Michael Jackson Appoints New Management

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All I can say is good luck for Michael. I'm indifferent to this, I just want to believe Mike knows what is right for him and not judge him if it doesn't work out. Unless you work in the entertainment business, how do we know what's going on with an artist until lawsuits come.
I just hope for the best and pray that everything goes right. But I wouln't be rejoicing whenever there's a new person in Michael's team because too often they have only stabbed him in the back. This has happened so many times, first fans say how they love this new guy and some months later we find out that he was just another blood sucker.
And I do not trust Michael in these kinds of situations. Michael just doesn't seem to have it in him to see who is relly trustworthy and who isn't.
I've decided to pull up some articles about Rowe. Ne-Yo sued him too!!

R. Kelly Wins Lawsuit: http://tinyurl.com/dkde7b

OK this dude sounds like a crook. He sold FAKE shares to investors? OMG R. Kelly could have not only sued but had him arrested!!

Yes. Something's not right with this picture.

Also, we should ALL take a closer look at why Tohme was fired.

Let's NOT forget what Julien's reps said a in sworn statement. Now, normally I would just discount their statements, but it seems to me that there was some foul play involved (I mean, the whole thing is a mess). It appears someone somewhere was trying to get Mike into a whole heap of trouble (AGAIN).

I seriously hope that the sworn statement does NOT catch the wrong person's attention because it seriously could lead to something worse later on down the line :no:

Rowe character is also a big concern.
MJ has changed managers too much over the years. I hope this guy won't screw MJ and will speak the truth to MJ and not what he wants to hear. Michael has had and I would say still has to many yes men around him, and the wrong people in his ears.

I wish Tom Mez was still in MJ's life to advice him on matters.
I don't feel good about this guy. What with his history. Let's just hope my intuition is false. Hopefully since they've worked in the past, it wont end up like Ne-Yo and R Kelly's stories.

Just keep prayin', just keep prayin'. Just keep prayin', prayin', prayin'!
oh God , WHY do michael never investigate about the history of people who he wants to hire ?.i dont get it realy !!!
I doubt that every single one of these people that worked for MJ were calling RF. Don't forget, RF is a member of the media. RF happens to be a snake that is fully equipped with a rattler, but he's still a member of the media. He's been calling those people around MJ for comments just like the real members of the media have been doing and sometimes some of the people around MJ do not know that they should not talk to be talking to him.

If we look at the tone of RF's numerous articles we can see that he is a person that speaks in a very forceful tone. He is very aggressive. He's the type of person that pushes passed others and does sneaky manuvers.

If a new person picks up the phone, while answering a call that's coming in through a phone number that has been provided to the media, and the snake is on the other end of it, a new person with little experience dealing with the media will not know they are talking to the snake.

Again, every single person that ends up talking to RF the snake did not call RF the snake. He's calling them and unfortunately some get tricked by him. They feel important while they are on MJ's payroll and while enjoying feeling successful, they sometimes get dupped.

With the London concerts approaching, there will be many more calls from the media coming into MJ's camp. It's a good idea to lay out some guidelines on how to handle their calls. The same contact number that the earnest reporters will be using to write their stories on the upcoming concerts, RF will surely be using too.

There is a bright side to all of this though....

The bigger this thing that MJ is working on gets, the faster it is going to be moving. RF is not going to be able to keep up with it or MJ. It is going to totally overwhelm RF. He is only able to be an irritant while it is in startup phase. RF is no match for MJ when MJ is going full throttle. RF will be like dust in the wind.
false. to keep your enemies close is a wise mantra but not in this case. ...after giving friedman nuggets, Team MJ has NO editorial control on how friedman will report it. we've seen it countless times. ...you can try to play nice with that guy, you can work with him and yet... Friedman still spins it out of control. MJ had one window in time where Friedman wrote "kind" things about him but then he quickly reverted back to the over the top negativity. ... MJ can not and should not trust Friedman and neither should his team.

that ain't fan talk. that's common sense.

and lastly, to say that friedman just made up the tohme interview is completely paranoid and simple. friedman is a fool but there's no reason to make up SEVERAL quotes and attribute them to tohme, on the record.

