Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Eh, I find it a bit disrespectful talking about Jermaine like that. Ya'll act like you know the whole damn story; you don't.

I'm sure Michael would love to see all this ish being said about his BROTHER. Regardless of your opinions, he'll remain his brother today and tomorrow. The only person who has the right to speak like that is Michael, imo, not his fans.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Hahahahahaha. That is why I keep on saying on this thread: MIKE, STOP LISTENTING TO JERMAINE! You know what, y'all can trash Jerm all y'all want, this brother of his is a joke, man. His own brother, how could he? How could he? He can't even tell Michael to just say home and chill with the fam. Eff him and I am so HAPPY that Mike release that statement basically as an EFF YOU to Jerm. That statement was classic Michael. If Mike have beef with Jerm, I can't say that I blame him.

You made great points, but Mike was not there mentally so he did not make best decsions. People often wondered why Britney made silly choices and she is a grown ass woman. She clearly was not there. That was why she made the choices that she made. It happens to the best of us. We make choices that are questionable simply because we are not there mentally. Mike was traumatized and I would not be shocked if his trauma was almost psychological like post tramuatic stress disorder. That is a true disorder. Jermaine knew MJ's state, Guy Holmes knew MJ's state and that nasty "Prince" knew his state and did not care. Now, MJ is in a mess because of that.

Well that's what I was saying too. Michael was really a mess after the trial and not himself, at all. To even think he was okay or thinking straight is absurd. To think he could make sound judgements at that point, without his emotions or the trauma he had just expereienced getting in the way, is ridiculous.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Eh, I find it a bit disrespectful talking about Jermaine like that

Jermaine is Michael's brother, that is true. Jermaine is also someone Mike should not be listening to anymore. That is also true. My opinions about Jermaine is pretty simple - I respect him as a musician and I have an issue with fans trashing him when he defends his brother. However, I have my limits when it comes to defending Jermaine. Jerm has a history of doing things that isn't reasonable. This is one of them. So, I am standing by my statements regarding Jerm. I know that MJ would not like me or anyone else having harsh opinions about his brother, but at the end of the day, Mike still loves me and the fans who harshly criticized his brother. Mike probably lets Jermaine have it a few times because he is just simply should not be giving MJ ANY advice. However, each to its own.

Anyway, TSCM, thanks for posting that tidbit.

He was paid $300 thousand

For small footage? Pathetic, no matter how you slice it.

he blamed Michael. He said that Micheal either didnt turn up to the studio when he was supposed to or when he did turn up didnt want to be filmed that day

So that is why MJ should be blamed? Please. MJ probably smelled that "Prince" ands bounced.

To even think he was okay or thinking straight is absurd. To think he could make sound judgements at that point, without his emotions or the trauma he had just expereienced getting in the way, is ridiculous.

It truly is. I will never forget it when I saw footage of him coming into the court room when he was vindicated. Michael looked scared to death. I just can't see how MJ would lose this case. I really can't see it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Thanks much, its good to see that there are people who remove the Michael Jackson-fan glasses when viewing this issue.I'm inclined to think there are more but they just fear being labeled as not true fans or something to that effect.

can we leave the fans alone?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Why should anything else matter when Michael signed what turned out to be a half-a**ed draft fakery from a nowhere label? The Prince didn't even sign it. And wasn't he supposed to put his name on it too if everything was legit as he claims? Isn't this a supposed breach-of-contract suit instead of an video shoot issue? What does any other stuff besides a "contract" being signed or not really have to do with anything? Unless this is all just a petty pity party over somebody getting their ego bruised and who is throwing a legal temper tantrum.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Yeah maybe that was a little harsh but then again Jerm should've told him to chill at home with the fam, lol. He cool but dude needs to stop acting like he knows how to do BUSINESS.

And Michael needs someone who is gonna guide him the right way. We'd been in trouble if Guy remained his manager.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

can we leave the fans alone?

Exactly. See, that just tells you rght there that some people are not focusing on the topic, but the fans and why they trash the Prince and some Jerm.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Jermaine is Michael's brother, that is true. Jermaine is also someone Mike should not be listening to anymore. That is also true. My opinions about Jermaine is pretty simple - I respect him as a musician and I have an issue with fans trashing him when he defends his brother. However, I have my limits when it comes to defending Jermaine. Jerm has a history of doing things that isn't reasonable. This is one of them. So, I am standing by my statements regarding Jerm. I know that MJ would not like me or anyone else having harsh opinions about his brother, but at the end of the day, Mike still loves me and the fans who harshly criticized his brother. Mike probably lets Jermaine have it a few times because he is just simply should not be giving MJ ANY advice. However, each to its own.
That in no way justifies the way you trash Jermaine by labeling him a "joke." Regardless of whether Michael's going to "love" you or not at the end of the day, Jermaine is his brother and family is always at the top of the list. To dislike Jermaine is one thing and to disrespect him is another. I don't want to argue here, but I'd think before I say things about any of the Jackson family members in a degrading manner, regardless of their actions. You just don't go there.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

It truly is. I will never forget it when I saw footage of him coming into the court room when he was vindicated. Michael looked scared to death. I just can't see how MJ would lose this case. I really can't see it.

