March 5th is almost upon us [All threads merged]

Re: March 5th is almost upon us

This thread brought tears to my eyes. :boohoo: All the emotions from that day are flooding back. Getting tickets to see Michael. I've never been so happy in my life. And I don't think I will ever be as happy as I was on that day. Coming online talking to everyone, sharing stories about seats etc was just the greatest feeling in the world. Although the dream never got to come true, unfortunately, at that moment in time NOTHING could get us down as we thought they were. What happened after isn't going to take away my immense feelings of happiness from that day. Ever.

Re: March 5th is almost upon us

I dont want to think about it just brings home how much we all lost..
I too remember the way we felt for those months between March and June. We were so close to seeing Mj's vision. We were so happy.....

If only.....
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

March 5th 2009 - Michael Jackson announces This Is It.

March 6th 2010 - Scheduled final performance of This Is It.

Re: March 5th is almost upon us

ive still got the text mnessage on my phone from 02 containing my pre-sale code to get ticlkets :( *cries*
1 year....... :`(

Can`t belive it is march 5th already..... This day last year i was so happy, so happy.... But today this date gets me crying again..... This still hurts like hell, and even more, i guess time (one year) doesnt heal all wounds. It just gives us tools to deal with it better than we did at first..... I`m so sad....... Feel free to post your thoughts on this day and date.....

Hugs to you All!
Re: 1 year....... :`(

:cry::cry::cry:This time last year my mother and I were in the car getting all excited at the possibility that Michael could perhaps perform in america one day. we were even discussing how much we were willing to pay :sigh: if I don't wake up from this dream i'm going to lose it :(
Re: 1 year....... :`(

omg i cant belive its already been 1 year since he announced his THIS IS IT tour .. wow vvv sad as i was hoping when i watched the announcement he would be touring and possibly touring the states that was my dream to see him in concert for the first time ever but now it will never be :no: time flies fast when u lose the ones u love the most!!!
Re: 1 year....... :`(

omg i cant belive its already been 1 year since he announced his THIS IS IT tour .. wow vvv sad as i was hoping when i watched the announcement he would be touring and possibly touring the states that was my dream to see him in concert for the first time ever but now it will never be :no: time flies fast when u lose the ones u love the most!!!

I know how you feel. Time is flying by so fast since then. :boohoo:
I dont think I can go back and watch the announcement again. It hurts too much.
Re: 1 year....... :`(

One year ago today our king graced the stage. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was sat in front of Sky News for hours waiting for it. Sadly I had no money to go up that day. As soon as he came on I screamed with happiness. Looking beautiful yet nervous he announced what was going to be the greatest show on earth. And I felt so blessed, he was going to be doing this in my country, performing in a city only two hours away from where I live. His smile was infectious and I smiled with him. I began chanting 'This Is It' over and over. And he told us he would see us in July, then walked off the stage, still being cheered by his adoring fans. But July never came and instead of excitement July was replaced by grieving and mourning. I miss you always and forever Michael. You are always in my heart.
Re: 1 year....... :`(

this is what I wrote in my livejournal a year ago:

you are always in my heart

Michael will give ten final concerts of his career in London in July. Suddenly I really really want to go there. I wonder how much the tickets are going to be and when they will be on sale.

Update: Okay, I've just watched his press conference. And when he said "I love you" to the fans, my heart just melted. I love him, too. And I always will. Michael has a very special place in my heart. I need to find out when the tickets are going on sale. I really want to go to London. I mean, this is Michael. The final chance to see him perform.
Re: 1 year....... :`(

This time last year I was at the 02, It was so funny becuase I got a call from another fan & he said 'they're giving out a limited number of armbands for access to the inner circle right in front of MJ & they've nearly run out so hurry!!!!' I remember running from the tube station & when I got to the 02 they had about 5 bands left & I got one!

It was a sunny day & the place was buzzing, even the staff were walking round with this slightly shell shocked expression that so many fans were there, the press started arriving & again looked taken aback that so many fans were there & were there so early.

We started queuing pretty early, everyone was jostling to get in front, it was really packed out, we couldnt leave our place to go to get a drink/ eat/ bathroom etc but it was ok because all we cared about was the fact we would see MJ in person & he was making this big announcement!!

After about 8 hours of being in a queue. they opened the barriers & let the fans with armbands through so we were really near the podium. Everyone else, including the press were much further back behind the barriers so we were glad we had got there early enough to get armbands
We were chanting 'MICHAEL MICHAEL!!' and by now there were so many people that they had filled the space in front of the podium & were backed out outside the arena right down to the tube station!

Then the big overhead widescreens all dimmed & played a montage of MJ clips, people went mental as if it was actually him, the noise was deafening, it was crazy!
Dermot O leary then came on & looked a bit overwhelmed, he then introduced MJ & the moment the curtains twitched & MJ appeared everyone just surged forward screaming, it was so intense, we just couldnt believe he was right there in front of us! I remember thinking 'wow he looks good, he looks really happy' and he kept giggling & straining to hear what we were chanting, me & the girl next to me were screaming 'Michael take your glasses off! We want to see your SEXY EYES!!!" And we are both pretty sure that he heard us & giggled. We couldnt believe it when he said 'see you in July' we were all crying with happiness, so excited he was making this return to performing, so happy for him. MJ seemed very happy & almost defiant with some of his gestures to the press- it was almost like he was saying 'look at all my fans! they dont care what you say!"