Personally, I could care less whether Tohme said the quote or not. That is not the point. Michael's team has used RF before, so it's really not out of the question that they will do so again. If AEG talks to Friedman, are people going to balk and say that he needs to get away from them. Apparently, if Tohme talked to RF, he did so after all that needed to be in place was in place; remember, it wasn't too long ago that RF was saying how there would be no deal with AEG.

And again, Michael and his team should determine whether to deal with RF or not. It is not like they aren't aware of who he is and his past attitude towards MJ. The same scenario was in play during the trial; RF could have "spun" that info. also. Yet, his team went there and don't think for a minute they didn't have plenty of common sense; they simple knew when to gamble and how to do it.

Again, Michael knows what he wants or needs and with whom he may need to deal in order to get it. But that is really up to him and his team. What is more important is what information RF or any other media player is given and whether or not it is indeed info that can have a spin, other than that desired, put to it.

My real point is who Michael and his team talk to or deal with really shouldn't be that big of a point of contention for us the fans. That side of the entertainment, music, and art of MJ really belongs to him and his team. There is so much behind the scenes that we don't know that it is really hard to definitively state what he should or should not be doing. It's also that with each action comes a wave of immediate negativity, such as when he announced the concerts; there was the immediate "Will this really happen? I bet he pulls out." trash talk. Sometimes a simple "wish him the best" would suffice. I just think that we should let things unfold as they will and enjoy what is actually put out there for us to enjoy and support, which is his music and performances. The rest, he really has never asked for the fans to approve, disapprove, or support because he knows all of that is on him.
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I don't trust Thome nor this new guy. But I also don't think it is fair to judge the new guy based on one incident with R Kelly. I mean Michael also got sued by Avram and lost to the tune of $5 mil. Do we now say that Michael is not a trustworthy client? No. The reason I don't trust the guy is because I don't know much about him. I think that we should do some research on Rowe and look back at his past dealings with others. Not just his dealings with R Kelly.

But, this is what I'm talking about. You don't trust him because you don't know that much about him? Why not just leave it at not being able to make a judgment because people don't know that much about him, his relationship to MJ, or what has or has not been officially done, said, or planned?

I guess that is the point that I just really don't get.
In a nutshell, guys....

We cannot become fearful of every move that MJ makes and neither can he. If fear is allowed to take front row and center stage, MJ will never be able to get this thing off the ground.

He can't be afraid to take flight and soar and we can't be afraid to watch him prepare for takeoff. If some of you are afraid to watch, then cover your eyes, because no matter what some of you may think or feel, Michael Jackson is getting ready to go.

He is getting ready to do this...

The theme of his upcoming concert series is "This Is It."
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In a nutshell, guys....

We cannot become fearful of every move that MJ makes and neither can he. If fear is allowed to take front row and center stage, MJ will never be able to get this thing off the ground.

He can't be afraid to take flight and soar and we can't be afraid to watch him prepare for takeoff. If some of you are afraid to watch, then cover your eyes, because no matter what some of you may think or feel, Michael Jackson is getting ready to go.

He is getting ready to do this...

Absolutely. This is straight to the point.

Anything that goes awry will be handled by Michael.
yea nic i'd hold that damn thought. how the hell is this good when this dude just got sued and LOST against r(ah) for stealing money?

y'all so happy tohme is gone that u're missing the bigger damn picture.

Well shoot, that was before I got informed by ya'll about this dude. Now I don't know what to think of him. Tohme was starting to weird me out because of the whole conflict of interest issue with him representing Colony Capital and because of what's happened between Julians auctions and the Neverland stuff. But now that I know about this guys history with R.Kelly, etc... I'm not exactly happy about it. I don't trust anybody when it comes to Michael. This sucks, because every asshole and their mother is trying to take advantage of him every five minutes. How's he supposed to keep up with that? I hope this doesn't turn in to a disaster.
R-Kelly messes up concerts too. Look at that mess he created while he was touring with Jay-Z. Don't take what he encountered with Rowe and automatically attach it to MJ's working relationship with Rowe. MJ and Rowe go way back.

All MJ has to do is be upfront with Rowe. Give him the rundown early on and let him know he will be keeping tabs on him. Let Rowe know if he wants to earn a decent income working with MJ is the place to be. If he wants to be out on his butt, mess with him and he will surely get his wish.