Tell me about it. It was just so horrible. That's what people don't seem to remember. But I do. He was so fragile and afraid, it was just hearbreaking.

So the best the Prince has been able to come up with is Michael wasn't there every day for filming on some charity single which never got off the ground and is pissed that he spent $300,000 on the crew and equipment? That was his choice man. And what did this films purpose exactly intail in the first place? This is just so stupid. The Prince hasn't proven anything.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

so..i guess the million dollar question is..how rich do you have to be before you have to stop accepting gifts from someone?:no:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

"Money isn't everything, ya know." :closedeyes:

I just want Michael to get himself situated financial wise. All these trumped up bullsh*t he always gets in. It sucks that he couldn't chill without someone giving him money basically trying to get him to do something he probably didn't wanna do in the damn place.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

"Money isn't everything, ya know." :closedeyes:

I just want Michael to get himself situated financial wise. All these trumped up bullsh*t he always gets in. It sucks that he couldn't chill without someone giving him money basically trying to get him to do something he probably didn't wanna do in the damn place.

well..it is the most negative proof that MJ is the world's most successful star...

the sharks love to circle him the most...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Well it sucks that Michael can't be treated kindly for his sake alone, but because someone is always trying to get something from him. He's constantly helping people for their betterments sake, but no one ever seems to do the same for him. It's just sad.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

That in no way justifies the way you trash Jermaine by labeling him a "joke." Regardless of whether Michael's going to "love" you or not at the end of the day, Jermaine is his brother and family is always at the top of the list. To dislike Jermaine is one thing and to disrespect him is another. I don't want to argue here, but I'd think before I say things about any of the Jackson family members in a degrading manner, regardless of their actions. You just don't go there

Jermaine is not a joke? I am not trashing him, I am stating a fact. This man is in his 50s and he can't even pay child support for his children. He recieves money from some royal family instead of working to get his own. He let's royal people buy him a car instead of working hard to save up some money and buying himself a car. So, I stand by that comment. Look, I understand the fact that Jermaine is his (Mike's) family and is on top of his list, I get that but that does not mean I can't have an opinion or tell facts about him. Well, I thought about what I have to say about Jerm and I went there. I respect him as a musician and that is about it. He was great defending his brother and I always liked it when he defended his brother but that is about it. I doubt if I disrespected Jermaine. I have often defended him many times on this board. However, I am not liking what is going on here and I believed that all of this would have been prevented if Jermaine gave his brother the right advice and tell him to stay home. Or better yet, just not talk to Michael at all. So, let's agree to disagree because I am not in the mood to agrue with anyone.

Tell me about it. It was just so horrible. That's what people don't seem to remember. But I do. He was so fragile and afraid, it was just hearbreaking

Right. Some people love to forget that MJ was just not well and should have said home after the whole ordeal ended. It was very sad.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

alls i gotta say is...

remember all those "exclusive" news stories in the Daily Gulf, planted day after day about mike and the prince ...even back then abdullah was a little too loose-lipped about everything and a couple folks began to believe that he and his fam were just using mike

i was very thankful the day i found out mj had left the island for good and went to ireland...

hahaha mike got off the island! sounds like an episode of "Lost."
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Jermaine is Michael's brother, that is true. Jermaine is also someone Mike should not be listening to anymore. That is also true. My opinions about Jermaine is pretty simple - I respect him as a musician and I have an issue with fans trashing him when he defends his brother. However, I have my limits when it comes to defending Jermaine. Jerm has a history of doing things that isn't reasonable. This is one of them. So, I am standing by my statements regarding Jerm. I know that MJ would not like me or anyone else having harsh opinions about his brother, but at the end of the day, Mike still loves me and the fans who harshly criticized his brother. Mike probably lets Jermaine have it a few times because he is just simply should not be giving MJ ANY advice. However, each to its own.

Bee i really think that Michael doesnt want any one to be disrespectful to Jermain or any member of his family.We dont have right to do that .Thats between Michael and Jermain and be sure that michael love him and respect him.michael wont be happy by attacking his brother .
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I'm reading what Guy Holmes said in court and I'm asking myself: "Is this the same guy who said about Michael ' his moral health is far worse than one could imagine?" :blink:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I want to post but word's totally fail me :(, Im just so angry....I can't believe this crap.
I feel so sorry for Michael, he does not deserve this, there are so many sharks out there and when you are as famous as Michael the sea is totally infested.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Well it sucks that Michael can't be treated kindly for his sake alone, but because someone is always trying to get something from him. He's constantly helping people for their betterments sake, but no one ever seems to do the same for him. It's just sad.

yes...extraordinarily sad.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

:flip: to the prince
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Unfortunatelly this happend Prince and Michael were good friends l am so sorry for them.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I'd rather take consider all the sorrounding circumstances and consider ever possibility before pointing fingerz.

I'm with you.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Part 3 from Moonstreet @ KOPD

Part 3

John Joseph Barnes Jr is a music producer and C.E.O of INNER SOUND Inc California

He has worked for Michael since 1983

He was recommended by Jermaine and asked by Micheal to come to Bahrain and work on The Katrina song. Before he left California Michael asked him to make an inventory of recordings stored in a warehouse, with a view to shipping them to Bahrain.

According to his witness statement as of 2 July 2008 is is still the HEAD OF CREATIVE AT 2 SEA'S

Asked what the non exsistant company of 2 Seas's has done since June 2006, when Michael left Bahrain he answered

- developed writers in LA

- inventoried previous recordings

- preparing to release new products in 2009

Under further questioning it was revealed he was actully emplyed by the Sheik

ENGLEHART " Are you telling us there is no comapy called 2 sea's? "

BARNES " Im not involved in legal matters"

Some interesting info

David Foster wrote the music for the Katrina song, which was never refered to by name, only as "the Katrina song"

The questioning then turned to the expenses involved in the Katrina project and list of payments was discussed. It came out that INNER SOUND was paid a large sum of money but there are no invoices to show exactly what this money was used for.

Oh and guess what, it came out though questioning that ..... John Barnes brother is the Sheiks US lawyer and has also been attening this case!!

There was also a descrepency about the vocal that Michael had recorded for the song. The Sheik was telling the world that Michael sounded brillant, when in actual fact John Barnes who has worked for Michael for over 20 years and has heard him sing more times than anyone in this court thought Michael's voice was at that time only 65% to 70% of the force it usully is

His current position is that he is still employed by the Sheik and that the recording studio is still in use and that he has high hopes for many things from there in the future.

that was the end of his testimony

Just before the Judge left he asked the lawyers for a copy of Guy Holmes passport

There are no more witness's and the next person in the witness stand is Michael
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I'm reading what Guy Holmes said in court and I'm asking myself: "Is this the same guy who said about Michael ' his moral health is far worse than one could imagine?" :blink:

F**k yeah. :yes: :smilerolleyes:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Does anyone know if there is an age limit to sit in the public gallery? and do you need to bring ID?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Part 3 from Moonstreet @ KOPD

Part 3

John Joseph Barnes Jr is a music producer and C.E.O of INNER SOUND Inc California

He has worked for Michael since 1983

He was recommended by Jermaine and asked by Micheal to come to Bahrain and work on The Katrina song. Before he left California Michael asked him to make an inventory of recordings stored in a warehouse, with a view to shipping them to Bahrain.

According to his witness statement as of 2 July 2008 is is still the HEAD OF CREATIVE AT 2 SEA'S

Asked what the non exsistant company of 2 Seas's has done since June 2006, when Michael left Bahrain he answered

- developed writers in LA

- inventoried previous recordings

- preparing to release new products in 2009

Under further questioning it was revealed he was actully emplyed by the Sheik

ENGLEHART " Are you telling us there is no comapy called 2 sea's? "

BARNES " Im not involved in legal matters"

Some interesting info

David Foster wrote the music for the Katrina song, which was never refered to by name, only as "the Katrina song"

The questioning then turned to the expenses involved in the Katrina project and list of payments was discussed. It came out that INNER SOUND was paid a large sum of money but there are no invoices to show exactly what this money was used for.

Oh and guess what, it came out though questioning that ..... John Barnes brother is the Sheiks US lawyer and has also been attening this case!!

There was also a descrepency about the vocal that Michael had recorded for the song. The Sheik was telling the world that Michael sounded brillant, when in actual fact John Barnes who has worked for Michael for over 20 years and has heard him sing more times than anyone in this court thought Michael's voice was at that time only 65% to 70% of the force it usully is

His current position is that he is still employed by the Sheik and that the recording studio is still in use and that he has high hopes for many things from there in the future.

that was the end of his testimony

Just before the Judge left he asked the lawyers for a copy of Guy Holmes passport

There are no more witness's and the next person in the witness stand is Michael

Lawd, the case gets more and more f***ed up. :doh:
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