March 5th is almost upon us [All threads merged]

Re: March 5th is almost upon us

You know the crazy thing is? It's that I never even KNEW about this until he passed on. :(
I was like "WHAT!? He was going to perform again?!?"
I'm in the U.S. I don't know how we didn't get commercials or anything for This Is It. My idea was that its because he wasn't performing here. Only out in London. But still. I imagined it was big enough news for the entire world to know. And the fact it sold out all 50 shows, totally freaked me out. Like I was the last person on earth to know about Michael's return. sheesh.

I miss him. Really... I really really miss him. I only come to this forum just to look at him (the pics you guys post of him) and read whatever news there is on him, even though he's no longer here with us. Otherwise I'd have canned my account long ago.
It was reported LIVE on CNN, in America when he went to do to the press conference they interrrupted their life program, it was BREAKING NEWS on CNN USA. How could you have missed it? It's not like it was a big secret in the United States... ya know? :scratch:
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Re: March 5th is almost upon us

You know the crazy thing is? It's that I never even KNEW about this until he passed on. :(
I was like "WHAT!? He was going to perform again?!?"
I'm in the U.S. I don't know how we didn't get commercials or anything for This Is It. My idea was that its because he wasn't performing here. Only out in London. But still. I imagined it was big enough news for the entire world to know. And the fact it sold out all 50 shows, totally freaked me out. Like I was the last person on earth to know about Michael's return. sheesh.

I miss him. Really... I really really miss him. I only come to this forum just to look at him (the pics you guys post of him) and read whatever news there is on him, even though he's no longer here with us. Otherwise I'd have canned my account long ago.

Aw Nar, hugs to you. :hug: :heart:
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

Finally, he has made it thru,
After all the trials and tribulations,
After all the doubts and frustrations,
After all the sadness and madness,
He has come back, to perform for you
So honor, honor the man,
Do you hear me?,
Don't shatter his dreams

Softly you say to him,
That you will be there,
That you do care...

actually I had just changed some lyrics of ''Will you be there''... that is how happy I was back then.

Awww :cry:

hi guys..
i want to share my messages i sent to my friend in march on Bebo
you can see how happy and excited i was,
click on the pictures to make them bigger



oh god, when i got tickets :cry:

Awww, I think this represents how happy we all were! Hah!

I was floored when I saw Mike on TV at the announcement, I don't think I knew about it until that actually happened.

I didn't manage to get tickets on the actual day, even though I had two presale codes. So I was upset.. I searched youtube clips and watched the WMA performance and I just cried thinking I can't believe I've missed my only chance to see him.

I kept monitoring TM.. and on another forum we were helping each other, telling each other when tickets came online. There were also arguments about how many tickets we were allowed etc. but anyway.. I finally got my ticket on 16th march, for July 22nd Block 111, row P, seat 339
.. I was in a state of bliss from then on!

Booked the hotel, found out about how the Tube system worked (Lol), I got very prepared. I could not believe I was going to be in the same room (ok, it is a big room but still) as MICHAEL JACKSON!? .. then later on I nearly bought a ticket from Viagogo for 6 rows from the front but the price kept fluctuating around the £280 mark and I wanted it to go down.

There was the itunes code thing too. I got some good tickets but the website messed up and I lost them.. this was my email :)D)

Dear Ticketmaster,

I purchaced a MJ album and recieved a code from itunes to buy in a special sale today. I was ready at 9.00am to buy tickets as they went on sale. I was lucky enough to find tickets in block 113, which the seat numbers actually suggested were in 112. I was very happy with these and went straight away to buy them. However, my card was declined. I tried again and again and it was still declined.

I phoned Ticketmaster to get help but could not get through to a real person.

I went back and tried again this time with tickets in the same area but on the other side of the arena (ie. block 118, but actual seats suggested in block 101. I was thrilled to be given a second chance. I tried to purchace them but again my card was declined.

I have an account with ticketmaster so I even tried to delete all that and re-enter it to make sure it was up to date. Still no luck.

I tried to phone again, still no real person and the recorded voice could not help me.

Whats more, now the actual homepage of ticketmaster will not load onto my computer (it still won't now, im having to use a computer in a library). So I couldn't even email for help, in fact I tried to by searching the internet for a Ticketmaster email address, I found one and emailed but have had no response.

To rub it in I found the exact seats I was offered on ebay. The person who had listed them at 12am today had obviously bought them with no intention of going, but as a way of making money.

I do not understand why my card was declined. I have been into HSBC today and they assure me that there is nothing wrong with it and it should have worked, therefore the fault must be with your site.

I am also confused as I used the same card just last week to purchace a single ticket for the 22nd of July.

I am very unhappy that I lost these seats due to a problem with your website.
Then some production tickets went on sale and I got another ticket for a show in August Block 101, row J, seat 27 (really close to the stage)....

