Michael Jackson Appoints New Management

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Re: Michael Appoints New Management

What I like about this is the fact that this is someone who has some apparent history in the music business, while it seemed to me that nobody know anything about Tohme. And when people seem to have been under an invisibility cloak, it kind of gets me uncomfortable. Even if it may be nothing to worry about. I just like things being sort of "transparent" when it comes to business, money and stuff. Makes things predictable and understandable, and it gets easier to trust people doing the right thing.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management


For Immediate Release
Contact: Ladd Biro, Champion Management
972.724.3039; lbiro@championmgt.com

Michael Jackson Appoints New Management
Leonard Rowe, legendary promoter, to steer singer’s latest comeback

Beverly Hills, CA (March 27, 2009) – Michael Jackson, universally acclaimed as the King of Pop,
today named Leonard Rowe, the legendary concert promoter from Atlanta, as his new Manager.
Rowe succeeds Dr. Tohme Tohme.
“I am very pleased that Leonard has accepted my offer to manage my business affairs during this
important period in my career,” stated Jackson. He added, “Leonard Rowe has been a long-time
friend and business associate whose judgment I have come to trust.”
Hmmmmm, so Dr. Tohme Tohme did not use his best judgment. He made a bad call while signing the dotted line. Yeah, it is a good idea to replace him before all these other things get underway. It will be really hard to fully concentrate on all the big things that are coming up ahead if energy is going into wondering if someone is accidentally causing other things to fall through. Don't wanna take two steps forward and three steps back...five steps forward and nine steps back and so on and so on. That doesn't work out very well. Not at all.

Peeps, it is really goin' down. Mike is really ready to get the show on the road. It's taking shape at this very moment and it's causing him to have to bring in people that can actually work independently without him having to go back and clean up behind them. What's coming up ahead is really big!
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I wish michael knows what he is doing ..this new manager were sued last year by R.Kelly for having stolen him 3,4 million dollards . R.Kelly won ....
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I'm really proud of Michael. He is the sole master of his business and when he has to look after his best interests he no longer relies on others to make the decision on his behalf but he decides and acts accordingly. Michael Jackson, the businessman, has returned stronger than ever and he is ready to make the world go round!
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

now the fact that they got the tour information wrong in a damn press release is all messed up. Someone should have fact checked this prior to the press release being made public. It's obvious that mike didn't see this. just tacky.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Great. That was a great tour in 979 but I thought it was called the "Triuphm" tour? I am so happy.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Hope for micheal he is the right guy. MJ should have only people who care about him around him and don't miss friendship with work.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Actually Frank Dileo is the only one who has stood by Mike through everything, he was with mj in court and has stayed with mike on numerous occasions this past year, talking to mike and playing with the kids. So i have massive love for Frank Dileo and he is someone that mike can trust
Well, I liked frank but Frank was the one who wanted to paint Michael as eccentric to boost MJ image pwith the Oxgyen chamber, plant stories of buying the elephant man bones, etc. and now look how people look at Micheal. I just hope this guy do right. He will be watched.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Hope for micheal he is the right guy. MJ should have only people who care about him around him and don't miss friendship with work.
I agree. if he follows this rule, MJ will have no problem. And also, WATCH YOUR ACCOUNTING BOOKS.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I posted here last night about this, but my comment was erased. I don't know why though? Regardless, I think this is good news. Im a tad worried about the R Kelly stealing money fiasco. Michael better not be getting himself into more problems. Hopefully this Leonard guy can be trusted!
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

So is Leonard going to permanently manage all of Michael's business affairs or is he just going to come in to promote the tours and then leave? I will take the statement as is. But my belief in this guy is shaky right now at best due to the R. Kelly thing. Hopefully, he'll do right by Michael. Too many people have messed up. But I'm also confused by the statement. Also, wasn't Tohme just President of MJJ Productions and also working with Capitol or was he going to promote the concerts when he was around. Because the impression I get from this statement is that Tohme is out. But at the same time, I'm wondering if that's really the case.
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Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I wish michael knows what he is doing ..this new manager were sued last year by R.Kelly for having stolen him 3,4 million dollards . R.Kelly won ....
Yes and I hope this wont happen to Michael. this guy worked with Michael befored and I hope he does right by Michael. He needs to remember that one bad move against MIchael, it is over because the media will talk about him 24/7 unlike R kelly.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I hope everything works out fine for Michael
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I wish michael knows what he is doing ..this new manager were sued last year by R.Kelly for having stolen him 3,4 million dollards . R.Kelly won ....

noone's gonna mess with Michael:imbad
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Michael knows what is on the line and what he wants for his future. Therefore, he will make the decisions necessary, whether for personal, legal, or business reasons. I'm not concerned about his employees because he can and will deal with that.

