Michael Jackson Appoints New Management

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hmmmmm i wouldn't be too quick to believe this press release. I'd wait until MJ himself confirms this to be true. As you can see, the presser was sent out by Champion Management at the behest of the ROWE guy... its not written as a statement from MJ himself confirming having hired this guy its written by ROWE announcing HE's been hired by MJ.... well really? Shouldn't he just go to work and let MJ announce it if he wants to? There may have been conversations, maybe, or some "confidant" told him MJ had hired him, and he quickly fired off a statement saying he'd been hired?
Who knows, could be true, i mean if MJ hired schaeffel and Dieter, he surely might have hired this Rowe guy..... if not, then this guy now comes into a long list of people who "think" they've been hired by MJ, they'll go around doing things as "MJ's reps" and then suddenly MJ is being sued for not "honoring" a contract like the Prescient (Darian Dash, transient or whatever the LA company was)one in NY where the people "representing" MJ had no actual contract or agreement to work for MJ as they had been claiming and got MJ into trouble for it with MJ getting caught up in a court case and having to settle out of court.

It could be true but I'd wait for confirmation from MJ before taking this press release as gospel its not the first time people have announced themselves to be working for MJ when they were not.

I never believe anything RF says but he said this week that Joseph Jackson and some guy called him to tell him that this Leonard guy had been hired by MJ and that Tohme was out and that Joseph Jackson was working now to "help" MJ with the concerts etc..... umm why would they do that? why contact RF to say this? Joseph Jackson?

DOESN'T SMELL RIGHT at all. I hope AEG still has a direct line to MJ so they get the scoop directly from him.
I wouldn't be jumping for joy too fast. This is the same Rowe who called Roger Friedman to announce that he wanted to get Michael's "mess of a tour" in order and that he's completely in charge. Why would he need to call Roger Friedman for that? R. Kelly also sued him and won over 3 million dollars for stealing money from his tour.

I'm not impressed at all.

Thank you. I was wondering when someone would comment on this. I am not necessarily reassured either. Michael needs to be concentrating on his art right now, not business and organizational matters. He is not going to have the time to be overseeing business minutia and will therefore be vulnerable to the sharks.
I wouldn't be jumping for joy too fast. This is the same Rowe who called Roger Friedman to announce that he wanted to get Michael's "mess of a tour" in order and that he's completely in charge. Why would he need to call Roger Friedman for that? R. Kelly also sued him and won over 3 million dollars for stealing money from his tour.

I'm not impressed at all.

And now I am both confused and a bit worried again. :mello:
Starting to wonder why there are so few clean, honest, hard working and desent people around........are they realy that rare?:scratch:I would def be too naiv to work in the entertainment industry.
And now I am both confused and a bit worried again. :mello:
Starting to wonder why there are so few clean, honest, hard working and desent people around........are they realy that rare?I would def be too:scratch: naiv to work in the entertainment industry.

I hear ya. These kinds of things are so removed from my world. It's ugly out there, isn't it?
yea before u start dancing in the damn streets i suggest y'all take a breather and get the facts cuz this ain't nothing to friggin celebrate. a known damn crook is coming in to work w/mj RIGHT BEFORE HE STARTS A DAMN TOUR that's sure to generate tons of money.

its about to get messy up in here. i feel lik eback but damn...keep watching
Money shore has a tendency to bring out the troll in people.
But as someone here said; its not a press release that is sent out from Michaels camp- so until its confirmed, who knows what the deal realy is?
can you really trust someone who has roger friedman on speed dial?

a couple years ago, i heard that raymone was up calling friedman periodically too. ... and i believe it

sigh... where are all the trustworthy professionals at? is there not one righteous man remaining in sodom?
:bugeyed I don't like the sound of this. I really hope nothing crappy goes down again. :(
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Thank the lord. That Tohme guy was starting to freak me out. Michael's not taking any nonsense anymore. He's keeping on top of everyone now, and that's fantastic.

Michael is handling his bizniz... and we need to have some faith
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yea nic i'd hold that damn thought. how the hell is this good when this dude just got sued and LOST against r(ah) for stealing money?

y'all so happy tohme is gone that u're missing the bigger damn picture.
can you really trust someone who has roger friedman on speed dial?

a couple years ago, i heard that raymone was up calling friedman periodically too. ... and i believe it

okay so i quote myself for two reasons, 1.) i'm completely awesome and my comments help heal the world, 2.) it bears repeating

friedman communication is a no-no imo. ...and it just dawned on me that yes! even tohme tohme gave a friggin' INTERVIEW to that guy. unbelievable! even telling friedman "If you play it right, you will be the first one to know everything about Michael Jackson."

WHAT?!?! double unbelievable.

so that makes the last four managers/mouthpieces (backerman, bain, tohme and now rowe) who decided that friedman's little backwater internet column should be legitimized and actually pumped him full of information.

:doh: i think randy phillips has done a tremendous job (even tho dude loves to talk) but the best characters around MJ (mesereau, mondell) don't say a word. ...loose lips sink ships. but apparently, this is what MJ wants.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I'll tell you why I didn't trust Dr Thome Thome. Because at least one recent article posted on here said it was Michael's management team (Thome) who arranged for Michael to sign away all his most treasured possessions to Julian's Auction House, when Michael was under the impression they were just going on display for a while, not being sold. So it's no surprise that, following the start of a lawsuit against the auction house, Michael should also get rid of his management team.

the article SAID that this new guy is REPLACING Dr Tohme... as Michael manager...
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I really don't understand why people get so worked up about who or who is not working for Michael Jackson. He is the one that knows these people and knows what powers he gives them. If he disregards past mistakes or questionable actions, then so be it. What is it really to anyone else?

The same statements that people make about everyone of Michael's management teams are the types used against him. Many said that AEG and other reputable companies would never want to work with Michael because of the large history of lawsuits against him that have included breaking contracts or his "reputation" of finding excuses to back out of commitments at the last minute. Without personally knowing Michael and only taking what is on paper along with the rumors, I would have to ask also why would anyone risk working with him.

Perhaps the same goes for many of these people that work for Michael. The fact is Michael is the one that interacts with them--not anyone here. The fact is that Michael knows what he wants from people and who he thinks can give that to him. If all of you know Rowe's past, for what reason do you think that Michael does not? And if he cares less about gathering information before hiring anyone, then again, that is on him and not really a concern for me. I just happen to give him more credit for being able to know what he truly wants at a given time.

People across boards are saying how much they distrusted Tohme. Based on what? One deal that went bad? How he looked? Because he didn't introduce himself personally to fans/fan boards? And even then, the true details and behind the scenes conversations are still not known. Any manager that Michael hires will do some good and some bad simply out of being human. Please show me the entertainer who hasn't had to deal with such. While the auction turned out bad, the AEG deal turned out wonderful; both all based only on the limited scope of information that we have available now and both while working with Tohme. The same thing with AEG and its representatives: they talked to much, they seemed to be concerned about the profits they will make, etc. The same thing with Colony: what is in it for them, are they using Michael, etc. The list goes on and on. If people really are screwing him left and right, then at some point the problem is all about him and his decisions--not anyone else.

If this is legitimate, so what? Michael will be the one able and capable of assessing Rowe's performance for him--not for anyone else. Does anyone here personally know the relationship and trust between Rowe and Michael? What Rowe and Michael would say or do in terms of business with others may would never come to mind to do or say when dealing with each other. If not, nothing can be compared between his situation and that of R. Kelly or any one else. As far as contacting RF, again, if this is legitimate, who knows where that came from and who knew about the plans to contact him; Michael may have clear knowledge of such. Make no mistake that Michael knows that Snow White or Mr. Rogers will cut it as a manager for him. Just maybe that is not what he is looking for.

The thing is no one really has to be happy or sad about any of his team members. What gets old is the extent that people immediately start complaining and "knowing" who is or is not best for him to hire.
. . .friedman communication is a no-no imo. ...and it just dawned on me that yes! even tohme tohme gave a friggin' INTERVIEW to that guy. unbelievable! even telling friedman "If you play it right, you will be the first one to know everything about Michael Jackson."

The problem is that whether or not Michael's team interacts with RF is not up to the fans. First of all, you are saying that RF shouldn't be trusted, yet without an audio of the conversation, you believe RF's accounting of what was said. What proof is there that Tohme said such to him. And even if he did, perhaps Michael and his team sees such as a strategy--such as "keep your enemies closer."

I'm no fan of RF's. But, Michael is going to have to deal with plenty of people who have tried to take the "sh--" out of him in the past years. He and his team are able to make the decisions about that. Again, whether fans like it or not really isn't the point. Acting as if such makes those who work with Michael shady or set to betray him really isn't fair. If such was the case, then perhaps people need to stop giving his legal team such big ups. RF didn't get that information out of the clear blue sky during the trial.

Michael is like anyone else in this business. He knows who he needs to use and when he needs to use them and then acts accordingly.
The problem is that whether or not Michael's team interacts with RF is not up to the fans. First of all, you are saying that RF shouldn't be trusted, yet without an audio of the conversation, you believe RF's accounting of what was said. What proof is there that Tohme said such to him. And even if he did, perhaps Michael and his team sees such as a strategy--such as "keep your enemies closer."

I'm no fan of RF's. But, Michael is going to have to deal with plenty of people who have tried to take the "sh--" out of him in the past years. He and his team are able to make the decisions about that. Again, whether fans like it or not really isn't the point. Acting as if such makes those who work with Michael shady or set to betray him really isn't fair. If such was the case, then perhaps people need to stop giving his legal team such big ups. RF didn't get that information out of the clear blue sky during the trial.

Michael is like anyone else in this business. He knows who he needs to use and when he needs to use them and then acts accordingly.

one of the problems in my opinion.. is RF gets more credit and is believed quicker and easier by fan than Michael himself..
I caution everyone to wait to make sure things are official and also research that lawsuit Rowe had with R Kelly's Double Up tour... which boiled down to RKelly suing for full payment for all tour performances...

without researching it you would think something worst happened with RKelly...

judging a man's 25years + career on a lawsuit is certainly not fair... its not fair when its done to Michael .... ...

