michael has been buried according to sky

I don't think he has been buried yet. TMZ, as bad as they are, have a knack of being right quite a lot of the time.
According to TMZ, Michael's body is still kept in deep freeze, there's no decision on where the burial will take place, I'm thinking it will be Neverland eventually.
According to TMZ, Michael's body is still kept in deep freeze, there's no decision on where the burial will take place, I'm thinking it will be Neverland eventually.

Oh my, that makes my stomach turn :no: How many people are dead nearly two months and not burried

I thought I was getting a bit better, but the last two days the tears are coming back. Being a fan now is a completely different experience. I don't think I'll be able to listen to Michael's music in the same way ever again - not that I am listening to it at the moment. Sorry that was O/T
the family and friends may have had the viewing or something at forrest lawn but the news stated, as of last night, micheal has still not been laid to rest. no official time of death, no signed death certificate, and, still not laid to rest, is what our news has been saying over here, as of Aug 15. why would the coroners office and LAPD state his body is still in the coroners office, "on ice" if he was laid to rest. but, then it makes me think, if his body is still with the coroners office, his family can't check his body out, for a viewing or private funeral, then return it, its still evidence, if its still in the coroners office, so they couldnt take it out for a few hours, then return it, i just dont know what to believe about all of that.
It should actually be illegal to have a body out this long.

Seriously, too far.
If they are carrying out a criminal investigation, they will keep the body for as long as it takes.

I know of one case where the body was kept in mortuary freezer for 18 months
"He" is not here anymore. His body has been buried. But his spirit lives on, in each one of us...

yes I know but it still hurts so bad...a few weeks ago we were talking about what Michael must be doing at the moment and now he's laying in a coffin, I still can't wrap my mind around on how we ended up in this situation. I think people who truly loved him will never get over it, even after they bury him
If they are carrying out a criminal investigation, they will keep the body for as long as it takes.

I know of one case where the body was kept in mortuary freezer for 18 months


Now that is torture.
What on earth did they need to analyse brain tissues??? SO they can clone him in the future? Or had the news been modified by the media again?
drugs and diprivan
"What on earth did they need to analyse brain tissues??? SO they can clone him in the future? Or had the news been modified by the media again?"

They may have also been looking at the fact that he had lupus and vitialigo. They are both degenerative immune system disease, considering that he had both they would have to take that into account when doing the autopsy and what role if any they may have played in his death. Lupus attacks the brain stem of a person with it and that would have to be considered in his death. It could be that his death will be a result of both natural and other circomstances.
I sort of don't want his body to be buried! :( I can barely read this thread...sad sad sad! My heart is breaking again.
Oh gosh, I want him to be buried right now! It just doesn't seem right that his body is not at rest STILL. I hope he is put at Neverland so bad.
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

That's beautiful. An unmarked grave for our King does not seem good enough.

RIP Michael. I will love you always.
At this point i dont mind where he is buried as long as he IS buried at a safe location that we will eventually be able to visit.:((
from my understanding they initially removed the brain and had to wait until it hardened so they could test for previous drug history. the brain was returned to the family awhile back.

What on earth did they need to analyse brain tissues??? SO they can clone him in the future? Or had the news been modified by the media again?
I can't say why, but I have the feeling that it will be this week, like around Thursday the 20th. Just a hunch.

I think it was TMZ that just wrote something about how Jermaine is the only one who wants him at Neverland. If he is buried at Forest Lawn, that anonymous thing just sounds sooooooo wrong. Sickeningly so, and I can't imagine that will actually happen unless it's very temporary. I won't be surprised if we're not allowed to visit, at least for a while (months, a year or two, something like that), though. They could always do something like have a large plot and use a tasteful/nice low fence around the actual gravesite... something that would enable us to visit but not touch, like kept several feet back but could leave flowers. That's how I see things going, anyway.
It takes 2 week for the brain to dry out not harden, so that it maybe sectioned by a microtome. Again they would have been looking I think more for signs of the immune system deseases that he had. It would be more likely that the drug testing would be done on something like hair or bone. A substance that would absorb the chemicals rather than eliminate them as the brain would. He blood test would actually be the best place to look for drug evidence, but sinced that drug they were looking for has such a short half life they may have had to go further. Just an oppinon from the pathological side of things.