Mike's got some big things coming down the pipe. It would be to Rowe's best interest to get some act-right.
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I caution everyone to wait to make sure things are official and also research that lawsuit Rowe had with R Kelly's Double Up tour... which boiled down to RKelly suing for full payment for all tour performances...

without researching it you would think something worst happened with RKelly...

judging a man's 25years + career on a lawsuit is certainly not fair... its not fair when its done to Michael .... ...

Have a little more faith in Michael .... I can remember when Michael fired Mark G and hired T-mez...........everyone was up in arms.....................and that decision give him his life back...

the sky is not falling... and people need to book their hotel and travel arrangements.. July is just around the corner.. and if KOP is coming to Miami.. I need to update by Brazilain bikini and flip/flops..................got to run.....

That's true too. It's easy to jump to conclusions I guess. The fans I think are hyper-sensitive because of how many people have stabbed Michael in the back in the past. It makes the community automatically suspicious of anyone who isn't 100% squeaky clean. I trust in Michael's judgement. I think he knows what he's doing. It's just hard not to distrust people around him, because so many have ended up being wolves in sheeps clothing.
I think Michael will be okay but don't be surprised in a year or two if Michael sues this guy for fraud. It seems that everyone Rowe has worked with sued him. There is no need for Rowe to "ORGANIZE" Michael's concerts.

And he's been sued by more than just R. Kelly and Neyo. His wife was sued by Sony BMG for copyright infringement, his company federally investigated and charged with racketeering. American Talent Agency sued Rowe Entertainment for fraud and misrepresentation. It's a laundry list of bad deeds and Rowe Entertainment has lost almost each time. :no: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this isn't a reputable company and JUST because MICHAEL hired him doesn't mean he's going to shape up and do the right thing. You don't hire crooks and criminals because when you do you get bad results.
I'm talking about Rowe Entertainment and I was just told Michelle Rowe is his wife.
Look though guys, classic is right in that we can't have a damn heart attack every time Michael gets involved with someone who appears less then stellar to us. The best policy to take regarding Michael's employees is that we never fully trust any of them or get personally attatched to any of them, because they can be gone in a hot minute, but we also have to put some faith in Michael's judgement. Now Michael's been known in the past to be overly-trusting, and that's true about him. He has been. But Michael also is extremely, extremely intelligent. He is NOT stupid by any means, and he knows that now is the worst time to allow his business and/or personal affairs to be sabatoged. He isn't going to allow anyone to come in and ransack his plans. Look how quickly he dumped Tohme. I think he did that because he saw Tohme had already gotten him in to some trouble and he wasn't going to allow that to go any further. I think Michael is seriously taking a no-nonsense approach to his workers now and won't hesitate to fire their asses at the first sign of trouble. If this Rowe guy starts any shit, I can bet you a million bucks Michael will drop him like a hot patato. Michael said to Geraldo that he would no longer be as trusting as he once was, and I believe him. I think Michael will give you ONE chance now, and if you f*ck up, then you're f*cked, bottom line.
Yep. They will be up and out in the bat of an eye.

This conversation that we are having is just showing that things are really starting to take shape. And just imagine, some thought this day would never come. lol
Look though guys, classic is right in that we can't have a damn heart attack every time Michael gets involved with someone who appears less then stellar to us. The best policy to take regarding Michael's employees is that we never fully trust any of them or get personally attatched to any of them, because they can be gone in a hot minute, but we also have to put some faith in Michael's judgement. Now Michael's been known in the past to be overly-trusting, and that's true about him. He has been. But Michael also is extremely, extremely intelligent. He is NOT stupid by any means, and he knows that now is the worst time to allow his business and/or personal affairs to be sabatoged. He isn't going to allow anyone to come in and ransack his plans. Look how quickly he dumped Tohme. I think he did that because he saw Tohme had already gotten him in to some trouble and he wasn't going to allow that to go any further. I think Michael is seriously taking a no-nonsense approach to his workers now and won't hesitate to fire their asses at the first sign of trouble. If this Rowe guy starts any shit, I can bet you a million bucks Michael will drop him like a hot patato. Michael said to Geraldo that he would no longer be as trusting as he once was, and I believe him. I think Michael will give you ONE chance now, and if you f*ck up, then you're f*cked, bottom line.

