Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Yes, got it from *** Shall I take it he's an MJ hater and probably inaccurate?

Juarez, information from Roger Friedman and Fox 411 is expressly prohibited on this forum.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Juarez, first I think your repeated use of the phrase "the arabs" is a bit shallow, considering this is a specific dispute between Michael and the Prince of Bahrain. I don't think it's fair to group an entire race into that of the prince of Bahrain. How about just call him "the prince" when referring to the other party?

Second, if Michael was repeatedly given the impression that the prince's "hospitality" was just that, and that the money and gifts were given on generosity alone, I don't see why he should now be required to pay back all of these costs just because he decided to back away from a draft of an agreement for a company that does not exist. Michael's former nanny also insisted that there was never any indication that the money was to be paid back or that any obligations had to be fulfilled as a result of the generous gifts the prince gave to Michael--and a chunk of these alleged expenses were given to the nanny back in 2005 long before any written agreement was even conceived. The prince showered Jermaine with gifts and money just the same, and expected Jermaine to get on board with 2 Seas Records, but these plans fell through just as Michael's did--yet the prince only insists on suing Michael and not Jermaine.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

i don't know why we are generous enough to keep calling these items from the prince 'gifts'. let's face it...they are 'clever' bribes. and i think the prince used both MJ's brother and his nanny to get to him.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

used Grace? how?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Superb post rsw22! More people need to read it...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Superb post rsw22! More people need to read it...

yes, and since Michael's side is not being presented in the media, i wish this would be turned into an article and distribute it to the press outlets. this lopsided reporting is really aggravating.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

when will Michael arrive to London?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

used Grace? how?

ok..it's just my speculation...but...it's a common theme..it's been done before..and the prince seems to be following it..

give great things to those who are closest to Michael. impress Michael at a vulnerable time in his life, by doing this.......and, score.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

when will Michael arrive to London?

Don't know but you should visit the 'meet me' thread for that kind of information.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

ok..it's just my speculation...but...it's a common theme..it's been done before..and the prince seems to be following it..

give great things to those who are closest to Michael. impress Michael at a vulnerable time in his life, by doing this.......and, score.

well i can understand distrust. Grace has only seemed to be a help to him. i've never seen anything she has ever done being reported in any malicious way. that's why i asked.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Hey everyone! I just posted a few news articles about the trail if you want to read some updated news, which will be on the 1st post of this thread. If you need some updated news please continue to check the 1st post. Thanks. :)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Your post needs to be on the very first page, hell it needs to be put on a plaque .

I would love to know why in the world the judge didn't dismiss the case as soon as it was stated that this record company doesn't even exist....??? Then with Guy's shady ass putting it on record that this company really exist should have set bells and whistles off in the judge's head to SHUT IT DOWN!!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Hey everyone! I just posted a few news articles about the trail if you want to read some updated news, which will be on the 1st post of this thread. If you need some updated news please continue to check the 1st post. Thanks. :)

DM, I'm also gathering all of the facts to date and will post in that thread as well so that everyone will be clear on what has occurred. I will be using postings from Moonstreet (direct court witness) and RSW who correctly has summarized this matter. Thanks to all who has provided this valuable information.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Good post RSW. Michael is reportedly, whether it is absolutely correct is another thing, to have wanted to settle this case for £3 million and the Prince wants more than he is actually owed. He is probably claiming every last expense he supposedly gave out of hospitality. That's petty and someone with an agenda from day one. For those backing the Prince saying it his principle. It is also Michael's principle to fight a lawsuit that is unjust and trying to get money out of him for more than is actually owed. Plain and simple. Same with all the other past lawsuits, it's call greed and power tripping.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

can somebody post the pictures of Michael in the studio and the picture with guy holms and the two seas records. I mean thoose pictures that was out like 3 years ago
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

u know, i was thinking...there are ten zillion people that want to record with Michael, every day. do you think it's possible that, once in a blue moon, out of the goodness of his heart, he'll walk into a studio with someone, that his gut instinct tells him he should not walk into a studio with...especially, since he was recuperating at the time? i mean..MJ is in the prince's quarters all this time. what's Mj gunna do...say NO!? i'm sure, the idea of the prince's smile leaving his face would sink MJ's heart. and..MJ coulda been scared of getting another form of rejection at this awful time in his life where it seemed like a world of more than three hundred million people was against him, though he was found not guilty.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

don't know vnc... i read that he was made to sign this deal and go into a recording studio immediately following trial? don't know if it as accurate, saw some disputing it. but seems as if everything was in play even before the trial finished. seems like a bit of a shit storm if that is how it came into being, and don't know how it is Michael was supposed to weather that on the heels of what he just went through, nonetheless going through it with someone he trusted. gets me frustrated thinking about it the timing of things. whatever the motivations of the plaintiff it's not money that's for darn sure. gets me more upset contemplating the possibilities. best not to.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

'It's difficult to trust people and you have to be very careful. You can't not trust people because you wouldn't have much of a life. Although I went through a period when I shut people out, I wasn't happy and I felt very alone. You just have to use your common sense. It's devastating when someone abuses that trust, but you have to move on.

