Michael Interviewed by Brett Ratner (Video)

Because sometimes it's just never good enough? If that's what you mean...i agree. We should be happy with this, why always see negativity in everything? Come on.

The person above you says ....next thing he'll do is bring out a dvd with all kinds of MJ footage, but what if he ain't doing that? That chance is also very possible. What if he really meant well with this, and because of MJ's birthday and for the fans..he decided to put this online?

Be happy.
That's exactly what I mean. I still believe Brett is a genuine friend who probably wanted to counter all the mess we're hearing in the media by posting this video of Michael being himself. We should be grateful that we're seeing new footage of Michael at all - and I know all the fans here, no matter what they say, would be tripping over themselves to see more. Don't bite the hand...
brett released the transcript of the interview in 2004 but there was no video
then when MJ dies the first thing brett does is mention he has "tons" of footage, so called interviews, of the tow of them talking about ordinary things like favorite music and stuff like that. and now he releases this small video...next thing you know there will be a DVD out and Brett the mediocre-at-best director will be counting his money
we all know Michael was desperate to make movies all his life, that's why he was hanging around film directors so much. I'm not saying Brett is the typical backstabber, but I think he did try to take advantage of this friendship in his own way
MJ probably noticed he was being filmed but he must've been like "whatever", but at the end he did say never trust anybody

Well that is not a bad thing and Brett already has money and he wouldn't be looking for anymore but if the fans want to get a glimpse of Michael then I say create a DVD. I mean Mike didn't have a problem when he was being filmed in the van dancing with brett why would he have a problem now. Also Brett was cool with more than just Michael and I know people don't believe Michael was his only friend because he wasn't.
I think Michael knew about being filmed because that same day they are dancing in the car with the same camera, Brett is fooling around with it and Michael talks about that tape during the Home Videos show on TV.
for what? for asking which music he likes?? lol
Yes, for asking him what music he likes. We're talking about Michael Jackson. So if someone catches on film anything about Michael, it's exclusive. He may have expected to get something exclusive if Michael didn't know he was filmed. Who knows?

Michael is awsome in this interview. However if Brett Ratner didn't ask for permission it's so wrong... and sad...
Look, Michael and Brett had been friends for a long time and I doubt their conversations were 'Question/Answer/Question/Answer' like this.
In this video, Brett was in total interview-mode, asking some generic questions. Listen again. Of course Michael was aware he was being filmed.
I wish there were more interviews like this. Why couldn't someone sit down and have an in depth discussion with Michael about his lyrics? I have so many questions about his lyrics and their inspiration.
whatever! you are all starting to sound like a broken record I got it
but be careful and don't trample yourselves running out to buy his DVD
when Michael died the only thing we heard from brett was basically that he had this footage, no "I'm totally heartbroken devastated by my best friend's death" or "no he was not a drug addict" or anything like that. but who cares what I think I'm just a fan a nobody
In an interview or blog post, he talked about having hours worth of video of him and Michael in their pajamas watching movies and stuff.


When you click on that Shooter Page and then click on the FACEBOOK icon it shows that this is coming out on video and it shows the dancing in the car clip from Michaels Home Movies show and says this is just a hint or something of what is coming in September.

I hope the personal stuff stays personal though...

I think they were good friends, Brett does good work. I like his videos, including Mariah's Obsession one out now. He and Mike had a funny sense of humor.
Thanks Brett for asking some FAN questions!! We miss you Mike
wow great footage. But why is Brett filming him so strangely

He's not filming Michael strangely, he's filming Michael artistically which I really like.

What is the Bee Gee's song Michael is singing. I want to know so I can buy it, because Michael obviously loves the song so it must be brilliant.
He's not filming Michael strangely, he's filming Michael artistically which I really like.

What is the Bee Gee's song Michael is singing. I want to know so I can buy it, because Michael obviously loves the song so it must be brilliant.

how can you mend a broken heart
To be honest I think Brett recorded this without Michaels knowledge/permission. Why else is the camera covered for 2 mins into the interview then he seems to remove something such as paper or something from over it and its focussed on Michaels neck not his head which says to me he wasnt holding the camera out in the open or adjusting it in full view to get a good shot. If this was meant to be recorded he would have set it up correctly and recorded from the first question, and it would not have been from that angle. I think he had the camera under a book or something like that and filmed it without Michael knowing. Or else why film from such a horrid angle. Michael would not have wanted to be filmed that way. Brett didnt want Michael to know. Also the reason he only releases it after Michaels not here to kick his ass. The interview was nice but I do not believe Michael was aware that he was filming. Probably just thought it was an audio interview. Just my opinion.
I loved the interview
and I would like to see more of what Brett has
they filmed a lot of thier time together
dont bite the hand that feeds
Brett is a loyal friend
To be honest I think Brett recorded this without Michaels knowledge/permission. Why else is the camera covered for 2 mins into the interview then he seems to remove something such as paper or something from over it and its focussed on Michaels neck not his head which says to me he wasnt holding the camera out in the open or adjusting it in full view to get a good shot. If this was meant to be recorded he would have set it up correctly and recorded from the first question, and it would not have been from that angle. I think he had the camera under a book or something like that and filmed it without Michael knowing. Or else why film from such a horrid angle. Michael would not have wanted to be filmed that way. Brett didnt want Michael to know. Also the reason he only releases it after Michaels not here to kick his ass. The interview was nice but I do not believe Michael was aware that he was filming. Probably just thought it was an audio interview. Just my opinion.

To those people curious about if Michael was aware that the video camera was filming:
Several years ago Michael and I were in Florida vacationing and, early one morning Michael came into my room with HIS video camera and started to film and ask questions about my life and why i dreamed of becoming a director. He was always interested in people and curious about their hopes and dreams. After about an hour, I asked if I could interview him about his life and dreams. He said yes and handed me his camera. I then got a pen and piece of paper and wrote down some questions that I thought would be interesting. As I was reading the questions to him in the midst of the interview I realized that the camera wasn't on. So, I turned it on. I have hundreds of hours of footage of us hanging out, vacationing, dancing, and sharing our thoughts on life. This video was a very personal conversation between two friends that I wanted to share so that people would see his humanity and beautiful heart. The interview was transcribed and published with Michael's permission in Interview magazine several years ago. Please feel free to look it up. He was happy to share it and loved how it was a conversation between two friends and not a journalist prying into his private life. It is not for sale and never will be. Brett Ratner

To be honest I think Brett recorded this without Michaels knowledge/permission. Why else is the camera covered for 2 mins into the interview then he seems to remove something such as paper or something from over it and its focussed on Michaels neck not his head which says to me he wasnt holding the camera out in the open or adjusting it in full view to get a good shot. If this was meant to be recorded he would have set it up correctly and recorded from the first question, and it would not have been from that angle. I think he had the camera under a book or something like that and filmed it without Michael knowing. Or else why film from such a horrid angle. Michael would not have wanted to be filmed that way. Brett didnt want Michael to know. Also the reason he only releases it after Michaels not here to kick his ass. The interview was nice but I do not believe Michael was aware that he was filming. Probably just thought it was an audio interview. Just my opinion.

Not EVERYONE who hung out with Michael was evil. Brett seems like a nice guy and genuinely impressed and in awe of Michael. His questions are respectful and Michael doesn't seem to mind answering.

There's really no need for MJ fans to immediately jump in and say that Michael was recorded without wanting it. At some point you see Michael looking AT the camera, so he must have known. Stop worrying so much.....Brett is not a bad guy.

@ Billie Jean: ahh your siggy!!! That pic was taken the day I met Michael!! :cry: