michael has been buried according to sky

Well at last Michael can experience true privacy...it's shame he had to die to do so...

I miss him - and it hurts beyond belief.

Another day is gone, I'm now all alone,
how could this be, you're not here with me,
I never said goodbye, someone tell me why,
did you have to go, and leave my world so cold,
everyday I sat and ask myself, how selfish of me,
i hear your voice whisper in my ear, it says:
That you are not alone, I am here with you,
Though I'm far away, with you I'll always stay.

And my own poem:

I lay here on my bed, listening to your voice,
I will love you forever, it is such a simple choice,
through your heart I learnt a lot of things,
Be loving and caring to others,
seeing the laugher on their faces,
and watch the smiles that it brings,
people will never forget you,
you're at peace and departed from this land,
You put the bigeest smile on my face,
hey Mike your mission is succeeding as planned,
I love each and every one of your loyal fans
they have a heart of pure gold,
we will be here for each other,
that is the love that you have told,
My heart may be On The Line,
It's something that makes me cry,
but we now give you over to god's care,
so to you Michael I say...Goodbye...


*breaks down*

People can visit forrest lawn though can't they?

I hate to say it but someone is bound to find out where he is :(

is he really in an unmarked grave i wonder?

Forrest Lawn looks like a beautiful place but i do think neverland would be so much better a place for him
"The burial itself was at the time of the memorial. When the tissues were returned to the body, then the interment was made final."

So is this saying that while we watched the memorial on TV that Michael's body was buried? If that's the case what about the coffin at the memorial service? Am I just lost here?

Paris looks nothing like Mark. There's a great youtube that shows the (unless it's faked and who knows) hands of Prince with what appears to be vitiligo.
A poem that helped me today after hearing the news.... hope it helps some of you....

“I’ll give to you, for a little while a child of mine” said God
“for you to cherish while he lives and mourn for when he is dead,
It may be sixty or seventy years, or only two or three
But will you, till I call him home, look after him for me?”.

“he’ll bring his love to gladden you & should his stay be brief,
You’ll have a host of memories as solace for your grief
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return
But there are lessons taught below I want this child to learn”.

“I’ve looked the whole world over in my search for teachers true
& from the throng that crowds lifes lane at last I’ve chosen you
Now will you give him all your love, not think your labour in vain
Nor turn against me when I come to take him back again?”

As much as i was heartbroken that Michael was buried in an unmarked grave, suddenly im feeling some peace. I keep feeling inside like he is saying "its ok, I finally get the peace I never had. Anytime you need to feel close to me, I am in every flower, every cloud, every tree, every rainbow, every child's smile...this way my fans dont flock to a hole in the ground. The ones who cant afford a flight dont need to worry, the ones who are too sick to fly dont need to worry. I am everywhere with you. I am peaceful, I am free".....

Its prob just my imagination, but thats how ive been feeling and im going to put some trust and faith in it. I hope you all can get some closure too.

Oh my, I am happy he has finally been laid to rest. But saddened at thought of our angel in the ground, not walking upon it. I love you my sweetheart xx
I dunno what to say really.....I swear I must still be in some kinda denial.....

Crap, crap, crap. :no: Can we trust ETonline? I don't watch it any longer because I can't stand the circus Mary Hart makes out of tragedy. I followed the link though. Makes my stomach kind of sick. I knew the day was coming but this just makes it all the more real.

It's not over yet. The tox reports are finalized and the LAPD are hanging on to it pending investigation. So there's more to be hurt and sick about.

This is all unbelievable and I think I'm a little bit in shock.
oh god. its just seeming all the more final now.
why did this happen to happen.
at least he is at peace.
As tragic as everythings been, I'm glad this has finally happened.

Thanks for the memories, Michael. :) :( Oh wow, heart is actually hurting a little bit...
Is this really true?

I surwe it is because it is about time for Michael to rest.

Rest in Peace my angel....see you soon
I'm relieved he has been finally laid to rest and that his body can be at peace, it's been a long time... but of course distraught with what is all happening. It seems all final now, I feel so empty. :cry: These past months have been so fast, I mean almost 2 months already. But also it has been so difficult, a whirlwind of events and news... and it all comes to this. I just hope Michael is at peace and in everlasting joy now...
Jeez I hope they have protection in place after seeing that crazy Claire woman, goodness knows what she would do if she found out where he was

which crazy claire woman?

EDIT: woops didn't read the above posts...my bad :)
I am so totally in denial still...................:(

Michael Jackson laid to rest on Monday 10th August 2009? :no:

Sorry but been drinking wine.............should have seen MJ in concert tonight....had tickets for the O2...............

