Michael Jackson nominated for five AMAs

When I saw Ryan SeaGrass :p presenting the award I knew Taylor was gonna win :(, u see he represents American Idol which is a teen show so it was an easy guess! Just like when I saw Ori I knew MJ would win and when Melisa Eldredge mentioned MJ...These shows always ruin surprises! But, it was still exciting that he won!:D Having Taylor live in London also.... I mean come on to obvious! But, Taylor is right she is lucky to be nominated in the same category as MJ......VERY LUCKY!

Congrats to Michael! U are the MAN!
Sorry to be a downer, but this makes me so sad. :(
All our hard voting paid off though!
Whoa....so he broke a record! That's good! :clapping:
Sad he didn't won the Artist Of The Year, but well...he ain't artist of the year....he's Artist Of Eternity...dah.
It's quite weird to think about all the times he was there himself w/ Diana and so on....being star of the show.
Like back in the days, when music was actually good...look at what's shown now.:(

But well, I'm proud of you Mike. :heart:
Look on the bright side, Michael Jackson really isn't artist of the "year", he is artist of the millineum!
Nice that he got something but in the bigger picture...I don't really care about the music business anymore. During these years that I was waiting for him to come back nobody managed to impress me. I did try to like others. But they're just not Michael Jackson.

Oh it's too sad to think about it.