All business people get lawsuits. That is part of their jobs. All entertainers gets lawsuits. That is part of their jobs.

It is clear that you are not trying to read the facts on here. You are focusing on BS that does not make any sense. You need to just stop. You are only playing yourself. He can have bad advisers all he wants to that does not mean that he does not know what he is doing. He can't help it if the people that he hired to be his advisers do not know how to do their jobs. That is why they are gone. MJ can't be in this business, the most nastyines business ever, if he was not a shrewd businessman. Why don't you stop it while you are nowhere near ahead? Thanks. Oh and if you keep this up, you might get banned. *Chuckles*.
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To be fair, I don't think you were entirely wrong. ;) I think Michael didn't want to settle for more than what he felt was fair and/or reasonable? "Maybe" there were some things he didn't mind paying for or paying back for any misunderstandings or what-have-you, BUT he wasn't going to be nickeled and dimed to death over pettiness and be held accountable for things that were never finalized. It could be half and half.

He was willing to go and defend himself against the things he disagreed with, per se...at least that's how I see it. The settlement just suggests that maybe now the Prince realized some of what he was asking for was unreasonable as well....making Michael's appearance to defend himself against such things now unecessary. *tilts head to the right* Not sure if that made sense. lol

I think you've made excellent sense here.
Eh, I am iffy about the report from the KOP board. I am going to take that with a grain of salt.

Ok, is it me or there are a few doubters of MJ posting on this board? They are either registered this month or late last year and didn't seem to post anything until now? Just asking.
Same here, Bee... we don't need no more confusion; we get enough of it on a daily basis :lol:
Michael isn't in the UK. He's in the US and continues to plan his future. Let's forget this now.

Yeah, let's put this behind us, and look at the future!

The best is yet to come!
Eh, I am iffy about the report from the KOP board. I am going to take that with a grain of salt.

Ok, is it me or there are a few doubters of MJ posting on this board? They are either registered this month or late last year and didn't seem to post anything until now? Just asking.

If thats about me, Im not a doubter, Im a huge fan and ive been posting on boards for over 10 years :)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

that's what u read in the media. that's all i have to say on that. except that you are not a close business associate or really close enough to him to know what's really going on in his life. none of us do.

I think it is churlish and baseless to dismiss anything you don't like the sound of as being made up by the media.

There have been plenty of indisputable legal documents presented to prove MJ's financial woes, ie. the Neverland foreclosure documents earlier this year. It was also admitted during MJ's trial - buy his own defence - that he had severe debts. His lawyers also, quite foolishly, admitted on national television a few years ago that he'd had to completely restructure his finances in order to avoid losing some of his assets.
Yeah, let's put this behind us, and look at the future!

The best is yet to come!

I agree. :)

And enough of this Neverland "financial woes" stuff, this has nothing to do with the Prince Abdulla case. :huh: Besides, the NR thing is the past now, we need to move on from that.
Eh, I am iffy about the report from the KOP board. I am going to take that with a grain of salt.

Ok, is it me or there are a few doubters of MJ posting on this board? They are either registered this month or late last year and didn't seem to post anything until now? Just asking.

mmhmm that happens a lot. they lie dormant then..... all of a sudden, they're all over the board... it IS interesting, to say the least.
Please, please, please let this be the final idiot to try and get abit of recognition or whatever the Prince wanted off of the name "Michael Jackson".

I hope Michael is tryna concentrate on gettin his career back up and running.
Ok, is it me or there are a few doubters of MJ posting on this board? They are either registered this month or late last year and didn't seem to post anything until now? Just asking.

If that's about me, I'm an enormous MJ fan and have been for over a decade. I forgot I was registered here and haven't really had much cause to visit the board since I registered because MJ hasn't been doing anything whatsoever that was worth discussing. I came over here today because MJ was coming to London and I wanted to keep abreast of the news. He was doing something actally worth discussing, so I signed in and discussed.
All articles claims her as "Michael JacksonS spokesperson" and when you visit the site of "The Outside Organisation" you will see Michael Jackson in their Client-List:


Oops, you're right. However, the initial reports from Sky News etc. seemed to refer to her as "Mr. Khalifa's spokeswoman", but it's possible they made a mistake.


