Michael Jackson For Sale (New Documentary)

When that artist guy read this poem by MJ I got the goosebumbs! I think the reporter did as well! lol It strikes me odd they let him read the whole poem, I think it's because it shows MJ's genius:

“I an the thinker, the thinking, the thought. I am the seeker , the seeking, the sought. I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm. I am the phenomenon, the field, the form. I am the desert, the ocean, the sky. I am the Primeval Self in you and I.” Michael Jackson
For people who didn't see it this is my brief opinion on it...

Although not the most accurate of documentaries (although theres a lot of misconceptions out there regarding MJ so no suprise), this is no where near the worst documentary around. I didn't learn much from it, but it was nice to see something regarding MJ on telly again.

They briefly touched on the baby dangling, his ego, the accusations and the surgery, BUT only in context of the subject of his finances, explaining the possible reasons for his decrease in earning power due to the media portrayal of Michael as a weirdo. However they did not dwell on these things, and had to include them to make it more accurate. Unfortunately those things are in MJs past, and to not mention them would be dishonest. IMO they did a relatively good job in mentioning those negatives without giving the whole thing a negative feel.

When the program first started, there were a few yell at the tv moments due to the narrators misleding comments. This was mainly due to my instinct to be automatically on the defensive, and some comments by the narrator which were purely for drama and impact, but not completely factual. For example they stated that they were going to exclusively show us the things Michael didn't want us to see and to be on display, when we all know you can view all the items online in the auction catalogues, that Michael agreed for them to be on display before they are returned to him, and that anyone with the means can go view the items for themselves. However, at times I found the narrator, with his tongue constantly placed in his cheek, quite amusing.

The documentary included an interesting interviews with the man who created those beautiful portraits of Michael, and a not so interesting interviews with bitter former employees and a man who Michael once sued. There were not many hard facts included in this program it was just an hour of analysis and speculation from an outsiders perspective. On a positive side, they also mentioned Michael charity work, to let people know that he didn't just spend his money on lavish items for himself, showing him to be very giving. There was also no reference to W**** J**** and they made a point of mentioning the Not Guilty verdict!

A brief summary of the topic of the documentary would be: Michael sold millions, earned millions, spent millions. His earning power decreased due to the media portrayal and negative happenings in his personal and professional life. However, Michael continued to spend as if he was still selling 60 million records per release. Michael has now sold out 50 dates @ the o2, and this could see a turn around in his finances. The end.
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Overall I'd say it was similar to what I expected and certainly could have been worse. Plenty of "oh, good grief" moments ::rolling eyes::, but lots of really nice footage. It was nice to see Michael and that recording of I'll Be There... mmm, great! :)
hahaha at the woman who has never seen a video of his...she been living under a rock? lol but she was very nice bout him :)
LOLOL. At that point I said, "How is that even possible????" That must've been one hell of a huge rock.
* I AM SPEECHLESS * At that guy who has BOXES of Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 NEVER BEFORE HEARD MUSIC!!

I mean, its one of the most sickening things EVER!!!

I am almost tempted to track him down and take them from him!!

I..... I.... I just cannot fathom that he is keeping them, locked in a box and yet doesn't understand how important it all is...

I'll Be There Unreleased Snippet

MP3 Download: http://tinyurl.com/c7kc9f

Thanks to mjbunny @ MJJC for uploading the video. I've corrected the closing audio in the snippet to make it more audible.
Cool, thanks :) I just uploaded the audio as mp3, but it fades out at the end like it did on the show, so there's that version too (at the link I gave above for the video).

Can you imagine having this stuff, all the boxes and boxes??? Uhhh!
can someone post more info on this guy with all the stuff , contact info maybe ?

There's something shady with the fact that Henry V. still has those tracks in his possession. They were supposedly given to Richard Altomare along with all the other memorabilia that he tried to auction off in 2007. Richard Altomare in fact played an excerpt from an old J5 master's tape in an obscure phone conference around the time. After Altomare and his company went under for criminal acts in 2007, the following was reported by court (November 2007):

The collection also consisted of some master tapes of various Jackson family recordings. Those items have not been located, and there is reason to believe that Altomare has them in his possession and is seeking to sell them. Counsel for Michael Jackson has informed the Receiver that these recordings would in any event be protected by Jackson's copyright and, according to him, could not legitimately be sold.

