Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Maybe they will, but not until the Prince get's to see MJ, in person, one more time. LOL!

That's what I meant. :p :lol:

I mean, COME ON... I mean none of us are clear what the **** happened in 2005-2006. :lol: All we know is the King of Bahrain's son was spending TOO MUCH MONEY on Michael Jackson and his folks in hopes of doing business but you don't do business like that!!!! LMAO! Plus Mike MIGHT'VE thought of working with him but it's possible the sheik's father advised him not to and that's why he left. I mean... SOMEONE TALK TO THE DADDY! :lol:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Like I said, the Prince is petty. I do not respect anyone that wants to make a fool out of Michael Jackson. Now, if people do not like my stance on that, please put me on ignore.

Moving on......
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I think what some ppl are missing regarding the contract is that Michael is claiming the Prince misrepresented what he could accomplish with the deal. If he said, "Michael, I got this. I'm RICH. There's nothing I can't do...yada yada...All you have to do is sign on the dotted line and I can make it happen", and THEN it turned out that he COULDN'T make it happen (i.e. being able to distribute and publish an international artist such as MJ) THEN Michael has every right to pull out. If the Prince made the promise that he could do certain things and then he was unable to do them, THEN he failed on HIS side of the agreement FIRST. By law, whoever breaks an agreement first essentially KILLS the agreement. It's null and void....falls apart....and projects don't/can't get off the ground. Why should Michael STAY in a contract with someone who's unable to fulfil that contract or is possibly having difficulty honoring that contract.

If anyone bit off more than they can chew, it's possible that was the PRINCE, not Michael. Michael may have realized it was a lost cause. The Prince is talking about what Michael promised to do for him but is anyone asking WHAT did the Prince promise to do for Michael that he didn't...or couldn't do. The crap about the Katrina song is bogus. I'm not at home so I don't have that GQ magazine where the Prince granted an interview but I remember the him giving some other excuse for why the song wasn't happening or was stuck in limbo....and it had NOTHING to do with Michael re-doing his vocals. There seemed to be some red tape issues? And it wasn't but maybe a week or two Michael up and left Bahrain and never went back. Maybe someone else can locate that quote in the meantime if they're up to it?

Whatever is going on, I wanna whip they heads. :lol: And Jermaine started it so him too. THE THREE STOOGES! NYUK! NYUK! NYUK! :tease:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

.has this contract everybody's talking about been presented at court already
as I understood there is no document, which one could call a contract.

If, then the Sheik would have presented it already.

I'm very sad for Michael, with which feeling, he will enter a courtroom again.
The time of his trial must have been definitely a traumatic experience
I admire him for his strength.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

I can be objective as I mentioned before I have not read anything about this case I dont even know about the Princes side of the story all I know is apparently Michael had an agreement whether is be written or by goodwill but something was agreed and now he has backed down for what ever reason.

Again I would just like to state I say it as I see it, MJ has done similar things before (many times) but I think he may have bitten off more than he can chew this time................I agree with the person who said MJ is only human and he makes mistakes.

You're probably right. We all know there have been so many situations, trials, money issues etc. We can never know for sure what really happened, so the same thing goes for this case.

The fact is that Michael has been in numerous similar situations - sometimes it was maybe his fault, sometimes the other way around, but all we can do is guess.
It's impossible to know what is actually going on behind closed doors.

Instead of arguing or whatever it would be nice if some members or staff have said - Hello and welcome to the MJJComunity ! - ;D
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Whatever is going on, I wanna whip they heads. :lol: And Jermaine started it so him too. THE THREE STOOGES! NYUK! NYUK! NYUK! :tease:
Ugh...that's kinda cruel...You often make me laugh! LoOoL! You crazy troubleman :p
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

He also agreed with Mr Englehart that none of the songs he recorded at his Bahrain studio was released and that he spent $450,000 on Jermaine while he stayed in the country from December 2004 to March the following year.

The sheikh bought Jermaine the Rolls-Royce when he returned to California. "That was never paid back, was it?" said Mr Englehart.

"No," replied Sheikh Abdullah, adding that he did not expect his generosity to be repaid.

Mr Englehart said that, before the prince actually met Michael Jackson personally, he had sent the popstar $35,000 and then $1million during his criminal trial in California.