...that was June 24th, my happiness about that was short lived, the next day Michael died. :(
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

We are all dreading March 5th, but I'm dreading tomorrow even more - my This Is It date :weeping:
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

We are all dreading March 5th, but I'm dreading tomorrow even more - my This Is It date :weeping:


mine was 26th july.
no doubt we would have been seeing him more than once after that. my dad was watching tickets for 6th March, the last show.

god. i can't imagine what life would be like if he was here right now..
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

yes I remember and on March 6th I was playing this:


Re: March 5th is almost upon us

Urgh I ain't thinking about that : It was hell for me anyway.

I was mad at Michael for being so negative at the conference and I was mad at my dad for saying we won't be going.

(We did get tickets later on)

i felt he didn't really want to do the concerts..

i didn't feel he owed us..he had given so much, and performed for so many generations..there had to be a stopping point, at some point...i felt he was dealing with millions of voices in his ear..

but i never thought it would turn out like this...
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

March 5th 2009.. I made my whole family SHUT THE FUCK UP so I could watch MJ announce the biggest comeback of all time.

I can remember that day so clearly. I streamed it on my laptop and it was lagging like hell.. Little did I know it was probably on the news channels.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

It was reported LIVE on CNN, in America when he went to do to the press conference they interrrupted their life program, it was BREAKING NEWS on CNN USA. How could you have missed it? It's not like it was a big secret in the United States... ya know? :scratch:

We didn't have CNN. That's a network you got with a cable subscription. All we had were regular broadcast channels. And no one whom I worked with knew about it either. And we watched plenty of TV, etc. I just slipped by. We didn't notice any breaking news regarding this. Usually breaking news is extended by days to weeks, depending how hyped it is. But I don't remember any of it. I wasn't the only one either. It just wasn't promoted very much. All I remember was the drama. That's all they ever talked about here. This place sucks.
I hate L.A.
I cant wait to get the heck out of here. :/
I'd rather live in the woods.

Oh well.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

It was reported LIVE on CNN, in America when he went to do to the press conference they interrrupted their life program, it was BREAKING NEWS on CNN USA. How could you have missed it? It's not like it was a big secret in the United States... ya know? :scratch:

I remeber seeing in on the news that day in the US. I watched the Announcements on HLN.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

Ah, memories. I was watching the press conference live online. It was the only real MJ event that took place while I was a fan (and while Michael was still alive). I was happy for him after all he had been through just a few short years before. He was so radiant and beautiful to me, that I framed a picture of him from the O2 and hung it on my bedroom wall.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

March 5th was the 1st time i had ever seen Michael in person :( just looking back i am never going to forget how Happy i was when i saw him :) it was a truly epic moment in my life

Damn, you're so lucky!
I'm glad for you...
I always wanted to see him very badly, too! But never had the chance, really...

I remember March 5th well and it is killin' me to think of that! I was the happiest person on earth (beside you all) and just couldn't wait until the comeback! I felt some kind of free and just happy due to the reason I knew that he's gonna come back, soon!
I also remember towards the end of June, about the 18th or 19th (somethin like that) I told my girlfriend that it's only about 2/3 weeks left until Mike's comeback and we don't have to wait so long for his comeback anymore. Then he's gonna be there finally!
After a few days the dream exploded and got smashed into a million of glass pieces...! :cry:
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

:cry: It was a magical day me and my mum were there, just amazing!!! I cant even begin to describe how amazing it was to have him hear, had not seen him since 2006 i was sooooo excited to be going on another journey with mum (we loved our Michael trips) I never in a million years thought that it would be our last one together :cry:
Re: March 5th is almost upon us


mine was 26th july.
no doubt we would have been seeing him more than once after that. my dad was watching tickets for 6th March, the last show.

god. i can't imagine what life would be like if he was here right now..

That was my date too. I bought the tickets as soon as they went on sale, but i had no clue how i was gunna get to london since i live in canada. But i knew i would make arrangements, perhaps save enough for the flight and accomodation. I was planning on buying more tickets but they were soo hard to get.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

Here is the honest truth,

I never paid attention to his announcement about "This Is It"
do you know why??? because I knew I wouldnt get a chance to go
so I just totally ignored it, I was like "awesome for the MJ fans with money, passports etc etc" I just knew it wasnt happening, I just spared myself the sadness and hope.....

Now I live with guilt, I better not tell my sister
March 5th is her birthday and she misses MJ like crazy.

I'm so sorry for ignoring you Michael:no::no::no:
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

I was SO excited on this day!! My boyfriend and his friend had got up really early to try and get tickets but couldnt get any. I remember going to school and people were showing off to me saying they had tickets, i was soooo angry!! Thinking, they arent even fans and ive been a fan for years why did God let them have the tickets and not me!! My boyfriend came over that evening and i remember telling him how angry i was, i turned away from him so he wouldnt see me cry! But he did.
Then he went on eBay and was SO HAPPY when he said he had got us two tickets for Jan 16th, just after my birthday, in row B1.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

im dreading it too.
I remember finding out about the press conference and asking my mum to take me and she said she couldn't but we would definately get tickets for the concerts themselves.
We sat waiting for the announcement for ages and when it finally came on I was literally shaking. The night before the tickets went on sale i didn't sleep at all, I was so worried the computer would freeze or something and we would miss out. when we had got the tickets and i knew (or so i thought) that I was actually gonna see him live that was one of the happiest moments of my life :/
It's made even worse by the fact that I should have been seeing him on the 3rd. Gonna be a rough week.
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Re: March 5th is almost upon us

This is my post from March 5, 2009...which was my birthday.

