Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

To those who are saying that Michael signed a contract and therefore he has to pay up, get the issues right in the first place.

In court, it came to light that the Prince spent $6million on MJ well before that 2Seas contract was signed. So, it cannot be claimed as an advance to Royalties as by then, MJ had not signed anything. The Prince claims all that amount was a loan to be repaid via royalties.

The second part that you need to get right is this, Michael was being made to sign a contract for a non-existent company. His lawyers made it known it never got off teh ground and the judge even asked for Guy Holmes passport. Now, when a judge asks for such details, it can't be good for the plaintiff, because Guy Holmes came in to testify in favour of teh plaintiff. It became clear from Guy Holmes testimony that Michael at the time of signing, never knew that 2Seas did not exist as a company.

Therefore, you have a serious problem there, which underscores Michael's case of mistake and misrepresentation.

This is what i think the Prince hoped when he sued Michael. His advisors must have told him that MJ would not want to fight with him in court and would therefore carve in and agree to teh Prince being part of any contract Michael was to sign, that includes, having the Prince's company involved in some of MJ's future works, afterall, MJ usually settles, that would be the talk they had. And from his lawyer's comments about sick notes, they have definitely been perusing past civil cases involving MJ dto see where they could gain an advantage.
The newspaper reports about a possible settlement before the end of the case could most likely have come from one side, in the belief that if they pressured MJ, he would settle.

What the Prince and his advisors did not count on is Michael fighting this through and not wanting anything to do with the Prince any more.
The case itself is crumbling in court, apart from the way some media wants to report it. We all saw how the 2005 case was crumbling while the media was feeding the public a different story.

Michael may have signed a document, but if he finds out that the company does not exist and has no capacity to fulfil the obligations as was presented, then he has every right to pull out.

You can sign to have a company to come over and do some work for you or maybe supply TV or broadband when a salesman turns up at your door. But later, if you find out the company does not exist or does not have the capacity to supply TV or broadband in your area, you have the right to pull out.

Now if the company sues you for breach of contract, some people on this board say you go ahead and pay up. Well you don't, you defend yourself even in court.

Now if that compay was giving you gifts and other stuff to lure you then they cliam those were loans with a view to repayment when you signed up, they have to provide proof that they let you know that in advance.

Worst still, if you were to find out that at the time of signing, the company did not exist, then how much of a shock would that be?

That's why the judge asked Guy Holmes when Michael got to know that 2Seas did not exists yet as a company, and also asked for a copy of Guy Holmes passport.

So for those saying MIchael never fulfils contracts, you need to ask yourself, why is that so?
For Sony, we all know what they tried to do in 2001 till 2005. They tried to take him down. How could he fulfill the contract when the very guys he is suppossed to work for are trying to ruin him?

For Avram's case and the millenium concerts, why did the jury not award Avram $20million he was asking for and only $5million and even after that, MJ appealed and it was settled out of court? Why did Avram recently seek out a meeting with MJ and MJ declined to agree any concerts with him? The jury could see things were not clear but some had prejudiced views of Michael so they still awarded Avram something, which Michael still challenged and made clear that he had no obligation to Avram.

Is that not the same with Schaffel? He came claiming $19million. He only got given $900,000 and that was with a jury prejudiced against MJ as some jurors commented that Schaffel was entitled to less and Michael to more than $250,000. Let's not forget that Michael's lawyers had offered Schaffel $475,000 which he refused, thinking he could use the courts to scam millions out of MJ, but he ended up with less. Upto now, i have never heard how much MJ was awarded in the second part after that first part.

So, whereas in the media those suing MJ are portrayed as justified, i see these cases as wins for MJ.
For Avram, instead of $20million, he ended up with way less than $5million
For Schaffel, insted of $19million, he ended up with way less than $500,000

and for the Prince, even if he gets anything, he will end up with far less and won't be able to hold MJ's career as ransom because it will all be sealed and finalised in court. Don't forget that he refused to release MJ from that contract and that's possibly why we haven't had MJ announce any contract with any other company. The Prince won't be able to make a claim over Michael's head or sue him for anything after this, and MJ can walk away free to sign a properly reviewed contract for his future. If MJ had settled, as we've seen in past cases, some parties at times try to come back and challenge the terms of the settlement, but once a judge rules, that's that, and i believe that's what MJ's chief attorney MacMillan wants, the guy who helped Prince the singer to cut him off from unfair contracts.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

ty rsw22 for breaking it down. that is the most info i've seen anywhere about this case. i for one appreciate your time to type it out and post it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

To those who are saying that Michael signed a contract and therefore he has to pay up, get the issues right in the first place.