But AP and everywhere else now says she's MJ's spokesperson, so that appears to be correct.
Where's that "don't feed the trolls" sign when you need it? I can't find it.

Anyway, the past is the past and now that there are no obstacles to the future (everybody knock on wood) let's see what the future holds. :flowers:
Well that's another good thing about this. Michael can now move on and focus on his life. I'll be a little miffed if he flew all the way to London though for nothing when he didn't want to. I hope he's still in the US.
They way you decided it was at your best interest to talk about someone's money situations

In a thread dedicated to a lawsuit that directly concerned somebody's money situation?

tells me that your "fandom" is not as loyal as it coule be.

BTW, if it looks like I am questioning someone's fandom, I am not

I see...
Oops, you're right. However, the initial reports from Sky News etc. seemed to refer to her as "Mr. Khalifa's spokeswoman", but it's possible they made a mistake.


But AP and everywhere else now says she's MJ's spokesperson, so that appears to be correct.

"The Outside Organisation" is quit a very professionell company, it seems. Just take a look at their client-list:


Celena Aponte worked for other celebritys before, like Naomi Campbell, etc. I really hope Michael Jackson will work with this company in the future. And by the way: Also AEG live is on their list ;-)
"As Mr. Jackson was about to board his plane to London, he was advised by his legal team to postpone his travels since the parties had concluded a settlement in principle," a London spokeswoman for Jackson said on Sunday.

"Therefore, he will not be attending court on Monday," said the spokeswoman from PR company Outside Organization.

See that? The Prince droped the whole part about Michael backing out of the contract? Is that what that means? If so, that's extremely interesting and telling.

Yeah because in court, Guy Holmes admitted that the contract was a DRAFT, he stated that MJ, nor he or the Prince had a copy, and that MJ was not told that the company DID NOT EXIST at the time he signed a DRAFT, UNEXECUTED COPY OF A CONTRACT FOR A COMPANY THAT DID NOT EXIST.

In other words: the Prince was BUSTED OUT IN COURT.

MJ was coming to the UK to close the deal in court. The Prince blinked and backed down.

Damn straight.
Prince: Damn! I doesn't really have a case! I'm a royal, and used to get what I want! *calls lawers* Hey, I'm being made a fool out of here! Make this go away!

Lawer: Ok your royal highness. I'll say we "settle" this out of court, which means that Michael doesn't have to give you a single penny, but in return you doesn't loose face in public. *calls Michael's defense team*

Defense attorney calls Michael back: Hey, dude. We were right all along. You don't owe that prince a dime. Just cancel your flight and relax over there in Vegas, man. It's all over.

Michael: Cool! I hate that jet lag anyway. I'll have some KFC then, to celebrate. Wanna come over?

Defense attorney: Shure thing, Mike. I'll book my ticket now!

Michael: Nice, man! And take with you some Yorkshire pudding, will you. I love that stuff.

Celena Aponte worked for other celebritys before, like Naomi Campbell

Hopefully, Naomi didn't throw a cell phone at her. LOL. I kid, I kid. However, you gotta admit, when you read that phrase, that was the first thing you thought about. Hehehehe.

I am just happy that this lawsuit is finally behind him and that Michael can move on. I am so excited about the future. Thank you, Lord. :)
Hopefully a looong time will go before he gets sued again!!

Let the man focus on his music!
Yeah because in court, Guy Holmes admitted that the contract was a DRAFT, he stated that MJ, nor he or the Prince had a copy, and that MJ was not told that the company DID NOT EXIST at the time he signed a DRAFT, UNEXECUTED COPY OF A CONTRACT FOR A COMPANY THAT DID NOT EXIST.

In other words: the Prince was BUSTED OUT IN COURT.

MJ was coming to the UK to close the deal in court. The Prince blinked and backed down.

Damn straight.

man..this is the happiest version of ground hog day ja vu i can ever hope for..every time they challenge MJ..they look stupid. these are the kinds of repeat mornings i like waking up to. but..hey...that don't mean i want anymore nightfall!!! lol shoooot
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