Michael Jackson Appoints New Management

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Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Yes and I hope this wont happen to Michael. this guy worked with Michael befored and I hope he does right by Michael. He needs to remember that one bad move against MIchael, it is over because the media will talk about him 24/7 unlike R kelly.
Yes I remember this man stole money from the R.Kelly's Double Up tour. Well, he was associated with the Jacksons before, so maybe he's the right one for Mike. And you're absolutely right, this is MJ we're talkin bout and the man knows that he can't mess with MJ.
RF from Fox says this is not true at all, and that Joesph Jackson is behind this, and they, he and Rowe are being told by AEG to cease and desist.

Wow. Who would have ythought we'd have to go to RF to get the real scoop on MJ?
RF from Fox says this is not true at all, and that Joesph Jackson is behind this, and they, he and Rowe are being told by AEG to cease and desist.

Wow. Who would have ythought we'd have to go to RF to get the real scoop on MJ?

Clearly this is a huge power struggle in Camp MJ nothing new here, Joe Jackson been pulling these type stunts since the OTW days and it got worse as Thriller took off and beyond.
And the plot thickens.

Michael has gotta put a plug in those RF leaks. Seriously.

Whatever internal power grab is going on, they need squash that. Quick.
I hope Leonard Rowe is a great manager as Michael hasn't had an astute manager for many years. The only thing that worries me is that Michael's employed people who have been close friends for years and they have eiather stabbed Michael in the back like his German friend Dieter who became Michael's manager in 2003, or they haven't been up to standard. I hope Leonard Rowe is an exception.
I hope Leonard Rowe is a great manager as Michael hasn't had an astute manager for many years. The only thing that worries me is that Michael's employed people who have been close friends for years and they have eiather stabbed Michael in the back like his German friend Dieter who became Michael's manager in 2003, or they haven't been up to standard. I hope Leonard Rowe is an exception.

As it stands now it's very unclear whether or not Rowe IS Michael's manager. The press-release appeared only on the Champion website and on fan-boards, but was never released to the wire-services. That is highly abnormal.

As far as Rowe being a "great manager," I think that the number and types of lawsuits filed against him should raise red-flags. The entertainment industry has corruption, for sure, but the lawsuits that Rowe lost, and the ones pending, don't exactly point to greatness in service of Michael.
wow how about ur damn manager is the friggin leak? please, let's see where this goes but i aint happy about this at all. what bad has tohme done? honestly? the auction? then explain how mj signed the catalogues but 'didn't know' what was being sold.

please this guy is a crook but he's worked /w mj before so it's ok. ugh so did backerman, bain, dileo, and galin, doesn't mean we want them back either
And the plot thickens.

Michael has gotta put a plug in those RF leaks. Seriously.

Whatever internal power grab is going on, they need squash that. Quick.

from what I see.. RF knows nothing about Michael's affairs or plans... it is all guessing...ALL OF IT

and sadly as I mentioned before... people believe RF and his :bs :bs than believe Michael himself...that is sooooooooo damn sad its not even funny..

RF does not know sh*t ... he is like someone that searches the garbage cans...he blows alot of air and hopes something sticks...and a few fans that frequent this board also feed him info....and cooperate with him.... bunch of charlatants...

I bet anyone $1000 that if RF really knew what was going on in MJ's world ..there would have been no o2 concerts .... he would have done everything in his yellow journalistic power to stop him.. have MJ make millions and have that "he is broke" story be challenged...

Hell NO............!!!

this whole thread puts the fan community 10+ steps back..."we" ran with this "unofficial" information and left it up to RF to set the record straight....

that in and of itself scares the Hell out of me... not Michael nor his plans nor staff.. but "us"...
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Michael hasn't issued a statement about Rowe, so what we know for certain is that Tohme has been/is his manager and spokesperson. Another thing we know for certain is that Rowe did, indeed, issue a statement that he was now managing Michael's business matters. "Issuing a statement" doesn't make the statement true. The statement appeared only on the Champion site (and thanks, Vstreet) and on fan-boards. It was never released to the wire-services.

So basically, until we hear something official from Michael, Tohme remains his manager and at least up to this point in time, R.F. is not wrong about that, however sketchy his sources.
And the plot thickens.

Michael has gotta put a plug in those RF leaks. Seriously.

Whatever internal power grab is going on, they need squash that. Quick.

I dont know if this was a leak or just to shut people up.

LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's official and sole spokesperson, Dr. Tohme. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's alleged medical condition, has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing
can i ask why my post got deleted in the is michael brainy because all i said was that mike made bad business decisions, but in this post everyone is saying that they think this is a bad business decision. Just wondered thats all it doesn't make sense
I dont know if this was a leak or just to shut people up.

LOS ANGELES, Dec 22, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's official and sole spokesperson, Dr. Tohme. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's alleged medical condition, has issued the following statement:

"Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'

The writer's wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company & television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing

This is a legitimate press-release. It was by Michael's official spokes-person, Dr. Tohme. Not going to discuss Michael's health, though. This statement is the final word on that. And as you can see, the "finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company" was quite accurate, and I'm sure the rest of it will prove to be.
Rasta I see what you're saying. But there are a couple of questions that arise from things as we know them at the moment.

1. It appears that Rowe's statement was not passed to any major newswire or agency or anything.
2. The only source I have seen for this statement is here: http://www.championmgt.com/rowe032709.pdf Championship Management LLC is a company that is registered in Texas. Leonard Rowe has his own company which is registered in Atlanta, GA.
3. Someone on MJJR said that they spoke with Rowe and he denied any involvement in this whole thing.

As far as 2 goes I guess this may just be the same thing as happened with Tohme and Scoop Marketing.
The difference is that the statements go out to all the usual agencies when Tohme releases them. With this one, it seems nobody's picked it up. Like it only appears on the Championmgt.com website and nowhere else.

I'm not sure either way - but the points I just described make me suspicious either way. I am quite sure though that this will be cleared up very soon either way.

Rumors of Joe making a comeback into managing (or at least assisting in managing) Michael's business surfaced recently anyway. But I'm not saying this is true or untrue. Just a part of the puzzle.

my whole issue is that "we" need to be alot more weary and careful about making assumptions onn Michael and his affairs based on unsubstantiated information.....

after going through all the negativity and trial and to arrive at this point... we really need to have a bit more faith in the man... and get abit more savvy

the easiest thing haters/naysayers can do is to create the divide/conquer concept among the fan community and against Michael's own family...

for all I know RF did the press release about Rowe.. who knows?? but what we know that at this point that press release is not official...

until its official.. I am going to do myself a favour..and stop posting on it >>>>>>>>>>..I am out
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Oh my, What is it with Michael that makes people keep coming up with all these things all the time.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Thank God, someone who knows Michael and knows the business. Someone who appears to have Michael's best interest at heart. Someone with common sense!

But what exactly does a tour manager do? Are they responsible for handling the money? I hope not, cause R Kelly won his $3.5 mil lawsuit against this guy and he was also sued by some other folks.

Hopefully, he has a better working relationship with Michael.

A tour manager is the person who organises a schedule of appearances of a musical group at a sequence of venues. The tour manager has responsibilities to the band, their management and to the other members of the team who are involved in a tour.


[edit] Accountability to the band and its management

Being a tour manager for a rock, pop, or rap group entails many responsibilities. First, there is a responsibility to the band and their manager or management company. Typically, band members have invested a major portion of their lives to become a success in the music industry and they require a dedicated person as a tour manager who has their best interests at heart when making plans and decisions involving the band, the management company, the record company, the agents, and the venues which the band is scheduled into playing while on tour.
It is the tour manager's job to book hotels, make travel arrangements, and ensure that everyone is on time all the time for each person's specific duties. This includes both the members of the band, the local record company representatives, and the members of the road crew in conjunction with the production manager who the band has hired for the tour. Typically, a tour manager may be responsible for the logistics and productivity of 10 to 20 people on a small scale tour. This extends to dozens of people in the case of a full-scale major arena tour. These tours may last anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 years on the road, living on the sleeper buses with the rest of the crew, depending upon the popularity of the band and their ability to sell out venues based upon their current and past success.

[edit] Duties of the tour manager

There are a number of individual duties which must be performed by the tour manager to run a smooth and successful tour. For instance, it is often the responsibility of the tour manager to be the first one up every morning, in order to make wake-up calls to each band member, depending upon what time he or she likes to wake up before the transport leaves for the next city each morning.
The tour manager will liaise with the manager, day-by-day, to check for possible changes to the itinerary, and to keep up to date with the band's most recent performances.
Most days of a tour require a trip to the next venue, which might typically be up to a 12 hour journey by tour bus. The travelling time may be the only opportunity for the tour manager to undertake much of the administrative work of the job: paper work, phone calls, and planning for the next few days. This may include confirming and re-confirming hotel reservations, radio and television interviews, meetings, and sound checks and show times at each city and venue for the current tour.
Generally speaking, a Tour Manager is also a Tour Accountant (depending on the scope of the tour; larger tours will have a dedicated Tour Accountant, who works closely with the Tour Manager).

[edit] Welfare of the band and crew

It usually falls to the tour manager to keep the band members and the crew happy while they are hundreds, or thousands, of miles away from their homes and their families and lives. It takes the adept skills of a juggler and a psychologist to keep everyone satisfied and on top of their game to produce the best possible show night after night after night.
Most tours, to be profitable, must have shows six of seven nights a week, which eventually begins to take its toll both mentally and physically (tour managers state that this typically happens around the fourth or fifth week of a tour). Examples of symptoms that are quoted by tour managers include the spreading of colds, requests for wives and husbands and girlfriends and boyfriends to join the tour, and a general feeling of claustrophobia and selfishness, arising from spending so much time together in such confined spaces as hotel rooms, tour buses and concert venues. It is part of the job of the tour manager to keep everyone working as a team and to calm all fears, heartaches, physical ailments, and talk of desertions..

[edit] Rewards of tour management

There are many rewards associated with the role of tour manager. For example, there is the opportunity for extensive travel to major cities of the world. The role is also highly-paid, at least in the case of major tours of popular bands. For many people, there is also reward in the company and culture of musicians.

[edit] External links

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tour_manager"
Categories: Occupations in music | Concert tours | Road crew
Hidden categories: Articles lacking sources from February 2007 | All articles lacking sources | NPOV disputes from December 2007
from what I see.. RF knows nothing about Michael's affairs or plans... it is all guessing...ALL OF IT

and sadly as I mentioned before... people believe RF and his :bs :bs than believe Michael himself...that is sooooooooo damn sad its not even funny..

RF does not know sh*t ... he is like someone that searches the garbage cans...he blows alot of air and hopes something sticks...and a few fans that frequent this board also feed him info....and cooperate with him.... bunch of charlatants...

I bet anyone $1000 that if RF really knew what was going on in MJ's world ..there would have been no o2 concerts .... he would have done everything in his yellow journalistic power to stop him.. have MJ make millions and have that "he is broke" story be challenged...

Hell NO............!!!

this whole thread puts the fan community 10+ steps back..."we" ran with this "unofficial" information and left it up to RF to set the record straight....

that in and of itself scares the Hell out of me... not Michael nor his plans nor staff.. but "us"...

I have to dis-agree that RF "guesses" everything. I do believe and always have believed that RF does have sources that are close to Michael. He has been right more then wrong, and although RF does insert his opinion into his stories which sometimes can be negative that does not mean the factuality of his reports are always false. This is, in no way, any endorsement of RF's opinions or articles. I am simply calling it how I see; RF has sources close to MJ. Why has RF been wrong so many times? Its because Michael is always changing his mind one day after another and MJ's life is very complicated with lots of people making different decisions. Sometimes information can get lost, become irrelevant, or just not be correct.

In this specific situation, after much thought, I do not think this Leonard guy is associated with Michael at all! AEG is in control of this operation and they wouldn't want some shady character with a bad legal record interfering with any of this. The fact that this "official document" was only released to fan clubs and on the website but not to mainstream press...highlights that it may not be factual. In my opinion this is an attempt by Joseph Jackson and Leonard to try and "cash in" on these very lucrative concerts. Michael could be making hundreds of millions of dollars over the next 3 years. Joseph has always tried to do this every time Michael is making money. I think we will see over the next week, a retract of that statement and AEG or Michael issuing a statement regarding the whole mess. Stay tuned...
I have to dis-agree that RF "guesses" everything. I do believe and always have believed that RF does have sources that are close to Michael. He has been right more then wrong, and although RF does insert his opinion into his stories which sometimes can be negative that does not mean the factuality of his reports are always false. This is, in no way, any endorsement of RF's opinions or articles. I am simply calling it how I see; RF has sources close to MJ. Why has RF been wrong so many times? Its because Michael is always changing his mind one day after another and MJ's life is very complicated with lots of people making different decisions. Sometimes information can get lost, become irrelevant, or just not be correct.

