LMP discussion

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I think Lisa believed MJ would forget about having kids. But, when she realized how serious he was, she no longer wanted the marriage, becuz she knew he was not a pushover.

He would have never let go of that dream. He loved children very much and wanted to be a dad so much.
As I think more about Michael and LMP and how I feel when I see pictures of them together and how these horrible feelings come up. Feelings of jealousy, hurt, sickness and all those feelings I feel horrible that I feel this way when seeing him happy. I thought I was jealous because of well she got to be with Michael but than I'm looking at pictures of him and Tatiana from TWYMMF and I get a little jealous but I don't get near as jealous and I actually start to think about how they would have been such a cute couple and it doesn't sicken me or make me jealous. It makes me giggle and it makes me smile thinking of how happy they could have been. I really wish Michael's manager hadn't fired her for kissing Michael. I really wonder what would have happened if they did end up together, Michael may have retired and settled down with her and made a family and I know how many fans would have been upset to not be able to see him perform but just think of how happy he may have been.
Hi, It's frustrating MJ went through so much abuse with LMP. She always found fault with him. I think Tatiana and MJ would have had trouble with MJ's handlers becuz they both were in the entertaiment business. It was another woman reportedly in his life named Shantal. They met many years ago. She has been interviewed, and she seems to be his type, sweet, shy, and beautiful. A complete opposite of Lisa. I think they could've had a happy life together, and he would'nt have suffered and still been alive today, enjoying his wife and family.
In my opinion, If she didn't want kids with she shouldn't have told Mike that she wanted to have his baby with him. And then broke that promise with him. :cry:
In my opinion, If she didn't want kids with she shouldn't have told Mike that she wanted to have his baby with him. And then broke that promise with him. :cry:
So true. But, I think she had ulteriour motives from the very beginning, and she was fearful he wouldn't marry her if she was honest with him about having kids.
I don't hate her , but I don't like what she did to MJ. How could you marry someone who would love you so much and treat you so well? She was so worried about child custody , it's like she wanted to stay with him temporary!! I don't understand her how she has kids with most of the other husbands she had and she married four times!!!!
I don't hate her , but I don't like what she did to MJ. How could you marry someone who would love you so much and treat you so well? She was so worried about child custody , it's like she wanted to stay with him temporary!! I don't understand her how she has kids with most of the other husbands she had and she married four times!!!!
MJ married the wrong woman. She never appreciated or accepted the wonderful man he was. I believe her "child custody" concerns was an excuse. She had her doubts about MJ all along, she had no intentions of having a child with him knowing she would forever have ties to him and she didn't want that. But, Lisa wasn't reluctant to have children with her other husbands becuz she had genuine feelings for them without doubts, and hoped for longevity in each relationship.
I would like to say more but I feel like I'm sounding like a broken record. :lol:
I feel like I am sounding like a broken record, too. But, I still have this desire to discuss Lisa and Michael. I like many fans never get tired of talking about them. I appreciate being able to have a civil convo here. Some sites are very close minded about their relationship, opposing pov's are not respected. Thanks, Oldmoon for this thread.
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I feel like I am sounding like a broken record, too. But, I still have this desire to discuss Lisa and Michael. I like many fans never get tired of talking about them. I appreciate being able to have a civil convo here. Some sites are very close minded about their relationship, opposing pov's are not respected. Thanks, Oldmoon for this thread.

You're welcome:huggy:
I too was getting tired of not being able to have civilized conversations with people about the relationship between MJ and LMP. I like to find out what happened, if certain things are true. Some people just jump all over you when you say one bad thing about LMP and some will say don't hate but than they hate all over you for saying stuff.
I know Michael loved her and for someone like Michael to really love someone and marry them than there must have been something about her. I mean some say "He just wanted to have children, he thought she was attractive." Well like a friend was telling me yesterday, which is true. If he was just looking for someone to have his children, who was attractive, than heck he could have had children back in the bad era. There must have been something about LMP that caught his attention, I just want to know what that was, why she was so special to him.
You're welcome:huggy:
I too was getting tired of not being able to have civilized conversations with people about the relationship between MJ and LMP. I like to find out what happened, if certain things are true. Some people just jump all over you when you say one bad thing about LMP and some will say don't hate but than they hate all over you for saying stuff.
I know Michael loved her and for someone like Michael to really love someone and marry them than there must have been something about her. I mean some say "He just wanted to have children, he thought she was attractive." Well like a friend was telling me yesterday, which is true. If he was just looking for someone to have his children, who was attractive, than heck he could have had children back in the bad era. There must have been something about LMP that caught his attention, I just want to know what that was, why she was so special to him.
Oldmoon, I've been a life-long MJ fan. I've watched him grow up in the spotlight.It's this desire I have to discover what was it about Lisa, out of all the women in the world he could've married why did he decide she was the one? I believe he had deep feelings for her, but why? Even after the divorce, it's reported he still was hoping for a reconcilliation. With all the games and deception he went through why give reconcilliation a thought?
Oldmoon, I've been a life-long MJ fan. I've watched him grow up in the spotlight.It's this desire I have to discover what was it about Lisa, out of all the women in the world he could've married why did he decide she was the one? I believe he had deep feelings for her, but why? Even after the divorce, it's reported he still was hoping for a reconcilliation. With all the games and deception he went through why give reconcilliation a thought?

