Michael Interviewed by Brett Ratner (Video)

James brown he just looked up to him.. like how we look up to Michael
its so cute and I love them both.. I miss them both so much :cry:
Thanx for posting!!! Seems like it was filmed while they were just chillin, laid-back. The article posted last week says they had so many footages where they interviewed each other, so I guess this is just portion.

Ooh we gotta love this type of interview. No pressure, no rumors, no stuck-up interviewers. Kudos to Brett!
I don't get it, I can't watch the video. I can only listen to the audio of the first 2 minutes :S what programs do you use to watch it? (the downloaded version)
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This has to be my most favourite interview he has ever done.
I want to download this!
I don't get it, I can't watch the video. I can only listen to the audio of the first 2 minutes :S what programs do you use to watch it? (the downloaded version)

The video starts at around two minutes ie there is no video for the first two minutes. That's why you only get the audio. But if you watch it a bit longer you'll get the video too.
there is only 1 thing i do not like about this interview and thats that damn baseball cap! lol

he sounds Tired though lol.
I loved listenin to what inspired him, getting to learn about the things that make him michael jackson. Probaly the best interview ever.
The video starts at around two minutes ie there is no video for the first two minutes. That's why you only get the audio. But if you watch it a bit longer you'll get the video too.

Yeah, I know. I mean that only the first to minutes work, then it shuts down.
Michael this is they type of interview we've always wanted.
How I wished someone had focused on your inspirations rather than the allegations,
your vision, your thoughts on music, your ideas for the future, rather than your skin color.

Oh my God, I love this man. He makes me cry. This makes me cry just reading.

Brett already published the transcript of this video in Interview Magazine in 2004, here is it:

["Forget your personal tragedy. We are all b.itched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it--don't cheat with it. Be as faithful to it as a scientist--but don't think anything is of any importance because it happens to you or anyone belonging to you."

Those words of advice, quoted in Robert Evans's The Kid Stays in the Picture, were given to F. Scott Fitzgerald by Hemingway, some 70 years ago. They are as relevant today as ever......
I learned a lot from them--about how to be a visionary, how to be creative, how to be persistent, how to be determined, how to have a will of iron and to never give up no matter what. You know?

..... And I just started writing songs. I wrote "Billie Jean." I wrote "Beat It," "Startin' Somethin'." Just writing, writing. It was fun.
...... The simple ones are the best, I think.....

MJ: Believe in yourself. Study the greats and become greater. And be a scientist. Dissect. Dissect.

MJ: No matter what. I don't care if the whole world is against you or teasing you or saying you're not gonna make it. Believe in yourself. No matter what. ......And I think God plants those seeds through people on the earth.
I really love these interviews. I love the angle Brett used to shoot MJ. I love how down to earth,beautiful and so awesome the king of pop is. Omg I love it all.
Did Michael knew he was being recorded? It's a strange angle...

awww and he had a pony tail
Watching this was heartbreaking. The tears came again...I know Michael wouldn`t want this but i just cannot stop being sad. He was such a great, smart, incredible man. I hope people around him told him that.

I am curious what sheets was Brett looking at? Some notes or..? I think Michael knew he was recorded but somehow this looks more like a sincere discussion between friends.

edit: After reading the transcript i understood why Brett was recording and interviewing him. It seems they had a very good friendship. It feels good knowing Michael had true friends, even though you can count them on one hand.
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Why did Mike need a stranger as an Interview partner for LIVING WITH MICHAEL in the first place??

I don´t get it.

The journalist isn´t doing much. He isn´t a freaking regisseur so why take the risk in the first place and do an interview with an stranger when a friend or someone you can trust can do the interview? I really don´t get it.
Living With Michael Jackson could´ve been a 2 hour Interview with his famous friends like Ratner,
Spike Lee, Macauly, Ortega etc etc. do serval interviews each one 15 minutes and than show Neverland etc.-Why did he need a stranger for the interview where is the logic??
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Lmao when he said "they(music nowadays) stink"...lolz it reminds me of Prince and Paris home videos...lolz

The ppl. that were his real friends were sooo lucky...they got to talk to him and he's actually A great person to talk to...I felt like watching this vid...made me closer to him somehow...:yes:

Thankyou for sharing...:)


Edit: this is my 1000th post...:punk::D
WHy didn´t he choose a friend like Spike Lee for the Interview?
Mike had so many friends in Hollywood why not choose a friend?
Instead he did it with this bastard-I really don´t get it.
If Michael had asked Spike Lee he would´ve done a marvelous interview.
So why did he choose a stranger???
he is so adorable! i love how innocent he is, i just wanna cuddle with him :( and i love how hes like "yea, man..." LOL he had a little slang in him
Or even John Landis but why this bastard as if he was the only interview -partner on earth available
Or even John Landis but why this bastard as if he was the only interview -partner on earth available

I heard its b/c his "good friend" Uri Geller told him that Bashir would be a great choice to interview him. I know somebody on this board was claiming that Uri signed a deal w/ Bashir to interview Mike & Uri got $200,000...
I heard its b/c his "good friend" Uri Geller told him that Bashir would be a great choice to interview him. I know somebody on this board was claiming that Uri signed a deal w/ Bashir to interview Mike & Uri got $200,000...

that's true plus Bashir had did the interview with Princess Diana that went over really well.......
MJ's first mistake was trusting Uri f'in Gellar about anything. He needed Uri as a friend as about as much as he needed a hole in the head....

Anyway... I loved Brett for putting this up and sharing who MJ was as a person.
The media feeds all the craziness, but its things like this that brings it all back down to the man. Who was smart, funny, articulate,and engaging.

I miss him, i can't imagine how it is for the people who knew him:(
I had to come back and watch this again...I just love it. The stuff he talks about pumps me up and yet the way he speaks is like a lullaby. The whole things just feels like your hanging there with Michael, on a regular afternoon...shootin' the breeze.

On a side note...I wish there were pictures of his room with all those Brooke Shields posters! haha