Michael Jackson Appoints New Management

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This seemed like good news at first but, now I just don't know. Why cant Michael get himself some decent people to work with?
This could turn out to be decent. Nobody here really knows anything. All we can do is offer our support to Michael, that's it.
well this is michaels last chance to make things go right. All i can say is that the fiasco with the tix for fans was the first mistake what a joke that was, considering we are the ones who have stuck by him through everything even the mistakes he has made. Now it appears that this new so called manager has been sued by everyone and their mother. Remember when weizner was hired fans were screaming that this would be no end of trouble.

Well if mike can't judge by now and learn by his mistakes there is no hope.

So we just have to pray it will work out
Isnt it "interesting" that shortly after rumours about the threats to the auction house... the new manager turned up?

Maybe there are some people who understand the importance of MJs comeback, I mean the negative PR would harm "some things" and somebodys efforts!
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Damn it took a while to get through this thread... phew... anywho.. Personally, I think I'm gonna wait for a confirmation from MJ's camp on whether or not this guy is really in charge of things.
I don't understand how this could be "Bogus". In that statement there was a quote from Michael. It is illegal to misquote someone, not to mention make up a quote entirely. If this press release is fake then there could be some major legal consequences. The fact that it came directly from the website of the company, makes me believe its true.
mmm hmmm but Trish, how many lessons that boy gotta learn ??

as many as Jahovah wants him to learn.... just like in our own lives...

but again we have already run to Siberia and back without this press release being proven as official....
I don't understand why fans think they have a need to know everything about Michael Jackson's business. That is has to be transparent. No it don't. Nothing to do with you. Tohme could be have been just a temporary kind of manager person and that there was always going to be a plan to get new more experienced management when he started back peforming etc. Possible that this transition came sooner due to focus being put now on Tohme and legal issues going on with the auction.

Fans need to realise that there will always be rumours, stories and lawsuits involving managers in the entertainment business. That's the business. And again some journalist mouths off and everyone immediately accuses Michael of bad judgement. Frank Dileo and other before and after him have all had stories and rumours about them. Doesn't mean they are devils either. Get used to it. Especially when it comes to one of the most famous men on the planet. And one that garners most scrutiny and attention and the benjamins. It goes on with most entertainer/artists it's just that they are not as newsworthy as an artist like Michael Jackson. You can see stories doing rounds in the tabloid media today about Madonna and her employees. Are people going to say the same about her having bad judgement. It's not really anything to do with bad judgement. But everybody keeps using that same phrase.
everybody has a point of view ... and we all digest information differently.

If some tidbit of news about Michael doesn't bother one person, that is great for that person. Unfortunately, some can be alarmed by that same news. Let's try to be here for one another and not simply judge other people for what they think and feel. If you have no interest, capacity or desire, to try and understand what another is thinking ... don't speak on it.

**get's all High School Musical**
We're all in this together

Some of us are cool to let things happen as they are Going to happen. We cannot change or control any of it, so why sweat it ??

Some others of us see Red flags, created by the past. Causing concerns as to what might happen in the future. None of us want to see Michael come under scrutiny for another person's bullshit.

Some compassion for others would be appreciated :zformation:
I don't know if this fella has power of attorney either but it is not uncommon for business managers to have it. When I say business deals I mean all of Michael's business dealings which includes the tour. It was Dr. Tohme Tohme who brokered the current AEG deal as Michael's business manager. So as you can see, business managers are quite powerful.

Not trying to water down Tohme Tohme mangerial achievments, but AEG had been on Michael's back as early as 2006, even when he was in Bahrain. Of course at that time we're talking about Las Vegas residency shows, but since AEG also own O2, Michael could have seen that one coming. Kinda like a natural progression in the bigger scheme of things if you ask me...

yeah I don't like POA either. The only person i want to sign off on something is ME ME and ME. POA is only for old senile peeps or so I thought. I'm sorry but I just couldn't have someone signing things no matter how busy I am, that I don't agree to or on a paper that i haven't even looked at. Then when the funk hits the fan all the blame is on me and now I got to deal with this mess. It like having someone think for you....and that's NOT the business. nope!