I just became a fan a few months ago and have been reading and doing all types of research on him and his relationship with LMP. I too want to know why her of all people did he marry.
I just became a fan a few months ago and have been reading and doing all types of research on him and his relationship with LMP. I too want to know why her of all people did he marry.
LMP may have been his first very serious relationship. Down thru the years, there were other women, but reportedly nothing serious, or intense. He and Lisa were opposites, and sometimes opposites attract.
I'll just say, in this thread there are people with their own personal opinions and feelings about LMP.

Taking a tabloid story about MJ and LMP as any sort of evidence is not the best thing to do as tabloids (*as well as a LOT of the public) tend to think MJ used LMP by marrying her after the child abuse accusations to try and better his image.

LMP has said some things in the past, but people in relationships which end badly tend to go through an angry/hate patch.. sometimes they don't move out of it and you distance yourself from the person, try to shut them out. She has also supported MJ against those who mock him or question her about the allegations.

Nobody knows what happened except LMP and MJ. There is no point us having a stong opinion against her, or even for her. Calling her names is not fair, we don't know her.. what did Michael say about things like that? Don't judge unless you have walked two moons in [her] shoes? As much as we think we know Michael.. there is a lot we don't know and will never know.

This is her blog she posted after Michael's death. Her own words...

Friday, June 26, 2009
He Knew.
Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general.
I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.

At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, "I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did."

I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.

14 years later I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the Cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears.
A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened

The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy.

All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted
I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once
Our relationship was not "a sham" as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a "Normal life" found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.

I wanted to "save him" I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened. His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn't know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then. At that time, In trying to save him, I almost lost myself. He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated. When he used it for something good, It was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad. Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson's being or actions.
I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him. I was in over my head while trying. I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision.
The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.

After the Divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation
At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now. As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.
Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him.

He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together.I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now.

He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be.
I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is.

The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right.

I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening.



...and about his drug problems back then. He has admitted it himself... and recently quite a reliable source has spoken about it.
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I'll just say, in this thread there are people with their own personal opinions and feelings about LMP.

Taking a tabloid story about MJ and LMP as any sort of evidence is not the best thing to do as tabloids (*as well as a LOT of the public) tend to think MJ used LMP by marrying her after the child abuse accusations to try and better his image.

LMP has said some things in the past, but people in relationships which end badly tend to go through an angry/hate patch.. sometimes they don't move out of it and you distance yourself from the person, try to shut them out. She has also supported MJ against those who mock him or question her about the allegations.

Nobody knows what happened except LMP and MJ. There is no point us having a stong opinion against her, or even for her. Calling her names is not fair, we don't know her.. what did Michael say about things like that? Don't judge unless you have walked two moons in [her] shoes? As much as we think we know Michael.. there is a lot we don't know and will never know.

This is her blog she posted after Michael's death. Her own words...


...and about his drug problems back then. He has admitted it himself... and recently quite a reliable source has spoken about it.

he has never admitted to a drug problem. he has admitted to a moment in his life when he was in unimaginable pain, and he took pain medication. there is a difference. and there really is no reliable source on Michael....except Michael...as that LMP quote ultimately reveals. so, the courtesy(and lack of judgement) that you offered to LMP should be offered to Michael. we...just...don't....know.
I'll just say, in this thread there are people with their own personal opinions and feelings about LMP.

Taking a tabloid story about MJ and LMP as any sort of evidence is not the best thing to do as tabloids (*as well as a LOT of the public) tend to think MJ used LMP by marrying her after the child abuse accusations to try and better his image.

LMP has said some things in the past, but people in relationships which end badly tend to go through an angry/hate patch.. sometimes they don't move out of it and you distance yourself from the person, try to shut them out. She has also supported MJ against those who mock him or question her about the allegations.

Nobody knows what happened except LMP and MJ. There is no point us having a stong opinion against her, or even for her. Calling her names is not fair, we don't know her.. what did Michael say about things like that? Don't judge unless you have walked two moons in [her] shoes? As much as we think we know Michael.. there is a lot we don't know and will never know.

This is her blog she posted after Michael's death. Her own words...


...and about his drug problems back then. He has admitted it himself... and recently quite a reliable source has spoken about it.
All information about MJ and LMP can be merely speculation, and/or not the whole story. LMP & MJ are celebs and they have their sides of what happened. And, ALL the fans have opinions about the MJ & LMP relationship; some are strong, and others not so much...
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We're not trying to talk tabloid trash we are just trying to sort out through what's fact and what's fiction. Some of us have very strong opinions about certain things in their relationship and this is why I made this thread. This is where people can have civilized conversations with others that feel the way they do and some that don't. I don't want this thread to become one that is closed because people start fighting. I'm just saying that as soon as any fighting starts and people get their feelings hurt than I'm out of this thread.
We're not trying to talk tabloid trash we are just trying to sort out through what's fact and what's fiction. Some of us have very strong opinions about certain things in their relationship and this is why I made this thread. This is where people can have civilized conversations with others that feel the way they do and some that don't. I don't want this thread to become one that is closed because people start fighting. I'm just saying that as soon as any fighting starts and people get their feelings hurt than I'm out of this thread.
Some try to mess up a good thing huh, Oldmoon!?! And, I'd just mentioned how civilized the convo was in this thread!
Some try to mess up a good thing huh, Oldmoon!?! And, I'd just mentioned how civilized the convo was in this thread!

