Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Postpone was meant in regards to Mike going to London. In other words, Mike had to postpone his trip to London because the parties agreed to settle the case.

yes, i get what postpone means :D
I jus thought i was weird they didnt say cancelled :scratch:

Anyway, this is indeed good news :D
can i just ask: if the case has been settled, then why do they use the word "postpone"?

I noticed that as well. Must have to do with the "settlement in principle", meaning not entirely signed/sealed/delivered at this point, but generally agreed upon. Finalization is not complete yet. Am I way off base here?
can i just ask: if the case has been settled, then why do they use the word "postpone"?

The terms of the settlement has been agreed to in principle. That means that whatever the sticking points that both sides could not previously agree to has been settled. The lawyers will have to work out the details.

Until there is a signed agreement, there is a possibility, albeit very remote, that the court case could resume and that would mean that MJ would have to go over to the UK to testify as he was originally scheduled to do.

I should also add that in a civil lawsuit, both sides can settle out of court at any time before a judge makes a ruling. Most of the time, cases are settled before the trial starts. What I suspect here is that the Prince thought that MJ would caved and settle before hand.

Those days for MJ are SO OVER. He ani't doing that shyt no more. And while I'm sure that he did not want to travel to the UK to have to testify, he was willing to do it to protect the rights to control his entertainment name and career.
Until there is a signed agreement, there is a possibility, albeit very remote, that the court case could resume and that would mean that MJ would have to go over to the UK to testify as he was originally scheduled to do.

ah. I understand now. Thank you for explaining.
yes, i get what postpone means
I jus thought i was weird they didnt say cancelled

Oh yeah, I get what you were asking before. My fault. And I had a feeling you know what postpone meant. Silly me.

Congrats to Mike. I am off to watch the AMAs (American Music Awards). Yeah, I forgot it was on as well. LOL.
The terms of the settlement has been agreed to in principle. That means that whatever the sticking points that both sides could not previously agree to has been settled. The lawyers will have to work out the details.

Until there is a signed agreement, there is a possibility, albeit very remote, that the court case could resume and that would mean that MJ would have to go over to the UK to testify as he was originally scheduled to do.

I should also add that in a civil lawsuit, both sides can settle out of court at any time before a judge makes a ruling. Most of the time, cases are settled before the trial starts. What I suspect here is that the Prince thought that MJ would caved and settle before hand.

Those days for MJ are SO OVER. He ani't doing that shyt no more. And while I'm sure that he did not want to travel to the UK to have to testify, he was willing to do it to protect the rights to control his entertainment name and career.

lol..the emboldened part reminds me of the song 'this time around'. i'm guessing that if we want to know what MJ is about, we can take another listen to his songs. lol
Im off too
gonna watch the AMA's now
I believe there will be some tribute to MJ :)
Aww dang, AMA's over here does not come on til' 7, and it's 5. :/
Oh well, I will be watching once it comes on! :D Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know it was on today. LOL


Yep. Not only did the Prince backed down, he got scared shitless. (excuse my language). That is the power of Mike, eff with the Mikester and you will be in trouble.

H*ll yeahhhhhhhhhh!:punk: (exuse my dutch..........lol)
SO happy for Michael!!!!!!:D:yes:
Great news!:D:punk:
Congrats,cudlle!:D:wub: (Michael)
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The last hurdle is now over then; just a few i's to dot and t's to cross, and the door is wide open for heaps of new possibilities for MJ. Great! Can't wait to see what's next, because..

"There's still much more to come from Michael Jackson!!!"

I'm with you, Carol; time to celebrate! :cheers:
The last hurdle is now over then; just a few i's to dot and t's to cross, and the door is wide open for heaps of new possibilities for MJ. Great! Can't wait to see what's next, because..

"There's still much more to come from Michael Jackson!!!"

I'm with you, Carol; time to celebrate! :cheers:

...........:cheers::punk::clapping::DParty,atleast a' small one cant hurt..........lol:D:yes:
I dont what to think bout the settlement...but i guess as long mike is happy, im happy! :)
Well, I'm glad this is over. I hope that the majority of those 27 lawsuits that Guy Holmes talked about have been taken care of as well.

Jesus, Michael needs a break from all this mess, really.

And if he was really broke and had no access to millions, believe me, folks wouldn't be suing him like this. You don't sue peeps who aint got no money.
I dont what to think bout the settlement...but i guess as long mike is happy, im happy! :)
me too :yes:

If its true that they settled in principle as stated, I see a lot of brilliant moves in it....including the fact that maybe now the shiekh has a clue of what true friendship and good business look like.

Good on you Mr. Jackson...

and another one bites the dust :dancing:
Thread has been cleaned of off-topic discussion on Mr Jackson's finances.

Please stick to the rules of this forum and avoid invasive speculative discussion on Mr Jackson's finances.

Also please stay on topic thankyou :)
I am very happy to know that Michael will not have to put your feet in a court again.Would be very painful for him.

I believe the Sheik tried first to make the agreement with him because the presence of Michael was already confirmed.Why MJ would confirm their arrival in London if he had made a deal? :huh:
Does not make sense!

I believe the Sheik wanted the agreement cause the things weren't 100% good for him.His company never existed and this fact would complicate the situation for him.Maybe he was scared with all the circus that he has armed and should have sought an agreement for MJ .

And Michael would not make a deal with this man without benefit to himself... :shifty:
I'm happy! Time to celebrate!:cheers:
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The lawyers will work out the rest of this...

The Prince may have initially thought he wanted MJ to come to London and take the witness stand, but you know what would have happened if MJ did? He would have gotten up there and told that entire courtroom just how the Prince went about manipulating him.

Now do you guys think the Prince really wanted all of that to come out in that courtroom and be documented? I really don't think so.

The minute MJ started opening up about how awful the trial was and how exhausted and ill he felt when he got to Bahrain, and how the Prince started taking advantage of him while he was in that condition, everyone would have looked at the Prince and frowned.

Wow! That blanket of "shame" has been very busy. It's active. Every time we turn around someone else ends up under it. LOL
i just came back home from london nearly got stranded there didnt see michae lall resolved ichael never came
Those days of "I'm a lover, not a fighter" are over.

Now we're in the days of, "I'm a lover, but if you try to step on me and I didn't do anything to you to deserve it, I will fight you. You can count on it."
For those of you going on and on about Michael's money why do you even care? Worry about your own bills I guarantee you Michael don't give two craps about your money or your bills
Y'all don't worry about them trying to criticize MJ on how he went about stabilizing his finances, because we are going to see the very same type of thing being done when it comes down to tackling the global economic crisis.

The only way to fix a money situation is with restructuring. If something isn't working as it once was because someone came in and disturbed the flow of things, there's no choice but to restructure. It's inevitable.

You got to start anew...

What was the theme of Michael's website? It was "A New Beginning."
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I didn't want mike to pay one red cent to that sheik but it looks as if things went in his FAVOR. Mike was ready to handle his bizness but his lawyer was like:agree: we've made a settlement. So at least he doesn't have to waste time traveling.:punk:

The prince is STILL a BUTT tho' :smilerolleyes:
I didn't want mike to pay one red cent to that sheik but it looks as if things went in his FAVOR. Mike was ready to handle his bizness but his lawyer was like:agree: we've made a settlement. So at least he doesn't have to waste time traveling.:punk:

The prince is STILL a BUTT tho' :smilerolleyes:

I have a feelin' the Prince wound up settling the case because if Michael showed up, Sheik would've lost and get his name smeared(not to mention forced to pay an award).
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