Subsequently, in June 2008, the following was reported:

The receiver also learned that Altomare held certain original master tape recordings of the Jackson family and others and was seeking to sell them on the side. The Receiver moved the Court to order Altomare to turn these recordings over to the Receiver. The court so ordered, and the recordings are now in the Receiver's possession and in insured storagein Miami...

So either Vacarro withheld a bunch of tracks from the initial transaction between him and Universal Express, or Altomare sold many of them back to Vacarro without the court's knowledge before giving the remainder back to Henry V. Such shady characters involved in this whole mess.

Henry has also been trying to sell these masters and more on a Web site for 1-2 years now. Claims to have 200+ tapes from J5 and Jacksons era, apparently many (if not all) of which were recorded for the Jacksons Variety Show.

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Regarding the excerpt, Jaywonder of KOPD confirmed that the audio is from The Jacksons Variety Show.

As I posted above, many (if not all) of the 200+ tapes Vaccaro claims to have are from the Jacksons Variety Show tapings. Vaccaro has described them as "unique mechanicals rerecorded for the Jackson Variety Shows which aired in the mid 1970's."
Regarding the excerpt, Jaywonder of KOPD confirmed that the audio is from The Jacksons Variety Show.

As I posted above, many (if not all) of the 200+ tapes Vaccaro claims to have are from the Jacksons Variety Show tapings. Vaccaro has described them as "unique mechanicals rerecorded for the Jackson Variety Shows which aired in the mid 1970's."

thanks 4 clearing it up!

thought he had loads of rare demos for a moment
I'll Be There Unreleased Snippet

MP3 Download: http://tinyurl.com/c7kc9f

Thanks to mjbunny @ MJJC for uploading the video. I've corrected the closing audio in the snippet to make it more audible.

iAs people have mentioned there were a few Scream at the TV moments, too many for me. but overall it had some nice footage and interesting bits, i especially like, michaels artist, he seemed very nice, and the Ill be there, above is incredible, i love it!!!
I just finished watching it. The show wasn't to bad. Although I don't agree with a lot of the stuff about Michael seeing himself as some kind of messiah, there were some good things shown in the documentary. I don't believe it was channel 5's intention to upset anyone, but I wish they did a little more research and checked the facts. The merger with Sony is actually a very smart move by Michael, he gets a hell of a lot more money out of that merger, than he would just owning the atv cat. on his own. But they talked about it being like an act of desperation so Michael can make a quick buck. It was good overall, though. Nothing like what we expected it to be.
Regarding the excerpt, Jaywonder of KOPD confirmed that the audio is from The Jacksons Variety Show.

As I posted above, many (if not all) of the 200+ tapes Vaccaro claims to have are from the Jacksons Variety Show tapings. Vaccaro has described them as "unique mechanicals rerecorded for the Jackson Variety Shows which aired in the mid 1970's."

This "unreleased" version of Michael singing I'll Be There now in the posession of Henry Vaccaro (who say's he sued Michael, which is a lie as he sued Michael's brothers and parents compnay Jacksons Productions which Michael had nothing involvment with), doesn't appear to be an unrealeased version of an adult Michael singing I'll Be There. It appears to be Michael singing I'll Be There at the age of 17yrs old in 1976, on the Jacksons televison series. As Michael sang that song at the end of each episode with the exact same prashing of "where there is love now", and the clapping and cheering on the recording sounds exactly the same as the audience in the television studio.

There appears to be no end to Henry Vaccaro's exaggerations and lies.
They played enough clips and audio to presude everyone to run out and buy a Greatest Hits lol, fools
Like the I'll be there version posted above.
Woah! where did the guy get all this stuff from? how was he allowed? damn
Edit: Nevermind I think I just found out... Wow thats a hell of alot of stuff, (I read some article) and very personal items too.
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