I'm not saying anyone was I'm just making a point to say it now.
I don't like people dogging on each other and I made this thread so we could talk about this stuff and find out fact from fiction. If someone says something that you know is wrong, don't jump on them. Be like Michael and be calm about it and explain what the truth is but don't get mad or anything, just be nice about it.
I'm not saying anyone was I'm just making a point to say it now.
I don't like people dogging on each other and I made this thread so we could talk about this stuff and find out fact from fiction. If someone says something that you know is wrong, don't jump on them. Be like Michael and be calm about it and explain what the truth is but don't get mad or anything, just be nice about it.
I agree. We may never find out what the truth is, but it's a very good convo piece. And, we should be able to talk without sniping at each other and turning a discussion into a fight.
he has never admitted to a drug problem. he has admitted to a moment in his life when he was in unimaginable pain, and he took pain medication. there is a difference. and there really is no reliable source on Michael....except Michael...as that LMP quote ultimately reveals. so, the courtesy(and lack of judgement) that you offered to LMP should be offered to Michael. we...just...don't....know.

He said he was out of the country gaining treatment (rehab) for a dependency on pain medication which was initially prescribed for the pain he was in.


As for other comments..I posted what I posted because its kind of upsetting when I see LMP or anyone being called such things as a 'witch' and judging her when people don't even know what went on behind closed doors... anyway I'll leave as I'm obviously not wanted.
He said he was out of the country gaining treatment (rehab) for a dependency on pain medication which was initially prescribed for the pain he was in.


As for other comments..I posted what I posted because its kind of upsetting when I see LMP or anyone being called such things as a 'witch' and judging her when people don't even know what went on behind closed doors... anyway I'll leave as I'm obviously not wanted.

We never said you weren't wanted. Sometimes I for one just get really upset over what I've heard and read about what she has said about him and what his side of the story was. I try and ask people what was good about her but no one call tell me. If you have something about her you know about that makes her seem like a good person than tell me. I don't want to feel this way towards her its almost impossible when no one is telling me anything good about her but just everything bad about her.
I don't want this to be a stressful thread for anyone. I don't want people to think they aren't wanted. I simply ask you to discuss why you don't like a certain post or why something is bugging you in here. If you don't like LMP being bashed because she's a good person than tell me why she's a good person. I want to know what's good about her because right now I can't really think of anything. I don't want anyone to be rude to anyone but please if something irks you and you want to say what, but in a dignified manner than please do so. Please don't say you don't like something than just leave without explaining why and giving some examples.
Re: One of those Vent Threads

i liked lmp and felt for here after reading ' the magic and the madness' till she went on howard stern and called mj a mf. then i was done with her. sorry she's too rude

You have to be courageous to go against the tide and the general public was hating on him big time, making her feel like a freak by association. I just wish she had said no comment. Instead, she had to add fuel to the fire. I didn't even know she called him an mf. Just typing that pisses me off. That's why I have respect for Debbie Rowe. She never ever bad mouthed him, and helped him when he really needed it during the trial. She already had her cash, she could have turned on him, but she never did.
Re: One of those Vent Threads

You have to be courageous to go against the tide and the general public was hating on him big time, making her feel like a freak by association. I just wish she had said no comment. Instead, she had to add fuel to the fire. I didn't even know she called him an mf. Just typing that pisses me off. That's why I have respect for Debbie Rowe. She never ever bad mouthed him, and helped him when he really needed it during the trial. She already had her cash, she could have turned on him, but she never did.

Why does everyone hate DB so much? I heard she asked for money back because he didn't pay her but that's nothing compared to what LMP did.
He said he was out of the country gaining treatment (rehab) for a dependency on pain medication which was initially prescribed for the pain he was in.


As for other comments..I posted what I posted because its kind of upsetting when I see LMP or anyone being called such things as a 'witch' and judging her when people don't even know what went on behind closed doors... anyway I'll leave as I'm obviously not wanted.

ok...well...that's far from what LMP was giving an impression of. a short term rehab should not be equated with 'self destructive behaviour'..especially for recovering from reconstructive scalp surgery. what subjects LMP to such scrutiny by fans, is when she gives out impressions of Michael, that are not true. it's just universal, you get the energy back, that you put out. that rehab that MJ says there is not the same as a recreational long term self destructive addiction..especially with the speed at which MJ sought treatment. it's clear that he wasn't in denial like a drug addict usually is...and it certainly wasn't long term, like it is for a drug addict. it obviously happened so fast, that you had to remind me that it happened at all, with that youtube vid.
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