One question. what are the copies of passports for?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

ty rsw22 for breaking it down. that is the most info i've seen anywhere about this case. i for one appreciate your time to type it out and post it.
I'm joining in :clapping:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

thank you rsw. I can't tell you how refreshing that dose was.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

One question. what are the copies of passports for?

Copies are the pages of all the passport photocopied so that the Judge can check out and verify Guy Holmes' movements and travels in relation to the case.

Tito also has a similar case in which someone tried to take advantage of the Jackson name to advance their own career

http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/tito jackson opens up about loan lawsuit_1087380
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Man I am so ready for this trial to be over and done with. This is a waste of time and money for the tax payers of London.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

listens to hold my hand....
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Yeah Tito's one with Matt Fiddes.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Yes Rsw22, I really think this is the reason we haven't heard announcements of any kind from Michaels part. As soon as this is over I think we'll be hearing labels, albums and other stuff.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Man I am so ready for this trial to be over and done with. This is a waste of time and money for the tax payers of London.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Juarez, it was mentioned that both Michael and the Prince mutually agreed to try the case in the UK because it has no connection to either party involved. Not sure about the tax payers money and other legal costs.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

don't quote me on this but I believe I read somewhere that the so-called record label supposedly has some business ties with Great Britian. When I find the exact quote I will post it for you..
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Juarez this might help answer your question
Lawyer says Michael Jackson may be too sick to travel to London for court case


Associated Press Writer
November 18, 2008

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LONDON (AP) _ Michael Jackson might be too sick to travel to London to testify in a suit claiming he owes an Arab sheik $7 million, the pop star's attorney said Tuesday.

Jackson is seeking to give his testimony by video link from the United States.

"It would be unwise for him to travel, given what's he's got now," lawyer Robert Englehart said, declining to elaborate "for the obvious reasons."

A lawyer for Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa said the medical evidence presented by Jackson's legal team was unsatisfactory.

"It's not the first time a sick note has been presented by Mr. Jackson," the lawyer, Bankim Thanki said. He gave no precise indication of what the illness might be, but told the court that Jackson's condition could be treated with a bandage "if the diagnosis is positive."

Jackson has often been seen wearing a surgical mask in public. In one infamous court appearance in California, he appeared to have a bandage hanging from his hollowed-out nose.

Despite much speculation about his radically changed appearance over the years, he has denied having had any alterations to his face other than two operations on his nose to help him breathe better to hit higher notes.

The judge in the current case, Nigel Sweeney, said he would decide the question of Jackson's travel on Thursday to allow time for medical experts on both legal teams to talk.

Al Khalifa, the second son of the king of Bahrain, claims that Jackson reneged on a contract for an album, a candid autobiography and a stage play, after accepting millions from the sheik.

Al Khalifa was in court Tuesday for the second day of arguments and testimony.

The case is being tried in London by mutual agreement, Al Khalifa's representatives have said, and it is expected to close by the end of the month.

Jackson, 50, and the Bahraini royal first made contact when Jackson was fending off accusations of child molestation in California. Once Jackson was cleared of the charges, Al Khalifa, an amateur songwriter, invited him to the small, oil-rich Gulf state to escape the media spotlight.

Thanki said that the pair even moved in to the same palace to work on music together.

However, Jackson dropped the project in 2006, leaving Bahrain and pulling out of the contract, a move Al Khalifa considered a slap in the face, Thanki said.

"It's fair to say my client felt a considerable sense of betrayal by someone he thought was a close friend," he said. Thanki said Al Khalifa suffered financially too: Jackson's autobiography, intended to be "a frank and personal account" of the singer's life, was alone expected to rack up $24 million.

In the meanwhile, Al Khalifa had given Jackson millions of dollars to help shore up his finances and subsidize Jackson's lifestyle in the small Gulf state — including more than $300,000 for a "motivational guru."

Thanki said Al Khalifa considered the money an advance on the profits Jackson would reap from their pop music project, but Englehart said the money was a gift.

"Sheik Abdulla, fortunately for himself, had the resources to be so generous," Englehart said.

Englehart argued that Jackson wasn't bound by the deal he struck because the contract was technically signed on behalf of 2 Seas Records, a venture which never got off the ground.

"This (contract) was one brick in a building that was never built," Englehart said
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

What I don't understand is how and WHY would the son of a King need to sue someone in court? He is just a celebrity wanabe.