The reason I said my 4th b-day was the last time I actually enjoyed my birthday was becuz I had this huge party (everything but ponies and circus rides) which my father threw for me from his hospital bed (of course, my Mom put it all together). He called me from his hospital bed to ask how I was enjoying the party....and then he died just 3 months later... IN JUNE!

That was thirty-something years ago. Michael wasn't my father but it's kinda ironic how all these many years later, history repeated itself. Three months later after the TII announcement, he died in June.

So not only dreading that day but definitely going back to not celebrating my birthday. It's obviously some kind of curse. :( However, as bitter as things turned out after those 2 b-days, I will never forget the the joy that was brought to me on those days. Would I have traded that joy to have them both present and alive? Absolutely. But since I don't get to have that option, I'm going to treasure the 2 greatest memories I have of March 5th.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

I remember watching and thinking how annoying it was that reporters kept complaining about him making his fans wait.

I dont think any of us were particularly bothered that we had to wait :\ I loved the wait.
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

Omg....I wasn't even "awake" to Michael at this time and yet this thread just breaks my heart. :boohoo:

Yepp, when I read all of this here it breaks mine, too! :cry:
Re: March 5th is almost upon us

OMG please don't remind me :( One of the best days ever, such a shame it was never ment to be. I rember how happy and excited I was. I did learn something from this though not to get to excited about things that may disapoint you if it didn't happen.

I rember March 5th like it was yesterday is was a beautiful day out so that made it even more special, I had a music exam on that day and I had to record the press conference for when I got home. I rember thinking about Michael all the way through. OMG Only if I could turn back time :(
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Re: March 5th is almost upon us

I remember watching and thinking how annoying it was that reporters kept complaining about him making his fans wait.

I dont think any of us were particularly bothered that we had to wait :\ I loved the wait.
we'll wait for anything!!! Waiting was part of the magic and mystery I think
One year ago...

Tomorrow is March 1st. This time last year the rumours started of an O2 residency and that MJ was flying in for a live announcement on the Thursday (was it the 5th?).

Time has flown by so quickly - I can't believe March 2010 is upon us. As a 14-year-old I couldn't believe I hadn't missed my chance to see him live. This was it! MJ was back smashing records again and ready to rule the world. The website had 26000 hits a second and global phonelines/the Internet crashed.

The record-breaking residency was due to end this week (6th) - just over a year from the announcement. For many MJJCers it was to be our first (and maybe last) opportunity to see him live.

Michael was busy preparing things never before used. He was continuing to revolutionise. He was busy preparing the greatest show on earth and rehearsing brand new material.
Re: One year ago...

Yes.. the press-conference was on March 5th... and then the pre-sale tickets started, the site for applying for a pre-sale code broke down soo many times.. and I was about to gave up when it said I had recieved a pre-sale code..we wished everyone good luck with scoring tickets (I posted on his official site at that time, but lurking here until I became a member here in April), I managed to get tickets on the pre-sale..(!!!!) a dream coming true, tears of joy and called everyone.. then the official ticket-sale started and it was chaos, show after show was added.. he sold out 50 shows, the tour became the fastest selling tour in history, then I thought I wanted to see him more than one time live and went to viagogo and also bought expensive VIP tickets to his show for another day thinking "i dont care what it will cost me, this might be a once in a lifetime oppurtunity", then we found out about the dancing auditons, new pictures of MJ at rehearsals, the curls were back, at the same time trying to ignore the hateful media who kept on with their stories,... omg......... we were so excited and happy for MJs sake.. the forum was pure love and joy, we had a count down, guessing the setlist, said what songs we would like to hear, guessing which day they would arrive in London, imagined what the headlines would be and so on... omg.. i cant take this anymore.. i will never understand this :(

[size=+1] Guys.. remember this thread? :( Posted in February 2009[/size]
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Re: One year ago...

Yeah, it is unbelievable. Tomorrow is the day I was going to the third and 48th concert I had bought ticket to and the 49th concert I had bought ticket to on March 3rd. These were the concert dates that postponed from July 10th and 12th respectively. Michaels 50th and last concert in the O2 arena would occur on March 5th. The two first concert I bought tickets for was on July 13th and 16th, the two first concert in the O2 arena. I remember when I bought the July 16th ticket from Viagogo I was so happy because I near the stage as closest of all the concert dates I bought tickets to and that was on June 23rd. But two or three days later...God it is so heartbreaking :cry: