Michael Interviewed by Brett Ratner (Video)

youre saying that he has said nothing but good things about michael for his own publicity? is that what youre saying..?
youre saying that he has said nothing but good things about michael for his own publicity? is that what youre saying..?

Yeah he is only doing it for the hits on his website.......because Brett needs hits he needs them badly.....mjfan right?

I thought it was a birthday present for the fans but it was wrong it was all about the hits.
Man, I really enjoyed that interview. If only there had been more interviews like that. Thanks for sharing :yes:
youre saying that he has said nothing but good things about michael for his own publicity? is that what youre saying..?

have you read all of the back and forth post bt me and arty?

here is my point... i said....

i read the POSITIVE article posted the other day by brett.... found it immensely positive and touching. And thought... what a wonderful friend he was to MJ. blah blah blah....
i was surprised when i saw the footage today.... and then like a human being.... i was like... oh that is odd... why this... why that.... i was under the impression that I am entitled to a view different from yours ... and wanting a respectful discourse.... i said my peace.
only to have my opinion be called stupid.
i take offense to that. not just for me... but for other fans as well.... when fans can't discuss things without calling names and judging... it will negatively effect this fan forum.
less people, will be willing to share their opinions.... if we can't have an honest and RESPECTFUL discourse.

as far as to brett.. i have said nothing but positive things. but i also view ANYBODY THAT LABEL THEMSELVES MJ FRINED, SPIRITUAL ADVISOR, CONFIDANTE, through a skeptical lens as MJ has been betrayed so many times.

now brett might release other footage's.... and the set up may be different. if i am wrong i can apologized and admit to it. if i am not i am entitled to my opinion.... without someone being disrespectful.

since i don't know brett personally... if he told me jump... i just wouldn't blindly jump.
since i wasn't there all the times they spent.... i am not going to believe or disbelieve something.

the POINT IS THIS.... either this is a place for people sharing their differing opinions RESPECTFULLY or it is not.
as far as to brett.. i have said nothing but positive things.


You say he filmed him secretly so you calling him a lier -not so positive if you ask me.

And then you say he showed the video on Mikes birthday just to get hits for his website- again not so positive if you ask me.

Can´t you just enjoy the video without calling names?
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wasn't MJ intro to Bashit by geller (so called, one time, hanger on, user, will be remembered as an a** , with no contribution to humanity)?
i think it also had to do with bashit doing the interview with diana. (but the way bashit treated and used diana) should have signaled to MJ that Bashit was a bad choice.
i don't know.... just my opinion.

I think, by now, we all should agree that MJ was not the best judge of character. he's soooo lovable and at times unbelievably naive. that's why I love him so. I wish I could have protected him from these assholes. we all do. but that's the way it goes. :(
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indranee-- love ya to death but i disagree!! :D

just the whole way the camera came on... the angel of the camera.... the flipping of paper... not buying it.

like i said... brett has always said good things about MJ. I loved seeing and hearing the real MJ ... not the edited weirdo that every other reporter would have done....

but .... if..... IF.... MJ didn't know in advance and agree to the vid ... brett should not have done it. IMO.

okay, okay, I'll look at it again and get back to ya! :p
I think, by now, we all should agree that MJ was not the best judge of character. he soooo lovable and at times unbelievably naive. that's why I love him so. I wish I could have protected him from these assholes. we all do. but that's the way it goes. :(

On top of that he must have had really stupid advicers, lawyers. How could they let him sign a contract which doesn´t allow Mike to see the whole interview first and then give green light before it could been aired worldwide.This is stupid beyond belief.

You say he filmed him secretly so you calling him a lier -not so positive if you ask me.

And then you say he showed the video on Mikes birthday just to get hits for his website- again not so positive if you ask me.

Can´t you just enjoy the video without calling names?

the right for fans to have a discourse respectfully.... you called my comment stupid and then ask me about "not so positive comment" about brett..? r u kidding.

second, b/c so many people have betrayed MJ so much... i question......

u know what ..... gonna leave this one alone.... clearly "no comment on my end is warranted":D
Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”

aww :wub:

oh man I feel sadder and sadder every day. this hurt ain't going away. :cry:
The point is why would Brett have to film Mike secretley when he could just film him like he was always filming him while he was interviewing him why of a sudden hide it?
Doesn´t make sense at all.

are you thinking this because of the wierd camera angle? Brett's a filmmaker who deals in wierd camera angles. I don't think it's that big a deal that the camera's looking up MJ's pretty little nostrils :p

in fact, thank god it did. I've always had a thing for MJ's throat. and this is eye-candy for me to the absolute MAX! thanks Brett!!! :D
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are you thinking this because of the wierd camera angle? Bret's a filmmaker who deals in wierd camera angles. I don't think it's that big a deal that the camera's looking up MJ's pretty little nostrils :p

Me?? Ask mjfan she thinks it stinks-not me!
On top of that he must have had really stupid advicers, lawyers. How could they let him sign a contract which doesn´t allow Mike to see the whole interview first and then give green light before it could been aired worldwide.This is stupid beyond belief.

agreed. unbelievably stupid.
are you thinking this because of the wierd camera angle? Bret's a filmmaker who deals in wierd camera angles. I don't think it's that big a deal that the camera's looking up MJ's pretty little nostrils :p

Maybe Brett has a serious nostrils fetish who knows;-)
Me?? Ask mjfan she thinks it stinks-not me!

oh, you're right. I forgot who I was quoting there. but we're gonna leave it alone for now. you guys should kiss and make up and just agree to disagree! :p

we're all a little over-wrought and frustrated here. let's give each other a break, okay? :hug:
are you thinking this because of the wierd camera angle? Bret's a filmmaker who deals in wierd camera angles. I don't think it's that big a deal that the camera's looking up MJ's pretty little nostrils :p

in fact, thank god it did. I've always had a thing for MJ's throat. and this is eye-candy for me to the absolute MAX! thanks Bret!!! :D

wow... someone to have a respectful conversation with.

so my thing is this....
1. i wonder if mj knew before it started that brett was going to film him ? then-- why did the camera start after two minutes.
2. the angle caught me off guard... and questionable... but i don't know much about brett.... so if you are saying that it is normal for him..... ok...
3. maybe this is bad of me ....but.... every time someone say... I WAS MIKE'S friend..... it just raises red flags... i almost want these people to prove they are really friends and not the so called friends that "use and betray" him.
4. at one point.... to my eyes... when there was shuffling of paper... i thought it was brett trying to divert attention.

as far as to the camera lens thing.... i have to go back and watch... missed it....


but i will not apologize for being skeptical of ANY AND EVERYONE THAT CALLED THEMSELVES FRIENDS, CONFIDANTES, and SPIRITUAL ADVISORS. considering they all had their own personal agenda's

i'd like to see more footages... maybe it will help me understand and or not have a question.... until then...

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wow... someone to have a respectful conversation with.

so my thing is this....
1. i wonder if mj knew before it started that brett was going to film him ? then-- why did the camera start after two minutes.
2. the angle caught me off guard... and questionable... but i don't know much about brett.... so if you are saying that it is normal for him..... ok...
3. maybe this is bad of me ....but.... every time someone say... I WAS MIKE'S friend..... it just raises red flags... i almost want these people to prove they are really friends and not the so called friends that "use and betray" him.
4. at one point.... to my eyes... when there was shuffling of paper... i thought it was brett trying to divert attention.


but i will not apologize for being skeptical of ANY AND EVERYONE THAT CALLED THEMSELVES FRIENDS, CONFIDANTES, and SPIRITUAL ADVISORS. considering they all had their own personal agenda's

i'd like to see more footages... maybe it will help me understand and or not have a question.... until then...


And what about the cleaning camera lens part? Mike did see it so how could he be secretly filmed?
Did Michael knew he was being recorded? It's a strange angle...

awww and he had a pony tail
Yes he knew

Why did Mike need a stranger as an Interview partner for LIVING WITH MICHAEL in the first place??

I don´t get it.

The journalist isn´t doing much. He isn´t a freaking regisseur so why take the risk in the first place and do an interview with an stranger when a friend or someone you can trust can do the interview? I really don´t get it.
Living With Michael Jackson could´ve been a 2 hour Interview with his famous friends like Ratner,
Spike Lee, Macauly, Ortega etc etc. do serval interviews each one 15 minutes and than show Neverland etc.-Why did he need a stranger for the interview where is the logic??
Michael trusted Uri Geller, Geller says he thought Michael would love it cause of the Diana interview Bashit, i mean Bashir did

I heard its b/c his "good friend" Uri Geller told him that Bashir would be a great choice to interview him. I know somebody on this board was claiming that Uri signed a deal w/ Bashir to interview Mike & Uri got $200,000...

i didnt know that, what a liar, its disgusting

it seems Brett told him it is only audio but when Brett turned the video on, Michael noticed this but ignored it ,,and then he immediatly said " i can't trust anybody" with a smile.

i love how he noticed Brett trying to cough and move the paper to disattract Michael's attention ,but Michael's reaction was amazing"THE KING" .

it is so sad that Michael can't trust anybody even Brett .
No, he knew he was being videotaped, for real

Of course Mike knew. Brett has over 100hours of Mike. Please don´t tell me he could secretly filmed Mike all the time for a couple of years and tape over 100 hours. So he secretly filmed him in the car too? Just stupid.
They even filmed each other. Mike was interviewing Brett and filming him.
yes Michael videotaped his friends with this sort of friendly interviews, just to know them more

Michael' mood changed the minute he noticed the cam ,brett had to repeate the quetion ,then michael was like (ok,never mind) . Maybe,Michael filmed differnt things with him but not this time. mj was somehow not mad.
No, Michael was very shy whenever a camera appeared, he must have just look at Brett cleaning the lens
im pretty sure he knew he was being filmed
because at 4:45 of this he watches brett clean the lens.
And what about the part where Brett is cleaning the camera lens? So Mike didn´t see it?
i think Brett at first didnt realised that something was in front of the camera, so he suddnely notice it and adjust the camera and Michael just looks as anyone would look it too, to see what happened and keeps on speaking as it was an friendly interview not some tv interview, as for the angle the same.
This was not "just a friendly conversation", I think it was pretty clear that this was an interview situation- although within a more friendly and relaxed atmosphere. As for the discussion here: I do think Michael knew this was being filmed.
And whatever the purpose of it was, or the purpose is for letting it be released over the internett, I am very glad Ratner has done this. Because it is one of the few videos I have seen of a Michael that has been totally relaxed, and being asked good questions. And answearing them in a manner that shows him as an intelligent, well educated man, who is honest and has his clear opinions about a lot of things.
I have said it before; I so wish that the journalists had sat down to ask him some really good and interesting questions, instead of all the bullshit questions he had to put up with in every interview.
I think that nobody has really interviewed Michael on the level where he would find the conversation interesting.
This is by far the best one I have seen yet, apart from the last Ebony interview.

Its known that Michael was reading a lot, and interested in so many subjects. As one book dealer said: try to walk down the street and see if you could find five people with enough knowledge to discuss Freud and Jung.
What if someone with the same attitude as Michael had sat down with him, and discussed this kind of subjects, and discussed art, and creativity?

It makes me mad just thinking about it. Most of the interviews done of him, reflects more the level of the interviewer then of Michael. Its sad.