I think Tito put's it all in a nutshell really.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

don't know vnc... i read that he was made to sign this deal and go into a recording studio immediately following trial? don't know if it as accurate, saw some disputing it. but seems as if everything was in play even before the trial finished. seems like a bit of a shit storm if that is how it came into being, and don't know how it is Michael was supposed to weather that on the heels of what he just went through, nonetheless going through it with someone he trusted. gets me frustrated thinking about it the timing of things. whatever the motivations of the plaintiff it's not money that's for darn sure. gets me more upset contemplating the possibilities. best not to.

Like I said, Michael seems to have issues with trust. It's like he doesn't have the gall to say "look this isn't right I'm not doing this, I don't trust you." But he can't for some reason.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Like I said, Michael seems to have issues with trust. It's like he doesn't have the gall to say "look this isn't right I'm not doing this, I don't trust you." But he can't for some reason.

i don't know if that is a fault..but an unfortuanate trait to have in a cold world.

it can be very hard to cross the bridge from smiling at everybody, being non confrontational, and nice, to having no problem being callous.

don't mean to be dramatic, but it may sorta be like a policeman. vs. a regular citizen, using a gun.

if the regular citizen kills someone, they may be traumatized by it, forever. but a policeman has to learn to kill people and move on.

i think that's an overdramatization, but still a point making statement that i'm trying to make about MJ.

he has trouble not being nice. i'm not gunna fault him for that. and..really..there's nothing he can do about the world at large being cold, though he loves to say...'change the world'.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

i guess it has a lot to do with who it is. he wouldnt necessarily have mistrusted the prince to begin with? after all he' royalty, not like needs any of Michael's money, he was a friend of his brothers, he thought he was a friend of his as well? some people are obvious, some aren't so clear.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Maybe it's as much a fault as it is a pet peeve. Thing is MJ has had trust issues since childhood. That should be a known fact. Once Mike put his trust in someone that he don't really know, then eventually something f***ed up will occur as did this. Michael just gotta change his motto. Don't trust NOBODY. I mean he don't have a problem with some members of his family because he KNOW them but when you either naively trust someone you don't know to be a two-timer or whatever, then you should've checked dude out before even signing an "agreement" so to speak. Maybe if MJ had avoided talking to the Prince and moving to Bahrain, all of this could've been avoided. It's shady anyway you look at it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

i guess it has a lot to do with who it is. he wouldnt necessarily have mistrusted the prince to begin with? after all he' royalty, not like needs any of Michael's money, he was a friend of his brothers, he thought he was a friend of his as well? some people are obvious, some aren't so clear.

that is very true.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

RSW I applaud you for giving the facts to us! The media think us Michael fans are stupid but once again just like in the 2005 trail we proved them wrong. We know our history about these hoodlums and what they want to do with Michael, but nope we do our research and find out the truth.

Good job RSW and the rest of the people who are giving us facts! :clapping:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

i guess it has a lot to do with who it is. he wouldnt necessarily have mistrusted the prince to begin with? after all he' royalty, not like needs any of Michael's money, he was a friend of his brothers, he thought he was a friend of his as well? some people are obvious, some aren't so clear.

But that's the real problem. You don't know who's who until it's almost too late. But Michael always running around with a group of snakes until he realizes someone's rattle is choking his neck then they wanna sue. :rolleyes:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I dont know if it's ok to post this here so if not feel free to remove but I got this from sb(RobertUK) on KOP:

He arrived yesterday. Left Luton airport at about 1pm.

Believe me I wish I knew. I read about him arriving at Luton in the morning in The Sun so I drove down to check things out. Got talking to people in the airport who told me if he wouldn't go through the main terminal and that there was a gate around the cargo area - "Gate 5", drove round there, waited for about 90mins before something happened, and followed his car from Luton Airport all the way down the M1 towards Regents Park. But he must've sussed I was following him, as they started driving eratically and lost me in the busy traffic around Bond Street.

A few of us tried to find the car last night but had absolutely no joy.

Didn't see any kids there with him though (not to say they aren't here - I just didn't see any - and there was only one car).

I don't really care if no-one believes me, as I really do want people to show Michael lots of this support on this trip. So I thought i'd share so people can be on the look out.

Edit: I should add seeing as people will question this. I did not see Michael get in the car. The car pulled in through a gate onto the runway area, it waited by the gate for a good hour before disappearing for 10 mins to then leave. I took a complete chance by following it, hoping it was Michael. I am assuming it was based on the car going from the airport all the way to Regents Park (the area I thought the court was), I also saw a clear view of his silhoutte side on through the back window (although it was blacked out), and i'm sure we can all agree Michael has a pretty unique look and seeing a nose/mouth/lips side on you can pretty much guess who it is. Also I believe that if it was no-one special they wouldn't have driven like they did in London, they were stopping, running red lights, doubling back on themselves, and taking sudden left and right turns, completely throwing me off.

Like I said I literally could not care less if you lot don't believe me as I have better things to do, but thought i'd share it hoping someone might see Michael and his new team in London. I would tell you the car registration but it was organised by Signature Flight Support at Luton Airport and I would imagine the car went off for another job after dropping Michael off.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Thanx troubleman for the link!
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