Michael Jackson nominated for five AMAs

I'm still voting.

Just click three times in the window. It worked for me.

A Brazilian fan counted the votes on Twitter and they have greatly diminished. We have to vote more.
I'm still voting.

Just click three times in the window. It worked for me.

A Brazilian fan counted the votes on Twitter and they have greatly diminished. We have to vote more.

how can you count votes via twitter? please give us the link to this twitter page where this "brazilian fan" "counts" the votes...
Michael deserves this! I know we can make it happen for him. Keep voting and letting others know!
You know what pisses me off?

Why can't the AMA awards just give Michael a special recognition award for all his contributions he made to the music industry? He effin' deserves it.

Michael shouldn't even be in the same category as those low-class perfomers and artists...
You know what pisses me off?

Why can't the AMA awards just give Michael a special recognition award for all his contributions he made to the music industry? He effin' deserves it.

Michael shouldn't even be in the same category as those low-class perfomers and artists...

I totally agree............ but I'm still voting !!!!

Come on ppl - VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!

I just voted again!

Why can't the AMA awards just give Michael a special recognition award for all his contributions he made to the music industry? He effin' deserves it.

Michael shouldn't even be in the same category as those low-class perfomers and artists...

co sign

Does anyone know how to get to the artist of the year section. I can't find it.
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Ive voted twice but I'll try and vote more... Its annoying cause the stupid site asks for way too much info just to vote! lol How ridiculous!
I have attempted to vote repeatedly and haven't once been able to successfully register. This is really pissing me off. Four email addresses now and all the info is accurate and I get "something seems fishy... are you sure your address is correct?" Yes, I'm sure, ya piece of ___! I've used my address in the US (after all, I am an American and regularly receive mail in America!), my mother's address, my sister's address. Each time it claims the address isn't valid and it won't allow me to get past that part. Trust me, the addresses, phone numbers, etc are all 100% valid. Then that email address has already "joined", so I can't use it again. WTF? Or have they installed something that won't allow you to register if you're on a non-US server? (I'm so sick of that. Being an expat you constantly get counted out of things these days... videos, anything from your own damn country because you happen to be overseas for a while. Agghgh! Sorry to rant, just this is driving me crazy.)
The fans do not vote. I think Michael Jackson will not win. I am very sad.
I just voted many more times tonight after missing the wknd. You can re-vote!!! Let's got to it. . .hut, hut, hut! LOL!
I have voted at least 10-15 times in the first weeks, but now I am unable to go back and vote. Even after I clear my history.

It's not that I dont want him to win, but if/when he does, so what?
It really doesnt matter because he's not here.
The more I think about it, I cant be as enthusiastic about the noms.
Not anymore.
This is horrible. Always the same f**king bullsh*t. Artists getting nominated and winning awards when they're not even around to appreciate them.
FYI, the American Music Awards are based on record sales and radio airplay. These nominations weren't chosen by a committee or anything like that. Michael is nominated because Number Ones is the biggest selling album of the year and his music has been playing on the radio.

Michael is the best and he deserves to win! But yes, I do wish he was alive to experience all this for himself.
Seems like they are only allowing 1 vote per day now. I use to be able to vote everytime I reboot my pc now I can't. I ask a few of my friends and some said the same thing. Oh well still voting daily.

I hate that I have to go through all the categories cause I don't know alot of the Country or Gospel acts.