Michael Jackson For Sale (New Documentary)

Sounds like it's worth a watch! I recorded it so will watch it later. :happy:
Can't wait to see this.

Hope it gets on YT soon!
I'm surprised that this documentary really wasn't that bad. Obviously it wasn't all good either, but IMO there was nothing too outrageous there. And the santa-like painter was sweet, as well as the old ladies. The other one was wishing Michael well, awww.
What did he say? Please tell. :)

sorry I can't remember off memory apart from him saying "My relationship with Michael was professional, but he was also my friend" Or something like that. Im sure it will be online soon.

On another note, the guy with the rare recording. Isn't this the same guy who started the "MJ bleaches his skin" stories. Cos I remember the first time I heard it was cos someone had found a tube of skin bleach in a case supposedly belonging to MJ...and this dude said that he had a tube of skin bleach found in a case... Am I the only one who put 2 and 2 together?
is this on YT yet??

Can't wait to see this. Can someone please uploade this on YT ?
sorry I can't remember off memory apart from him saying "My relationship with Michael was professional, but he was also my friend" Or something like that. Im sure it will be online soon.

On another note, the guy with the rare recording. Isn't this the same guy who started the "MJ bleaches his skin" stories. Cos I remember the first time I heard it was cos someone had found a tube of skin bleach in a case supposedly belonging to MJ...and this dude said that he had a tube of skin bleach found in a case... Am I the only one who put 2 and 2 together?

It is the same guy. He mentioned the skin bleach in this documentary too, but he admited that Michael used it to treat his vitiligo.
So this documentary wasn't as bad as everyone had thought it was gonna be? :O Well that's good, then! How long was it?
Does anyone know why there was a doll on there that only moved on one side
I watched the documentary yesterday. Like many of you I'd say it wasn't good and it wasn't bad. It was just fully of inaccuracies about Michael's finances, post 1993 music sales and popularity etc. The footage of Michael's belongings was brilliant, and the interview with the artist who's done paints for Michael was cool. But overrall this documentary and purial and waste of time. It could have been brilliant (but Five doesn't make intelligent programs) if it was made in an inteliient was considering how much acess they had to Michael's belongings.
i didn't think much of it, infact i felt at times they were approaching there whole story from a negative point of view
Some of you who have been able to download the program, can someone please put it on youtube? - Would love to see the program!
* edit * wish I wouldn've bothered to post the links
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The painting of Prince is wondeful. That docu wasn't worth to be watched, but the footage of the items was nice to see. If you don't like what they say just watch without sound.
Well I wrote my review and I don't know what happened. Here I go again with this.

The documentary is worth watching, but take it with a grain of salt. It has 6 parts to it and can be viewed on YouTube. Just type in MJJ items for sale.

Randy Taborarelli, MJ's old biography and others speak of MJ being eccentric and thinking he was God and above. His love of wanting to be a King. The Artist spoke of the 3 section painting and how MIchael wanted it. And even Backerman got into it, by saying Michael has an excessive spending habit. The worst one in the documentary was Boteach the Jewish Rabbi. I won't even go into what he said.

It upset me this morning looking at it. But really what can you do that hasn't already been done to Michael. YOu have a few disgruntled people who feel Michael duped them with this auction, want to air out their opinions, and later claim they treat their clients right and maybe sometime down the road a book may be written.

Hey take it for what it's worth... Nothing

* edit * I've only watched the first 3 minutes of it and already I can see that this is just another smear campaign/money makin' piece and I'm done with it :(

If anyone can stomach the whole thing and find something interesting, let me know which part/time please.

Michael Jackson For Sale Part 1

Michael Jackson For Sale Part 2

Michael Jackson For Sale Part 3

Your so right. I feel sick that I didn't listen to my friend and allowed this so call man to befriend me. My apologies to all those who warned me and stupid dummy me didn't listen. I feel so sick to my stomach and ashamed. I am so so sorry I went to this thing. I was beautiful to see. Sad this had to happen.
I just watched this, to be honest I expected a lot worse. That clip of I'll be there sounded amazing!! I watched that about 5times lol! And that artists paintings were amazing!
Overall I felt that as far as documentaries go this was one of the better ones. They attempted to understand michaels childhood etc and if you take it with a pinch of salt the things they say weren't that bad. I'm glad I watched it for the footage of michaels things, fascinating!
Again i wont watch this footage , the general update here dont seems good for me , yeah "ill be there ..;" etc...are good images ,but what they say is what matters , and thats what the great public will remember not the footage and the exclusive "ill be there..." images .

I wont watch it , seems too much negative for me ..
Again i wont watch this footage , the general update here dont seems good for me , yeah "ill be there ..;" etc...are good images ,but what they say is what matters , and thats what the great public will remember not the footage and the exclusive "ill be there..." images .

I wont watch it , seems too much negative for me ..

I totally understand what you're saying and I do agree with you. My original thoughts were to not watch it, but I had a boring night last night and I sky+d it so thought I would give it a shot. It's a shame that it's got to the point where like I posted before I'm ignoring the bad things when they're not so bad, when compared with the benchmark set before by negative documentaries. It's sad.
Geez it wasn't that bad I don't think.

They didn't even hint he did any of the things he is accused of nor did they allege he was a "freak."

If anything they just showed that it is amazing what a person can buy given the wealth that this man as got (they even said this at the beginning).

As for the Rabbi, I don't think he said anything negative at all. All he said was that MJ had/has some issues in his life that he had/has to deal with...like we all do!!

