Michael Interviewed by Brett Ratner (Video)

Did Michael knew he was being recorded? It's a strange angle...

it seems Brett told him it is only audio but when Brett turned the video on, Michael noticed this but ignored it ,,and then he immediatly said " i can't trust anybody" with a smile.

i love how he noticed Brett trying to cough and move the paper to disattract Michael's attention ,but Michael's reaction was amazing"THE KING" .

it is so sad that Michael can't trust anybody even Brett .
it seems Brett told him it is only audio but when Brett turned the video on, Michael noticed this but ignored it ,,and then he immediatly said " i can't trust anybody" with a smile.

i love how he noticed Brett trying to cough and move the paper to disattract Michael's attention ,but Michael's reaction was amazing"THE KING" .

it is so sad that Michael can't trust anybody even Brett .

Wow wait, you mean that you think Brett's intentions weren't so good with this one? What do you mean with coughing and moving the paper?
it seems Brett told him it is only audio but when Brett turned the video on, Michael noticed this but ignored it ,,and then he immediatly said " i can't trust anybody" with a smile.

i love how he noticed Brett trying to cough and move the paper to disattract Michael's attention ,but Michael's reaction was amazing"THE KING" .

it is so sad that Michael can't trust anybody even Brett .

Wait, wasnt Brett a good friend to Mike? :wtf?: Y would he record him with out Michael "knowing"? Thats Messed up now y'all!!!:no:
Wait, wasnt Brett a good friend to Mike? :wtf?: Y would he record him with out Michael "knowing"? Thats Messed up now y'all!!!:no:

well, not so bad friend but not like Chris Tucker !
James brown he just looked up to him.. like how we look up to Michael
its so cute and I love them both.. I miss them both so much :cry:

and that is the very reason Michael understood -- not just loved, but understood -- his fans. he knew the feeling. from the bottom of his heart.

it seems Brett told him it is only audio but when Brett turned the video on, Michael noticed this but ignored it ,,and then he immediatly said " i can't trust anybody" with a smile.

i love how he noticed Brett trying to cough and move the paper to disattract Michael's attention ,but Michael's reaction was amazing"THE KING" .

it is so sad that Michael can't trust anybody even Brett .

I totally agree. I felt that MJ either didn't know b4 hand that it was going to be vid recorded.... or that it was one of those hidden cams.

b/c there is a point when MJ looked down ... and brett suddenly started flipping pages.. seems like a book.

with that said.... i have only heard brett say good things about MJ.

but.... IF the vid was recorded without MJs approval b4 hand.... I would be very disappointed. goes to reiterate that everyone has an agenda.

as much as I LOVED the interview... MJ's words, his expressions.... MJ valued so much his privacy... I would rather he have his privacy than my need to see him or hear him.
Why did Mike need a stranger as an Interview partner for LIVING WITH MICHAEL in the first place??

I don´t get it.

The journalist isn´t doing much. He isn´t a freaking regisseur so why take the risk in the first place and do an interview with an stranger when a friend or someone you can trust can do the interview? I really don´t get it.
Living With Michael Jackson could´ve been a 2 hour Interview with his famous friends like Ratner,
Spike Lee, Macauly, Ortega etc etc. do serval interviews each one 15 minutes and than show Neverland etc.-Why did he need a stranger for the interview where is the logic??

I think originally Mike wanted to clear up all the misconceptions about him in the media with LWMJ. little did he know that he was hoodwinked by the rat bastard.

this interview with Brett is a completely different animal in terms of intent and caliber and atmosphere.
I totally agree. I felt that MJ either didn't know b4 hand that it was going to be vid recorded.... or that it was one of those hidden cams.

b/c there is a point when MJ looked down ... and brett suddenly started flipping pages.. seems like a book.

with that said.... i have only heard brett say good things about MJ.

but.... IF the vid was recorded without MJs approval b4 hand.... I would be very disappointed. goes to reiterate that everyone has an agenda.

as much as I LOVED the interview... MJ's words, his expressions.... MJ valued so much his privacy... I would rather he have his privacy than my need to see him or hear him.

Brett was shuffling papers because he was looking for the exact quote Mike had given him regarding his advice to young musicians etc. it had nothing to do with the camera, IMO. I am sure Michael knew he was being videotaped.
Thank you :cry: Brilliant man. He never fails to amaze me when he speaks. I can only imagine the wealth of knowledge wrapped up in his brain..SO much more he could have shared with us in the years to come. Breaks my heart.
i think originally mike wanted to clear up all the misconceptions about him in the media with lwmj. Little did he know that he was hoodwinked by the rat bastard.

This interview with brett is a completely different animal in terms of intent and caliber and atmosphere.


this does not answer my question. Why did he do the interview with a stranger when he had many friends in the filmbusiness who could ´ve made not only a much better interview but with their art a much better docu with style etc.why not spike lee? Why not brett ratner?
Why not people michael knew and could trust that they will portray him as a nice person.
Why take the risk in the first place to choose a stranger when the whole agenda of the interview was to portray him nice-so why not bring in some friends like diana ross, taylor etc.they can portray him nice so where was the problem in the first place?
For what exactly was this bastard needed? I mean he wasn´t EVEN holding the freaking camera he was sitting THERE LOOKING LIKE A BUTTHEAD and asking stupid questions everybody can do it(at least the second part-the questions you know) and ask much much better questions so why pay him?
For what??? I just don´t get it.

And what about the contract. Why could the butthead release the interview without the approval from Mike.
That must be a really really bad contract. How can you make a movie when you don´t know how it will portray you in the end and the contract isn´t protecting you.
Tom Cruise for example would never sign such an contract. Imagine Cruise is wants to make an interview -movie to make him more popular to the public and in the end he is portrait as a complete lunatic.
It will never happen because exactly for such cases there are contracts.
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this does not answer my question. Why did he do the interview with a stranger when he had many friends in the filmbusiness who could ´ve made not only a much better interview but with their art a much better docu with style etc.why not spike lee? Why not brett ratner?
Why not people michael knew and could trust that they will portray him as a nice person.
Why take the risk in the first place to choose a stranger when the whole agenda of the interview was to portray him nice-so why not bring in some friends like diana ross, taylor etc.they can portray him nice so where was the problem in the first place?
For what exactly was this bastard needed? I mean he wasn´t EVEN holding the freaking camera he was sitting and asking stupid questions everybody can do it and ask much much better questions so why pay him?
For what??? I just don´t get it.

wasn't MJ intro to Bashit by geller (so called, one time, hanger on, user, will be remembered as an a** , with no contribution to humanity)?
i think it also had to do with bashit doing the interview with diana. (but the way bashit treated and used diana) should have signaled to MJ that Bashit was a bad choice.
i don't know.... just my opinion.
Brett was shuffling papers because he was looking for the exact quote Mike had given him regarding his advice to young musicians etc. it had nothing to do with the camera, IMO. I am sure Michael knew he was being videotaped.

indranee-- love ya to death but i disagree!! :D

just the whole way the camera came on... the angel of the camera.... the flipping of paper... not buying it.

like i said... brett has always said good things about MJ. I loved seeing and hearing the real MJ ... not the edited weirdo that every other reporter would have done....

but .... if..... IF.... MJ didn't know in advance and agree to the vid ... brett should not have done it. IMO.
indranee-- love ya to death but i disagree!! :D

just the whole way the camera came on... the angel of the camera.... the flipping of paper... not buying it.

like i said... brett has always said good things about MJ. I loved seeing and hearing the real MJ ... not the edited weirdo that every other reporter would have done....

but .... if..... IF.... MJ didn't know in advance and agree to the vid ... brett should not have done it. IMO.

Of course Mike knew. Brett has over 100hours of Mike. Please don´t tell me he could secretly filmed Mike all the time for a couple of years and tape over 100 hours. So he secretly filmed him in the car too? Just stupid.
They even filmed each other. Mike was interviewing Brett and filming him.
Of course Mike knew. Brett has over 100hours of Mike. Please don´t tell me he could secretly filmed Mike all the time for a couple of years and tape over 100 hours. So he secretly filmed him in the car too? Just stupid.
They even filmed each other. Mike was interviewing Brett and filming him.

sorry you found the question stupid! i still hold true to my opinion. i could be right i could be wrong.

i read the article posted a few weeks ago.. brett talking about his time with MJ... all the hours they spent watching movies, talking, interviewing each other... so on ... it still surprised me.... i still hold to my opinion.

STUPID??? give me a break.
sorry you found the question stupid! i still hold true to my opinion. i could be right i could be wrong.

i read the article posted a few weeks ago.. brett talking about his time with MJ... all the hours they spent watching movies, talking, interviewing each other... so on ... it still surprised me.... i still hold to my opinion.

STUPID??? give me a break.

if you´re question is not stupid who is stupid in your opinion? Can a man with good eyes etc be filmed for hours and hours by a man sitting just next to him even on the same bed and not knew it.
And that situation for days month years? Yeah right!

Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”
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Of course Mike knew. Please don´t tell me he could secretly filmed Mike all the time for a couple of years and tape over 100 hours. So he secretly filmed him in the car too? Just stupid.
They even filmed each other. Mike was interviewing Brett and filgming him.

Michael' mood changed the minute he noticed the cam ,brett had to repeate the quetion ,then michael was like (ok,never mind) . Maybe,Michael filmed differnt things with him but not this time. mj was somehow not mad.
if you´re question is not stupid who is stupid in your opinion? Can a man with good eyes etc be filmed for hours and hours by a man sitting just next to him even on the same bed and not knew it.
And that situation for days month years? Yeah right!

wow! really... have you seen all the footage's? clearly you must have since you are speaking with such confidence.
tell me something .... are all the camera angels like this?

and hell since MJ HAS NEVER HAD SO- CALLED FRIENDS USE AND BETRAY HIM..... why do I even question? yea - i must be stupid.

days and months and years.... wow ... since you saw it with your own eyes... what was the interviews like? seriously.
wow! really... have you seen all the footage's? clearly you must have since you are speaking with such confidence.
tell me something .... are all the camera angels like this?

and hell since MJ HAS NEVER HAD SO- CALLED FRIENDS USE AND BETRAY HIM..... why do I even question? yea - i must be stupid.

days and months and years.... wow ... since you saw it with your own eyes... what was the interviews like? seriously.

"[...] Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”

One of their favorite activities was to have dance-offs in the game room at Jackson’s house. Jackson would put on a record, usually a song by his sister, Janet, and unleash some awesome dance moves. Then Ratner or Chris Tucker, who would sometimes come along, would play Michael’s records and dance along to them. I asked Ratner if that felt a little like a mere mortal playing one-on-one with LeBron James. “Hey, I wasn’t self-conscious. I’m a pretty good dancer. It was just fun to do it together.”

When they weren’t dancing, Ratner and Jackson would watch movies together. He says they must’ve watched the original version of “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” 50 times over the years. “I know that people looked at Michael and thought he was strange, but to me, he was fascinating,” Ratner says. “He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I’d say, ‘Isn’t that impossible?’ Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you’d have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn’t so innocent anymore.”
Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”[/QUOTE]

right ... i read this... and what is the point ? in this one footage that was released today???

you are going to seriously tell me... mj would have brett (even brett) filming him ... .looking up his nose with his full and complete knowledge prior to the interview?????

like i said ... i read the article... i found the article touching. i was soooo impressed with brett. i also saw brett and mj having fun in the car and dancing. (in that scene) MJ looked like he knew he was being filmed.

so it surprised me when i saw the footage today. i went back several times re-watching the 12 minute footage.
right ... i read this... and what is the point ? in this one footage that was released today???

The point is why would Brett have to film Mike secretley when he could just film him like he was always filming him while he was interviewing him why of a sudden hide it?
Doesn´t make sense at all.
"[...] Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”

One of their favorite activities was to have dance-offs in the game room at Jackson’s house. Jackson would put on a record, usually a song by his sister, Janet, and unleash some awesome dance moves. Then Ratner or Chris Tucker, who would sometimes come along, would play Michael’s records and dance along to them. I asked Ratner if that felt a little like a mere mortal playing one-on-one with LeBron James. “Hey, I wasn’t self-conscious. I’m a pretty good dancer. It was just fun to do it together.”

When they weren’t dancing, Ratner and Jackson would watch movies together. He says they must’ve watched the original version of “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” 50 times over the years. “I know that people looked at Michael and thought he was strange, but to me, he was fascinating,” Ratner says. “He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I’d say, ‘Isn’t that impossible?’ Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you’d have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn’t so innocent anymore.”

right... so i read it when it was first posted... so me re-reading this doesn't really deal with you calling my comment stupid.

this is the one place where our mutual love and respect for MJ should allow for open and honest discourse on questions, issues, concerns... IN A RESPECTFUL manner.
Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”

And what about the part where Brett is cleaning the camera lens? So Mike didn´t see it?
they were good friends.. and whats the motive.. its not like he sold it

a its on HIS website??? where anytime billions of mj fans view it .... his site gets a hit.

he has said nothing but good things so fans will support whatever he is selling.

motive? don't know.

good friends... ummm.. every person that has claimed to be "good friends" with mj has in vast majority of times ended by betraying or using him..

well-anywhooooooo ..... just gonna leave it alone! :D