What is so exciting is simply his focus on pulling all of this together for one of the greatest music and entertainment events! That is what is newsworthy!
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I can only hope that this guy will be trustworthy to Michael. I really hope so. But he must be, since Michael have hired him.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Great. That was a great tour in 979 but I thought it was called the "Triuphm" tour? I am so happy.

979? I knew MJ was long in the bizz, but THAT long???

Does anybody know anything about this new manager? Is he good?
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I hope this guy actually does something for Mike unlike the previous guy Tohme...
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Thank Goodness Michael Kicked the "ex" to the curb.

However, my question is: What damage has the "ex" done??

Michael, please watch your BACK!! Do you know everything you need to know about Rowe?
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Re: Michael Appoints New Management

Actually, it really is hard for any of us to evaluate any of Michael's recent team members because we don't really know what they have or haven't done for him. What has been great is that there has been some serious clamp downs of leaks concerning his business affairs. Obvious proof is that he pulled of the AEG deal without others seeing it coming; all were talking about how there were no "comeback" plans, no one wanted to work with him because of the risks, etc. Another obvious proof is that there is an AEG deal in existence!

So, know matter what we say or think about the auction troubles, that is in no way indicative of the full picture. Also, there is no way at this time of knowing (versus assuming) that one thing has to do with another. For Michael to want strong music/entertainment experience from his team of managers may have nothing at all to do with the auction but everything to do with what his plans are for the future. He needs different people at different times based on what the focus or goal is.

I'm sure it will take all of two weeks and one tabloid claim to start the distrust about his new manager; actually, it's already started with the R. Kelly lawsuit remarks. If Michael even listens to half the worries, he would never have anyone working for him past a month; I doubt there are too many totally "clean" hands in the music business. And like it or not, a manager is concerned about his own bottom line as much as his client's well-being. No manager does this work out of charity either.
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

I can only hope that this guy will be trustworthy to Michael. I really hope so. But he must be, since Michael have hired him.

Well, as we all know, Michael did hire people in the past whom he trusted but who turned out to have betrayed him big time.
So I really hope he has a better hand on picking his new team these days!
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

MJ seems to change his team with alarming regularity...I don't know what to make of this announcement!
Re: Michael Appoints New Management

good I hope...hopefully people who work for michael will stert putting him first and forget their own pockets
I wouldn't be jumping for joy too fast. This is the same Rowe who called Roger Friedman to announce that he wanted to get Michael's "mess of a tour" in order and that he's completely in charge. Why would he need to call Roger Friedman for that? R. Kelly also sued him and won over 3 million dollars for stealing money from his tour.

I'm not impressed at all.
I wouldn't be jumping for joy too fast. This is the same Rowe who called Roger Friedman to announce that he wanted to get Michael's "mess of a tour" in order and that he's completely in charge. Why would he need to call Roger Friedman for that? R. Kelly also sued him and won over 3 million dollars for stealing money from his tour.

I'm not impressed at all.

Oh joy...surely there are decent people out there somewhere that Michael could choose from :unsure:
hmmmmm well if we all took the fan's suggestions we'd have slimy frank, raymone as the spokesperson, gold pants, plenty of curls, a fedora always, and a smile on his face....

newsflash, only one of those things is proper and not even all the time.

what massive money problems did anyone here mj was in w/ tohme? this rowe dude is shady and cuz everyone is jumping for joy that tohme is gone, they're not even investigating this dude.

puh-lease, someone call baba the elephant, she's still young enough to do something and woul dbe a better manager than some of the suggestions here
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