Furthermore, it wasn't like Diane Dimond, Roger Friedman, Carol Liberman and that other b*tch (her name escapes me, but she is the lawyer who always tried to takes MJ's kids away from him) etc... were interviewed.

All the interviewees were people who have worked/done a service for Michael. I.e. Painters, PR people, former advisors, shop owners, auctioneers etc...

Sure it wasn't 100% positive like, say, the Number Ones TV Special, and there were a couple of innaccuracies such as 2m Invincible sales but to say it was a smear campaign is a little far fetching I think. After all, they did say Thriller made MJ 100s of millions of dollars, that he got $95m from the merger of ATV and Sony Publishing (which is about right), made $125m on the Bad Tour, renewed his contract with Sony in 1991 for $65m, bought Neverland in 1988 for $17m, got a $18m advance for the Dangerous album and a $5m bonus and sold 30m copies of Bad and Dangerous.

I'm wondering if the fans who say it is a smear campaigned watched the same show as I did!
Geez it wasn't that bad I don't think.

They didn't even hint he did any of the things he is accused of nor did they allege he was a "freak."

If anything they just showed that it is amazing what a person can buy given the wealth that this man as got (they even said this at the beginning).

As for the Rabbi, I don't think he said anything negative at all. All he said was that MJ had/has some issues in his life that he had/has to deal with...like we all do!!

Furthermore, it wasn't like Diane Dimond, Roger Friedman, Carol Liberman and that other b*tch (her name escapes me, but she is the lawyer who always tried to takes MJ's kids away from him) etc... were interviewed.

All the interviewees were people who have worked/done a service for Michael. I.e. Painters, PR people, former advisors, shop owners, auctioneers etc...

Sure it wasn't 100% positive like, say, the Number Ones TV Special, and there were a couple of innaccuracies such as 2m Invincible sales but to say it was a smear campaign is a little far fetching I think. After all, they did say Thriller made MJ 100s of millions of dollars, that he got $95m from the merger of ATV and Sony Publishing (which is about right), made $125m on the Bad Tour, renewed his contract with Sony in 1991 for $65m, bought Neverland in 1988 for $17m, got a $18m advance for the Dangerous album and a $5m bonus and sold 30m copies of Bad and Dangerous.

I'm wondering if the fans who say it is a smear campaigned watched the same show as I did!

You are entitled to your opinion.

Do they really have to go there for it to be considered negative???

I'm beginning to wonder if some fans have gotten so used to the negativity when it comes to Michael, they overlook it for the sake of a few chosen facts that can't be denied, just to observe something, ANYthing MJ related. Well that ain't good enough for me! I want the truth and nothing but the darn truth or I'm not interested. I'm sick and tired of the negativity wrapped in smear; even 90% truth surrounded by 10% of lies and/or negativity, is still BS/smear in my book, particularly when it comes to Michael.

At this point there ain't nothing negative about the man the world ain't already heard way too many times already. Tell me somethin' positive, somethin' I haven't already heard, or shut the hell up! That's how I feel.

I already viewed the exhibit all over the news & the web, not to mention Julien's web site and most of what they said in those 3 minutes was unecessary...sounds to me like some mo' folk who are holding grudges against the man talkin' mo' trash under the disguise of displayin' the exhibit. So what was the REAL purpose of the doc???

M-O-N-E-Y and negativity, period.

Just my 10 cents.
You are entitled to your opinion.

Do they really have to go there for it to be considered negative???

I'm beginning to wonder if some fans have gotten so used to the negativity when it comes to Michael, they overlook it for the sake of a few chosen facts that can't be denied, just to observe something, ANYthing MJ related. Well that ain't good enough for me! I want the truth and nothing but the darn truth or I'm not interested. I'm sick and tired of the negativity wrapped in smear; even 90% truth surrounded by 10% of lies and/or negativity, is still BS/smear in my book, particularly when it comes to Michael.

At this point there ain't nothing negative about the man the world ain't already heard way too many times already. Tell me somethin' positive, somethin' I haven't already heard, or shut the hell up! That's how I feel.

I already viewed the exhibit all over the news & the web, not to mention Julien's web site and most of what they said in those 3 minutes was unecessary...sounds to me like some mo' folk who are holding grudges against the man talkin' mo' trash under the disguise of displayin' the exhibit. So what was the REAL purpose of the doc???

M-O-N-E-Y and negativity, period.

Just my 10 cents.

Fair enough, but can you please offer an example of what you thought was out of line or totally negative?
I totally understand what you're saying and I do agree with you. My original thoughts were to not watch it, but I had a boring night last night and I sky+d it so thought I would give it a shot. It's a shame that it's got to the point where like I posted before I'm ignoring the bad things when they're not so bad, when compared with the benchmark set before by negative documentaries. It's sad.

:yes: EXACTLY!
Fair enough, but can you please offer an example of what you thought was out of line or totally negative?

To be honest, I can't even rememba exactly what was said because it went in one ear and out the other...and I don't want to watch it again to be able to tell you exactly what it was because it will only rub me the wrong way again.

My ears are a little sensitive to BS about MJ; I just want truth & facts and that's not what I heard. I don't want to hear sarcasm, innuendo or speculation, not matter how nicely it's said... ENOUGH already, and especially not from these guys.

But, there are plenty of examples that others have already posted and I wish I would have read them before bothering to post the video links or waste those 3 minutes.