March 5th is almost upon us [All threads merged]

Re: One year ago...

'sounds like he's going to die'

how eerie.
Re: One year ago...

I can't believe this... I remember it so clearly... I was so, so, so exited, I couldn't stop screaming, my mum had to calm me down a little bit. I remember I called my father to promise me that if it was true, he was going to buy me a flight to London and that I would buy my tickets. I remember talking it with a friend about going together... :cry: All these memories coming back, I was so happy at that time, so, so happy. I can't believe it was just one year ago, how much can change in so little time, how much?
Re: One year ago...

I can't believe this... I remember it so clearly... I was so, so, so exited, I couldn't stop screaming, my mum had to calm me down a little bit. I remember I called my father to promise me that if it was true, he was going to buy me a flight to London and that I would buy my tickets. I remember talking it with a friend about going together... :cry: All these memories coming back, I was so happy at that time, so, so happy. I can't believe it was just one year ago, how much can change in so little time, how much?

I feel what you're feeling.
Re: One year ago...

Oh yeah I remeber that... even when I was in my early 20s (still is now!) but is like a re-action to me when annoced that mj was getting ready for his comeback tour in UK London! :(
Re: One year ago...

Amazing how ones feelings can change from ecstatic to somber...
I hate this feeling. :(
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Re: One year ago...

I can not believe it's a year ago :cry:

I was so happy back then. To be honest, I can't remember being ever so happy in my life. The excitement, the famous pre-sale code, me jumping and screaming. I told my mum back then after I have seen Michael, I can die because there won't be anything left I need to see... It was my biggest dream to see Michael after I've been a fan for so many year but never was confident enough to leave my hometown to travel alone somewhere.

I haven't been on MJJC when this thread started but I remember the same details being on a german forum, so it's not new and it was so damn exciting. What would I give to have a little of this excitment back? No... that's wrong... I would do anything to get Michael back :cry: I would wish he would have cancel the whole damn This Is It idea and move to a nice & quiet area with his kids and live happily ever after. :cry:
Re: One year ago...

It doesn't even feel like a year. Call Heath Ledger's death a year! He died in January 2008 and Michael died in June 2009. You call that a year?
Re: One year ago...

Soo sad guys..I remember that here in Italy all the fans helped each other translating over and over for buying the tickets on Ticketmaster.. I remember the day of the conference..I received a phone call and I could not watch it live!:( then the caos...everyone on to register...I will never ever forget!
Re: One year ago...

Yes Time has flew by... I was just mentioning the date yesterday to a friend..We had tickets for August. It's hard to put into words how much I miss Michael in this world.



The ticket allotment for the presale has been sold. Michael Jackson has added five more concerts to his historic return to the stage at London’s O2 Arena, making this a half-century of shows. Tickets are available across all 50 shows for the general sale at 7am, Friday 13th March 2009.

Records have tumbled:
The biggest audience ever to see an artist in one city.
The most amount of people to attend a series of arena shows.
The fastest ticket sales in history.
By the end of the 50 concerts, 1 million fans will have witnessed one of the greatest musical events in history. The figures speak for themselves - 360,000 tickets sold in 18 hours during the pre sale so far, that is 20,000 tickets per hour, 333 tickets per minute! [even MJLive got the figure wrong *lol*]

Michael is said to be ‘thrilled’ by the response and wanted as many fans to share the experience with him as possible. This will be the last chance to see the King of Pop in London, this really is it!

Re: One year ago...

Soo sad guys..I remember that here in Italy all the fans helped each other translating over and over for buying the tickets on Ticketmaster.. I remember the day of the conference..I received a phone call and I could not watch it live!:( then the caos...everyone on to register...I will never ever forget!

Same in germany. I remember that a fan called me and I explained ticketmaster to him step by step, that he need to register first and everything will work much better than.

I remember watching the press conference on and on another window on my PC I watched the Live stream of CNN. Michael was so late and I was sitting in front of my PC waiting for the lil sec where Michael leaves the Lanesborough and gets into his car.

I still remember I missed in school because I NEEDED to buy tickets, I was so happy to get my presale code that I needed to use the chance. I was so nervous and the presale should have started at 8 am (german time). So I was sitting there and I was curious and checked Ticketmaster about 7.40, just to see if MAYBE I could alread buy tickets. And there were already for sale. My hands were shaking, I was nervous and excited. I even bought 2 tickets for 12 July for 2 differents seats because I forgot I already bought tickets for that day LOL I was soooo nervous. I was so lucky, I only had to wait for about 2-3 minutes in the TM queue, because I was too early and I had so cool seats :(
Re: One year ago...

Same in germany. I remember that a fan called me and I explained ticketmaster to him step by step, that he need to register first and everything will work much better than.

I remember watching the press conference on and on another window on my PC I watched the Live stream of CNN. Michael was so late and I was sitting in front of my PC waiting for the lil sec where Michael leaves the Lanesborough and gets into his car.

I still remember I missed in school because I NEEDED to buy tickets, I was so happy to get my presale code that I needed to use the chance. I was so nervous and the presale should have started at 8 am (german time). So I was sitting there and I was curious and checked Ticketmaster about 7.40, just to see if MAYBE I could alread buy tickets. And there were already for sale. My hands were shaking, I was nervous and excited. I even bought 2 tickets for 12 July for 2 differents seats because I forgot I already bought tickets for that day LOL I was soooo nervous. I was so lucky, I only had to wait for about 2-3 minutes in the TM queue, because I was too early and I had so cool seats :(

Yeah...There were already available at 7.40 and I bought them in two minutes..First show...8th July...It's painful...Unforgettable
Re: One year ago...

I remember on March 5th, I was at my college and My class didnt end until after Michael's speech, and i was looking at my watch so much that the teacher let us out earl...:lol: ... I thought Michael already gave the speech...Well so i thought. So I went online and went to "", since it was supposed to be LIVE steaming...and i remember everyone on here saying the streaming keeps crashing and we had to refresh it. Anyway...When I got on MJJC to see if Michael already did the speech...I Was SOOO Happy to find out that He didnt arrive YET. Traffic problem. Then I waited with y'all on MJJC and just commented on stuff about the event. THEN, I saw the Black van and I saw the excitement of the crowd and I Was literally crying...To see HIM AGAIN!!! LIVE, He was there...He was in a Place that I can actually see him with out any covers and IT FELT SOOO GOOD!!!

Mannn !!! :cry:

I LOVE YOU 4 Eternity MICHAEL!!! And I MEAN THAT!!! :cry: :heart:

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Re: One year ago...

Tomorrow will be exactly one year since the news broke about the press conference. I remember because March 3rd is my birthday and I was having a really lousy day until I found out on the news that MJ was coming to London to make a big announcement. It turned the day around and I was so happy. I remember saying to my wife "this is the best birthday present anyone could give me."

And now here we are a year later and so much has changed. :(
Oh man :(, why things ended so wrong.... cant believe this :cry:
Re: One year ago...

I cannot believe its been a YEAR. After June 25th time just stopped for me. OMG - ... :cry: ...
For me too. Someone mentioned last summer on TV last night and I thought... there was a summer in 2009? I don't remember sunshine or whether it was too hot or not. All I know is I was more excited and thrilled and happy than I'd been for years and then... when summer came time stopped. I woke up so sad this morning, like my emotions drifted back to a state of months ago. Just lay there in bed crying for like two hours. OMG, the quote in the link above. I said at least 3 or 4 times last spring, "God, Michael, you're not going to die or something are you??" when I'd rewatch the TII press conference. :boohoo: Jesus, I just... would never have thought... I mean not for real... !!!!

I'm kind of worried about the next 4 months. I mean it's going to be a constant "one year ago" thing for us... when we got tickets, what we were talking about, MJ going shopping, the little bits of info we'd get from time to time, the curls back, etc. And on some days when we're in a 'good' mood we may be able to remember them with a bit of fond excitement, but then the crash of reality will be right behind... :( I've been really trying not to be depressive, so sorry...
Re: One year ago...