Exactly! I don't understand all this nervous feeling. And since when do we get close to his management company anyways?
Yeah, well, it's human nature to build a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone screams fire and everyone panics and starts running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It's easy to instill fear in people. Even I got a little wired from the few bad things which have been said in the last few pages. But then I realized that there's no use in tripping. Michael's not dumb. I trust him to do what's right for him and his family and his career. He's stepping back in to the role of entertainer and doing it on a massive scale and he's not some pushover, despite what some think. He isn't going to allow anyone to screw this up for him.
See that red banner that MJJC has put at the top of our computer screens? THAT's what is coming up.

Enjoy this moment. It is the very thing that all of MJ's fans across the globe have been waiting for. It makes no sense to let RF's negativity or our enability to see what's going on behind the scenes to cause us to not be happy right now.

This is truly a happy time. Hey, sometimes new hires screw up within their first few months on the job and like any other time, such people get replaced. Companies do not close their doors just because someone screwed up, now do they? No, they do not. They keep moving forward. They fill the position with a new person.
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I'd say the number and types of lawsuits are certainly cause for concern. I'd also say there is not one thing we can do about it. We should focus on the upcoming concerts, and for one, I'm going to be watching this (in terms of what can be gleaned about the management team). Not much else we can do, but look forward to the art, and let the business part of it unfold as it, inevitably, will. . . . . . . .
I'd say the number and types of lawsuits are certainly cause for concern. I'd also say there is not one thing we can do about it. We should focus on the upcoming concerts, and for one, I'm going to be watching this (in terms of what can be gleaned about the management team). Not much else we can do, but look forward to the art, and let the business part of it unfold as it, inevitably, will. . . . . . . .

It's a shame we can't RING the alarm.

This is just crazy. I think some of us can spot a cockroach a 100 miles away.

Fans should be able to have direct communication with Mike (or at least drop him a line or something). I mean EVERY CEO of a major corporation can be written to. Why can't we alert Mike??

This is just a disaster WAITING to happen. :(
And you know what else? Just as important as it is to prepare for what may go wrong, it is equally as important to be prepared for what can go right.

We must remain positive about the future... Here's taste of what is to come...

This is it!
The biggest audience ever to see an artist in one city.
The most amount of people to attend a series of arena shows.
The fastest ticket sales in history.
By the end of the 50 concerts, almost a million fans will have witnessed one of the greatest musical events in history. Michael is ‘thrilled’ by the response and wanted as many fans to share the experience with him as possible. This is the last chance to see the King of Pop in London, performing the songs we all love!

For premium tickets and fan-to-fan exchange, visit Viagogo.co.uk.

VIP Packages are still available. Click here for more details.

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a lot of people have gone down without all the fanfare, but mj seems to keep going, preceeded by fanfare, when it comes to business. so...it's just cool to keep calm about mj and go with the flow, cus, apparently mj looks fresher than anyone ever has in business, for whatever the reason or reasons are.
Look at all the stuff that Michael has bounced back from. Why start doubting him now? Maybe the average Joe wouldn't be able to bounce back, but this is not the average Joe. This is Michael Jackson.

If he was able to keep his head up while going through that trial, he can deal with preparing for the stage.

Starting over isn't always seamless, but nevertheless, you have to keep heading toward your goal. There's no reason to put it off. In order to perfect it, you gotta keep going.

And most of all...you have to continue believing in yourself.
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Turkey Lurkey said,
"The sky is falling, Ducky Lucky.":eek:

"How do you know, Turkey Lurkey?"

"Henny Penny told me."

"How do you know, Henny Penny?"

"Chicken Little told me."

"How do you know, Chicken Little?"

"I saw it with my eyes.
I heard it with my ears.
Some of it fell on my tail."

Ducky Lucky said,
"We will run.
We will run and tell the king." :D LOL


Right, all that can be done is to look forward to the summer, and let Michael handle his business- as it is after all his business. Not ours.
( thank God! Sort of........).

Here is a little prayer that works in most cases as a reminder of keeping yourself grounded.......

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can
- and the wisdon to know the difference..

I know this is a AA prayer, but it works well in other situations to...
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