In this specific situation, after much thought, I do not think this Leonard guy is associated with Michael at all! AEG is in control of this operation and they wouldn't want some shady character with a bad legal record interfering with any of this. The fact that this "official document" was only released to fan clubs and on the website but not to mainstream press...highlights that it may not be factual. In my opinion this is an attempt by Joseph Jackson and Leonard to try and "cash in" on these very lucrative concerts. Michael could be making hundreds of millions of dollars over the next 3 years. Joseph has always tried to do this every time Michael is making money. I think we will see over the next week, a retract of that statement and AEG or Michael issuing a statement regarding the whole mess. Stay tuned...

so Michael changed his mind over the last 8-9years about selling the Beatles catalog and being broke and being drugged by Grace and dying from illness???

believe what you must.... in the past certain folks around Michael did feed info to RF and Mark G did purposely give him info during beginning of that horrendous ordeal but currently.... I have my doubts...even that little comment RF" claims" Tohme made to him is very debious....at best..

RF sources are fired employees.... people who answer phones at the record company and certain other places.................and people suing Michael... and his vivid imagination and certain fans and fansites (not this one but there are a couple that give him interviews and strongly support him)....

But Michael's true "inner-cirlce"... I doubt VERY MUCH...

I still stand by what I said.. if RF really knew what was "really" going on with Michael... there is no way in hell fans would be preparing to go to the O2 concerts......I bet my best pair of shoes on that....

anyone of us that frequent this board can do the same thing RF and get the same result or even better... its the horiscope technique....

As long as fans have more faith in RF than Michael himself...........we will always be spinning our wheels...
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I do believe and always have believed that RF does have sources that are close to Michael.

PLEASE, don't make me laugh!

If Roger had "sources" close to Michael, he would have known all about the O2 concerts. And to my recollection, his "sources" have been wrong more times then they have been right.

How many times has he reported about MJ LOSING SONY/ATV? Are you going to say that MJ still maintains that catalog, because he changed his mind. LOL!
I believe to remember that all "insiders" were completely taken by surprise as far as the o2 shows are concerned.

Well you can't be much of an "insider," if you don't know what's going on INSIDE. LOL!

The biggest news to come out of Michael Jackson Land in ages, and NONE of the insiders knew about it. Come on, you don't really believe that, do you?
Well, at first I thought that Michael was going for a trusted person from the past with Rowe. But apparently he's a scam too. If only I googled him first ;) So if it's true that he lied about being Michaels manger in whatever capacity... then it's amazing as to what people will do to try and get 'in' with Michael.

RF from Fox says this is not true at all, and that Joesph Jackson is behind this, and they, he and Rowe are being told by AEG to cease and desist.

Wow. Who would have ythought we'd have to go to RF to get the real scoop on MJ?

That would make sense as this hasn't been picked up by any of the major news wires. If this is true, Joe needs to back the hell off.
That would make sense as this hasn't been picked up by any of the major news wires. If this is true, Joe needs to back the hell off.

That's his dad for crying out loud.

He can't get rid of him, but he can have a little heart to heart with him, that's for sure.
Mmm mmm mmm. This kind of stuff might is really making me considering staying away from here for a while, not cuz of yall though. Itis bringing that bad vibe back here again, and to think it'd go away after the announcement of the concerts. Smh.

Maybe there will be another statement denying this, or not, maybe it's true, who knows? Wait and see again, I suppose.....
As regards to saying none of the insiders knew i beg to differ!!

MJJNEWS was telling us about Michael getting into London plus the prince.org insider categorically said that this summer even though they did not want it, and wanted prince back belonged to a certain MR Michael Jackson and he was only a few months short of tour readiness!! then you had others such as our very own Rubba who has said a few things and this has come true, plus, more to come!

The insiders have only been able to talk when the actual events where happening or about to happen, dont think there not there , they are!

However do you really think they want to talk with NO MARKS like RF or a great community of Michaels devoted loving and loyal fans!

I rest my case!

This is only the beginning for THE TIME HAS COME!!

That's his dad for crying out loud.

He can't get rid of him, but he can have a little heart to heart with him, that's for sure.

I didn't say for him to get rid of Joe. I said Joe, IF what RF said is true, which is 50/50 at best, needs to stay out of his son's business affairs. He has nothing to do with it and he shouldn't, as any time in the past that he has, save for the beggining of the J5's career, it hasn't gone well. And it would be just plain wrong if Joe's actually thrown an untrue rumor out there about Michael's business affairs, which in turn has turned the fan community in to a bunch of screaming mimi's.
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