When he left the stage everyone was just on a total high, I remember being interviewed by the BBC afterwards but cant remember anything I said! Was just in a total daze, lol. We ran out of the arena to get some fresh air & there were 'MJ THIS IS IT' logos on all the widescreens outside, and we all just thought 'wow this is really happening! this is it!' we ran down the escalators to get the tube waving our MJ banners & flags shouting 'THIS IS IT!' "WE LOVE MJ" People were looking at us but we didnt care, we were just so so happy & excited- nothing else mattered apart from the fact our MJ was making his return to the stage & we couldnt wait to see him back on top where he belonged!

That was a year ago & it seems like yesterday :(
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I was there...waiting. Waiting to see him. I was so proud of him that day, so so proud. It was ridiculous, I could have been his mother or something. He was fabulous. I was on the phone all night to anyone that would listen, recalling every little detail. Priceless. Seeing him there in front of me, it's indescribable. And a year later, it's heartbreaking to think back on it. One of the best days of my life, and I'll never forget it.

Love you Mike.
MJsno1Girl, amazing. Thank you for sharing. Just reading your story I felt all the excitement of that day all over again. *sigh*
I still can't believe that we're sitting here one year later trying to figure out what when wrong on the fateful day on June 25 :cry:
I remember how HAPPY I was on March 5, I was waiting for the press conference being on the notebook and watching the television simultaneously. I can't fathom what happened. It's such an injustice. I don't know much but I do know with all my heart that Michael didn't deserve to die as young as he did. He did not, he had so much ahead, it's not fair. I remember not believing my own luck to be able to get the opportunity to go on a MJ concert, it was like a dream come true for me. I was so proud of him making it thru all the trials and tribulations of recent years.
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I was there...waiting. Waiting to see him. I was so proud of him that day, so so proud. It was ridiculous, I could have been his mother or something. He was fabulous. I was on the phone all night to anyone that would listen, recalling every little detail. Priceless. Seeing him there in front of me, it's indescribable. And a year later, it's heartbreaking to think back on it. One of the best days of my life, and I'll never forget it.

Love you Mike.
Bless your heart Stacey you along with everyone else who saw him on that day were extremely lucky :cry:
This time last year I was at the 02, It was so funny becuase I got a call from another fan & he said 'they're giving out a limited number of armbands for access to the inner circle right in front of MJ & they've nearly run out so hurry!!!!' I remember running from the tube station & when I got to the 02 they had about 5 bands left & I got one!

It was a sunny day & the place was buzzing, even the staff were walking round with this slightly shell shocked expression that so many fans were there, the press started arriving & again looked taken aback that so many fans were there & were there so early.

We started queuing pretty early, everyone was jostling to get in front, it was really packed out, we couldnt leave our place to go to get a drink/ eat/ bathroom etc but it was ok because all we cared about was the fact we would see MJ in person & he was making this big announcement!!

After about 8 hours of being in a queue. they opened the barriers & let the fans with armbands through so we were really near the podium. Everyone else, including the press were much further back behind the barriers so we were glad we had got there early enough to get armbands
We were chanting 'MICHAEL MICHAEL!!' and by now there were so many people that they had filled the space in front of the podium & were backed out outside the arena right down to the tube station!

Then the big overhead widescreens all dimmed & played a montage of MJ clips, people went mental as if it was actually him, the noise was deafening, it was crazy!
Dermot O leary then came on & looked a bit overwhelmed, he then introduced MJ & the moment the curtains twitched & MJ appeared everyone just surged forward screaming, it was so intense, we just couldnt believe he was right there in front of us! I remember thinking 'wow he looks good, he looks really happy' and he kept giggling & straining to hear what we were chanting, me & the girl next to me were screaming 'Michael take your glasses off! We want to see your SEXY EYES!!!" And we are both pretty sure that he heard us & giggled. We couldnt believe it when he said 'see you in July' we were all crying with happiness, so excited he was making this return to performing, so happy for him. MJ seemed very happy & almost defiant with some of his gestures to the press- it was almost like he was saying 'look at all my fans! they dont care what you say!"

When he left the stage everyone was just on a total high, I remember being interviewed by the BBC afterwards but cant remember anything I said! Was just in a total daze, lol. We ran out of the arena to get some fresh air & there were 'MJ THIS IS IT' logos on all the widescreens outside, and we all just thought 'wow this is really happening! this is it!' we ran down the escalators to get the tube waving our MJ banners & flags shouting 'THIS IS IT!' "WE LOVE MJ" People were looking at us but we didnt care, we were just so so happy & excited- nothing else mattered apart from the fact our MJ was making his return to the stage & we couldnt wait to see him back on top where he belonged!

That was a year ago & it seems like yesterday
Thanks for sharing this with us, those words of him saying ''see you in July'' to think the man didn't even make July oh God it's so hearbreaking. I will never forget these words, they've been in my mind since he passed
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todays been horrible worse than his xmas etc. the whole next few days knowing what i was doing this time last year and tonight when this time last year i was stood there as he and the kids waved at us from the window. god this hurts
Wow. The final 50 date would have happened TOMORROW.
sigh.. I remember coming home from school then waiting hours to see him on TV. :(
can't believe it's already a year ago.. I remember rushing home from school to see it.
this is it.. this is really it. this is the final curtain call.

:( :mello: