Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Yep, hasn't it been said several times that apparently MJ is very naive? This reminds me alittle of those people that worked at Neverland, claiming they never received money...how did that one turn out?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

One last time.....What statement from Michael? Cause i've check MJworld and also the main MJcommunity page but there's nothing about it. And neither anything about Jermaine...if someone could explain me these two things...would be GREAT!
There is NO statement from Michael he hasnt testified yet and jermaine is not there to make a statement
he is not involved in the case - as of yet
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

But if there's not even a real contract...how could the judge even allow this? This surely has to be over pretty soon. I wonder what kind of evidence Mike's gonna bring.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

But if there's not even a real contract...how could the judge even allow this? This surely has to be over pretty soon. I wonder what kind of evidence Mike's gonna bring.

Michaell is gonna testify that
" Once I finally got my sense of smell back it was very Stanky there so I BEAT IT !!! " :D

Show em how funky strong is your fight. It doesnst matter who's wrong or right just BEAT IT
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Another thing is that why is Michael being sued when he signs (albeit unwisely) a so-called contract and the company didn't even get off the ground at the time? Now, according to somebody who can't prove it as far a I can see, the company is formed and takes off only after Michael is gone. But yet he gets taken to court for the tab. It's weird because they haven't able to back up the claims so far IMO. No invoices, no records, no nothing for the court. This is really reprehensible to me.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

okay so the dude who's worked for mj since 83 is the brother of the lawyer helping to sue mj......and the guy works for the company that doesn't exist....um......


and i wonder, will jermaine, if asked to testify, support his brother and admit to all the gifts the lovely prince gave him or will he stick w/ the person who buys him things and gives him attention?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

okay so the dude who's worked for mj since 83 is the brother of the lawyer helping to sue mj......and the guy works for the company that doesn't exist....um......


and i wonder, will jermaine, if asked to testify, support his brother and admit to all the gifts the lovely prince gave him or will he stick w/ the person who buys him things and gives him attention?

:( MAn that hurts me
I think Jermaine would support Michael _ he loves his brother
has always supported his brother _ just becuase someone
makes unwise decisions as Mike has also done, doesnt warrant
an attack on thier character - Thats Michael's brother _ Jermaine is
human too and not perfect . Why even go there

I know I would not be happy if someone attacked my family sisters or brothers
even though we sometimes have our differences _ They are still MY family.

of course this is just my opinion and you are certainly welcome to yours
I just disagree _ not meaning to offend or disrespecting I'm just bothered by
all the attacks_ I guess, I just dont get it :( or to sensitive maybe of other
peoples feeling
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

okay so the dude who's worked for mj since 83 is the brother of the lawyer helping to sue mj......and the guy works for the company that doesn't exist....um......


and i wonder, will jermaine, if asked to testify, support his brother and admit to all the gifts the lovely prince gave him or will he stick w/ the person who buys him things and gives him attention?

If he backs up the dude who bought him stuff and allowed him to keep it "as gifts", then he's as good as dead to me. If he defends MJ and admits that the Prince gave him and Michael free stuff, then he cool with me for life. But as far as I know it really doesn't involve him, I guess, so whatever. :lol:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Jermaine support Michael?In THAT situation?
Jermaine stay contrary to Prince?:huh:

:hysterical: :hysterical:

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

i mean, one answers his calls, treatshim like a king, and buys him stuff....

and the other USED to.....so?

but no matter what, this is a question of integrity and it's lacking
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

:( MAn that hurts me
I think Jermaine would support Michael _ he loves his brother
has always supported his brother _ just becuase someone
makes unwise decisions as Mike has also done, doesnt warrant
an attack on thier character - Thats Michael's brother _ Jermaine is
human too and not perfect . Why even go there

I know I would not be happy if someone attacked my family sisters or brothers
even though we sometimes have our differences _ They are still MY family.

of course this is just my opinion and you are certainly welcome to yours
I just disagree _ not meaning to offend or disrespecting I'm just bothered by
all the attacks_ I guess, I just dont get it :( or to sensitive maybe of other
peoples feeling

I'm agree with you,

Why you guys wanna blame others?Stop attacking Jermain, you really hurt Michael and others feeling .:mat:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]


Is this the last court case on MJ's list? I think one of the MJJC members that was keeping track said it is, but I'm not quite sure.

