michael has been buried according to sky

Burial.... man it doesn't get more final than that.. Wow I just never thought I would ever have to talk about MJ in the past tense.. This is the grieving process all over again.. I hope the family discloses his actual burial plot to his fans so that we can say our "goodbyes".. but all in due time, no rush..
Im thinking it was Friday - as soon as they got the brain back.

As to the location, I doubt it would be back in Gordy's mausoleum. He was there temporarily to start with but people found out where it was and thats when it was moved to the basement of Forest Lawn.

this it is then, its finally hit me, hes gone. forever
it makes me feel so sad.
but that passage

As much as i was heartbroken that Michael was buried in an unmarked grave, suddenly im feeling some peace. I keep feeling inside like he is saying "its ok, I finally get the peace I never had. Anytime you need to feel close to me, I am in every flower, every cloud, every tree, every rainbow, every child's smile...this way my fans dont flock to a hole in the ground. The ones who cant afford a flight dont need to worry, the ones who are too sick to fly dont need to worry. I am everywhere with you. I am peaceful, I am free".....

PrettyYoungThang wrote early gave me a sudden comfort feeling and that everything going to be ok hes in a better place now.
I have a photo frame with a picture of him in it and a pale pink flower laying next to
it with rosary beads genitally hung over the frame and a small candle alight makes me feel better having it there.
I hope he has the peace he deserves
R.I.P Angel xx
Burial.... man it doesn't get more final than that.. Wow I just never thought I would ever have to talk about MJ in the past tense.. This is the grieving process all over again.. I hope the family discloses his actual burial plot to his fans so that we can say our "goodbyes".. but all in due time, no rush..

I still can't think about him in the past tense. :(
I know that it's selfish... but when I think about an unknown grave, it really hurts. I don't know why... but it feels like they are hiding him, it feels... sad and not the way it should be.

It still hurts me that nobody knows where Mozart is buried. I KNOW that it's not really important... but I can't help, there's something missing. It's not important when I'm thinking about it with my spiritual side... but I can't help... at the moment, I'm still human.
I wanted to hear an official statement from the family about MJ burial. I was patient enough waiting like everybody else. All what we heard till now are some tabloids stories. If they are not going to say something official soon I won’t really care anymore. This mysterious kinda behavior makes me sick. I do not want them to tell the exact place where they put him just be respectful tell people that it was done. If they will open a museum later on in Neverland or Gary Indiana, thinking it will be a nice “candy” for fans I am not going to pay one single penny to visit it.

It still hurts me that nobody knows where Mozart is buried. I KNOW that it's not really important... but I can't help, there's something missing.

Because it is against human nature, I mean human spiritual nature... .
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So he,s not coming back...it,s for real......:cry:


Pride can stand a thousand trials
The strong will never fall
But watching stars without you
My soul cries

Heaving heart is full of pain
Oooh, oooh, the aching
'Cause I'm kissing you...
I'm kissing you...

Touch me deep, pure and true
Give to me forever
'Cause I'm kissing you...
I'm kissing you....

Where are you now
Where are you now
'Cause I'm kissing you
I'm kissing you...

BBC News: 'Dead' baby wakes before funeral

A premature baby declared dead by doctors at a hospital in Paraguay was found to be alive hours later when he was taken home for a funeral wake.

I read this post and then somehow came across this news story and started getting teary eyed...i wish that happened to Michael :cry:

We're never going to see his beautiful face again :cry:

As Michael said...This is the Final Curtain Call!
:cry::cry::cry: oh god, goodbye michael i love you forever..

Why god took you we never knew, but
one day my darling we'll be with you.
I still can't think about him in the past tense. :(

I find that somehow it never felt as if he actually existed - because nothing could be so big, so magical, so captivating - so now that he's dead, I have a hard time separating the two ideas of Michael... alive and dead. It's strange.

I can definitely tell that there's something missing in my life. I miss seeing new pictures of him from time to time, and I miss searching for them, too, and passing them around on the internet to friends and family who pretended not to be as excited as me, but always were. And I miss looking forward to all things Michael related.

But I don't think I've really realised that he's dead yet, because I never quite did comprehend how it was even possible that he was here... how it was even possible that he was homo sapiens. Michael just seemed too supernatural to be on this plain planet with the rest of us.
i know what you mean.........................spend so much time thinking he's really real so its even harder to accept this

i can't talk about him in past tense either........that always takes a long time when you lose someone i think
You'll be forever in our hearts Michael, thank you for the memories and the love you always gave to your fans/friends. God Bless you Michael.
Rest in Peace, Michael...at least try. :(


You are Unforgettable and Irreplaceable.
Just want his kids to know as long as we are still breathing we will NEVER stop fighting for what is right and consider this as returning the favor for all the noble things their father did over 40 years and he deserves it.
This is too hard. Michael, my sweet angel, please come back. I want you back. Never imagined you'd leave us so soon... It's so unfair. You shouldn't have left. It's harder now than the day it happened. It hurts so much thinking of you and that the world lost your presence. Your children lost the greatest daddy. Please come back... I'll miss you forever my dear hero. Why did you have to go? I'm crying so much. Wherever you are I'm sure you're at peace and no one can hurt you. No more pain. I'm sure one day we'll meet and I'll see that wonderful smile again. No goodbyes but so long.
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geeez its so final, really sinking in now. on the night i was meant to be at his concert as well
How much can we believe from this report? Why isn't any reliable source reporting this?
I cant bear to think of Michael being buried but I guess I just have to come to terms with it.

Sleep well Michael, my love always.x
Is it for sure though?.... Or still unconfirmed?

I wish it is, in a way... it's taken too long already, I find it disrespectful that they've kept the body so long, regardless of reasons.

Only Michael Jackson could have gone through this whole mess.
I wish to respect family decision but I cannot do it, sorry. They did hurt so many people burring him that way (millions?). It is not fare for King. Michael’s fans would never do something to his grave.

And I believe it wouldn’t be Michael’s choice not to have his fans around. He wanted to keep Neverland more open for fans. Why he wouldn’t want his fans to pay respect beside his grave? It just doesn’t make ANY sense. It is just not Michael Jackson.

I think, something is going to happen with all this. Maybe than family will realize that it was a mistake.

RIP Michael.

I don't think the family wanted to hurt the fans, but they had to look out for Michael. There are a lot of fans that would respect Michael's grave, but there are a lot that wouldn't, so I think they are just protecting his body which I feel they have every right to do..
I am new here, Loes from the Netherlands, this is my first message on the forum.

Michael I hope you rest in peace.

I still cry almost every day, it's so hard to believe he is gone.

I love you for ever Michael Jackson ....
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Jeez I hope they have protection in place after seeing that crazy Claire woman, goodness knows what she would do if she found out where he was