Michael Jackson For Sale (New Documentary)

I love that clip of him in the shop "I got these..these..this one...have i got this one? ok add that...yoohoo?! yoohoo?" hehe
This documentary is really gunna make album sales go up.
Negative documentarys always do.
Imagine what a positive one would do...


Right you are! :lol:

I guess we'll get some positive near the This Is It tour.

Its not THAT bad. There's been worse. It's not total crap either, if we are honest here Michael does have an extremely big ego and probably does see himself a King. His son's are Prince Michael for gods sake.

Prince is named after Mike's grandfather!

That's right, Michael's grandfather (Katherine's father) was called Prince Scruse.

Correct. It's very normal to call your children the same as your grandparents!

TBH yes they have mentioned the negative things...but VERY briefly, they arn't dwelling on it! If they cut it out, they wouldn't be telling the whole story! And thats not good either. They mentioned them to explain the media perception!

Like it or not - BUT it IS part of MJ's history, so it NEEDS to be mentioned. Only it's very nice they only did so briefly!

I hope someone will upload this program - it actually sounds OK to me!

Michael Spends well, those are amazing, why would they get at him, those are lovely urns I would have them If I had money!!!
What he thought was art?
Shows a crying fan that was meeting Michael. Saying it was upsetting that his album sales were crashing. Invincible sold 2 million!
LOL Idiots they know nothin
And michael spent millions on making his face look scary (getting ready to yell at telly!) on ghosts! Lol..ok they got me!
For those who are watching the program - Has it been OK thus far?

I hope to get a chance to see it soon!
I'm assuming the last segment will be about the new tour

Which would be great - IF they are positive about it and not say, Well he needs money so that's why he does the concerts etc. etc. etc.

Hope they wrap it up positively!
hahaha at the woman who has never seen a video of his...she been living under a rock? lol but she was very nice bout him :)
What he thought was art?
Shows a crying fan that was meeting Michael. Saying it was upsetting that his album sales were crashing. Invincible sold 2 million!
LOL Idiots they know nothin

Mike could sell 10 million, people would still call his album a flop, unless he sells 50 - 100 million they will always say its a flop, they even called bad a flop remember, they called dangerous a big flop.... they have called all his albums, they are dumb...
Can somone tell me how to upload the file i am recording it for out of uk mj fans

Sorry for double post....

WHAAAAAAAAAA!, The auction house only does deals to respect the artist, so that must be the only reason why this program is kind of positive?.....

Should of known they didn't just decide to make it neutral / minimally positive.
hmm not positive, not negative ending...just they don't have a clue...kinda the whole theme of the documentary lol
Mike could sell 10 million, people would still call his album a flop, unless he sells 50 - 100 million they will always say its a flop, they even called bad a flop remember, they called dangerous a big flop.... they have called all his albums, they are dumb...

Funny, because the Kylie's biggest selling album is 5 million worldwide and Robbie Williams biggest selling album is 6 million worldwide. They are both considered very successful and dominanat pop stars. So if Michael's otherwise very successful albums Invincible and Blood On The Dance Floor and HIStory are flops in the medias view. Then Kylie and Robbie are obviously The King and Queen of Flop !!!
I actually quite liked the documentary...I know it wasnt the most accurate but hell, there were alot of positives that we dont normally see.

Highlight was hearing that re-recording of "I'll Be There" ... AMAZING!
Funny, because the Kylie's biggest selling album is 5 million worldwide and Robbie Williams biggest selling album is 6 million worldwide. They are both considered very successful and dominanat pop stars. So if Michael's otherwise very successful albums Invincible and Blood On The Dance Floor and HIStory are flops in the medias view. Then Kylie and Robbie are obviously The King and Queen of Flop !!!

Blood On The Dance Floor, should of been taken as a serious album, not a remix album, I see it as a main major album.
I kinda liked it as it had a lot of positive parts, a few inaccuracies here and there but I've seen worse. They also had people talking about Michael and focused constantly on MJ not having a proper childhood, which in my opinion was very good and showed him in a more positive light. Not too bad in my opinion. I've seen waaay worse.

I've never cared much about remixes neither!

The 5 new songs are great! Is It Scary is one of my favorite songs! and BOTD is GREAT!

He should have released more albums! :(
ther wer some negative and some positive...it was ok but nothing new! was nice to see the conferance agen :D for the 100th time lol....there wer lots of lovely comments about him and his giving to charity and so on.sum ppl commented alot about his shopping and how he sees himself as a king and so on ...everything we'v heard before.....tht was about the only neg stuff.
I kinda liked it as it had a lot of positive parts, a few inaccuracies here and there but I've seen worse. They also had people talking about Michael and focused constantly on MJ not having a proper childhood, which in my opinion was very good and showed him in a more positive light. Not too bad in my opinion. I've seen waaay worse.

I hope I get an opportunity to see this.

It sounds great!

I am dying to see the I'll be there part!
Also, I don't know if anyone noticed but most of the kids' sculptures they showed were girls! LOL That's another thing I liked about the documentary.
I kinda liked it as it had a lot of positive parts, a few inaccuracies here and there but I've seen worse. They also had people talking about Michael and focused constantly on MJ not having a proper childhood, which in my opinion was very good and showed him in a more positive light. Not too bad in my opinion. I've seen waaay worse.

That's good to hear. I've recorded it so I'll defintaly watch it now.
I still cant stop thinking about that guy with the rare recordings!

What else has he got ?

man in black

full starlight OMG!