Wanabe startin' something.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Cheers MJStan, appreciate it.

"Englehart argued that Jackson wasn't bound by the deal he struck because the contract was technically signed on behalf of 2 Seas Records, a venture which never got off the ground."

This is kinda making it sound like MJ's trying to get out of it due to a technicality (which he's possibly legally entitled to do). It does make me wonder who MJ has for advisers and whether they have his best interests at heart. Im assuming we'll learn more as the trial goes on.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Cheers MJStan, appreciate it.

"Englehart argued that Jackson wasn't bound by the deal he struck because the contract was technically signed on behalf of 2 Seas Records, a venture which never got off the ground."

This is kinda making it sound like MJ's trying to get out of it due to a technicality (which he's possibly legally entitled to do). It does make me wonder who MJ has for advisers and whether they have his best interests at heart. Im assuming we'll learn more as the trial goes on.

if that's a technicality, it's a pretty substantial one. if a contract was signed on behalf of a company, and that company never came into being.... that seems heftier than a mere technicality
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Weird we don't have any pictures yet, or even information about Mike's arrivel!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

What I don't understand is how and WHY would the son of a King need to sue someone in court? He is just a celebrity wanabe.

Wanabe startin' something.

Err, I'd say this kinda sums it up!

"LONDON (AP) _ Michael Jackson might be too sick to travel to London to testify in a suit claiming he owes an Arab sheik $7 million, the pop star's attorney said Tuesday."

Wasn't the $7m an advance on the contract, and didn't include all tho other things including the palace? I also think its a case of having a slap in the face from MJ after helping him out (yes I know some people only think the Arabs were only out to fleece him, which IMO is daft).

More (PS I didnt get this from the Sun, promise!) - also, these aren't my words - Im assume Fox dont like MJ much either ;

"For one year, the prince underwrote Jackson’s life in Bahrain — everything including living accommodations, guests, security and transportation. That number is in the millions.

The prince also paid for Jackson’s lawyers, who handled his financial renegotiations with Sony and Fortress Trust. At one point in the spring of 2006, Sony could only deal with Prince Abdulla’s team on behalf of Michael. They saved him from bankruptcy. He states that Jackson is in "grave danger of losing" both his Neverland ranch and his stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing.

In April 2006, Jackson finally signed an agreement with the prince to create 2Seas Records. He also agreed to a lot of other things, too. The prince built him a state-of-the-art recording studio. He gave Jackson a $7 million advance for all this.

And what did Jackson do with the money? He left for Japan and then Ireland. He exited Bahrain and never looked back. He took the money and moonwalked right out the door."
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Yes, that's so strange. Now I'm wondering about wherether he would come or not. Maybe he decided to stay LA
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

More (PS I didnt get this from the Sun, promise!) - also, these aren't my words - Im assume Fox dont like MJ much either ;

^ No, you got that info from ROGER FRIEDMAN!! That's like ten times worse than the typical tabloid... :closedeyes:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

that AP story looks more like a thread off a forum than a story? whats the link to it?

and as stated a few posts back, there is a timeline, which is not taken into account in this "story"
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

if that's a technicality, it's a pretty substantial one. if a contract was signed on behalf of a company, and that company never came into being.... that seems heftier than a mere technicality

I think you're missing my point, yes he may be able to legally get out of it, but if the arabs were friends and helped him out with millions (a friendship of convenience?) then why would you want to try and get out of the deal on a technicality. If they did help him out as much as is reported (may be disputed) then why would you do that? Thats why I think his advisers are questionable.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

^ No, you got that info from ROGER FRIEDMAN!! That's like ten times worse than the typical tabloid... :closedeyes:

Yes, got it from **** does it need to be removed? Shall I take it he's an MJ hater and probably inaccurate?
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Is the guy here?

Any news?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I think you're missing my point, yes he may be able to legally get out of it, but if the arabs were friends and helped him out with millions (a friendship of convenience?) then why would you want to try and get out of the deal on a technicality. If they did help him out as much as is reported (may be disputed) then why would you do that? Thats why I think his advisers are questionable.

i'm not missing your point. you haven't made it. again go back to RSW22's post that gives the timeline and conditions of how things unfolded.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

To those who are saying that Michael signed a contract and therefore he has to pay up, get the issues right in the first place.

In court, it came to light that the Prince spent $6million on MJ well before that 2Seas contract was signed. So, it cannot be claimed as an advance to Royalties as by then, MJ had not signed anything. The Prince claims all that amount was a loan to be repaid via royalties.

The second part that you need to get right is this, Michael was being made to sign a contract for a non-existent company. His lawyers made it known it never got off teh ground and the judge even asked for Guy Holmes passport. Now, when a judge asks for such details, it can't be good for the plaintiff, because Guy Holmes came in to testify in favour of teh plaintiff. It became clear from Guy Holmes testimony that Michael at the time of signing, never knew that 2Seas did not exist as a company.

Therefore, you have a serious problem there, which underscores Michael's case of mistake and misrepresentation.

This is what i think the Prince hoped when he sued Michael. His advisors must have told him that MJ would not want to fight with him in court and would therefore carve in and agree to teh Prince being part of any contract Michael was to sign, that includes, having the Prince's company involved in some of MJ's future works, afterall, MJ usually settles, that would be the talk they had. And from his lawyer's comments about sick notes, they have definitely been perusing past civil cases involving MJ to see where they could gain an advantage.
The newspaper reports about a possible settlement before the end of the case could most likely have come from one side, in the belief that if they pressured MJ, he would settle.

What the Prince and his advisors did not count on is Michael fighting this through and not wanting anything to do with the Prince any more.

The case itself is crumbling in court, apart from the way some media wants to report it. We all saw how the 2005 case was crumbling while the media was feeding the public a different story.

Michael may have signed a document, but if he finds out that the company does not exist and has no capacity to fulfil the obligations as was presented, then he has every right to pull out.


So for those saying MIchael never fulfils contracts, you need to ask yourself, why is that so?

For Sony, we all know what they tried to do in 2001 till 2005. They tried to take him down. How could he fulfill the contract when the very guys he is suppossed to work for are trying to ruin him?

For Avram's case and the millenium concerts, why did the jury not award Avram $20 million he was asking for and only $5 million and even after that, MJ appealed and it was settled out of court? Why did Avram recently seek out a meeting with MJ and MJ declined to agree any concerts with him? The jury could see things were not clear but some had prejudiced views of Michael so they still awarded Avram something, which Michael still challenged and made clear that he had no obligation to Avram.

Is that not the same with Schaffel? He came claiming $19 million. He only got given $900,000 and that was with a jury prejudiced against MJ as some jurors commented that Schaffel was entitled to less and Michael to more than $250,000. Let's not forget that Michael's lawyers had offered Schaffel $475,000 which he refused, thinking he could use the courts to scam millions out of MJ, but he ended up with less. Up to now, i have never heard how much MJ was awarded in the second part after that first part.

So, whereas in the media those suing MJ are portrayed as justified, i see these cases as wins for MJ.

For Avram, instead of $20 million, he ended up with way less than $5 million For Schaffel, insted of $19 million, he ended up with way less than $500,000.

and for the Prince, even if he gets anything, he will end up with far less and won't be able to hold MJ's career as ransom because it will all be sealed and finalised in court. Don't forget that he refused to release MJ from that contract and that's possibly why we haven't had MJ announce any contract with any other company. The Prince won't be able to make a claim over Michael's head or sue him for anything after this, and MJ can walk away free to sign a properly reviewed contract for his future. If MJ had settled, as we've seen in past cases, some parties at times try to come back and challenge the terms of the settlement, but once a judge rules, that's that, and i believe that's what MJ's chief attorney MacMillan wants, the guy who helped Prince the singer to cut him off from unfair contracts.

I don't usually copy long posts, but this poster is dead on correct with his/her analysis. For anyone who is following this court case, these are the facts to date. There are those who love to say that MJ is being irresponsible -- signing things and then backing out on them. It would appear that history actually paints a different story when it's all said and done. Having Michael sign a contract for a company that did not exist and Guy Holmes testified under oath that he believed MJ did not know that the company was not in place at the time that he signed A DRAFT AGREEMENT WITHOUT ANY LEGAL ADVICE WHATSOEVER, seems to me that it is the Prince who perpetrated a fraud. Holmes slipped out of this because he was in over his head -- having to deal with a lot of residual baggage from the other hanger-ons who was suing MJ and making claims that they were owed money.

The main point that rsw correctly made is that until MJ deals with the Prince, then he will have no free and clear control over his name and his career from this point forward. I know that he hates to deal with things like this, but when he stands up for himself and face his accuser, things tend to go his way. If I have any criticism of MJ, it is that he lets peeps get away with taking full advantage of him.

He needs to stand up for himself more often.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

unless rules have changed RF may not take up real estate on this forum... check the rules.
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