I remember the whole thing so clearly it hurts so much, i remember all the excitement like if it was yesterday, me with the computer, it was a big event, tv people covering it all the way, how glad i was... Michael was finally back :(
Re: One year ago...

This thread is so heartbreaking...I have been reading through it all, even the threads someone earlier posted, going back to the This Is It conference in London, gosh how everyone was so excited. I cant believe its almost a year now, how quick time flies by, it feels like it was just yesterday I was glued infront of the TV, watching Michael coming out to that stage, speaking to the fans.....the final curtain call...I'll see you in July.....
The love I had for him never been so strong and I knew that I was gonna meet him, this is my chance to meet him. And I was so determined to get a first row ticket so I could be as near as possible.
I had the codes to that pre sale day, I cut lectures to stay home, from 7am, till something around 7 pm, I tried and I tried and I tried without any lucky. It felt like that searching circle would go on and on and on, I had a 2 laptops next to me, searching and searching. My husband came home around 7pm, to find me still in PJ's going on like a crazy person. I guess he could see the desire and the longing in my eyes, he sat down and managed to book 2 tickets, August 10th, A2 section, Row D! I was chocked, I could hardly move, I could hardly talk, I still remember...walking to the screen looking at the ticket details....he had bought the Thriller package for both of us, and thats why and how he got such great seats. It was alot of money, and we were saving for our one year wedding anniversary, but there I had very own Row D. I couldnt sleep that night, I kept thinking what to wear, to wear something to get Michaels attention, to book the flight tickets to London..and so on....the best part was I was gonna see Michael with my husband next to me. Although I have seen Michael before during the HIStory concert in Sweden, this was gonna be different, I was gonna experience it with my husband, who loves Michael as much, it would have been a celebration of our wedding anniversary. ....
"I'll see you in July......"

Here I am, after one year....after all the tears, the aching, the nightmares, the what if's, the pain, the missing. Here I am ...moved on...trying to move on...with my Row D. :cry:
Re: One year ago...

^ Oh :hug: Same for me. My husband is also a fan and this was to be the time when both of us, who LOVE Michael so much, would be there together. I met my husband because of Michael. And now we'd be there together, us and Michael. :heart: We had A1 row G, so not as good as yours, but still quite close. I remember how we'd stand on each end of the house and say, "Can you still see my eyes from there? Whoo-hoo! Imagine! OMG, imagine!!!! Michael will be THAT close!" We were so excited. Beyond anything I was just excited to send Michael all that LOVE, to show him how much we still LOVED him and always will. After all the crap from the previous years, I wanted to bathe him in sheer LOVE. I played it over and over in my head, how it would feel to be there with all the thousands LOVING him. MJ concerts were always global LOVE festivals :cry: And now... now... the last time I ever saw Michael in person was in March of 1988 :boohoo: 22 years ago. God, it wasn't supposed to be like this...
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Re: One year ago...

^ Oh :hug: Same for me. My husband is also a fan and this was to be the time when both of us, who LOVE Michael so much, would be there together. I met my husband because of Michael. And now we'd be there together, us and Michael. :heart: We had A1 row G, so not as good as yours, but still quite close. I remember how we'd stand on each end of the house and say, "Can you still see my eyes from there? Whoo-hoo! Imagine! OMG, imagine!!!! Michael will be THAT close!" We were so excited. Beyond anything I was just excited to send Michael all that LOVE, to show him how much we still LOVED him and always will. After all the crap from the previous years, I wanted to bathe him in sheer LOVE. I played it over and over in my head, how it would feel to be there with all the thousands LOVING him. MJ concerts were always global LOVE festivals :cry: And now... now... the last time I ever saw Michael in person was in March of 1988 :boohoo: 22 years ago. God, it wasn't supposed to be like this...

That brought tears to my eyes :boohoo:
Re: One year ago...