This seems SO UNREAL................I am in total and absolute DENIAL............:(

I am not drunk and totally coherent.............just had to have a drink tonight as it was my day to see him............how ironic is that?
Missing you SOOO much Michael................24/7 :doh:
According to the guy from TMZ he was not buried yet. He said to check TMZ for details in the am. I am thinking that means maybe tonight he is. If you notice no US news outlets have reported this story
^^^True. Which I was surprised about. Perhaps he'll be buried some time within the next few days. Either way, it still makes me sad. :cry:
My heart goes out to those of you who had tickets. I'm so sorry. *hug*

I searched yesterday on the Internet and nothing except ETonline indicating that Michael was buried yesterday but nothing on CNN. After this entire fiasco I have a hard time believing anything the media says.
yeh on entertainment tonight and the insider are saying that mike is buried
Hope he will finally get peace now. And hope that now, finally, the papparazzi and the TB and the media will leave him alone.
I am so totally in denial still...................:(

Michael Jackson laid to rest on Monday 10th August 2009? :no:

Sorry but been drinking wine.............should have seen MJ in concert tonight....had tickets for the O2...............

This seems SO UNREAL................I am in total and absolute DENIAL............:(

I am not drunk and totally coherent.............just had to have a drink tonight as it was my day to see him............how ironic is that?
Missing you SOOO much Michael................24/7 :doh:

I feel sorry for you :(
2 months on, no final word on Jackson's burial

AP – This image provided by CNN shows Michael Jackson's brother, Jermaine Jackson responding to questions …

By JOHN ROGERS, Associated Press Writer John Rogers, Associated Press Writer – 9 mins ago

LOS ANGELES – He spent the last few years of his life on a globe-trotting odyssey, and now in death Michael Jackson still seems unable to find a permanent home.

On the certificate recording Jackson's June 25 death, the entertainer's body is listed as being at Los Angeles' Forest Lawn Memorial Park, but that location is listed as temporary. Nearly two months after his demise, no amended death certificate has been filed with Los Angeles County.
With the announcement Monday that the county coroner's office had completed its autopsy of Jackson, coupled with reports that investigators had returned a portion of Jackson's brain to his family, rumors of where his final resting place might be swirled across the Internet. But the people who know exactly where he is and where he might be going aren't saying.
Forest Lawn spokesman Bill Martin declined to say if Jackson's body would be laid to rest permanently at the cemetery or if it is still there, citing the family's request for privacy. A family spokesman Jesse Derris, said the family had no statement to make.

In an interview broadcast Friday with CNN's Larry King, Jackson's older brother Jermaine said he would like to see his sibling laid to rest at Neverland Ranch, the bucolic estate in central California's wine country that the entertainer bought in 1988 and turned into his personal Peter Pan-like wonderland. But Jermaine Jackson said it would be up to his mother, Katherine, to make the final decision.

Although it's rare for someone's remains not to be promptly buried or entombed, it's not unheard of. The body of one of Jackson's musical heroes, James Brown, remained unburied for two months after his 2006 death while people fought over control of his estate.

Elvis Presley, whose daughter was once married to Jackson, was entombed at a Memphis, Tenn., cemetery for nearly two months after his death in August 1977, then moved to a garden at his Graceland mansion. The Forest Hill cemetery says on its Web site the temporary arrangement was made while Graceland was being prepared for Presley's burial.
For Jackson to be buried on private property like Neverland his family would have to get approval from both state and local authorities. Before local officials would sign off they likely would want to schedule public hearings, said Nicole Koon, deputy communications director for Santa Barbara County.

"Certainly there would be a review process that would be triggered when and if that permit request comes through to the county," she said, adding no such request had been made.

During the nearly 20 years he lived at Neverland, Jackson turned its rolling hills and verdant pastures into a children's paradise, complete with bumper car rides, a Ferris wheel, a train modeled after the one at Disneyland and a zoo filled with tigers, elephants, orangutans and a giraffe.
He regularly opened the estate to children by the hundreds, many of them from local schools, until he was arrested in 2004 and charged with molesting a 13-year-old boy.

After being acquitted in 2005, Jackson abandoned Neverland, taking his three children with him on an international journey, living for a time in Bahrain and then Las Vegas. More recently he shuttled to London, where he was to launch a 50-show run of concerts in July that were to mark his return to the public eye and, he hoped, restore his image as the King of Pop.

He was living in a rented mansion in Los Angeles and rehearsing for the shows when he died at age 50.
2 months on, no final word on Jackson's burial

as I said before, even though everybody is waiting for some final words... don't think there will come words from the family or the cemetary about this.
Rest in peace my dear Michael, i love you more and i miss you! :boohoo: