Michael Interviewed by Brett Ratner (Video)

I really do believe that Brett's intentions were rightfully, if he wanted to do harm..he wouldn't have defended Michael during the 2005 trial. But he did. And after his death he's been saying nothing but good and nice things about him.

Sure he could have uploaded this video on youtube or any sharing site for that matter, but he decided to put it on his site. You can't even do much on his site...nah, i believe this guy means well.
Thank you Bret...god, I could listen Michael just talking for hours. I am amazed that Michael loved some of the things I like music wise like Marvin Gaye or Tchaikovsky nut cracker suite...or it could be that I like the stuff because of his influence on me.

I miss Michael so much. I wish he would still be with us.
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And when I think I can not love him more....THIS PROVES ME WRONG!!!
He is sooo sweet and woderfull and wise!!!
I can see this a million times!!
Love you so much Michael!!!
I haven't read the entire thread and this might sound like a stupid question...but is the camera hidden?
hmm I think it is...but I bet nobody cares and they'll be the first to buy Brett's "unreleased MJ material" when he puts it out on DVD. I never liked brett anyway...and I'll never forget his 2 sentences "tribute" on his blog when mj died
im pretty sure he knew he was being filmed
because at 4:45 of this he watches brett clean the lens.

at4:30 Michael turned his face and Brett moved his hand so quickly to move the cam, but when MJ looked back he hold it.

4:45 Brett was not cleaning the cam, this was his arm he was flipping the sheets as to show MJ that he has nothing in his lap ...if he was a professional filmmaker why he put the cam in his lap .

I believe he is a good person , he meant nothing wrong but it was not a good move...if he published the transcript 2004 why he did not show the footage back then?

i rest my case now..

it is a great vid though , i love it.
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thanks you. this was beautiful. Michael has such a soothing aura about him...like some posters here said, I can listen to him talk for hours. he is so rivetting.

I miss him. what a legend.
Snowhite, what did Brett say?

you mean when MJ died? he did copy/paste on an LA Times article and that was about it
I didn't mean it was actually short, I meant it lacked substance
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at times, the pain is too much. I think we sometimes expect too much of celebrities. like Michael said, they cut and bleed too.

they don't HAVE to tell us of their loss. they don't owe us anything.

Chris Tucker hasn't said much either. that's fine by me. I know he has suffered a huge loss and is in pain. I don't need to know just how huge that loss is. I can imagine.
This video just shows how intelligent he actually was, how there was so much more beyond the entertainer,singer/songwriter,dancer,musician,humanitarian.

Many people, i'm sure of that...believed that MJ was crazy, because of his looks, his at times childish behaviour, his shyness, those people should see this video. I bet it would open their eyes...if not..they just don't care. This man was very well aware of everything around him..what he said about sharks in the industry, about how albums only having two good tracks nowadays and the rest stinks...how true is that? Very.

This also reminds me of that other interview...wasn't it with Ebony magazine? It was all after that ridiculous 2005 trial, it was a brandnew photoshoot...gave MJ a new look...and that interview, boy it was amazing. He talked about how the world needs MJ again..not in a arrogant way but in a very good way. I remember how amazed i was by that interview.
The point is why would Brett have to film Mike secretley when he could just film him like he was always filming him while he was interviewing him why of a sudden hide it?
The point of filming someone without them knowing might be to get them off guard...
I haven't read the entire thread and this might sound like a stupid question...but is the camera hidden?

I think it was but I swear at one bit Michael looks right at it and clocks it but says nowt(or maybe did after... hence it only coming out now) but yeah I agree with most I think Brett means well.
The point of filming someone without them knowing might be to get them off guard...

Are you kidding? Michael would NEVER let anyone film him without his permission. EVER.

Michael gave Brett permission to interview him - Brett even had questions on a piece of paper he flipped once or twice around 3/4 into the interview.

BTW - this has to be my favorite MJ interview - EVER!!! Gawd, how cute and poignant was Michael????
brett released the transcript of the interview in 2004 but there was no video
then when MJ dies the first thing brett does is mention he has "tons" of footage, so called interviews, of the tow of them talking about ordinary things like favorite music and stuff like that. and now he releases this small video...next thing you know there will be a DVD out and Brett the mediocre-at-best director will be counting his money
we all know Michael was desperate to make movies all his life, that's why he was hanging around film directors so much. I'm not saying Brett is the typical backstabber, but I think he did try to take advantage of this friendship in his own way
MJ probably noticed he was being filmed but he must've been like "whatever", but at the end he did say never trust anybody
Sometimes I wish friends of Michael would just hide everything and not let fans see any of it.
Sometimes I wish friends of Michael would just hide everything and not let fans see any of it.

Because sometimes it's just never good enough? If that's what you mean...i agree. We should be happy with this, why always see negativity in everything? Come on.

The person above you says ....next thing he'll do is bring out a dvd with all kinds of MJ footage, but what if he ain't doing that? That chance is also very possible. What if he really meant well with this, and because of MJ's birthday and for the fans..he decided to put this online?

Be happy.
of course we're happy with this, but what I was saying is Michael didn't know he was being videotaped at least in this footage. how many times were his phone conversations taped by so called "friends"? this time someone videotaped him. and I'm not sure yet if he wanted his private footage to be shown just as he never wanted his children's pictures plastered all over the internet, but now he's dead so it doesn't matter anymore
there are many people who say Michael loved to sit and talk to them for hours about anything and everything, don't forget Michael was a very lonely man he would talk to anyone and everyone, but these friends were not sitting with a camera in their lap, accidentally turned on
and you don't have to refer to me as "the person above you" you can address me directly
of course we're happy with this, but what I was saying is Michael didn't know he was being videotaped at least in this footage. how many times were his phone conversations taped by so called "friends"? this time someone videotaped him. and I'm not sure yet if he wanted his private footage to be shown just as he never wanted his children's pictures plastered all over the internet, but now he's dead so it doesn't matter anymore
there are many people who say Michael loved to sit and talk to them for hours about anything and everything, don't forget Michael was a very lonely man he would talk to anyone and everyone, but these friends were not sitting with a camera in their lap, accidentally turned on
and you don't have to refer to me as "the person above you" you can address me directly

I didn't mean it in a negative or offensive way...when i said the person above you..it was just that i wanted to reply to Carina and i couldn't see whose message it was above that...i was too lazy to press the back button :yes:
why are we so sure he didn't know? it looks more to me like he did know. he may not have been ecstatic with it, but he knew the camera had been turned on and let it go. he could easily have said, "turn that thing off, please". he didn't.
a while ago i swear i read something brett wrote where he says he has filmed himself asking michael about his motivation and career and that michael had done the same to him, lke a thing they did together for fun.

A while ago? Just read the thread the article is in this thread:)

Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson "asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. “I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return.”