michael has been buried according to sky

I'm glad he is finally buried. A secret location really is the only way to go. There'll be memorials/places for fans to visit and pay their respects too. Sleep well Michael, you deserve your rest! :heart: The poem posted earlier is simply magnificent. :cry:
Rest In Peace my beautiful, beloved Angel :cry:

I love you soooooooooooooooooo much. I know you will always live over there and you will always be with us :wub:
on a selfish note, will we never know where he is to lay flowers for him :(

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
:cry: aww, michael :(

I wish there was something or somwhere we could go to to pay respects. A secret location is probably best, it worked for Freddie. It's a shame the haters had to ruin any chance we had of ever going to see his final resting place. How could people be so cruel..?

I have been doing really good up until now. I am glad he is buried but i cant help missing him like family. I keep saying this... Michael Jackson should not be dead!

im crying like i did the day this all started.:cry: I hate that hes gone. I hate that the media is making this out to be a circus. I hate the bashers that are still out there in the media making this a joke.

Michael should be here. I know thats selfish of me and i know he needed rest but i want to see him Smile,dance, Laugh, kiss his kids, take them out. Just EVERYTHING. I miss hearing his voice, I miss seeing his smile, Hearing him laugh. I cant get used to the idea he is gone. I forget this fact and when i remember it all feels like the first day.:cry:

This death is harder then any of my family. Why is that? I didn't know Michael personally, i had never met him, i never followed his personal life. Why is this death so hard?
the part that saddens me the most is that he is in an unmarked grave. it is for the best, but i hope no one ever forgets where he is, im sure his children will want to do something there for him when they are older, like a marker or something. by then maybe the hysteria will have died down a little...
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

Love this. Goes hand in hand with the poem I posted. Im sure this is what Michael would want us to know and believe in.
ohgosh ... so sad :cry:

Rest In Peace Dear Michael...

The poems posted in here are lovely, thank you.
He'll always be alive...in our hearts.:heart::heart:

RIP my sweet angel!:angel:

On the other hand, Jermaine was invited on LKL several days ago and he said that they still are on talks about where he should finally rest...so maybe it's just temporary. dunno...
I keep thinking of the line in the song Vincent by Don McLean..
"this world was never
meant for one
as beautiful as you."

Rest in peace sweetheart. Love is stronger than death.
I keep thinking of the line in the song Vincent by Don McLean..
"this world was never
meant for one
as beautiful as you."

Rest in peace sweetheart. Love is stronger than death.

Thats been a song i have listened to lots recently as well.

starry night
paint your palette blue and grey

look out on a summer's day
with eyes that know the
darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills
sketch the trees and the daffodils

catch the breeze and the winter chills

in colors on the snowy linen land.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they did not know how

perhaps they'll listen now.

starry night
flaming flo'rs that brightly blaze

swirling clouds in violet haze reflect in
Vincent's eyes of China blue.
Colors changing hue
morning fields of amber grain

weathered faces lined in pain
are soothed beneath the artist's
loving hand.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you
but still your love was true

and when no hope was left in sight on that starry
starry night.
You took your life
as lovers often do;
But I could have told you
this world was never
meant for one
as beautiful as you.

starry night
portraits hung in empty halls

frameless heads on nameless walls
with eyes
that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the stranger that you've met

the ragged men in ragged clothes

the silver thorn of bloddy rose
lie crushed and broken
on the virgin snow.
And now I think I know what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity

how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they're not
list'ning still
perhaps they never will.

I have been doing really good up until now. I am glad he is buried but i cant help missing him like family. I keep saying this... Michael Jackson should not be dead!

im crying like i did the day this all started.:cry: I hate that hes gone. I hate that the media is making this out to be a circus. I hate the bashers that are still out there in the media making this a joke.

Michael should be here. I know thats selfish of me and i know he needed rest but i want to see him Smile,dance, Laugh, kiss his kids, take them out. Just EVERYTHING. I miss hearing his voice, I miss seeing his smile, Hearing him laugh. I cant get used to the idea he is gone. I forget this fact and when i remember it all feels like the first day.:cry:

This death is harder then any of my family. Why is that? I didn't know Michael personally, i had never met him, i never followed his personal life. Why is this death so hard?


I feel you... :cry::cry::cry:
oh god. again crying. i hate it. cant believe we.re talking about this.
its so terrible .___.
Help me pleasse. Does it say that MJ was buried weeks ago? During the memorial (7.7.2009)?

I have been doing really good up until now. I am glad he is buried but i cant help missing him like family. I keep saying this... Michael Jackson should not be dead!

im crying like i did the day this all started.:cry: I hate that hes gone. I hate that the media is making this out to be a circus. I hate the bashers that are still out there in the media making this a joke.

Michael should be here. I know thats selfish of me and i know he needed rest but i want to see him Smile,dance, Laugh, kiss his kids, take them out. Just EVERYTHING. I miss hearing his voice, I miss seeing his smile, Hearing him laugh. I cant get used to the idea he is gone. I forget this fact and when i remember it all feels like the first day.:cry:

This death is harder then any of my family. Why is that? I didn't know Michael personally, i had never met him, i never followed his personal life. Why is this death so hard?

I feel the same. My heart is contantly breaking. I miss him so much, I keep looking up at the sky. I don't know why this is so hard for us. I don't think people understand the connection us fans have with Michael. To me, I have loved him like a family member, a friend. It is because he was always so loving to us and shared his soul with us, that it why we have this connection because once a soul is shared it can never be taken away from the ones it was given to. I think reading dancing the dream has helped me a bit. Michael says how he felt sad looking at stars because by the time we see it, it has gone and died by now as it takes so many light years for us to see it, but then he said that he realised that actually stars never die they just melt back into the music of life and everytime a star twinkles it is a smile for us from what went before, showing us it never really dies. I believe this when I look into the sky at night and think of Michael.
Glad I'm not the only one who didnt quit understand?

Somebody help us with this question please?

I need to wake up...

Nope I think they've meant the private service/ceremony which was held by the family and guests on Forrest Lawn before the memorial took place.
There was not another ceremony with the family now again.
It was just a pretty short ceremony before the actual burial took place now... maybe the whole family wasn't even there.
well he used to work for tito, then was hired then fired for the trial, and most recently he worked for randy b ut yea. not mike. shut up brian