Why is Jermaine's a gift and Michael's isn't? LOL! This is what happens if you don't agree to be someone's puppet.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Ugh...that's kinda cruel...You often make me laugh! LoOoL! You crazy troubleman :p

LMAO, thanks. I'm just saying that to say I wish that hadn't happened. You get out of one messy situation and then get into another. :doh: It's just messed up, man. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

You're probably right. We all know there have been so many situations, trials, money issues etc. We can never know for sure what really happened, so the same thing goes for this case.

The fact is that Michael has been in numerous similar situations - sometimes it was maybe his fault, sometimes the other way around, but all we can do is guess.
It's impossible to know what is actually going on behind closed doors.

Instead of arguing or whatever it would be nice if some members or staff have said - Hello and welcome to the MJJComunity ! - ;D

Thank you hon, its good to find another MJ forum, I wish people could understand I am not posting to annoy people I have just seen this sooo many times and fans should not stress themselves out and it s ok for sometimes MJ to be wrong. x
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

All I can think of that this is a mess and Yeah I agree if there was a verbal agreement and the contract wasn't on paper or whatever it was agreed on.it's his word against Michael's and Michael would still have a chance to win this thing but it depends on who is the judge.Michael might be railroaded. What is Jermaine's part in this really being that he's more of a friend to him than Michael ? I got a bad vibe about this but I don't want to play the Kane and Able Card here. I really don't want Michael to be hurt by all this stuff.It looks like everytime you look around ,Michael is always being sued by some wanna be rich person or by someone who just want to embarrass him just for money and without the money that's in play what would they do if they lose ?, only they know..Some friend..Who in the world would sue anyone over Ice Cream anyway ?Hagen Daz is my altime fave.Anyone tried the Bailey's.It's tastey and the Banana Forster is something to got nuts for...Hey just a thought,Tell someone to tell Michael to stay away from Madonna while in London.Grace will do something rash. LOL... besides She did testify for Michael and A-ROD will have him on the field for batting pratice.He's suppose to be Madge's man now so I hear LOL
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

i think its not that big of a money issue, since the prince has more than enough money.

but since he's an amateur songwriter and had expected michael to do this project with him, he now wants to take somehow revenge. but doing this via court? dunno if this is the best choice.

they could've still released the charity single anyways. ciara and the o-jays commented, that they already had recorded their part of it and the song is going to be played during the trial, so they should've released that.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

You're probably right. We all know there have been so many situations, trials, money issues etc. We can never know for sure what really happened, so the same thing goes for this case.

The fact is that Michael has been in numerous similar situations - sometimes it was maybe his fault, sometimes the other way around, but all we can do is guess.
It's impossible to know what is actually going on behind closed doors.

Instead of arguing or whatever it would be nice if some members or staff have said - Hello and welcome to the MJJComunity ! - ;D

LOL, yeah, welcome. :) Hope your stay is long. :lol:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

If this isn't the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's so clearly a case of sour grapes. The Prince hasn't produced any evidence whatsoever proving Michael backed out of any deal or took money from him under the agreement it would be payed back. Quite the contrary, in fact. There's been plenty of evidence that the Prince gave Michael this money without any request for repayment or under the understanding that it was being given under the assumption it would be made back through business deals. Obviously, that was the Prince' intent, but he never made that apparent to Michael, but rather led him on to think they were gifts. The fact that he's suing to get money back for things as small as ice cream and body lotion shows how petty he's actually being. He's pissy that his business move fell through and now he wants all of his money back. It's so lame. I don't know how anyone couldn't see this for what it is. He tried to rope Michael in to a business deal at a very vulnerable time for him, he tried to persuede him in to it by giving him the royal treatment and buying him stuff, and when his tactics didn't work, poof, he suddednly doesn't consider those things gifts anymore? This is truly pathetic. At this juncture, I don't see how the Prince can win this case. At first I was saying, well, if Michael signed a contract and then reneged on it, fine, he'll have to pay some money, but so far, no contract, and the crap the Prince bought him on the trip there was very clearly presented as a gift, like Michael said, so I can't see how the Prince has any leg to stand on legally. Not to mention he deserves this because of how he tried to take advantage of Michael. But whatever. "Objective" fans can continue to blind themselves to what's going on, lol.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

The prince has listed what he wants paid back for and it includes Haggen Daaz LMAO

Mike should get room service to send a tub to the prince at the dorchester LOL with Love Mike on a note x
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

That would be so funny, its so pathetic to make mike come all this way, when it would have been just as easy to do
his testimony by video link
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

And Jermaine started it so him too

Jermaine's role is too damn suspect. It just is.

Tell someone to tell Michael to stay away from Madonna while in London

Huh? Madonna was in Philadelphia for her show last night and most likely would be in AC (Altantic City) for her next show. She is no where near London. I do not even know why you said that MJ should "stay away" from Madonna. MJ should stay away from people like that "Prince".

You know what I am thinking - look at how pathetic this civil trial case is. Why should MJ even come to this mess? He is not required to come. He has to come to this trial to testify all because of what exactly? Supposedly, a contract regarding the situation was not shown in court. The Prince wanted to sue MJ not just for the label that was never created but over ice cream and body oils. Mike has to come to London for that mess. I think MJ is coming because the Prince wants to see Michael. You know, it was mentioned that if MJ is really mad with you, he would not talk to you or take your calls. Maybe that is what MJ did to the Prince and the Prince could not take it anymore so he decided to do this to Mike. I think that the whole reason why MJ have to be there because the Prince misses MJ, his smell, his niceness and his made up friendship with MJ. See, Jermaine could not do that for him they way MJ can. LOL.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]


I swear, michael is the most getting-sued man ever! You can't blame all of thease cases on other people. Some of these situations are his fault in one way or another. *I'm not saying which ones, those are obvious*.

I just hope he learns from this experience and don't leave himself vulnerable again.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

What has Madonna got to do with this, she is in America.

I am interested to know what Guy Holmes had to say
Re: we are all behind you michael ..

I'm very sad for Michael, with which feeling, he will enter a courtroom again.
The time of his trial must have been definitely a traumatic experience
I admire him for his strength.

agree .:angel:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

The prince is even suing MJ for ice cream? Geez. I'm surprised he didn't charge him for the use of kleenex and toilet paper as well :lol:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I swear, michael is the most getting-sued man ever! You can't blame all of thease cases on other people. Some of these situations are his fault in one way or another. *I'm not saying which ones, those are obvious*.

Look, blaming or not blaming Michael for this is not going to stop these lawsuits. All famous people get sued. It is just that the media is more focus on Michael. Mike is also a business man who runs an empire. He gets lawsuits like crazy. It is not right, but what can you do? Getting fustrated is a reasonable feeling, but sadly, it is not gonna stop these laughable lawsuits from happening. What can stop these lawsuits is when these people who sue Michael learn to deal with him and learn to stop screwing him over. MJ has dealt with many people who were very good to him and MJ returned the same favor. There is always going to be a few people, like this "Prince", who are going to finds ways to screw MJ over and try to make him the fool. It is not going to work and the "Prince" will see that trying to make MJ a fool will be the biggest mistake he ever made. I just wanted to say that if the "Prince" loses, he has no credibility if he wants to become something in the music business, JMO.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

LMAO, thanks. I'm just saying that to say I wish that hadn't happened. You get out of one messy situation and then get into another. :doh: It's just messed up, man. :smilerolleyes:
LOL! Yeah, I know what you mean... And yes, it sure is messed up and so confusing!

Thank you hon, its good to find another MJ forum, I wish people could understand I am not posting to annoy people I have just seen this sooo many times and fans should not stress themselves out and it s ok for sometimes MJ to be wrong. x

You're welcome!
Of course...and I understand what you're saying.

LOL, yeah, welcome. :) Hope your stay is long. :lol:
:hysterical: Aaaahhh, lol! There you go again! Pfffttt! Man, I wish I could spend more time on MJJC!
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

I hope the fans will stay there and give all support and love for Michael.

I'll be here praying for him!:pray:

Abdula will see our strengh!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

oh hope Michael arrives in London safe and sound!!
and thanx for the Grace updates...
I wish he didnt have to go all this way to London...he's just working hard on his music :(
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Fan report (Part 1) from Moonstreet @ KOPD (re: Guy Holmes testimony):


Just back from The Royal Courts of Justice and trying to make sense of my notes. I apologise in advance if some things dont make sense, as I was trying to follow what was being said and write at the same time.

Anything in BOLD are direct quotes from either the lawers, judge or witness's. Every thing else is sumerised from my notes

I had planned to go to the entire day but could only go to the afternoon session.

When I entered the court just before 2 pm, Guy Holmes was sitting in the witness box, and when the court resumed they continued with his testomy from the morning.

During the morning session Guy Holmes diary was being used as evidence and Michael's lawyer Robert Englehart continued questioning Guy about this.

Then the questioning turned to THE COMBINED RIGHTS AGREEMENT.

GUY HOLMES Once I joined 2 SEA'S Im learned about a written agreement called The Combined Rights Agreement" He is certain he say this agreement, which had Michael's signature on it, but not the Sheiks. He said he believed it was a finished document. When asked by by Englehart, does Michael have a copy, do you have a copy, does the Sheik have a copy, he answered no to all.

After further questioning it comes to light that the document Guy Holmes saw was a draft. He apparently sent this draft to Michael's residence in Bahrain by courier but there is no record of this as he dosnt have a receipt.

By this stage Guy Holmes was getting a bit rattled and flustered by the questioning. Englehart then started breaking down what Michael was expected to do under the terms of the agreement. This included him being tied to 2 SEAS for 6 years during which time he would record an album, write an autobiography and produce a stage play.

Further questioning about the "draft" that was supposedly sent to Michael for him to sign. It was sent to him with no cover letter and even though it was a draft of a contract written up under English Law, no one familar with English Law actully went though it with him.

Guy Holmes also helped organise the phographer who took the photo of Michael signing the contact with the Sheik. Under questioning it come out that Michael thought this photo was just for show as he hadnt actully signed a proper contract but the Sheik wanted the world to think Michael had actully signed to 2 SEAS.

Then the questioning turned to how the figure of 7 million was calculated. It was a guestimate of apporox how much had been spend at that stage during one of their meetings. Guy Holmes first suggested 5 million but between Michael , the Sheik and Guy, they all agreed on 7 million.

GUY HOLMES "I learned some days after the Agreement was signed that it was not an incorperated company"

GUY HOLMES "Michael had no interest in the coperate structure of the company and only talked about his music and vision, he trusted the Sheik and Guy to look after things and make sure everything was ok"

After Michael signed this agreement there was still work to do with this company, settling the structure. Guy Holmes was under the impression that the company was formed, was told by the Sheik it was but in actul fact the comapany didnt exsist and never has.

JUDGE SWEENEY " Did you tell Michael Jackson he had signed a contract with a company that didnt exsist"


Then the questioning turned to the fact the for a time Guy Holmes was Michael's manager and what other things he took care of.

Guy Holmes explained that when he took over as Michael's manager, his buisness affairs where in chaos.
There were 27 major litagation case's, about 20 million in unsecured debt, deposions that Michael had to give, Judges passing oders that Michael need to be present at, possible bankrupcy, too many things to remember off hand. He said as soon as word got out that he was Michael's manager, that his phone never stopped with people trying to contact Michael.

During his time as Michael's manager he went to Vegas and met with the Circ du Soli people with a view of Michael working with them to put on a show somewhere. He also met up with J. K Rowlings agent and heads of record companies.

After a few more questions he finished his testomony. Before he left the witness stand, Judge Sweeny asked his for a copy of his passport to verify his dates of travel to Bahrain and Vegas. Guy Holmes said that that was not possible as he had a new passport and didnt keep the old one.

Ok thats the end of the first part, next up is Mark Stewart
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

If it comes down to Michael's word against his, they might thow this out of court. But if there was a signed agreement, Michael may have to pay him back.

Again, I'm sick of hearing about him getting sued. I want him go get back to buisness (with music and performances). This shit is such a waste of time!:timer:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

If it comes down to Michael's word against his, they might thow this out of court. But if there was a signed agreement, Michael may have to pay him back.

Again, I'm sick of hearing about him getting sued. I want him go get back to buisness (with music and performances). This shit is such a waste of time!:timer:
If you read the above report, the signed document was for a non-existent company (unbeknownst to Michael) and the "combined rights agreement" was only a draft and there's apparently no record of it anywhere.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

So MJ was lied to.. and now The Prince is sueing MJ ?? this is B.S.!!! :rant: ughhh that Prince, whats his problem?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week) [threads MERGED]

Thanks for posting this, TSCM.

Man... so Mike really did have money issues.

This is what bothers me:

After Michael signed this agreement there was still work to do with this company, settling the structure. Guy Holmes was under the impression that the company was formed, was told by the Sheik it was but in actul fact the comapany didnt exsist and never has.

JUDGE SWEENEY " Did you tell Michael Jackson he had signed a contract with a company that didnt exsist"


Why didn't he tell him before MJ signed anything? This guy was supposed to be his manager and was suppose to look after things.

he trusted the Sheik and Guy to look after things and make sure everything was ok"

That was a mistake on Michael's part. He should have looked after everything himself instead of trusting these unprofessional people. He is too damn trusting.
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