Have a little more faith in Michael .... I can remember when Michael fired Mark G and hired T-mez...........everyone was up in arms.....................and that decision give him his life back...

the sky is not falling... and people need to book their hotel and travel arrangements.. July is just around the corner.. and if KOP is coming to Miami.. I need to update by Brazilain bikini and flip/flops..................got to run.....
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The problem is that whether or not Michael's team interacts with RF is not up to the fans. First of all, you are saying that RF shouldn't be trusted, yet without an audio of the conversation, you believe RF's accounting of what was said. What proof is there that Tohme said such to him. And even if he did, perhaps Michael and his team sees such as a strategy--such as "keep your enemies closer."

I'm no fan of RF's. But, Michael is going to have to deal with plenty of people who have tried to take the "sh--" out of him in the past years. He and his team are able to make the decisions about that. Again, whether fans like it or not really isn't the point.

false. to keep your enemies close is a wise mantra but not in this case. ...after giving friedman nuggets, Team MJ has NO editorial control on how friedman will report it. we've seen it countless times. ...you can try to play nice with that guy, you can work with him and yet... Friedman still spins it out of control. MJ had one window in time where Friedman wrote "kind" things about him but then he quickly reverted back to the over the top negativity. ... MJ can not and should not trust Friedman and neither should his team.

that ain't fan talk. that's common sense.

and lastly, to say that friedman just made up the tohme interview is completely paranoid and simple. friedman is a fool but there's no reason to make up SEVERAL quotes and attribute them to tohme, on the record.
glad that thome is gone but ill reserve judgment on this new guy. nice time to jump on the mj cash cow bandwaggon

we'd have slimy frank,
well mj doesnt think so considering the amount of time he spends with him
I don't trust Thome nor this new guy. But I also don't think it is fair to judge the new guy based on one incident with R Kelly. I mean Michael also got sued by Avram and lost to the tune of $5 mil. Do we now say that Michael is not a trustworthy client? No. The reason I don't trust the guy is because I don't know much about him. I think that we should do some research on Rowe and look back at his past dealings with others. Not just his dealings with R Kelly.
All I can say is good luck for Michael. I'm indifferent to this, I just want to believe Mike knows what is right for him and not judge him if it doesn't work out. Unless you work in the entertainment business, how do we know what's going on with an artist until lawsuits come.
I've decided to pull up some articles about Rowe. Ne-Yo sued him too!!


R. Kelly Sues Swindling Concert Promoter

Anne Lu - Celebrity News Service News Writer
Chicago, IL (CNS) - R. Kelly is suing a concert promoter for selling non-existent shares in his recent tour. The R&B singer insists he didn't know the scam Rowe Entertainment has created.

The singer claims that Leonard Rowe from Rowe Entertainment started a scheme where "unwary investors were promised half of the profits from three Kelly concerts in late December and early January, in return for a cash investment of $440,000."

But the investors didn't get anything out of their investment as Rowe had falsely claimed the concert had lost money.

Kelly, 41, continues, "After the concerts, the investors were allegedly presented with what was described as a false accounting showing that the concerts had lost money, as a result of which there were no profits to be paid out."

He explains, "I agreed to let Leonard Rowe promote my tour because he convinced me he was an underdog who deserved a chance to prove himself."

"Like the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. I have complete sympathy for all of the good people who were swindled by Rowe and I will do everything I can to help them get their money back from him."

The "Ignition" singer has also previously filed another lawsuit in February against the promoter for "failing to pay Kelly several million dollars in tour proceeds he was owed."
In a seemingly reversed situation, another concert promoter, Royalty Records, had sued R. Kelly in February for putting a court hearing before his concert commitments.

R. Kelly Wins Lawsuit: http://tinyurl.com/dkde7b

OK this dude sounds like a crook. He sold FAKE shares to investors? OMG R. Kelly could have not only sued but had him arrested!!
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Rowe seems like he's been robbing Peter to pay Paul. He, like many others that work behind the scenes in the entertainment industry, get accustomed to living a certain life style when the cash is flowing. When their money runs out and they can't handle their overhead, they get desperate.

If Rowe is smart, and if he has learned from these past events, he will take this opportunity that MJ is putting before him and do right by MJ. It will be highly beneficial to do right by MJ. MJ is bigger than R-Kelly and Ne-Yo combined. Rowe will be able to provide for himself much better if MJ is able to get from him what he really needs from him. He needs a businessman that will handle his business affairs professionally and with competence. If Rowe does it, and also does not mismanage his income that he will earn honestly from working for MJ, Rowe will be set for life.

Michael Jackson is a real businessman. In addition to this, he is an honest businessman. He conducts his business fair and square. Rowe should take notes.

Hopefully, MJ will sit Rowe down and explain exactly what he needs from him and what he will not tolerate. Let Rowe know up front that he will be shown the door if he does anything shady.

What is coming up ahead is massive in size. It is totally exciting stuff, but it is massive.

This is going to be the biggest comeback the world has ever seen and with MJ being who he is, he is totally capable of pulling it off.

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