I was supposed to see him tonight. It's now 18.30, the time that the doors would open. It would be my final concert, from the tickets that I bought. I need to thanks Katrz2000 who kept warning the members, that tm was selling tickets again. I got myself 2 extra tickets, because of of them bought on June 24. I just feel heartbroken right now, I am crying as I am typing this now. Next to me is my concert ticket, I just cannot stop looking at it and wonder how it would have been...

I just feel sad this entire day, I just couldn't stop thinking ''Where and what would I be doing now at this very moment, if Mike was still here''. Instead of sitting in London and being excited about the concert, I am now sitting at home...

I will be wacthing TII around 20.00, I am just going to pretend that I am watching him in concert...I am just going to use my imagination and pretend that I am actually sitting in the O2 watching him. When I'm crying, I will just pretend that those are happy tears because I am watching him, instead of sadness..

This is just so cruel..and the thing is, that I still don't completely realize that he's gone. I just feel that the movie is some leaked rehearsal footage and that I am still going to see him in concert. I am scared to post on this board. When you are looking at your post, you can see that they 500 of your posts are saved up. Well with every new post that I make, one old one will get deleted. I still have a lot of posts from TII and with every new post that I make, I feel that I will drift away a little more from the memories. I just hate that. I am supposed to be sitting at the O2 right now, I am supposed to be with fans getting overly excited...I was going to see him again today.
My heart just hurts. :(
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Re: One year ago...

For me too. Someone mentioned last summer on TV last night and I thought... there was a summer in 2009? I don't remember sunshine or whether it was too hot or not. All I know is I was more excited and thrilled and happy than I'd been for years and then... when summer came time stopped.

OMG, I haven't even thought about that. It's so true. I totally forgot it was summer and autumm. I just remember being sunburned one time when we met with fans but I can't remember anything else. I never thought about that, these little things - although summer time is like the best time of the year.. it just reminds me I don't even know where my friends were, oh geeez. I never thought about that. I didn't have much contact with them till about November. Ok, sorry for the OT.

I remember how we'd stand on each end of the house and say, "Can you still see my eyes from there? Whoo-hoo! Imagine! OMG, imagine!!!! Michael will be THAT close!" We were so excited.

That reminds me of something. I had tickets for... yep, March 1st next to the stage but a bit upper, Block 112, in the 383 part and a friend of mine was going to the o2 in Berlin which is similar (to a Beyonce concert), she told me where she was sitting, I googled it and found out it was almost the same seat I'd have in the London o2. She told me how much she saw of Beyonce and though she still was happy over seeing her, I was freaking out how close I'll be to Michael, how good I'll see him and that he maybe sees me too.

I even had my "Tour-outfit". I 'designed' a shirt (which I unfortunately didn't print b/c I wanted to do 2-3 weeks before my first concert :( ). I wanted to visit all concerts in the same shirt to make my message clear, yellow shirt, green letter, front : F*ck the Press, Back: Michael you're the best. I was so worried if I could walk around with the F*ck word in London. I wish I had that worry back :(

I was supposed to see him tonight. It's now 18.30, the time that the doors would open. It would be my final concert, from the tickets that I bought. I need to thanks Katrz2000 who kept warning the members, that tm was selling tickets again. I got myself 2 extra tickets, because of of them bought on June 24. I just feel heartbroken right now, I am crying as I am typing this now. Next to me is my concert ticket, I just cannot stop looking at it and wonder how it would have been...

I just feel sad this entire day, I just couldn't stop thinking ''Where and what would I be doing now at this very moment, if Mike was still here''. Instead of sitting in London and being excited about the concert, I am now sitting at home...

I will be wacthing TII around 20.00, I am just going to pretend that I am watching him in concert...I am just going to use my imagination and pretend that I am actually sitting in the O2 watching him. When I'm crying, I will just pretend that those are happy tears because I am watching him, instead of sadness..

This is just so cruel..and the thing is, that I still don't completely realize that he's gone. I just feel that the movie is some leaked rehearsal footage and that I am still going to see him in concert. I am scared to post on this board. When you are looking at your post, you can see that they 500 of your posts are saved up. Well with every new post that I make, one old one will get deleted. I still have a lot of posts from TII and with every new post that I make, I feel that I will drift away a little more from the memories. I just hate that. I am supposed to be sitting at the O2 right now, I am supposed to be with fans getting overly excited...I was going to see him again today.
My heart just hurts. :(

:cry: you made me cry :huggy:
I'm asking that too the last days. I was supposed to be there on the 1st and today, 3rd. Yesteryday I was thinking what I would have done on the "off-day"? Sight-seeing? Meeting fans? Standing in front of Michaels house? Would have been a nice day? Like spring time? Or would I have been exhausted from the concert the day before? Would I have already bought one for the last one as I planned? Would I be sad because on the 6th the 50th concert was going to be? Or would have been an announcement already for an upcoming world tour? Oh my god, it's so unbelieveable... to think how happy we were one year ago... and now? :cry: It hurts so much to think about these question... I can't tell how much I wish we could turn back time... as naive it might be... I want to turn back time :cry:
Re: One year ago...

Something just came back to my mind and made me smile a bit, maybe it makes you smile too.

Do you remember April Fools Day last year? I suddenly remembered. That online casting for the thriller dancers? OMG, I totally forgot that it was April 1st and I was damn serious and wanted to be one of Michael's dancer. I was so excited and was thinking about how my zombie make up would look like. I'm too easy to fool :)

Thought the memory of this maybe makes at least one smile.
Re: One year ago...

I can't believe tomorrow will be a year since he gave his "TII" speech. It's been a year since I saw him in person. I was there and didn't know it would be the last...:cry: I am so upset now...
Re: One year ago...

I wish I could go back a year ago today
it was a thursday :cry: March 5th. oh my.
Re: One year ago...

....I was freaking out how close I'll be to Michael, how good I'll see him and that he maybe sees me too. ........
I even had my "Tour-outfit". I 'designed' a shirt (which I unfortunately didn't print b/c I wanted to do 2-3 weeks before my first concert :( ). I wanted to visit all concerts in the same shirt to make my message clear, yellow shirt, green letter, front : F*ck the Press, Back: Michael you're the best. I was so worried if I could walk around with the F*ck word in London. I wish I had that worry back :( .........I'm asking that too the last days. I was supposed to be there on the 1st and today, 3rd. Yesteryday I was thinking what I would have done on the "off-day"? Sight-seeing? Meeting fans? Standing in front of Michaels house? Would have been a nice day?
I think we were all thinking like that... how close we'll be, what we'll wear. I was going to design a hat/cap on CafePress or Zazzle for myself with something like "I :heart: U MJ!" because I thought a brand new white cap would 'glow' on my head there in the 7th row and he might see me, lol. :no:

And about your concert dates... :hug: I know how awful that is. It is for everyone. Mine were Aug 28 & 30. I was hoping to hook up with fans in London to do something for his birthday in between, like maybe we could go to his house with big happy b-day signs if wouldn't be too annoying :cry: Instead I ended up spending that weekend devastated, but at least with other fans (thank God) on the 29th for flash mobs, etc. :(

I can't believe tomorrow will be a year since he gave his "TII" speech. It's been a year since I saw him in person. I was there and didn't know it would be the last...:cry: I am so upset now...
:hug: I can't comprehend what's worse... to have not seen him for years or to have been at the press conference and have to get through the day this year. (I guess I have to say it's worse to have not seen him for years and also that you're lucky to have at least been there, although it's a special kind of pain, I'm sure.)
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

March 5th is only hours away right now :( i remember this time last year hearing that Michael wanted his fans to attend the PC.
I was sooo excited, i kept checking mjjc on twitter for updates, i couldnt believe it.
All im gonna remember tomorrow is the incredible journey i had finding the 02 and seeing the KING right there in front of my very own eyes, omg its soo sad