Does anyone else remember if it is?
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

okay so the dude who's worked for mj since 83 is the brother of the lawyer helping to sue mj......and the guy works for the company that doesn't exist....um......


and i wonder, will jermaine, if asked to testify, support his brother and admit to all the gifts the lovely prince gave him or will he stick w/ the person who buys him things and gives him attention?

If he testified, which I'm not sure why he would, but if he did and it was against Michael, then like Timmy said, he'd just be dead to me. But I can't see him being that low, at least, I hope not. He might be bitchy because Michael layed down the law on that renuinion crap, lol.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

LOL, I don't think he'll testify anyway.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I'm agree with you,

Why you guys wanna blame others?Stop attacking Jermain, you really hurt Michael and others feeling .:mat:

SuperMJFan, no one is attacking Jermaine. And you don't know what MJ is really feeling anymore than anyone else. People can state their point of view about this situation that Jermaine is somewhat involved in. As long as no one is calling him names and such, discussing the facts surrounding this case as it pertains to Jermaine is fair game.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Am I the only one wondering why when Guy Holmes figured out that the draft that Michael was for a non-existent company, he himself backed out of the deal without even telling his client? He was Michael's manager.

I think that is what the judge was getting at when he asked Guy, did Michael know that the draft was for a non-existent company. Guy said no. So HE knew. But when did Michael find out?

Or am I missing something....maybe this is why Michael sent the letter saying he wanted out....maybe Guy had told him.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

just a question y'all....how could jermaine be dead to y'all...do ya know him?! lol just wonderin
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Well metophorically speaking, it just means he would seem like a bigger ass to me then he already does.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]


5:11am UK, Saturday November 22, 2008

Michael Jackson is expected to fly to Britain this weekend to give evidence at the High Court in London.

The US pop superstar will defend allegations that he owes an Arab sheikh £4.7m.

When the case began last Monday, judge Mr Justice Sweeney was told the singer wanted to give his evidence via video link from Los Angeles because of fears about his health.

But his barrister, Robert Englehart QC, later withdrew the application, telling the judge: "He has been cleared by his medical advisers to travel in two days' time."

Jackson is expected to give his evidence on Monday afternoon in the case, which involves Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, second son of the King of Bahrain.

He is suing Jackson, whose hits include Bad, Thriller and I'll Be There, to get back what he says he spent on the star in a failed recording venture in Bahrain.

The sheikh originally wanted Jackson to honour his contract to produce an autobiography and stage play.

But, Bankim Thanki QC, representing the sheikh, said his client was abandoning that part of his claim.

He said: "Sheikh Abdulla does not want any collaboration in the future and nothing more to do with him. In essence, he wants to draw a line through the relationship and, in short, he wants his money back."

Sheikh Abdulla claims he collaborated with Jackson on several songs which he wanted the star to record and perform.

But in the witness box, he admitted he had no musical training other than playing the piano as a child.

"I write music with producers. I don't write music myself, no," he replied to questioning from Mr Englehart.

Mr Englehart also queried the sheikh's total claim of $7m. Sheikh Abdulla has said in evidence that this figure was agreed between himself and Jackson when they signed a Combined Right Agreement in April 2006.

The barrister said that at the time of the agreement, the total amount of the expenses was "well under 6 million" according to the sheikh's own schedule of costs. The case continues next week.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Thanks to all for the updates. And special thanks to moonstreet for reporting for us from the courtroom. Much appreciated. :flowers: The media's lack of reports today was telling on its own. They will never change.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Thanks to all for the updates. And special thanks to moonstreet for reporting for us from the courtroom. Much appreciated. :flowers: The media's lack of reports today was telling on it's own. They will never change.

offfff couurrseeee. but obviously that is GOOD NEWS FOR US!!!!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

just a question y'all....how could jermaine be dead to y'all...do ya know him?! lol just wonderin

Like I said that was too harsh. I mean no ill will. That's the last thing I would wish, lol. Besides I don't think he'd be that crazy anyway. And if he was, forgive him for he do not what he does. Can I get a witness? :lol:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Reading this thread...i feel like i'm gonna be phsycially sick! Just the thought that someone would have the heart to pressure an innocent person while they were fighting for their life...just the thought of using somebody...just the thought of being a "host" and offering somebody and then wanting to take everything back is just...there's no words for it!

This is so wrong. SO WRONG. What is wrong with some people, seriously? Where is their heart and morals at?!?!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Reading this thread...i feel like i'm gonna be phsycially sick! Just the thought that someone would have the heart to pressure an innocent person while they were fighting for their life...just the thought of using somebody...just the thought of being a "host" and offering somebody and then wanting to take everything back is just...there's no words for it!

This is so wrong. SO WRONG. What is wrong with some people, seriously? Where is their heart and morals at?!?!

i know. i didn't need a court case to feel like that either. it's just a simple basic thing that is elementary that everybody learns when they are a child.

there is only one form of giving...and it certainly has nothing to do with taking it all back.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I just wanted to say thanks to everybody who's providing us with information about what's going on at court. Great job!! :)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I have a question, I hope some of you can help me. What is exactly a Combined Right Agreement? What does it tell? I'm just trying to figure it out...

Thanks for help
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I have a question, I hope some of you can help me. What is exactly a Combined Right Agreement? What does it tell? I'm just trying to figure it out...

Thanks for help

apparently the term has no legal meaning whatsoever so yeah this case sucks the more cause of it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

One of the things that the Prince may not know is that in the entertainment industry, people come up with ideas all the time that get shelved. Sometimes, after going through hours and hours of meetings, laying out game plans, traveling to get things prepared something will come up right in the middle of it all and the next thing you know, the idea never comes to life.

I'm going to give you guys an example...

Remember I told you guys I have a friend that's been in the music industry for over 20 years? Check out what I went through with her. This is a perfect example.

She and three other people came up with an idea to create a record label together. They went through all this stuff to get it started. They came up with the name of the company together. They were flying back and forth between the Bay Area and Los Angeles for meetings. They went out and got office space, furniture and computer equipment. They designed and printed their stationery and business cards. They got a web designer to work on a website. They started lining up new artists and putting together packets with their artists' photos and everything. They did a worldwide mass mailing to let music industry people know about their new company. And just when they were about ready to kick it off, one of the four business partners was pulled into a television gig. Next thing you know, the label is over.

Did they go through a whole bunch of litigation stuff? No.

While watching them doing all of this there was something I noticed. One of them was more excited about the idea of them having a label together than the others and do you know which one was putting the most time and money into it? It was the one that was the most amped up and acting as the driving force behind it.

Now the thing is this...

No one forced that person to do all that. They did it by choice. And since this person was the most amped up about it and threw more time and money into it, this person felt more deflated than the others once it was over.

Did anyone force them to do it? No. This person also had to cut their losses.

It happens in the entertainment industry all the time. Someone will get a hot idea, throw a bunch of money into it and nothing happens. What do they do? They move on until they get fired up about something else and then it starts all over again.

It happens frequently but the Prince wouldn't know this because he's not from the entertainment world.

Michael knows all about it though. Have you guys noticed that he and others start different things here and there? Have you noticed that some things you continue hearing about and some things you don't? When you don't hear about it anymore, someone went in another direction, or in some cases, it's because some things pull them into another direction. And, there are times when someone isn't handling things correctly and the artist can't wait around for that. Also, the bigger the star, the more they are going to get pulled.

The entertainment industry is much like gambling. Sometimes you hit it big. Sometimes you don't. When people lose on slot machines in Vegas, do they sue the casino? You guys already know the answer to that question. The answer is no. Those that treat recording artists like slot machines are wrong.

The Prince is almost acting like MJ took all the studio equipment with him. But the Prince knows he didn't . The Prince knows all the studio equipment is in Bahrain with him. He owns it and can use it for someone else any time he is ready to do so.

Now, MJ may probably end up having to pay the Prince something since the Prince did let him come there to get some much needed rest following the trial...although MJ did not ask to come there...he was invited. But just to get this last bit of his '03-'05 ordeal to come to a close, it may be worth paying simply for peace of mind so he can move on. He's got things that he's working on and the court case is holding him up. He's a mega star that the world is waiting on. He's definitely one of the stars that's always being pulled. He's also a star that has to be careful about what he's being pulled into. He has to be careful for a variety of reasons. In addition to this, he is a professional recording artist that can't be slowed down by someone that is experimenting, not even if the person has a lot of money to throw into it.

The Prince will have to go back to being a Prince or come up with another way to join the entertainment world without going through Michael Jackson. I'm sure there are many people in Bahrain that have talent. He can put his new studio equipment to use with them. He may come across some up and coming artists that he'll be very proud of, but this will never happen if he's spending all of his time trying to get Michael Jackson to do something he doesn't want to do.
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