Are you kidding me! POA is like a blank check should only be given when the trust is earned. Better on a
ad- hoc, piece-meal or case-by-case basis. If Michael trusts no one
perhaps he should be his own manager, broker his own deals, markets himself, does his own PR, writes his own damn cheques, blow his own his hair and style his own clothes. Wear all of them hats on himself. Who needs to hire anyone! Sure beats the recession! :lol:
Warbrobe malfunction! blame it on homie

Ok, that "power of attorney" part is the part I don't like. I don't think Raymone had power of attorney. I heard rumors taht Deiter had it. But when you say "business deals", do you mean as it relates to the tour? You don't mean as it relates to other areas of his life like Sony/ATV, Neverland and other business ventures he may have, right?

From 2005 docs, I believe only Dieter had the POA.
puhlease.....aeg might of been on his backbut it was tohme that helped land the deal and make it happen.

as far as not worrying about his money and only being a fan, when he's tied up in litigation b/c of something, then what's there to be joyful about if he can't artistically do anything?
everybody has a point of view ... and we all digest information differently.

If some tidbit of news about Michael doesn't bother one person, that is great for that person. Unfortunately, some can be alarmed by that same news. Let's try to be here for one another and not simply judge other people for what they think and feel. If you have no interest, capacity or desire, to try and understand what another is thinking ... don't speak on it.

**get's all High School Musical**
We're all in this together

Some of us are cool to let things happen as they are Going to happen. We cannot change or control any of it, so why sweat it ??

Some others of us see Red flags, created by the past. Causing concerns as to what might happen in the future. None of us want to see Michael come under scrutiny for another person's bullshit.

Some compassion for others would be appreciated :zformation:

Your post is on point reasonable and fair! Compassion is something on most fansite's that we lack at times. Wish it was not that way.

Beautiful Post. Thanks.
Yeah, what Chi Chi said. It's allowed to talk about Michael's "business-matters" when that's been reported on by mainstream news and/or in a press-release, as long as it doesn't get too invasive or speculative.

Mainly, what we have to remember is that there ARE different viewpoints here and this is a discussion board. Respect means "listening" to the views of others without being judgmental, even if those ideas are different from our own. Doesn't mean those folks with different viewpoints are necessarily WRONG . .. . . they're just individuals, as we all are.
If you read Moonwalker Mike himself refers to the Off the Wall tour!!
i don't lack compassion for others or concern for mj cus i'm going with the flow. i just believe things that make me decide to go with the flow. not fair to have blanketing asessments. plus, it seems like sometimes that judgemental air is towards Michael. like he messed up cus he went through something.
i'm just saying it is logical to temper the concern for Michael with the respect due someone with lots of experience and success,even through hard times. i mean if i go into my favorite jewelry store whose been in business a long time, through many recessions, it's hard for me not to hesitate to argue with their business practices, even if i may be concerned about them. it doesn't matter if the store looks big and foreboding and like it can bite the heads off its enemies, or, if it looks like Mike.

it's sorta like britney. she's such an easy target for so many. but she's always at number 1 and on top of her game. it's just hard for me to argue with that.

just let me have their long term success, and u can correct me all u want, cus i ain't listenin. :lol:

i don't care if you're big like Darth Vader or small like Yoda. If you are wise and powerful, you are wise and Powerful.
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as someone else mentioned on a different board, its strange that no media has picked this up . Usually legit outlets like the AP, Reuters, CNN etc. immediately report such official statements. Maybe it's because it's the weekend (although they do report on weekends too).

If tomorrow nobody reports this, could there be something shady with this press-release?
I'd add that it seems to me it appeared on that site(that management site) announcing it, and then was pushed to fan boards, was never actually released officially to the media or via PRNewswire, AP or the rest of them.... its almost is as though they're trying to force MJ's hand on something....

very shady.... i can just see the chaos that are about to ensue...MJ will surely be ok, he always is albeit losing money because of it here and there.... interesting times ahead.
as someone else mentioned on a different board, its strange that no media has picked this up . Usually legit outlets like the AP, Reuters, CNN etc. immediately report such official statements. Maybe it's because it's the weekend (although they do report on weekends too).

If tomorrow nobody reports this, could there be something shady with this press-release?
I'd add that it seems to me it appeared on that site(that management site) announcing it, and then was pushed to fan boards, was never actually released officially to the media or via PRNewswire, AP or the rest of them.... its almost is as though they're trying to force MJ's hand on something....

very shady.... i can just see the chaos that are about to ensue...MJ will surely be ok, he always is albeit losing money because of it here and there.... interesting times ahead.

But they are supposedly quoting Michael in it. Even the worst idiots know better than to 'quote' someone saying something they didn't say.
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